Protect Tables From Import

Feb 15, 2005

is there *any* way to lock down a db so that a user can't import your tables and queries? i know an .mde prevents the importing of forms, but i don't want ANYTHING to be able to be exported. i'm thinking this may not be possible.

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Access, Protect Tables

Aug 27, 2005

How I can protect the tables in a database and force the users to access them only through 'forms'. In other words the user will not be able to view or change the data in any table except through a form, when loading a form, the protection is diabled.
I need a total solution, I am not a powerful programmer. :confused:

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Tables :: Password Protect A Linked Table Or Make It Read Only

Nov 14, 2012

I have a table that I imported from another database. I used import Access - Link to the table source by creating a linked table. - then downloaded in my database.

I want to use the linked table to create relationships and forms but do not want to even accidently edit it. The table gets updated in the database on a weekly bases and I am hoping it gets updated automatically in my database as well. does it automatically get updated or do i have to set up something?

Also, I want to protect the data in that particular table and either password protect it or make it read only. Can I do that? If so, how?

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General :: Large Table Import / Way To Import Tables To Access

Sep 17, 2013

I want to make a database of diseases (need to learn them for school and would like a serchable database on my smart phone for future reference).
Unfortunately spent a lot of time making hundreds of pages of word tables before i realized a database would be better. See attached image or pdf. Is there a way to import the tables to Access?

I need to preserve the hierarchic info in the nested bullet point lists. E.g. under treatment i might have a point called Acute treatment, with sub-levels, Step 1, Step 2, etc. with their own sub-levels. I need to maintain this relational hierarchic info.

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Import Tables That Have Relationships

Oct 14, 2004


I know this has been asked a few times before, and I did search it, but could not find an adequate answer.

I want to use code (VBA) to import tables from a different Access database into the current one, by first deleting the current database tables, and then importing the new tables from the other database. I found code in the following thread that does exactly this:

However, the code in this example only appears to delete tables in the current database that have no relationships with each other before importing the outside tables. My tables, however, are rife with relationships and when i run this code, i get the message, "You cannot delete the table "tblWhatever", it is participating in one or more relationships." Can someone give me a pointer or two about how I can solve this problem (if at all) ?

Thanks in advance!

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Import Tables From Oracle

Jun 22, 2005


Can anybody advise me on how to import tables from an Oracle database into Access 97?

In addition to Access 97 I have a copy of SQL+ but don't now how to use it as yet.



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Import Same Data From 2 Tables Into One.

Feb 1, 2007

I have 2 tables that contain the exact same columns.
Basically titles and singers of CD's I have
I want to make one table out of them.

Is there a way to do this?

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Import All Data Tables

Nov 24, 2006

Hi all

How do i import all data tables from another database using code?



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Tables :: Set Up A Saved Import

Feb 11, 2014

I'm trying to set up a saved import, but keep getting the following error message: "You cannot record your changes because a value entered violates the settings defined for this table or list (for example, a value is less than the minimum or greater than the maximum). Correct the error and try again"

There are a couple hundred fields, and they are all set to text. Is there a way to figure out where the problem is occurring without going through all fields?

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Import Into Access Tables Using ODBC

Nov 28, 2006


I want to import into an MDB table a csv file.

I'm trying to use the bulk copy table.

my function is:

SQL = "SELECT * INTO [my_table] FROM [ODBC;Driver=Micrsoft text driver (*.txt; *csv) ;Dbq=c:\;Extensions=asc,csv,tab,txt;].table.csv"

db.OpenEx( "Driver=Microsoft Access Driver .mdb);DBQ=c:\access.mdb;", CDatabase::noOdbcDialog );

db.ExecuteSQL( SQL );

when i run this function i get an error : "You cannot use ODBC to import from, export to, or link an external Microsoft Jet or ISAM database table to your database"

when i try to import in the same way a dbf file (insted the csv file) with VFP it's working well.

what seems to be the problem? how can i fix it? or if some one know how can i import a large csv file into access DB in an efficient diffrent way?

thanks ishay

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Import Multiple Tables From Paradox

Mar 21, 2007

i have an application that has to import data from paradox tables and create reports based on those tables. I am using Access 2003 and the paradox database is 4.0 . I know how to import a batch of files from code but my problem is that the paradox database has some tables that are split in different folders according to the month they were recorded (it's an accounting program )
so a table exists with the same name in each month folder and the problem is that they have id's starting from 0 each month so I cannot append them easily
I do not know how many tables that type I will need so I have to keep track of them through a different table so I cannot create individual queries for them.

does anyone have an idea what I could do?


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Deleting Tables Of Import Errors

Mar 17, 2005

Greetings all.

Having searched the last couple of days, I am unable to find a resolution to this problem. If it has been answered already, a simply link or thread name would be appreciated. If not, help is greatly appreciated.

I have code running that imports data from a .txt file into a table.however, on some days there will be errors importing some of the data. I have found that from the last three months, there has been no data of consequence lost so, I don't care about the data errors. However, any time there is an error with the import it creates a table that is named for example:

01-03-05 Auth_ImportErrors

where "01-03-05 Auth" is the name of the file imported. So each time they import a file, a new table is created. Is there any code that I can run that can automatically delete these tables upon exit?

I'm just tidying up really.

Thanks in Advance.

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Import Tables & Table Permissions

May 16, 2005

I need to import the tables from a secure database into a new database, is there any way to keep the table permissions that are set in the secure database, they seem to be lost in the import.

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Deleting Import Error Tables

Dec 31, 2004

I routinely import from an Excel document provided by a third party. Most data in it is ok, but 10-15 records always end up in the import error tables which Access creates automatically when formats do not match.
I am trying to automate this whole process thru VBA and am pretty successful so far, except that I haven't figured out how to programatically get rid of these tables (I do not need them, and data imports anyway).
Is there a way to destroy a table programatically in Access?


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Tables :: Import CSV To Table But Only New Data?

Aug 15, 2013

I have a production machine that writes its output to a CSV file every time it produces a good part (several times pr. day). It can produce identical part which means that the mashine will not put in another line in the csv, but just update the no of produced parts. I had to rename the attached file because you can not uploade *.csv files in the forum.

What I want is:

- When someone opens a specific Access db a tabel in the db is updated with all new data from the csv file.

My problem is: How do I make sure that I only get the new data from the Access db.

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Tables :: Static Import From Excel

May 14, 2015

I want too import data from excel, this data is test results and contains the students names as well as the answers to the questions.

Currently my import looks like this:
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "Resultyear", "C:UsersjesseDesktop est-7-2015.xls", True, "Worksheet!A11:AV32"

However is it possible to import 2 lots of data ranges from the one import? as in can I have "Worksheet!A11:C32" + "W11:AA32"?

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Tables :: Import To A Lookup Field

Dec 1, 2012

I am building a horse racing based database, two of my tables being Courses (details of each track) and Races (Type of race, where run, prize money etc). In my Courses table I have CourseID (autonumber, key) and CourseName (text, max 25). The longest name in the list is 19 characters.

In my Races table, I have CourseID set up as a lookup, related to CourseName in the Courses table. This works fine if I type the CourseName in manually, or select it from the drop-down list.

My problem arises when I import it via excel, when the whole CourseID column is deleted, as not the correct data type. I have tried formatting the CourseID column in excel as text, general, and even number prior ti importing, all to no avail. How should I format this column in excel?

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Tables :: Replication ID Import To Excel

Aug 20, 2013

I have 2,000 access databases that are structured the same way. I want to import and compile 1 of the tables from the databases into excel. I have a macro written that does this no problem, but I just realized it is not importing Number fields with field size of "Replication ID". This is critical to eventual be able to do the analysis I am looking to do. Is there any way to have excel import the Replication ID?

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Tables :: Import Data From Excel

Jul 24, 2014

I am trying to run a report based off Data I dump into Excel from a Database I use for Property management. Once I have dumped this data I amend it for reporting purposes. The issue I am having is this data constanly gets updated and every time I dump new data it obviously overrides all the changes I had made. How can I set up access to know what data I have already imported, keep it and only add NEW data from excel? To make a little more sense in Excell Colum A is Work Order Number, B is property address, C is Works to be done. I alter the works to be done when first dump it as it requires more info and updating. I need Acess to only import new Work order numbers that are not already there and leave any changes I have made to other colums as the report will continue to evolve.

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General :: Import All Tables Into New Database

Oct 4, 2012

I had created a database a number of months back and received.After getting halfway through and seeing some requests come through from management on what they want to see or improvements, it looks as though there will have to be some retooling done to the database like moving some fields to different tables as there is duplicate entry fields.Would you import all the tables into a new database and then append the data to where it needs to go or keep working within the one I have?

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Tables :: Import A Table From Another Database

Mar 20, 2013

All, using access 2010 but working on a 2003 database. Trying to import a table from another database. I made a copy of a database im trying to import from a database on a production server and placed it in my development folder. When I go to import the table; it throw an error:Reserved error (-1524); there is no message for this error.why I can't import a table especially if no one is using it?

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Tables :: How To Import Excel As A Table

Mar 12, 2013

I am trying to build a DB for work at the gas company. Currently this is tracked on 10 excel flat files and I want to make this process more efficient. The company DB is oracle based and the system is not set up for me to limit views just to my information. Therefore I am trying to build an access DB to handle this.What I am doing is downloading a copy of the DB info (which includes everyones area) to an excel spreadsheet and linking this to access as a linked table so I can use this information. Unfortunately, this means it makes a linked table without a key field.

However, according to information that I have read, I am unable to use this linked table in a form because it makes the form not updateable??? Is this due to the linked table and if so, is there a work around?

The reason I link this information is due to multiple fields that are updated hourly/daily. If I turn this into a table, then I will have to either manually update these fields constantly or create additional steps in order to recreate the wheel so to speak. I don't need to be able to update the linked information in the form, I just want to see it when doing the data entry for the purpose of specific dates, previous surveys, previous survey results, and for flagging due dates. Is this possible?

So far, the only information that I have been able to research on this is how to link information or how to import excel as a table but nothing that speaks of how to use a linked table in a form or what limitations a linked table has.

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Tables :: Import Excel File To Table?

Oct 22, 2014

How do you import an excel to table..appended?? Using code. I am new to access. I have code to export and open an query into a excel file.

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General :: Making Use Of Import Error Tables

Mar 27, 2013

I am attempting to set up a saved import procedure in an Access database that will be run programmatically using docmd.RunSavedImportExport. The source document is an Excel file.My goal is to trap any import errors caused by inconsistencies in the source data. I'd also like to provide the user with some small amount of feedback on what is causing these errors.

My initial thought was to make use of the "File_ImportErrors" table that is generated following an unsuccessful import. *Not once* has this import procedure consistently generated an error table - sometimes the table is created, sometimes it isn't.

I have tried changing the file format of the import file to comma- and tab-delimited files, respectively. Both of these formats do consistently generate an error table, however none of the error values in the table are accurate - it reports a slew of type conversion errors for fields that are completely consistent and unproblematic, whilst completely overlooking conspicuous errors from text strings in date fields.

I have tried the same import, both procedurally and manually, using all available Excel and text-delimited formats, with the same respective results.I notice that nearly every thread on AWF pertaining to error tables discusses how to delete them, rather than make effective use of them. I suspect this is perhaps why?

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Tables :: Import Data From Excel Into A Table

Jun 1, 2015

User imports data from Excel to a table but i am not sure that the user will import right data into the table.

So in case a error comes due to a record, i want to cancel all the changes/updates done because of that excel file.

i.e if there are 10 records to be imported and error comes while uploading 5th record, then all the 4 records updated earlier should be recalled / reversed / cancelled...

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Tables :: Daily Import From Excel - Current Only

Jun 11, 2014

I'm working with an A/P department that is using "legacy technology" and has no capability for maintaining notes on invoices due, etc. I'd like to give them a database that would provide them with the features they need, but I'm running into a conceptual snag.

I am able to extract from their database system all open invoices each day. For each invoice, the A/P person will make notes from day to day on approvals to pay, any problems with the invoice or related inventory or service, discussions with the vendor, etc. So, let's say on Monday they make notes on a particular open invoice. On Tuesday, they'll pull all open invoices from their system and import that set of invoices into the Access database. Some will be new, but many will already be in the table. Using the Vendor Number and Invoice Number together as the table key, I can avoid duplication into the table. But, some already in the database will not appear in the new extract because they've been paid.

So, my question is... how do I get to a point where they can do this import each day and see only the invoices that are currently open AND maintain their previously-entered notes? I thought first that there would be a query to run each day, but I don't know how to keep consistency regarding table names in the query, etc, so the query doesn't have to be edited for each new import. Would this be an append to get the new ones? If so, how do I drop the ones that are not in the newest extracted data?

A complication, of course, is that I want them to be autonomous and able to do this without my input each day.

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