Pulling From A Record Into A Text Box...

Jul 7, 2006

I've made the form below, with a sub form in it to show the table below the text boxes. What I'd like, is for the user to be able to select a record on the table (preferably just by clicking on it) and the text boxes to automatically populate with the relevent data. Is there a way to do this?


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Expression - Pulling A Number From A Text Box

Aug 8, 2012

I am trying to pull a number from a text box. I listed the expression for the box below. [Current Record] is a number and Count(*) is a number. I couldn't figure out what field gave me the total records so I did a count instead. If I want to pull the value from just the count portion, what expression would do that?

=[CurrentRecord] & " of " & Count(*)

Note the spaces on either side of "of"

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Query / Pulling Out All Records That Contain Specific Text?

Nov 11, 2012

In the Owner Name field, I am looking for a way to pull out all estates. They are abbreviated with "EST" or "Estate". The problem is throughout the database, if you do a simple filter for "contains est" it will include names such as "Forester" or "LHB Investments".

How do I query, or filter this database such that it only returns the estates abbreviated with "EST" or "Estate"?

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Pulling Last Record

Aug 2, 2007

I'm trying to figure out how I can pull the most recent entry in a table for each of the properties in our database. Let me give you some background. This access database is used to format reports from an SQL database - all of the tables are linked and all of my other reports work great except for the one I'm trying to create from a table that gets updated every day by way of a stored procedure that runs every night on the SQL server. In my mind this shouldn't make a difference and I should be able to select whatever data I want from this table/query based upon whatevery criteria I want. The field in the table I'm trying to use is a "date stamp" of when it was updated via the stored procedure. I want the last entry made for each property so I selected "last" as the criteria which should get me approx. 20 lines - one for each property. But when I use this I still get back multiple entries for each property. This seems like it would be easy to do but everything I try doesn't seem to work.

That's why I've turned to the experts here for help.


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Why Is My Query Pulling One Record Only?

Apr 13, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I've been trying to figure out why my query only pulls record Object ID 10011399 and not the other one, but I can't figure it out. Can anyone please help me see what's wrong?



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DB Keeps Pulling Wrong Record

May 17, 2005

I am having problems with my database pulling the wrong record. It is supposed to pull the last record entered and e-mail it to selected people. Sometimes it does this correctly and sometimes it does not. The "powers that be" (my boss) is complaining about the DB not pulling the right record. It seems to be doing it more often than not now. I have tried a repair and compact, but that doesn't do anything. I am not sure why it is doing this. Here is the code that I have in my record source of my report.

SELECT TOP 1 Booking.* FROM Booking ORDER BY [Booking].[BookingID] DESC;

Can anyone help me?????


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Pulling Only One Record Into A Report

Jul 17, 2014

I have a form and a subform created. From these two, I have created a report that populates with the information. However, I cannot remember the code, nor where to put it in order for the report to only pull whatever record is current in the form. Currently, the report will create a page for each record stored in the table.

(Access 2007)

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Queries :: Dlookups Just Pulling First Record?

Jan 19, 2015

I have a dlookup which gets the empid on login - i know this works as i fire a msgbox with this, this is stored in a global variable.

i have the following code running on 'form_load' to set securities however its just using the first records and not the ones linked to the specified accont - i have a second messagebox fire just before these dlookups just so i know the global is correct

Private Sub form_load()
DontKick = 0
DoCmd.SetWarnings False


The EmpIDLogin is 1786 (my own) and i have pasted a copy of the table in question (well a portion)

its only using the first row of checks to provide permissions.

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Urgent - Pulling Record Field From Variable

Aug 22, 2006

I have a large problem that i need to get figured out ASAP! I have a form text box (named actual cost) that needs to pull a specific record from a table

Now in this table it has multiple rows according to each job. There is a text box (Project number) that has the project that this (actual cost) box should pull from the specific row in the table.

if anyone can help me it would be the biggest help.

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Pulling Latest Record Based On Date And Time?

Sep 21, 2007

Hello All...
I'm very new to Access.. so please forgive my ignorance..

Here is the scenario..

I have a table with two fields named "item" & "description" that contains 10 records total.

I have another table with 100 records with the fields "invoice #","item", "price paid","date paid","time paid".
The item fields are linked between the two, and the 100 records contain different invoices for these ten items.

I want to pull the price paid off of the latest invoice, based on the time and date... What is the easiest way to do this?


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Queries :: Pulling Records Based On Date Of Another Record?

Sep 29, 2014

I have a file of transaction history from the accounting system. All of the payroll cash payments are coded as ZG. Payroll accruals are coded as ZC. I need a sum of payroll accruals by department that have the same date or later than the last payroll cash payment. How do I write that query?

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Pulling Data From Previous Record To Fill Subform

Dec 4, 2012

I have a subform that is embedded in a main form. The database itself is a few years old and so I think redesigning is out of the question. What I am wondering is if there is any specific code that can go into the tables themselves and populate the form based on the previous record. I would like for the Transfer to Rehabber fields (To and Permittee) to be duplicated on the Transfer From Rehabber fields (From and Permittee) on the next record. Do you think that there is code that will be able to achieve such a thing?

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General :: Text Box With Text Staying Same In Each Record

May 31, 2013

I have a text box in a form (unbound) and when I go to add text into it, the text carries over from one record to another but I want it to be exclusively for that record.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Form To Record / Where Text Box Matches Value Of Text Box On Another Form

Aug 16, 2014

I am trying to make use of the OpenForm command to open a form to a record where a textbox matches the value of a text box on another form.

On Form1, I have a textbox called txtRtnRef, and it contains a reference number in a similar format to SWR-9

On Form2, I have a textbox called txtReOrderRef (control source ReOrderRef) which also contains a reference number in the same format (SWR-9)

I am trying to have a button next to the text box on Form1 that has an OnClick Event that opens Form2 to the record containing the same text reference number.I have tried, to no avail, a number of variations of the OpenForm command, the most recent being

DoCmd.OpenForm "Form2", , , "ReOrderRef = '" & Me.txtRtnRef & "'"

The form opens, but to a blank record?

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Pulling Data Out

Nov 7, 2005

I have a member roster. I have members who have attended. How do I subtracta list of those who have attended from the roster to find those who havent attended. The only way I know those who have attended is by their sign in date.

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Pulling My Hair Out

Dec 28, 2006

I have created several Queries and I would like to have a column that numbered the results. I have looked all over saw a couple of samples but havent had any luck. Anyone have any suggestions. Thanks for your help and have a good New Year.

Just to clarify basically this is what I need. Loan Number is the Primary key.

# Column Borrower Loan Number
1 smith 123456
2 jones 023567
3 jang 102569

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Pulling No Data

Dec 28, 2006

How could I pull in someone when they do not have data?

There is a name table and data table. My goal is that when I run a parameter query if someone does not have data for that time period to have that name pulled in so that eventually a report could be generated stating there is no data for this person for the time period.

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Pulling My Hair Out...

Feb 6, 2008

I'm certainly not new to Access, but this is the first time encountering a problem like this. I have a table with 3 Field Names, [Return], [Header] and [Date]. An example table looks like so..

Return Header Date
1 | 10 | 1/1/2007
2 | 10 | 3/1/2007
3 | 10 | 5/1/2007
13 | 20 | 6/1/2007
14 | 20 | 7/1/2007

I need to take to have group the Header's together, for instance 10, and have it return the [Date] for whichever line has the lowest [Return] value. I just can't figure out how to do it. Any help or insight would be GREATLY appreciated. I'm 90% done with the project, and this last part will seal the deal.

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=Date() Not Pulling Nothing!

Oct 31, 2006

I have a field that is updated with =Now()
now when I try to run a regular query with the criteria being

I get nothing
And the "=" is always disapearing out of the query.
I dont know what is going on. I got the field set up in the table section as a date field with short format.

Can somone please tell me what I am doin wrong when I have followed instructions up to this point....

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Pulling Up A Query With ASP

Mar 11, 2007

Hi, I was wondering if someone could check this code over. I am trying to pull a query (titled: Codes_+_Conduct:_General)which was already created in Access. Here's the code: (the red is where the error message I get is)

Set objCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objCon.Open connectionstring
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strQuery = "SELECT * from Codes_+_Conduct:_General order by subject asc"
objRS.Open strQuery, objCon
IF rs.EOF Then
Response.Write("<tr><td colspan = 3>No Tips</td></tr>")
Do While not rs.EOF
x = x + 1

<strong>Q</strong> <%=replace(rs("question"),vbcrlf,"<BR>")%>
<strong>A</strong> <%=replace(rs("answer"),vbcrlf,"<BR>")%>

End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set objCon = Nothing


The error message I receive is:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in FROM clause.

/faqs2.asp, line 13

If anyone could offer me any help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

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Pulling Data From A Table

Dec 11, 2005

I trying to build a usage tracker. Users will take a reading once a week and enter data. I want to open the form and have 2 fields filled in based off the last reading entered into the table. I have an ID field (autonumber) and I tried using that field -1 to populate my other fields but it does not work. any suggestions


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Pulling Data From SQL To Access DB

Jan 23, 2006

Ok, so I am creating an Access Database to track the progress of our collections staff. I need to pull data from a remote SQL database and filter it so that the appropriate records are appended to the appropriate tables in teh Access DB. Any ideas?

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Pulling Numbers From A String

Feb 12, 2006

I have a column of data set up as follows:

Review July 2003
Review October 2003
Review July 2004
Review October 2004
Review July 2005
Review October 2005...and so on.

I know the data is not normalized, but if I want to use the Year part of the string in a WHERE clause, how would I do that? or in other words how do I extract the Year from the string.


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Pulling Values From A Table Onto The Net?

Dec 10, 2007

Hello all,

I would consider myself a novice to almost intermediate with access.

Anyways what I need to do seems pretty simple. I just need to make a web page that pulls values from a table we have stored on our server. The users WILL NOT need to modify the info, they simple need to view it.

I want it set up so that when users modify the table locally here at our company, people from another site can view the changes on the internet...

Thanks for your time!

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Pulling A Like* Criteria From A Table.

Jun 20, 2007

I'm querying off of a teradata table in Access. I have the teradata table linked to a table I made in Access which will only pull specific cars(example). How can I make the query pull.. like car* for every record I have in the table?For example..My made table has20120220321Q24Retc...the teradata table shows this201G101201G102201P202203A12021QP131the record means ...the first 3 characters is the car name, the middle two char is the location, and the last 2 is the day of the week.Btw in the query I use in my other querying system it has an option "Begins With" which works, I don't know if acces has this? Can anyone assist me on this? If I am unclear let me know!!

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Query Pulling From Form

Aug 10, 2007

I am having an issue pulling information from a form into a query. In my criteria column in the query i have:


it pulls from a valid string from a textbox txtCriteria.

My vba code is:

Dim query as string
query = "pkg_not_registered_email"

filename = "C:querytester" & Format(Date, "YYYY_MMDD") & "_" & cboCountry.Value & "_" & ".csv"

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "", query, filename
DoCmd.Open query


This exact code worked previously with another function and a different query so I do not understand why it is not working now! Help! :(

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