Problem With Select Query Using Date Parameters

Jan 7, 2008

Below is an example of my table "Current Status"

Manufacturer ID___SN________Current Location__Status Date______Time
A________________1____________Area 1________1/6/2008_______3:15
A________________1____________Area 2________1/7/2008_______2:10 PM
A________________1____________Area 3________1/8/2008_______1:01 PM
B________________2____________Area 3________1/2/2008_______5:00 PM
B________________2____________Area 2________1/3/2008_______3:00 PM
B________________2____________Area 4________1/4/2008_______12:47 PM

How can I design a query that will return each products latest currrent location by date, aka, the third and sixth record???? Thank you, I am relativley new to access and am struggling with this.

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Forms :: Selecting Query Parameters From A Listbox - Select All

Aug 26, 2013

I've got a code that allows me to select one or many names from a listbox on a form and return data relevant to the name(s) selected from a query. The following code is triggered by a button on the form...

Private Sub Toggle4_Click()
'Set it all up for CSM selection
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String


(Toggle 10 goes to the code for the second listbox which has the same code with different tables refered to giving two selections in the query.)

What I want to do is replace the "warning if nothing found" with a code to show data against all the names in the list box if nothing is selected in the listbox.

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Using A Multi Select List Box To Pass Parameters To A Query

Apr 24, 2015

I have created a search form which I would like to use to run a query (so the data is in a spreadsheet form and I can export it).

In this search form I have a multi select list box (simple) that list the states in the US. I need to be able to pass 1 or more states as a search criteria at the same time. Also I need it to pull ALL states if there is nothing selected. The search form has a bunch of fields on it that won't all be used.

I know once you select more than one thing from a list you can't reference it directly, is there a way to accomplish what I want to do?

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Queries :: How To Select Multi Parameters

May 28, 2014

have a query that works fine when I have to select one parameter, however I don't know how to select multi parameters...In this query I would like to able to select as well as the specific 'POSTITION' value Also 'BASE' and all those parameters that have a check box empty or full.

SELECT tblCrewMember.StaffNumber, tblCrewMember.Surname, tblCrewMember.Name, tblCrewMember.Position, tblCrewMember.Base, tblCrewMember.Nationality, tblCrewMember.StartingDate, tblCrewMember.Resined, tblCrewMember.ResinedDate, tblCrewMember.Birthday, tblCrewMember.IDCrewMember, [GroupBy] AS Expr1
FROM tblCrewMember
WHERE ((([GroupBy])=[Position]))
ORDER BY tblCrewMember.StaffNumber;

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Modules & VBA :: Pass Parameters From Multi-select Listbox?

Sep 24, 2014

1. I have created a parameter query in access 2010. This parameter is on only one field.

2. I have created a multi-select list box in a form so that users can select one of more items.

I want to pass the selected items as parameters to the save access query.

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Queries :: Form Setup - Allow Users To Select Parameters Using Combo Boxes

Apr 3, 2014

I'm wondering is it possible to create a multiple parameter query which will return results even if you leave some of the parameters blank ?. I'm trying to set up a Form which will allow users to select parameters using combo boxes but at the moment you need to fill them all in or you'll get no results...

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Date Select Query

Feb 28, 2006

I have set up a query that includes:

An assignment start date
An assignment end date

and in addition a column has been set up to show me a Start Date where Assignment End Dates are Null i.e all live assignments.

When I enter a date only results for that particular date are visible.

Can anyone suggest how i can expand this to include all live assignments?


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Query To Select Max Date

Jan 17, 2006

I have attached a small sample DB.

What I'm trying to do is to find the most recent payment date for each customer before 01/13/2006.

These are the results I'm looking for.
Customer 123456 should return the date 12/01/2005
Customer 12345 should returtn the date 01/01/2006

Can someone show me how to write a query to accomplish this?


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Can't Select Date Range In Corsstab Query

Apr 23, 2008

Hi folks,
I have a crosstab query that counts the number of records that each employee has.

I need to be able to specify the date range to show though and the query won't let me use:
"Between [Type the beginning date:] And [Type the ending date:]"

I've attached a snapshot of my query design and output.
I've tried everything I could think of!!

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Cannot Get Query To Work With My Date Select Form

Jan 5, 2006

With the imense help of some of the people in this forum, I have scraped together a nice little database.
There is one function, however, which is not working.

I have a query that should run from a form I have created. The form has multiple criteria and all seem to be working except for the date fields... "First Order" and "Last Order".
The way I have it set up is that I have a table of dates. The form has a list box of the dates (first of the month, for 4 years).
The source data in the form reads: SELECT [TDateSelect].[StartDates] FROM TDateSelect ORDER BY [TDateSelect].[StartDates]; (for each of the 2 "minimum" dates)
and SELECT [TDateSelect].[EndDates] FROM TDateSelect ORDER BY [TDateSelect].[EndDates]; (for each of the 2 "max" dates)
The user is allowed to select a date range for the first order and the last order. (4 dates altogether).

The form looks fine.

In the query, I have set the criteria for the last date as:
Between [Forms]![FSetOtherCriteria].[MinLast] And [Forms]![FSetOtherCriteria].[MaxLast]

When I run the query (even with a wide date range) I get no results. When I remove the dates from the query, or enter the limits manually, the query works like a dream.

Any ideas???

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Select Query For Latest Previous Date

Oct 2, 2006

My table shows
ID ID_Clients EndDate

A particular value of ID_Clients can recur many times, but with different EndDate value each time.

I want to create a select query that displays
ID_Clients EndDate LatestPreviousEndDate

Any help with this would be much appreciated.


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Queries :: Select Query - Most Recent Date

Dec 24, 2013

How would you write a Select Query to select the most recent dates?

Select OrderDates
From Orders
Where >=Date()

No good if recent date is older than todays date!

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Select Query To Find Empty Date Fields

Jan 26, 2008

I am trying to create a select query on "ApprovedDate" where no approval is recorded. IsNull returns an expected type mismatch. Any ideas?

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Queries :: Appointment Activity - Select Query For MAX Date

Jul 10, 2014

I need to find the frequency of client's appointment activity after their last appointment in a 4 month window.

My question is:
(1) Is my SQL going to give me the last time a client was in the office within the 4 month window?

(2) What will my SQL need to like to count frequency of appointments before and after window for each client?

(3) Can I do (2) in the same SQL shown above or will I need to make a new SQL statement?

SELECT tblTest.Client, Last(tblTest.AppointmentDate) AS LastOfAppointmentDate INTO tblTest
FROM tblTest
GROUP BY tblTest.Client
HAVING (((Last(tblTest.AppointmentDate))<#4/30/2014#))
ORDER BY Last(tblTest.AppointmentDate);


Date Window I need to select the clients last appointment: Jan 1, 2014 - April 30, 201

Once the last appointment has been determined for each client in that window I need to count the frequency of appointments before and after that date.

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Queries :: Query To Select The Date From Two Tables On The Criteria Basis?

May 21, 2013

get the data from two tables on the basis of criteria...

I want to select the whole table1 which has 6 fields including Emp_id...

I want to select the single field from table2. field name is "Username" from second table2. will select the username on the basis of Emp_ID becaue both tables has same emp_ID.

It should be in order like. Emp id, Username, Startdate, Enddate, Hours, trainingNames.....

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Setting Date Parameters.

Jan 28, 2005

i'm a bit a database novice, and have a fairly simple database in Access2000 that records complaints of different categories with amongst other things 'reported' and 'resolved' date fields.

I have 6 queries/ reports that need to be run periodically, using a 'ReportStartDate' and a 'ReportEndDate'. When i run the reports they all use the same dates.

At present I have these set as parameters in each of the 6 queries, but it is a pain having to type both dates in 6 times, and there is obviously a good chance of me making a mistake in typing the dates 6 times.

What I would like to do is just set the ReportStartDate and ReportEndDate just once, so that it could be used by all queries/ reports.

I was thinking that the best way of doing this would be to enter the 2 dates in a table, but I can't see how this would then be linked to the main data table in the queries. I'm sure there must be a way around it...and i'm probably going about it the wrong way...any pointers would be greatly appreciated before it drives me insane!

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Open Report With Date Parameters

Feb 27, 2013

I need the following report to open with date parameters. I have the following code, but it doesn't quite work.

When an item is chosen from Modl (a list box) a box pops up asking for LowPop, then another for Start Year and then another for End Year.

Those last two aren't doing what they should. They should restrice the [Date] field to between the years entered as start and end. I would like to put it in the "OpenReport" line, but don't think that's going to work.

Private Sub Command27_Click()
Dim varItm As Variant
Dim ModelWhere As String
Dim strQuery
Dim LowPop As String
Dim SDate As Date

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Set Parameters For Date From Last Monday To Sunday

Jul 31, 2015

How to set parameters for the date being last monday to last sunday


Paramaters = Date

Then I need

ParamatersWeek = the last monday to the last sunday ...

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Problem With DateAdd And Date Range Input Parameters

May 22, 2005

I have created a query where I use the DateAdd function to calculate a date. I have named this calculated field NextVisitDue. The problem is that I'd like to be able to put an input parameter on NextVisitDue so that I can retrieve records within a date range. For some reason, when I do this, the resulting NextVisitDue dates include dates that are outside of the date range. For instance, if [Begin date:] = 1/1/2005 and [End date:] = 6/1/2005, I will get resulting dates in NextVisitDue like 1/12/2006, 10/21/2006, and 10/6/2007. These results are clearly outside of the date range. What follows is the SQL statement...

SELECT tblSpecialist.User, tblSpecialist.FirstName & " " & tblSpecialist.LastName AS Specialist, tblProvider.ManagerOwnerFN & " " & tblProvider.ManagerOwnerLN AS Provider, tblProvider.FacilityName, tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit, DateAdd("m",[tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency],[tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit]) AS NextVisitDue, tblProvider.VisitFrequencyCode, tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency
FROM tblSpecialist INNER JOIN (tblCaseLoad INNER JOIN (tblArea INNER JOIN (tblProvider INNER JOIN tblFrequencyCodes ON tblProvider.VisitFrequencyCode = tblFrequencyCodes.FrequencyCode) ON (tblArea.AreaCounty = tblProvider.AreaCounty) AND (tblArea.AreaFacilityType = tblProvider.AreaFacilityType) AND (tblArea.AreaZipCode = tblProvider.AreaZipCode)) ON tblCaseLoad.CaseLoadID = tblArea.CaseLoadID) ON tblSpecialist.SpecialistID = tblCaseLoad.SpecialistID
WHERE (((DateAdd("m",[tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency],[tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit])) Between [Begin date:] And [End date:]))
ORDER BY DateAdd("m",[tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency],[tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit]);

The real interesting thing is that, if I use literal values for the date range criteria, the query results are as expected! For instance, the following works beautifully (but doesn't allow for user input parameters as required)...

SELECT tblSpecialist.User, tblSpecialist.FirstName & " " & tblSpecialist.LastName AS Specialist, tblProvider.ManagerOwnerFN & " " & tblProvider.ManagerOwnerLN AS Provider, tblProvider.FacilityName, tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit, DateAdd("m",[tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency],[tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit]) AS NextVisitDue, tblProvider.VisitFrequencyCode, tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency
FROM tblSpecialist INNER JOIN (tblCaseLoad INNER JOIN (tblArea INNER JOIN (tblProvider INNER JOIN tblFrequencyCodes ON tblProvider.VisitFrequencyCode = tblFrequencyCodes.FrequencyCode) ON (tblArea.AreaCounty = tblProvider.AreaCounty) AND (tblArea.AreaFacilityType = tblProvider.AreaFacilityType) AND (tblArea.AreaZipCode = tblProvider.AreaZipCode)) ON tblCaseLoad.CaseLoadID = tblArea.CaseLoadID) ON tblSpecialist.SpecialistID = tblCaseLoad.SpecialistID
WHERE (((DateAdd("m",[tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency],[tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit])) Between #1/1/2005# And #6/1/2005#))
ORDER BY DateAdd("m",[tblFrequencyCodes.Frequency],[tblProvider.LastSupervisoryVisit]);

Please help!


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Queries :: Overlapping Date Parameters - Dropping Data

Feb 24, 2014

I'm trying to create a report that pulls from two tables [tblTelephony] and [tblSales]. All data in my query is limited to a date range entered through a form.

For every record in [tblSales] (showing the agent made a sale) there is a record in [tblTelephony] (showing all the stats for the agent's day worked). [tblTelephony] has one date for each record. [tblSales] has two dates for each record. The sales dates are the date the services were ordered (matches the date worked in [tblTelephony]) and the date the services were installed.

In order to get an agent's MTD Sales stats I have to query the date range on Install dates. MTD Telephony stats are run on the same date range on telephony date. Where I run into an issue is with the sales that are ordered before the date range in question and installed during it.

I've run a separate query to sum the sales installed during the date range and used that sales value in my Telephony query. In order to get my data to show as accurately as possible, I had to create a relationship between the Order Date and the Telephony date. I'm really hoping to find a way to force the sum of sales in sales query to show in the sales column in the telephony query, regardless of the telephony date range and without adding telephony data for dates outside the range.

Date Range = 2/1/14 - 2/24/14
Telephony Date = 2/3/14
Order Date = 2/3/14
Install Date = 2/14/14
Appears on report

Date Range = 2/1/14 - 2/24/14
Telephony Date = 1/31/14
Order Date = 1/31/14
Install Date = 2/3/14
Does not appear on report

How to get the sale example on the bottom to show without removing the relationship?

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Queries :: Show Price Valid On Specific Date Based On Two Parameters

Mar 30, 2015

I atrying to make a query that shows the price for a product, based on two parameters.

Parameter one is a product code.
Parameter two is a date. This date falls between two dates.

I have one list (table) where is product code and invoice date.

The second list (table) I have, contains product code, and price valid from date, and price valid to date columns. This price valid to date is often not filled, and the price I still valid as we speak. If the date is filled there is often a new entry with an updated price. But sometimes, even if there is a new entry in the table, the date 'valid to date' is sometimes also not filled.

I would like Access to show me the valid price for the specific product. What criteria should I give in the macro, in order that Access shows what I want?

For illustration purposes, a small overview of my table:

Product code, Price, valid from, valid to
AAAA, 12000, 01.01.2012, 31.12.2012
BBBB, 16600, 01.01.2012, 12.06.2013
AAAA, 13500, 01.01.2013, 28.08.2013
AAAA, 11500, 29.08.2013,
BBBB, 17600, 13.06.2013,

Product, invoice date, price according to price list
AAAA, 02.05.2012, ????
AAAA, 01.08.2012, ????
BBBB, 10.06.2013, ????
AAAA, 31.10.2013, ????
AAAA, 16.11.2013, ????

If you happen to know how this search can be performed in Excel, I am of course also happy to read that. (But my index, or Vlookup functions, give only the first possible result in the table. As I do not know how to give in the date parameter.)

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Reports :: Create Report With Parameters - Unit From Combobox And Date Range

Jan 29, 2015

What I have is a single table that I need to create a report from. It has vehicle unit numbers, dates of service, repair details and costs. I am trying to generate a report where I can select a unit from a combobox and enter a date range.

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Select MAX Date From Multiple Date Fields?

Oct 20, 2005

Is it possible to select 1 MAX date from multiple date fields for a record?

For example, on an employee record there are 10 date fields, each for a performance review date. Some employees may have date fields 1-3 with values, some with just 1, others 1-5, etc.....depending on how many performance reviews they've had.

Is there a way to pull the MAX review date for an employee, knowing that the MAX date could reside in Field 1 for a certain employee, and could be from Field 7 for another?

I appreciate the help guys!

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Query With Parameters

Aug 30, 2004

I have a parameter query with 5 possible user entries.
The criteria for all my fields is set up as follows:

Criteria: IIf(IsNull([Enter County]), "", [Enter County])
Or: Like "*" & [Enter County] & "*"

If the user enters something for 2 or more parameters it seems to work, but if they just enter a county, for example,, it gives an error message about the expression being too complex.

Any suggestions.


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Query Multiple Parameters, Help Pls!

Jan 4, 2006

I have this code of a command button, which would allow me to generate the result of the SQL. I think the code is wrong... Can someone help? I guess something wrong with the bracket...

strSQL = " SELECT NewsClips.RecordNumber, NewsClips.IssueDate, NewsClips.Title_Eng, NewsClips.Titile_Chi, NewsClips.NewsSource, NewsClips.[1CategoryMain], NewsClips.[1Sub-Category], NewsClips.[2CategoryMain], NewsClips.[2Sub-Category], NewsClips.hyperlink, NewsClips.FirstTwoPara, NewsClips.Notes, NewsClips.attachment FROM NewsClips " & _
"WHERE (NewsClips.[NewsSource] " & strNewsSource & _
strNewsSourceCondition & "NewsClips.[1CategoryMain] " & str1MainCate & ")" _
str2MainCateCondition & "(" "NewsClips.[NewsSource]" & strNewsSource & _
strNewsSourceCOndition & "NewsClips.[2CategoryMain] " & str2MainCate & ")" ";"

Indeed, I try to modify the SQL that works in a test query (as I want to know what went wrong with my code): the changes would be replace OR to a toggle option.

SELECT NewsClips.IssueDate, NewsClips.Title_Eng, NewsClips.Titile_Chi, NewsClips.NewsSource, NewsClips.[1CategoryMain], NewsClips.[1Sub-Category], NewsClips.[2CategoryMain], NewsClips.[2Sub-Category], NewsClips.hyperlink, NewsClips.FirstTwoPara, NewsClips.Notes, NewsClips.attachment
FROM NewsClips
WHERE (((NewsClips.NewsSource)=[Which News Source]) OR ((NewsClips.[1CategoryMain])=[Which Category?])) OR (((NewsClips.NewsSource)=[Which News Source]) OR ((NewsClips.[2CategoryMain])=[Which Category?]))
ORDER BY NewsClips.IssueDate DESC;

Your help will be greatly appericated.

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Passing Parameters To A Query

Feb 1, 2006

Guys I need your help/Advice...

In my Access Database I have a query (lets say qry1) and in this query i have 2 fields for start and end date, which is provided by 2 Get functions.

also i have qry2 based on qry1
then qry3 based on qry2
and finally qry4(using sql in code) based on qry3, and non of these 3 queries have the start and end date fields.

now here is the problem: I am trying to set the criteria in qry4 and then open a record set on this query(qry4) to use the data that it pulls out...

strsql = ""
strsql = "SELECT Sum AS AREA_TOTAL " _
& "FROM qry3 " _
& "WHERE ENERGY_AREA like '" & Area & "';"

Set MyDB = CurrentDb

Set rst = MyDB.OpenRecordset(strsql)

but when the last line is executed I get this error message:

Runtime Error '3061':
Too few parameters, expected 2.

i also tried doing this:

strsql = ""
strsql = "SELECT Sum AS AREA_TOTAL " _
& "FROM qry3 " _
& "WHERE ENERGY_AREA like '" & Area & "';"

Set MyDB = CurrentDb

MyDB.QueryDefs("qry4").sql = strsql

Set rst = MyDB.OpenRecordset("qry4")

but when the last line is executed it gives me an error message saying that the query does not exist or the name is not spelled correctly. (Ps. I have created the query and the criteria does update once the Select statement is run in the code!)

again the reason for this is that the query has not been populated as the main query (qry1) needs 'strat date' and 'end date'!

Is there anyway I can pass these 2 parameters to qry4 directly using code? If there is a way then this will definitly work as i tried opening the query manually in the Query window and after I input the 2 dates in the input box the query ran successfully!

I would appreciate any help/suggestion guys, I need to sort this out quickly as i have a deadline... Cheers

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