Pulldown Report List/combo With Button

Nov 2, 2006

I have about 10 reports and I have them listed in a combo box. I would like to just pull down the report I want and click on the single button and it would open up. I know I am a pain in the *** but I could always hook the reports to 10 buttons but that design looks trashy.

I already made the reports and just waiting for some help. I think im losing my mind, it seem every time something is done in this database, people keep asking for more changes. What is going on.....

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Forms :: Open Report Button To Select Data From 7 List Boxes And Present In A Report?

Aug 13, 2015

I have a form with 7 List boxes linked to 7 Query's which in turn are linked to a table. Each list box if for a particular trade.

I am trying to select a person or persons from each List box and then have them sent to a report. I have Code to do one list box, but do not know how to link all boxes with code to a 'Open report' button.

The code I am using is as follows:-

Private Sub cmdOpenReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenReport_Click
Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant
'make sure a selection has been made


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Linking Your Combo Boxes To A List Box Via A Command Button

Dec 7, 2006


I need to select information from different combo boxes. Using a command button, i would then like the information transferred onto a list box.

I have so far managed to link all my combo boxes so the result comes out on a list box. if one combo box is left blank, i get no information in the list box. is there a simple way of doing this.



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Forms :: Toggling Combo Box Language (value List) Using A Command Button

Dec 21, 2014

Now I have "tbl_organs" with three columns "organNameLatin" and "organNameArabic" as body organs names in latin and its arabic translation,and "bodySystem" which contains body sestems "digestive, respiratory..." in Latin only, and "frm_visit" as a form for recording visit data, I added unbound combo box "cbo_organ" with raw source "tbl_organs", I addedd two command buttons "cmd_En" and "cmd_Ar" to convert the combo box value from english to arabic, I mean cmd_En for showing combo box with two columns "organNameLatin" and "bodySystem",for cmd_Ar will show "bodySystem" and "organNameArabic" , the value of "cbo_organ" then used with another field for populating a txt box, i used this code for onClick event for "cmd_En" :

Me. cbo_Organ = "select distinct bodySystem, organLatinName" & _
"from tbl_organs " & _
" order by bodySystem;"

And for cmd_Ar :

Me. cbo_Organ = "select distinct bodySystem, organArabicName" & _
"from tbl_organs " & _
" order by bodySystem;"

By pressing cmd_En nothing changes and combo box still showing three columns, also the final result is populating bodySystem in final txt box instead of organ name, I dont know if properties of combo box "cbo_organs" like column count and row source have effect on this or not, and if I should determine row source of combo box from the beginning or not ? NB: bodySystem is in one language only which is Latin, the form is unbound, combo and final txt box are unbound.

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Linking Command Button To Combo Boxes To Get A Report

Jan 25, 2005

I am facing a problem. i am very amateur at access. I want to design a form on which there is one combo box and one command button. If i made a selection from the combo box and clik on command button it should show all the details related to that particular selection (say Shop Order) on a report. I dont know how to link this things.

report may be like..
Shop Order Description Length Width Hight..
Ax12 xxxxxx xxx xxx xxx
Ax 12
for a particular shop order selection there may be no. of parts that should show on.
like an assembly thing. Suppose Shop order for a bag is A23 and its different parts are belt and chain...
SHOP Order description ......
A23 belt
A23 Chain...

i hope i described my problem..
please do help if you can..
Thank you

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Need Help With A Pulldown For Switchboard

Jun 19, 2006

Hi guys, ive created a database for logging hardware at work to staff, what i need is some kind of pulldown list on the switchboard that will take me straight to a piece of hardware based on the serial number thats logged for that hardware, also a pulldown that will bring up a list of hardware thats logged to a member of staff but i need this information in to be shown in a form so that i can modify things, for example, if a member of staff returns a camera i can bring up the hardware based on its serial number then change the hardware to being logged back into storage. I have a copy of this database without any information entered if you need a copy to have a look and see if you can do this.

Thanks in advance


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Use Multi-select List Box To Filter A Report With Two List Boxes

Nov 20, 2013

Allen Browne's "Use a multi-select list box to filter a report" solution, in particularly with two multi-select list boxes? The code works fine for me for either box so long as I code it for one box alone. Combining the two into one code results in a type mismatch error. I'm trying to use the code to pass the contents of both multi-select boxes as Where conditions to a report. Both boxes are based on number fields. To try to isolate the problem, I've removed Allen's setDescription and OpenArgs conditions. We're unfortunately still on Access 2003 as the company desires to squeeze every dime by using until end-of-life next year.

Private Sub cmdPreview_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Purpose: Open the report filtered to the items selected in the list box.
Dim varItem As Variant 'Selected items

[Code] .....

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Button To Sort A List

Jun 30, 2006

Hello there!

This is my very first post on this forum. I started to work with Acces and SQL only two weeks ago, so my questions probably are newbie-stuff, but please bare with me and please help me anyway :-)

In my form I've inserted a list that shows data from one of my tables. The posts are ordered by 'ID' (and I know how to change this). But I want to make a button just right of it, that, when it's clicked, sorts the list by 'first name' instead.

How do I make such one???

// John

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How To Create Next And Previous Record Button In List Box

Jun 9, 2012

How to I can create next record and previous record button in listbox. [URL] ....

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Forms :: Button That Opens Form And Pre-selects A Value In List Box

Aug 24, 2014

I open a form (EntryBasic) for users to enter data in, which is then saved to the only table in the database (MasterTable). The form (EntryBasic) has a list box with four choices: red, white, blue, orange. The button that opens the form is placed on another form (MainForm) The form (EntryBasic) record source is MasterTable.

A user is on the MainForm and needs to add a new record related to red. When user clicks on the button (NewRedEntry), I need the form to open and the list box pre-selected to red.

Is there a macro or VBA code that might simply execute this action, preferably something that can be attached to the NewRedEntry button?Even better, if there are two list boxes, code such code be applied to same NewRedEntry button, where both list box values are pre-selcted with the click of this button?

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Forms :: Apply Filter To List Box - Toggle Button

Dec 18, 2014

I have a form with data fields and a list box, data is coming from a query. When I add a toggle button to apply a filter to the data on the form, the data in the fields are filtered, but the list box still shows all the data items. How do I use a toggle button or something on the form that when activated it filters the data in the list box and the list box only shows the filtered content.

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Modules & VBA :: Enable Command Button When Item Selected From List Box

Oct 14, 2014

I have a simple listbox (single column, no multi-selection).I want to enable a command button when the user selects an item in the listbox / disable it if no items are selected.I'm using the AfterUpdate event of the listbox, as follows :


Private Sub lstOptions_AfterUpdate()
Select Case Me.lstOptions.ItemsSelected.Count
Case 0
Me.comConfirm.Enabled = False
Case Else
Me.comConfirm.Enabled = True
End Select
End Sub

But when I select an item from the listbox, and debug the code, the Count is always zero? Even though I can see the item selected??

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Why (allow Value List Edits) Button Disappear When (allow Full Menus) Disabled

Mar 28, 2012

why "allow value list edits" button disappear when "allow full menus" disabled?

Is there a way to show "allow value list edits" button when "allow full menus" disabled?

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Button Action To Display Information From Contact List On Click

Jan 21, 2013

I would like to know how on a report to make a button action that when i click it present information from contact list (full contact details).

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Forms :: Creating Command Button On Form Containing Drop Down List Of Commands?

Nov 30, 2013

I wish to create a forms that has command button which display a drop down list. The drop down list should contain commands for reports and forms.

Lets assume we have forms named FrmStock, FrmSales and we also have Reports named RptUserLog , RptTurnover.

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List Box Vs. Combo Box

Feb 6, 2005

I have a form where I select a vendor name out of a combo box.

The rest of the vendor information then defaults into combo boxes below. I want these to actually be list boxes so that the user does not have to select the rest of the vendor information. The only problem is that when I turn them into list boxes the data does not save into the underlying table. How do I get the list box information to save??

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Combo Box Or List Box?

Feb 14, 2006

Hi Newbie here -
Both to the forum and MS Access!! - I'm trying to build a db at work that allows us to track our residents activities on a daily basis and then report monthly, etc. What I want to do is to able to use either a list box or a combo box to highlight more than one resident and more than one activity (our residents go out on group activities, so it would be ideal if we could assign a resident to several activities or an activity to several residents) and then add the records to the relevant tables.
I've looked at multiselect in list boxes but that will only allow me to add one single record at a time which would make the job v-e-r-y laborious. Combo box will only allow me to add one record at a time. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.


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List Box - Combo Box

Oct 27, 2006

Hi, i'll try my best to explain what i would like to do.

I have a form (based on a Table "Tbl_AOG_Demands" which has a combo box called "Combo30" Using this give users access to all request details "regardless of status"

I also have a list box "List21" which does nothing other than shows ONLY open requests. (also based on Tbl_AOG_Demands) but filtered through SQL.

As there are many requests in the combo box (historic data) i would like to make things easier for the user by the following.

When a user clicks on a request in the list box, it will populate the rest of the form with the corresponding data. (and also the combo box "if this is possible)

I hope this makes sence.

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How To Add New Values In Combo Box List

Mar 1, 2006

need help., have a form, have put a combo box to display values from another table, works ok, but when a type a new value, it displays 'not in list', so how to add the value to the table without opening the other table or any other suggestion, should i select values in combo box from a query...

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Add Record And Combo List

Apr 4, 2006

I have an add record command button that will bring up a blank record where the user can fill in the information. My question is how do I get this record to be added to the combo list that will bring up the record i just filled out? I hope that makes sense. thanks

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List All The Years In A Combo Box

May 20, 2006

I hope someone will be able to help....

I have minimum year and maximum year value (for example 2006 is minimum & 2009 is maximum. How could I get a combo box to display all the years within the range of the minimum and maximum year (in this case, it should give me an option of 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009).

FYI - This database is used to track projects and each project has a commencement date and an estimated completion date. the minimum year is derived from the commencement date and the maximum date is derived from the estimated completion date. I am building a search form whereby the year selected in the combo box should display all the projects commencing, continuing, and ending that year.

Pls help...

Thanks in advance.
jan :confused:

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COMBO BOX : Specifying Item Not In List

Jun 22, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have a form with a field named TREATMENT with the following options :-

1 Cryotherapy
2 Radiotherapy
3 Chemotherapy
4 None
5 Other (specify)

If the 5th option (Other) is selected, the user is required to specify what 'Other' represents.

I have created a combo box with the first 4 options and in instances of 'Other' the user can enter specific treatment that is not in the list (1 to 4).

What I would like to do is whenever the user enters a value that is not on the list (1 to 4), I would like to insert the word OTHER in front of the value entered. In other words all values not on the list will be prefixed by 'OTHER'.
E.G. if 'Surgery' is entered, I would like the value 'OTHER : Surgery' to be stored in the Treatment field of the table.

This will help in the generation of statistics from the table.

Any suggestions??

Many thanks in advance.


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Combo Box Versus List Box?

Sep 9, 2006

This might be a silly question - I appologize in advance if it is. - let me know! :) I have searched a bit and found nothing quite along the same lines.

I have realized that I only use Combo boxes, avoiding List boxes entirely. I had some early difficulties with List Boxes that I can't recall now, yet a lot of my combo boxes are limited to list. Most posts I read on this forum seem to mention Combo rather than List boxes (I may have a bias here?).

It looks like a combo box that is limited to list is pretty much a list box. If this is right, is there ever any advantage to using a list box that I am missing out on?

From Access help:
List boxes: What they are and how they work
In many cases, it's quicker and easier to select a value from a list than to remember a value to type. A list of choices also helps to ensure that the value that's entered in a field is correct.

The list in a list box consists of rows of data. In a form, a list box can have one or more columns, which can appear with or without headings. If a multiple-column list box is bound, Microsoft Access stores the values from one of the columns. In a data access page, a list box has one column without a heading.

You can use an unbound list box to store a value that you can use with another control. For example, you could use an unbound list box to limit the values in another list box or in a custom dialog box. You could also use an unbound list box to find a record based on the value you select in the list box.

On a form, you can use a combo box instead of a list box; it takes up less room, and you can type new values in it, as well as select values from a list. Learn about combo boxes on forms.

On a data access page, you can use a drop-down list box instead of a list box; it takes up less room; however, you can't type new values in it. Learn about drop down list boxes on data access pages.

Combo boxes: What they are and how they work
In many cases, it's quicker and easier to select a value from a list than to remember a value to type. With a combo box, you can do either without using too much space on a form. A combo box is like a text box and a list box combined.

When you enter text or select a value in a combo box, if the combo box is bound, the entered or selected value is inserted into the field that the combo box is bound to.

The list in a combo box consists of rows of data. Rows can have one or more columns, which can appear with or without headings. If a multiple-column combo box is bound, Microsoft Access stores the values from one of the columns.

You can use an unbound combo box to store a value that you can use with another control. For example, you could use an unbound combo box to limit the values in another combo box or in a custom dialog box. You could also use an unbound combo box to find a record based on the value you select in the combo box.

Combo boxes have a LimitToList property that you can use to control whether any value can be entered in the list, or only text that matches one of the values in the list can be entered.

If you have room on your form and you want a list to appear at all times, or if you always want to limit data entries to values in the list, you might want to use a list box instead of a combo box. For more information on list boxes, click .

Is the last para from above:
If you have room on your form and you want a list to appear at all times, or if you always want to limit data entries to values in the list, you might want to use a list box instead of a combo box. For more information on list boxes, click the only advantage?

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Update Combo List

Sep 26, 2006

ok i have three tables..




each booking will only ever involve one company at a time

company 'A' will have several staff

person 'A' from company 'A' may book a job for themselves

person 'A' from company 'A' may also book a job for person 'B' from company 'A'

i have created a booking form

i have added a combo list displaying all the company names..(control="comp_combo")

i have also added a combo list displaying all staff names from all companies (control="staff_combo")

when the user selects company 'A' from the first combo.. i would like the staff combo to update and only display staff members for that company

how do i do this.

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Combo Box Updating A List Box

Dec 8, 2006


I'm a beginner in the Access world.. had a two day crash course.

I am trying to populate my list box when I make a select in my combo box.

eg: Combo box-select vendor, which then would populate my Product Name box.

Can someone take a look at this datebase and give me some advice? I don't have a huge understanding of code..so please bare with me.


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Limit The List In A Combo Box

Dec 4, 2004

I have 2 tables. One is Quotation and the other one is Contacts.

In Quotation Table i use a combo box to select a Customer from Customer Table.
Also in Quotation Table a have a combo box (TO) to select a name from Contacts Table.
The problem is that i want to select contacts only related to Customers and not view the
complete list.

For example Vodafone Company has several contacts.
When i press Vodafone in my quotation form then when i go to (To) combo box i would like to view only the
related contacts.

I tried the SELECT statement WHERE but i can to figure out how i will limit the list depending the Customer Name?
Please help.

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