Prompt For A Field

Apr 26, 2005

Have a master table with say
Product no Product description qty

Then I have another archive table with
Product no 1_qty Q2_qty Q3_qty O4_qty

All I want to do is to (at the end of each quarter) archive (transfer) the qty from the master
table to the archive table at a user level.
Meaning I need a control button which does the lot and I suppose prompts and asks which
quarter do I want to archive to. I know how to manually do all that, but is it possible to have
a prompt which determines what field is used i.e Enter 1 then the field Q1_qty is udated.
Hope I have explained this ok.
Appreciate some help.
Thanks Norm

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Date Time Field Prompt Mask

Feb 6, 2008

I have a field that is a Date Time field (mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss) and I would like to prompt the user for a begining date range and ending date range. I know how to prompt the user, but I would like for them to only key in the Date portion and not the time. Can anyone offer any suggestions on how to handle this? Thanks

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Forms :: Text Prompt In Fields When Bound To A Numeric Field

Sep 12, 2014

I have several combo box fields in a bound form where they are selecting values from a list (values stored in a separate table) and then loading a number into the bound table field when selected.

How can I put a text prompt in these fields when loading the form which gets removed when focused and of course is not permitted to attempt a save into the bound numeric fields? I've done quite a bit of searching but can only find materials about doing this on bound text fields. I've also seen solutions using Nz which don't seem to work.

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Queries :: How To Insert A Prompt For Number In A Query To Calculate Against Another Field In Query

Jul 15, 2014

I have a field that is giving me the number of business days between a period of time and then I want to subtract that number - the person's PTO time to see the actual days they were available...when I simply type the number in (see below) it works great but I want to set up a prompt that will ask me how many PTO Days to calculate as it will be different for each person I am this possible?

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Get Rid Of The Prompt!

Dec 1, 2005

After I do a "DoCmd.RunSQL "Update ..."" I am asked if I really want to perform the 'Update'. Does anyone know if there is a way to get rid of the prompt and just carry out the query?


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Prompt To Save?

Feb 1, 2008

I have noticed that when i am editing an object within my database, specifically a query and click to close it, it doesn't prompt me to save the changes and does it automatically. There have been cases where i do not want to save the changes and just wanted to know if there was a simple setting to turn off automatic saves?

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Query Prompt

Jul 20, 2005

Is it possible to put a combo box with a drop down list in the Enter Parameter Values of an update query so that the user selects from the list instead of typing the required value?


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Prompt Query

Feb 17, 2006

:confused: I have to build a query to do the following

my table consists of 7 fields

I want to build a query that will prompt the user for 3 of those fields:
price , gross , IM

BUT:confused: when prompted I want the user to have the capability of changing the operators ie: > , < , = etc.

one time they may want
price > 100000.00 , Gross = 50000.00 , IM < 8

the next time they run it they may want:
price < 50000.00 Gross > 45000.00 IM = 4.5

Is this possible

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Run Query Without Prompt

Jun 29, 2006

Normally I would run a query like using 'CurrentDb.Execute' so that no user prompt occurs, but how do I avoid prompts when I need to run an update query?.

I'm using DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry_UpdatePW" with no joy!

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Prompt As Combo Box???

Jul 13, 2007

hey guys

I have a query that ask for an input. I was wondering if there is any way to make the prompt have a combo list, so the users can scroll and select the input ,which will generate the Query results,instead of having to type the input in.
will really appreciate your help.

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MS Access Read Only Prompt

Jul 11, 2005

I am using windows XP SP2, Office 2003.

I have created a database to store information from a mine site. I have set up a switch board and most users will just view reports or graphs that have already been designed.

I want the general users to open the file read only without having to open access and use the open read only command. I also don't want to go down the path of database security if it can be helped.

I read in the help page that there is a read only prompt that can be flashed up when the file is opened. Unfortunatly the help page suggests, Tools > Options > Security Tab (tick read only prompt). In office 2003 this option no longer exists (if it ever did)

Any ideas, would be good if i could add something to the shortcut and then have some uses use this shortcut.


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Always Login Prompt In Access

Apr 26, 2006

I really need some help guys.
For some reason Access always asks for a login/password even if the database isn't protected. Even when I start a brand new database the prompt comes up. Any ideas as to how to get rid of this.:confused:

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Prompt For Default Values

Aug 1, 2007

Hi All,

I am hoping to create form that will prompt the user to enter default values for certain fields ie Week No and WB Date before allowing any data to be input into the form.

Any help on how to do this would be appreciated.



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Prompt To Save Changes But No Changes Were Made

Feb 9, 2007

I was editing one of my tables in datasheet view and when I closed the table, Access asked me if I wanted to save changes. But I didn't make any changes to the design of the table or the filters I had set up. I just edited the data within datasheet view. The reason this is bothering me is that I am afraid I accidentally changed something. The only explanation I have for why it asked me if I wanted to save changes, is that I used the "undo" command to cancel a typo that I made while editing in datasheet view. When I hit "undo", it fixed the typo, and scaled back up to the first record of the datasheet. At first I thought using the "undo" command might have been the culprit, but when I re-opened the table and used the "undo" command again, it undid the change, but it didn't scale back up to the first record of the datasheet, like it did the first time I used the command. Anyway, I am staying away from the undo command from now on. It's about worthless in Access anyway, because it only undoes your last action. Have any other Access users been asked to save changes when they know they haven't made any changes to the design of the table?

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Copy Table With Prompt For New Name

Aug 13, 2007

Once at the beginning of each month I extract all new cases from last month into a table. The table has a generic name as I repeat this step monthly. I would like to save or archive the data each month without having to manually copy and paste the table and rename it, prior to the new extraction, so that I have a record of each month. The archived table will not be used in any queries or reports.

The table I want to copy and rename is named 'tblSampleFrame'

At the beginning of the month before I delete the contents of the 'tblSampleFrame' to pull the new data, I would like to copy the old table and include a date in the new name. How would I set up a button on a form to copy the file and prompt me for the new file name? The new name would be 'tblSampleFrame_mmyyyy' where I can specify which month and year.

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Prompt For Date Issue

Feb 7, 2006

I have a need to prompt a user for a date, When they enter that date the qry should do as follows.

if rec_date <= (DATE PROMPTED FOR) and rel_date is > (DATE PROMPTED FOR) ,
return Qty and a few other fields....

No the DATE PROMPTED FOR is not a field in the table.

Do I need it to be?

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Prompt With Multiple Values

Sep 28, 2007

I have a query, and one of the fields has a prompt for user input. Is there a way for the prompt to take multiple values?

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Combo Box Pop Up Prompt Problems

Aug 24, 2005

:confused: I would like to create a popup on my combo box to do the following:

When a serial number is entered and no records are found, it prompts "no matching record/s available" and no controls show data.

Currently, if I enter a serial and no data is found, the control options stay with the current data which doesn't match the serial. Users can't decipher if the search worked.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your expertise!

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Database Connection Prompt

Sep 30, 2005

I have a combo box that is populated by a query. The problem is that the query pulls data from a different database than the rest of the form and it prompts the user for a password to access this database.
Is there any way of coding the password into the form so that the connection to the database is opened automatically without prompting the user?

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Prompt Not To Delete If There Is Value In Subform

Apr 25, 2006

i have a main form with a subform. the subform value has "ID" value with a relationship with the the main form. now if i delete a record from the main Form, the records in my subform will have no value to relate to.

i do have a Delete Button in my main form , so what i want is, when the Delete Button is pressed, Check if there is any records in my Subform, and not to allow me to delete unless i move these records from the Subform

here is my current Code for the Delete button ....

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Smart Key Prompt In Combo Box

Jul 14, 2006

Does anyone know how complicated would it be too allow the user to key in the first couple letters of the last name in the combo box & have the combo box prompt names that begin with those letters?

I thought I did this before, but I can't figure out how.

I would appreciate any advice.

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Prompt Before Closing Form

Sep 2, 2006

Hi guys!

When closing a form, I want my system to prompt: "Close without saving?". If yes, I want to continue the closing-proces, but when "no" is pressed, I want to just close the MsgBox-window and of course keep all the data-entries...

If MsgBox("Close without saving?", vbYesNo, "Close?") = vbNo Then XXXXXXX

What do I write instead of the X'es???

// JR

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Disable Query Prompt

Jan 6, 2007

I have a database called Tables.mdb with a Make Table Query called Qmak_Tables that I want to run nightly.

I have set up a Scheduled Task to run Tables.mdb every night. I have created a Form that loads on start-up. I have created a Macro that runs the Make Table query when the form loads. I have also de-selected the confirm record changes/document deletions/action selections in Tools > Options > Edit/Find menu so the query won’t be stopped by a prompt that needs manual input. Here’s the catch:

After the query runs, it displays the prompt, “The existing table will be deleted. Do you want to continue?” How do I disable this prompt so my task can continue to run?

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Prompt For Between Dates In A Query?

Jul 27, 2015

Query Date Field

Between [Enter Beginning Date] And [Enter End Date]

Run and enter 07/01/2014 and 06/30/2015

The return one record dated 07/01/2014

Run again enter 07/01/2014 and 12/31/2014

Return all records between those dates.

when I put in dates for 2014 to 2015 it does not return all records between those dates only the records for the beginning date, is there something I am missing asking for records from one year to another?

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How To Run A Command Prompt (MS DOS) Instruction From A VB Code

Jul 18, 2007

I want to run the following MS DOS instruction using the VB code:

copy C:WorkingAreaTmpPDF.pdf C:

without showing the command prompt screen?

Is it possible to pass this command using VB code statement?


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Multiple Selections For Criteria Prompt

Feb 7, 2006

I keep thinking this should be pretty simple, but more than 2 hours searching through posts has revealed no answers, probably because the answer is too simple.

OK, I have an append query. I've created a prompt to enter the number of the record the user wishes to append, as it is usually one single record. However, I've recently run into a problem that now there is the possibility of needing to specify more than one record at the same time to be appended.

How do I change the criteria syntax to allow the user to enter two, three, or a dozen (if need be) different record numbers? They are not listed sequentially, so I can't use a "between" statement. I've tried separating the numbers by commas, quotes, and so forth, but can't get it to recognise the records.

Can anyone help please? Thanks in advance. :o

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