Problem With Changing Report Based On Checkbox

Aug 8, 2006

I have a form with one checkbox on at the moment. Depending on whether it is checked or not I want to choose to display or not display a field on a form.

I have the following code below but whether the checkbox is ticked or not it doesn't affect the report.

If Check4 = True Then
[Report_Temp].Medium.Visible = False
DoCmd.OpenReport "Temp", acViewPreview, , MyFilter

What have I missed?

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Print Report Based On Checkbox Selection

Oct 19, 2015

I'm having difficulties with building a printing option for specific goods selected on the list.

I have a form which contains a subform. On the main form user is able to select supplier and based on the supplier can choose article that he's interested in. On the subform user gets the list of all the goods that are connected with that specific article.

I want be able now to select specific goods from subform list (using checkbox value) and based on the selection print a separate label for each goods.

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Report Fields Visible Based On Checkbox

Sep 20, 2011

I have an Access 07 report, and when viewing the report I'd like to have some checkboxes visible based on their value. In other words, I need the checkbox to be visible if it's checked and not visible if it's not. I have the following in the OnLoad event of the report;

Me.Checkbox.Visible = Me.Checkbox.Value

This works fine in print preview but makes no difference in normal view, the checkboxes are visible regardless of value. I'd like to keep normal view if possible.

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Changing Checkbox To Option Box

Aug 14, 2011

We are working on an access data base where we had initially set the information in a check box i.e. showing whether the machine had a particular part or not. I now want to change this to an option box - but having problems.

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Checkbox Changing Label Color

May 30, 2006

How can I indicate with a color change in the label, that a checkbox is checked? I've got it working ...sort of. but when the change occurs it's happening gobally - I want the label to color to apply only to the record I'm viewing. If the check box is checked then the color should be red, otherwise black.

My code is as follows:
Active_Admission.Value = -1 Then

Label1177.ForeColor = vbRed

ElseIf Active_Admission.Value = 0 Then

Labe1177.ForeColor = vbBlack

Exit Sub

End If

End Sub

Also, the condition only works with -1 and 0 - I've read in other places that the condition is 1 and 0. HELP!


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Seeing Certain Records Based On A Checkbox

Apr 5, 2005

How would I get a report to only show records that have a check box called "Display" checked? I have tried some code, I even put it in a couple of different places, but it still doesn't work. I put the code on the on click event of the command button that opens the report and I tried the code in the on open event of the report. It did not work either time. Here is the code that I tried.

'Display only records that have the box checked

If IsNull(Display) Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If
End Sub

Can anyone help me???


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Exporting To Excel Based On A Checkbox

Oct 14, 2004

Good day to all :

I have created a form based on a query. On this form, there are command buttons that when pressed, exports a file to excel. This export is based on a query, then using a macro using the TransferSpreadSheet action. It works great.

On this form there is a check box which is tied to each person on the form. Is there any way to export to Excel ONLY THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE CHECKED?

Many thanks in advance,


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Queries :: Criteria Based On Checkbox

Aug 12, 2013

I have table.[reconciled] tat allows for a check box. i want to enter in the criteria filed in query design that i only want to see the unchecked or false entries. i have tried writing the criteria multiple ways and i cannot get it to filter out on my sub form query.

SELECT FuelmanImport_tbl.Reconciled, [Driver PIN].Division, [Driver PIN].[Transportation Supervisor],
FuelmanImport_tbl.[Transaction Date], FuelmanImport_tbl.[Card Number], [Driver PIN].Driver,
FuelmanImport_tbl.[Cardholder Name], FuelmanImport_tbl.[Prompted ID], FuelmanImport_tbl.[MCC Description],
FuelmanImport_tbl.[Merchant Name], FuelmanImport_tbl.[Merchant Address], FuelmanImport_tbl.[Merchant City],

[Code] ....

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Deleting Subform Records Based On Checkbox

Jun 21, 2005

I have a form with a subform inside of it. On the subform I have created a field for a check box. I wish for the user to be able to click 1 or more check boxes in the subform and then click a delete button that removes all selected entries.

I have this code from a seperate post regarding this problem, but am not sure how to edit it to reflect what I need.

Sub DeleteRecordButton_Click()

'Delete the selected record
dim strSQL as String
strSQL = "DELETE * FROM mytable WHERE mytblID = " & Me![mySubForm].Form![mytblID]

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL


End Sub

Thank you!

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How To Enable/disable Textbox Based On Checkbox Value

Aug 29, 2006

I have 44 checkboxes, each has a textbox next to it. What I want is when the user selects a checkbox, the textbox next to it will be enabled. Also, when the user unselect a checkbox, the textbox next to it will be disabled and any value entered is cleared.

Another way is whenever the user enters a value in a textbox, the checkbox associate with it is selected and vice versa.

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Creating SalesTax Field Based On Checkbox

Dec 22, 2004

In my checkbox named Taxable I have the following in the afterupdate

Private Sub Taxable_AfterUpdate()
If Me.[Taxable] = True Then
Me.[Tax] = 0.06
Me.[Tax] = 0
End If
End Sub

This will only insert whole numbers in the Tax field as I have tried several
combinations of numbers. How can I get Tax = 0.06?

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Using A Checkbox To Return Text Based On Another Textbox

Apr 26, 2005

Dear All:

I have a form with three items:a checkbox called "Check231", a textbox called "text921" and another textbox called "text762".

What I wish to do is: Enter text in textbox921, which stays the same as I scroll through each record. Then If checkbox check231 is checked, it displays text from textbox921 to textbox762. Textbox762 is bounded to the form.

Any ideas on how to get started?

Many thanks,


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Modules & VBA :: Creating Queries Based On Value In Checkbox

Jun 30, 2013

I have some code that creates queries based on a value in a checkbox.

So, depending on that value, the queries may or may not exist.

I need to take those queries (if the exist) and create one union query.

This code creates the first query beautifully, but it won't union the second query.

Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
Dim blnQueryExists As Boolean
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim qry As ADOX.View
blnQueryExists = False

[Code] ....

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Forms :: IF Statement - Condition Based On Status Of One Checkbox

Aug 2, 2014

In an access form, I have several checkboxes. There is one checkbox titled "Complete". The complete checkbox needs to be true only if all other "non master" checkboxes are true. If all of the non master checkboxes are not checked, I need the complete checkbox to be false. This is the code that I am currently using on the after update command:

If me.checkbox1 and Me.checkbox2=True then
end if

This works fine if there is no "and" in the if statement and the condition is based on the status of one checkbox as opposed to many (Also I have about 15 checkboxes that must be checked before the "complete" checkbox is true).

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup - Check Value Of Yes / No Checkbox Based On Username

Dec 22, 2014

I'm trying to find a code that will allow me to check a value of a yes/no checkbox based on a username.

What I want to happpen is:

1. The code looks to see if the username that is entered in "txtUsername" field on the form matches the "empUsername" value on the table "tblUsers."
2. If there is a match, I want it to look at the value for the field "Admin" on "tblUsers" to see if the value is checked as true.
3. If the value is true, I want it to open a specific form "frmAdmin." If it is false, I want it to open a form "frmMain."

VBA codes not recognizing the Admin field and instead taking all users into the frmMain.

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Queries :: CheckBox On SubForm Based On Query To Toggle Criteria

Aug 16, 2013

I have a SubForm "assignments" based on a Query, which has criteria to filter dates and also to filter 0 and 1 of the checkbox ...

The question is:

How do I put in that SubForm one or more Checkbox to "enable" and "disable", only the criteria of such query? So, toggle, for example, those jobs that are not completed (Checkbox of the query=0) and those that do ...

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General :: CheckBox On A SubForm Based On Query To Toggle Criteria

Aug 16, 2013

I have a SubForm "assignments" based on a Query, which has criteria to filter dates and also to filter 0 and 1 of the checkbox ...

The question is:

How do I put in that SubForm one or more Checkbox to "enable" and "disable", only the criteria of such query? So, toggle, for example, those jobs that are not completed (Checkbox of the query=0) and those that do ...

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Modules & VBA :: Checking Checkbox (from Multiple Checkboxes) Based On Field Value

Nov 29, 2013

I have a field 'Payment Types' with values (Cash, Cheque, Debit/Credit Card) and a field 'Payment Received' which is Yes/No.

When putting the order through the user selects the payment type and ticks a box if payment has been received.

On a report for delivery drivers, the owner wants it simple for the driver... he wants all the payment types listed with a checkbox next to each one, then wants the appropriate box ticked if payment has been received.

So I need something on the report (or underlying query) which ticks the appropriate box, i.e.

If payment received = true then payment type checkbox = true.

Or should I put the payments into a separate table with both fields so multiple payment types can be marked as paid?

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Forms :: Checkbox Based On Status - Updating A Text Field

Mar 8, 2013

My database has a text field "Status" where the text is either, A, W, C. There is a form to update this field; currently it uses a standard Access created text field. The users want a checkbox which will show up as checked when the status is W, if the status is anything else, the checkbox will be blank. If the user clicks the checkbox within the form the status will be changed to W.

If [table.status] = 'W'
then checkbox = 0
checkbox = -1

and then somewhere on the update it would be

if checkbox = -1 then [table.status] = R

Except that Access doesn't think the way I do.

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Checkbox/Query/Form/Report Help

Nov 17, 2004

I need some serious help! I am an Access newbie and I think I am trying to do something more complicated than my skills. Any help will be extremely appreciated!

Here is the situation:

I have a table of volunteer records that record each volunteer's availability and areas of interest, which are checkboxes. The volunteer information area of the form basically looks like this:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday etc.
Morning O O O
Afternoon O O O
Evening O O O

O "Trails" O "Greenhouse" etc.

The "O" designates the checkboxes saying "yes" they are available at that time and "yes" they are interested in that area. I did it in checkbox form because it is the most visual and simplest way for my users to understand the record. My users' thought process is going to be this: I am having a greenhouse clean up this Tuesday evening. I need to run a report of all our volunteers that said they are available Tuesday evenings to work AND said that they want to work in the greenhouse. What I would like next to happen is they load the database I'm designing, click the switchboard to a search form that has the same checkbox layout as the volunteer record. They check Tuesday evening, check Greenhouse, then click run report. Report appears on screen that they can view, which they can choose to print so they can call the volunteers.

I have seen samples of listboxes and dropdown boxes as search criteria on a form, but the additional problem is that my end users are over the age of 65, scared of computers, nice ladies. They wouldn't understand the listbox of fields, and it would be a disaster trying to get them to understand AND/OR statements and the entering of yes/no on a list of search criteria, especially if they have more than one time availability and area of interest that they want to run in one report. Hence, sticking to the easy checkbox format for the never-used-a-computer-before ladies to run the reports they need, spitting out the information to the question they are asking, like "Who are all the volunteers that said they are available weekends to work special events? I need to call them to see if they would work the special event coming up in 3 weeks."

I am completely lost about how to go about doing a checkbox form to run a query of checkboxed data that spits out a report with the results :[ I would appreciate a simple sample or an explanation in layman's terms of the steps involved to achieving the results I would like. I am the type who would like to try to figure this out, so that I learn, but I am completely in over my head with this one :[

All patience and help with this will be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,
Newbie Volunteer Coordinator

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Forms :: Multiple Records From Single Form Based Upon Checkbox Values

Feb 10, 2015

Currently we track areas of non-conformance for a fleet of flight simulators. Each flight simulator has a particular ID number. In some instance an area of non-conformance is associated with a single simulator, at other times it is a fleet wide issue and applies to all or some simulators. In order to track as well as advise leadership and the contractor responsible for maintenance of the simulators of the situation we generate individual response letters.

In order to track each instance of non-conformance my idea was to create a new record for each deficiency. In the event that it is applicable to multiple simulators I would like to fill out the form with all pertinent data and then place a checkbox associated with each simulator and when the record is saved, it creates one record for each simulator with a checkbox ticked.

Once the deficiency on each simulator is fixed, I would check a box for a field called rescinded, which would remove that particular deficiency on that particular simulator from the active list of deficiencies but the others would still remain because they are associated with unique records.

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Queries :: Parameter Query Returning Incorrect Results Based On Checkbox

Jul 31, 2013

I have a parameter query that contains information on a list of people and contains 3 checkboxes: alumni, parent, business

In this query, I am trying to use parameters to filter the results based on these three fields i.e.

true, false, true would return all records where either alumni, business or both are true, and parent can be either true or false.

false, true, false would return all records where only parent is true, and the other fields do not matter.

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Forms :: Disable / Lock Fields On Form And Subform Based On Checkbox

Feb 15, 2014

I am trying to lock records on a form and subform after a checkbox has been ticked, have used the code below from a previous post.

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Locked = -1 Then
Me.AllowEdits = False
Me.AllowAdditions = False
Me.AllowDeletions = False

[Code] .....

This is locking the Main form records is there a way to code this so that the fields on the subform are also locked when the checkbox is ticked?

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Creating A Checkbox That Returns Text On A Report

Apr 12, 2005

Dear All:

I have created a form with students information, name, address, ID number, etc.

Is there a way to place a checkbox on this form that when it is checked, it displays text on a SPECIFIC AREA ON A REPORT?

I wish it to return this text on a report: "HONORS COLLEGE"

Many thanks in advance,


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Reports :: How To Hide Unchecked Checkbox From Report

Aug 12, 2015

I want to hide on my report unchecked checkbox ?

How can i do that ? If i shall write a code, in which event ?? Or can i use in Query Build option ?

I searched on internet and found some answers but they are not useful

(i found this code and updated for my report but still did not work)

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer) (<- what is that ??)
If Me.Skyliner = 0 Then
Me.SkylinerCover.Visible = True
Me.SkylinerCover.Visible = False
End If

quote : [URL]....

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Reports :: Make Yes / No Checkbox Visible On Printed Report

Aug 28, 2014

I have a form with a Yes/No checkbox. Sometimes a data entry person will use this, sometimes an associated report is printed and a technician in the field will be required to fill check the box by hand and return the report for data entry. what I have tried to format the check box, if the box isn't already checked, I can't get it to show up clearly on the printed report. It's set to Visible, width 6pt, solid, black, always display, yet it still is barely visible. Ive tried increasing the grid line thicknesses, making it shadowed, nothing seems to work. Is there anything I can do?

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