Problems With Duplicate Matches In My Queries

Aug 18, 2005

I'm comparing two tables in a query, the tables are information that was imported from other sources. When I compare the tables, I'm trying to get a one to one result (a reconciliation of sorts). The problem is that there are duplicate line items in one of the tables that may or may not be valid, but all are considered matched. How can I create my query to match to only one line item and leave the others unmatched for analysis? I've tried everything but VBA (of which I have little experience in). Any suggestions?

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Queries :: Find Matches Between 2 Tables

Feb 17, 2015

I am trying to find company matches between 2 tables. The issue I have is that the spellings on table A differs from table B.Some of the differences are minimal like "St. Annes" and "St Annes". And some really big "St. Annes" and "Annes, ST London".

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Queries :: Not Return Uneven Matches?

Nov 6, 2013

I have created a table which holds transactions which can be both positive and negative. To this table i have added an extra column that shows the Absolute values which end results is as follows:

YYYY MM Currency Amount ABS
2013 10 EUR 50.000 50.000
2013 10 EUR -50.000 50.000
2013 10 EUR 49.995 49.995
2013 10 EUR -50.000 50.000

I need to create a table that shows those positive and negative transactions that can be netted of. I have been able to create a query with the following SQL code:


SELECT tbl_All_Absolute.[Posting Account], tbl_All_Absolute.Jnl, tbl_All_Absolute.CCYY,
tbl_All_Absolute.PP, tbl_All_Absolute.[Batch Num], tbl_All_Absolute.[Trans Num], tbl_All_Absolute.[Detail Reference],
tbl_All_Absolute.Amount, tbl_All_Absolute.RFPNum, tbl_All_Absolute.[Transaction Ref 1], tbl_All_Absolute.[Transaction Ref 2],
tbl_All_Absolute.[Transaction Ref 3], tbl_All_Absolute.[Transaction Ref 4], tbl_All_Absolute.Expr1
FROM tbl_All_Absolute
WHERE (((tbl_All_Absolute.Expr1) In (SELECT [Expr1] FROM [tbl_All_Absolute] As Tmp GROUP BY [Expr1] HAVING Count(*)>1 )));

Unfortunately (but obviously) the code will list 3x the 50,000 transactions and leaves out the 49.995.

My knowledge in Access is not that of an expert and i am wondering if there is a way for Access to only include the first 2 transactions (the +50.000 and the -50.000)?

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Queries :: Match Postcodes Ad Return Part That Matches?

Sep 7, 2014

I have been given a list of UK postcodes, with the following format L15TG or TS14TGU.

I need to be able to match these postcodes to a list of postcodes I have stored in the database, however, my list are only UK outcodes, so L15TG is just L1 and TS14TGU is just TS14.

So I need to match the records and return the part of the string that matches i.e take L1 from L15TG.

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Finding Inexact Matches With WHERE

Sep 14, 2006

I have a combo box that is filtering a form. The combo box contains employee's last name. However, the field that it is looking up can contain more than one name (e.g., possibilities include just Smith, Smith & Johnson, Smith & Jones & Johnson, etc.).

Thus, when I click on the combo box, I want all records containing "Smith" to show up. However, I have only been able to bring up exact matches. Here is my code. Thanks in advance.

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQLSF As String

Status_CB = Null

strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT Pipeline.Status FROM Pipeline"
strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE Pipeline.[Lead_Person(s)] = '" & S_MD_CB & "'"
strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY Pipeline.Status;"

Status_CB.RowSource = strSQL

strSQLSF = "SELECT * FROM Pipeline "
strSQLSF = strSQLSF & "WHERE Pipeline.[Lead_Person(s)] = '" & S_MD_CB & "'"

Me!Data_Entry_SF.LinkChildFields = "[Lead_Person(s)]"
Me!Data_Entry_SF.LinkMasterFields = "[Lead_Person(s)]"
Me.RecordSource = strSQLSF

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Duplicate Records In Queries

May 10, 2006

I thought I had just about finished my DB but now Ive printed out and checked my reports I notice I have several records in different types of reports showing duplicate records. Iv'e gone back over the queries and there are one or two duplicates in several of my queries that I did not notice before because there are are only the odd one or two. No matter what I do I can't stop this happening. I think it must be something to do with the dates in my payment table. PaymentID is key field - foreign key is MemberID. One member can have several paymentID's a new one every year when membership renewed. The problem seems to be when the member has two payment dates in the same year. This shouldn't be anyway but the database has not been used properly with entry dates missing, written over of wrong dates etc. Ive tried to correct this but do not want to tamper with past payment date records. I already have 'select distinct' in my queries and have tried 'distinct row' which seems to return even more duplicate records. Im pulling my hair out over this there must be a way to return the records from members showing just 1 only of their very latest payment record/date. Im using this expression in the query.

LastPaid: (SELECT MAX(PaymentDate) FROM S_Payments_Table WHERE S_Payments_Table.MemberID =S_Members_Table.MemberID)

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Duplicate Entries And Queries?

Jul 30, 2007

Is there a way to find and remove duplicate entries in tables by using queries.....if so, how specifically?

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Queries :: No Duplicate Records

Oct 25, 2014

I have been hitting my head against the wall to have my query not show any DUPLICATE STOCK CODES in my report..I have two "AQN.PR.A" records, I only want my report to print one "AQN.PR.A"...I have three "ALA" records, I only want my report to print one "ALA"AQN.PR.A

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Word/Sentence Searching With % Matches

Apr 12, 2007

What I am trying to do is split a sentence into words LikeJocelyne Labylle And Jacob DesvarieuxThis would produce 4 words as the and,&,/ Ect are removedSo I end up with:-JocelyneLabylleJacobDesvarieuxIf all 4 words are found in a string it returns all matching records plus gets 100%3 words again returns all matching records plus say 75% and so onI haven't done a lot with it at the min as the first bit is quite simple IE getting the names Etc. but I can't think for the life of me how I can do the search.I Have Tried a query With [Names] Like ""*[String Names]*""" but it seems to only work with each letter???but my main reason for asking here is I don't like reinventing the wheel or at least trying to which will mean hours of Fun but maybe somebody knows of something I could use on the net.Thanks for any help/Advice.mick

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Criteria Matches 1st Part Of Another Field

Jun 22, 2005

undefinedHi, apologies if this has been answered before but can't find anything relevant!

Trying to match one field to the first 5 digits in another i.e.

Field 1 = 55667

Field 2 = 5566785431 so would want to match the 1st five digits in field 2...

Any ideas?


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SUBFORM Show Approximate Matches

Mar 13, 2006

I have a form that shows a customer number and a dollar amount. In a subform, I want to show all the records with that customer number that are "close" to the dollar amount. For this purpose close can be INT(amt1) = INT(amt2). But I can't figure out how to put that in the parent/child relationship on the sub-form.

Any help?


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Search Combo Box - Cannot Browse Through All Matches

Nov 20, 2011

I have a database that keeps track of customers by last name, first name and various other information. I have the combo box setup so that I can type in a last name and it brings up my results. The problem is that it only brings up the first match and doesn't let me browse through all the matches. The last name and first name are seperate fields so if I look for a last name that more than one customer has like smith it only takes me to the first match. Is there any way to make it filter all the names that aren't matches out of the combo box as the values are typed in?

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If No Matches Reopen Form After Msgbox

Jul 18, 2012

I currently have an unbound form I am using as a switchboard. When a button is pressed it loads a form asking for the user to enter their password (the swtichboard is then closed). If the correct password is entered the form opens to their details, when that form is closed, the swtichboard re-opens. I want an action that if the correct password is not used, then a msgbox lets them know and then the Switchboard they were at re-opens. So far I have the following code:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.Recordset.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "Incorrect Password!"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

This works well, but I am unsure how to write that after the msgbox I want the Switchboard to open. I tried to add "DoCmd.OpenForm frmSwitchMain" in various places, but I am unsure on the proper procedure to do this.

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Queries :: Number Of Duplicate Entries?

Jun 25, 2014

I'm trying to use access to identify how many times an indiviual appears in my database. I've got a large file which gives me all referrals, each referral comes with two identifiers, one unique to the person, another unique to the referral. This means that the person unique number may be repeated multiple times (if a person has more than one referral) but the referral number would be different each time.

I've run a query to identify the duplicates, i.e. the records where the person unique identifier is repeated. What I am trying to do is work out now how many people have been referred twice, how many three times etc. The original query looks something like this (but on a much bigger scale).

Person Referral
1 A
1 B
1 C
2 D
2 E
3 F
3 G
3 H

What I'm after is a query that will tell me that two people were referred three times (1 and 3) and that one was referred twice (2) and so on.

I'm on Access 2010 if it makes any difference.

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Queries :: Duplicate Values In Answer Set

Jun 16, 2015

I have a union query. I am pulling in data from two (almost identical) SQL views in two different databases.

My MS_Access application is linked to the two views

The issue is A.GroupId. In view finance_WILPMonthEndReview the field is set to NVARCHAR255 in view iq4bisfinance_3DMonthEndReview the field is set to NCHAR255.

This is my union query.

SELECT A.Dataareaid,A.a_year, A.a_month, A.GroupID, A.dimension, A.accountnum,A.companygroupaccount,A.account_type,
C.groupiddesc,D.costcelldescription, B.PL1assignment, Round([A.SumOfActual_amt],2) AS ActAmt, Round([A.SumOfBudget_amt],2) AS BgtAmt

[Code] .....

When I link my Excel pivot table to the query I get two lines

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Queries :: Count Duplicate ID Numbers

Sep 15, 2013

I have the following code and I am trying to show a COUNT of duplicate ID numbers, so for example

2000 2
2000 2
2001 1
2002 1
2003 1


SELECT [DaisyServiceData-Import].*, Companies.CompanyName, Company_vs_Services.[Tariff Code], IIf([ClashForce]=True,"",IIf([ClashOveride]=False And [ClashClear]=False,IIf([DaisyServiceData-ClashExc].[DaisyServiceData-Import].[ID] Is Null,"",1),"")) AS ClashExc, IIf([Sell Price]="","",IIf([SellRateForce]=True,"",IIf([CompanyName] Is Null,"",IIf([SellRateOveride]=False And [SellRateClear]=False,IIf([Total Cost]>[Sell Price]+0.001,1,""))))) AS SellRateExc, IIf([Tariff Code]='1',[T1Rate],

[Code] ...

A GROUP BY query will not work for me as the recordset needs to remain updatable.

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Queries :: Save First Record Of Each Duplicate

Jan 19, 2014

My query lists duplicate records which I append to a new table. from that table I would like to delete the duplicates but save the first record of each duplicate. example the fields are employee and date worked. I would like to keep joe smith 1/1/14 but delete the other joe smith 1/2/14 and joe smith 1/3/14 ...

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Queries :: Duplicate Data From Two Different Fields

Jul 2, 2014

Any way to query duplicate data from two different fields from two different tables in the same access 2010 project. I first quried the first part since it combines the first 3 columns to create another value (i.e. 52 & 60 = 5260).

So I created the concatenative value but now I have to compare to another field to display what results are found in both the concatenative and the other (APN in the file). I tried using query wizard but it is for only one field. I understand you have to use joins but the destination filed is what gets me.

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Queries :: Duplicate Records Do Not Show

Feb 20, 2014

How can I have this query to show no duplicate records.

I would like to only see the first record only of each stock code.

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Queries :: Removing Duplicate Records

Jul 23, 2015

I'm having a problem removing duplicate records from a table. It should be easy but I can't suss it.This is an example of the data in my table:


113007111/06/2015Do Not Pay
114454306/07/2015Do Not Pay
115760714/05/2015Do Not Pay
116520705/05/2015Do Not Pay
117670108/05/2015Do Not Pay
118036218/05/2015Do Not Pay
118517015/05/2015Do Not Pay
178734020/07/2015Do Not Pay
182809915/07/2015Do Not Pay
184226010/07/2015Payment Due
184226022/07/2015Payment Query

As you can see, there are 11 records here but the last two records have the same reference number. I need my query to show the first 9 records + the record from the bottom two with the latest date (22/07/2015).

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Queries :: Duplicate Record Do Not Export

Sep 9, 2013

I would like to export ALL records but not have the duplicate or triplicate "STOCK SYMBOL" records sent to the CSV file

Stock Smbol
Paul = 1 Csv record
Bill = 1 Csv record

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Queries :: Duplicate Records Show Only The Last One

Jun 24, 2015

I have a table and there are so called duplicate records (not entirely duplicate because there is field with the date of creation and other differences in a few fields, but from my point of view they are duplicates.). I d like to make a query which shows me only the newest record in case of duplicity.

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Queries :: Updating First Row Of Duplicate Records

Jan 30, 2014

I have two tables -say Table A and Table B.

Table A Table B

ID userno ticketno Status userno ticketno Status
1 1211 YAB 1211 YAB LIVE
2 1211 YAB 1232 ACE LIVE
3 1232 ACE 1232 AAT INVALID
4 1232 ACE
5 1232 ACE
6 1232 AAT

I am trying to write an update query in MS Access that will update only the first record of any custno with the status so that my final table A looks like this:

Table A

ID userno ticketno Status

1 1211 YAB LIVE
2 1211 YAB
3 1232 ACE LIVE
4 1232 ACE
5 1232 ACE

How to write the query.

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Queries :: Query Duplicate / Replacements Are More Than 1

Aug 14, 2013

I have a database which holds information about repairs. Each repair is called a task and among other things data is held about things(s) that caused the failure and what need to be replaced. Usually it's one fault but it could be many.Replacements are usually more than 1. Bottom line, in a simplistic view, I have 3 tables task, fails and replacements. There is one to many relationship between tasks and fails and also a one to many relationship between tasks and replacements.

If there is one fail and many replacements my query is good enough as it will produce

task1 fail1 replace1
task1 fail1 replace2
task1 fail1 replace3

On the report I can hide duplicates to get the desired (. = space!!)

task1 fail1 replace1

Problem occurs when I get more than 1 fail. Query returns

task1 fail1 replace1
task1 fail1 replace2
task1 fail1 replace3
task1 fail2 replace1
task1 fail2 replace2
task1 fail2 replace3

Hiding duplicates I get

task1 fail1 replace1
.........fail2 replace1

whereas I'd like to get

task1 fail1/fail2 replace1

or something similar.

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Queries :: Query Shows Duplicate

Dec 4, 2014

I hve a query that I want to total soldAtPrice *quantity This information is stored in my order details table and mus not change .I can do a calculated field to get the answer but the Problem is if there are 2 recodrs to be totaled the query displays 2 records if there are 3 records the query dislplays 3 records and so on .I need one record to be displayed with the total of all the recodrs

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Queries :: Inserting With Duplicate Key Query

May 19, 2013

I have a load of data in an excel spread sheet that I'm trying to put into an access using Excel VBA (Jet/ACE SQL I think!?). I do this by constructing INSERT INTO strings and looping through my spread sheet. Let's say the primary key is associated with the field [Company] which holds the company names. A simplified version of what I was using (it all works great ) is below:

Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.ConnectionString = GetConnectionString()
cn.Execute strSQL

where strSQL =

INSERT INTO tblTestMDB ([Company], [Date])
VALUES ('BP', '30/09/2012')

Unfortunately, I am having issues with users adding the same company twice. I'd like it to:

- update the existing company info if the company already exists
- add the company if it is not already there.

I'm trying to do it in two stages. First an update, then an add. The first part works great :

SET [Date]='21/03/2015'
WHERE [Company]='BP';

The second part: (I have tried numerous variations on the syntax):

INSERT INTO tblTestMDB ([Company], [Date])
VALUES ('BP', '30/09/2012')

I find the error messages rather cryptic but they include things like "Query input must contain at least one table or query." or "Missing semicolon ( ; ) at end of SQL statement." (<== No I'm not!?

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