Pulling Results Between Dates

Dec 17, 2007

I've linked access to an external database and created a query to pull results from the linked access table that was between certain times on certain dates (i.e. between 11/12/2007 11:01 AM to 12/13/2007 12:01 PM). The query I have thus far is "SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE DATETIME >= #11/12/2007 11:01 AM# AND DATETIME <=#12/13/2007 12:01 PM#". That works, but I want the date and time to be changeable through text fields on a form. Something like "SELECT * FROM TABLE1 WHERE DATETIME >= #forms.form1.startdate forms.form1.starttime# AND DATETIME <= #forms.form1.stopdate forms.form1.stoptime#". The dates are going to be automatically generated according to other parameters but the times are going to be entered manually. How can I accomplish this?

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Date Time Query No Pulling Correct Dates!!

May 11, 2006


I have a table with

"starttime", "endtime", "agent", "phonenumb" and a datediff calculation that calculates the diff between "starttime" and "endtime"

the "starttime" and "endtime" columns are in "10/05/2006 12:57:55" format, i.e. the column holds both the date and time

The data is stored in an sql DB and is accessed by an odbc link using Access 2003

I want to be able to run a query within access that lets me chose "agent" and a specific date or a range of dates.

Any help would be greatly appreciated



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Queries :: Unable To Use Between Query Without Pulling Dates Out Of Range

Feb 19, 2014

Unable to use Between query without pulling dates out of range.I

f I set the Criteria to Between [Enter the start date:] And [Enter the end date:] and input the dates 1/2/2014 & 1/15/2014 i'm pulling data for those dates but for year 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 as well.

if I enter in Between #1/2/2014# And #1/15/2014# it gives me just the dates I requested.I need to be able to have a user use the macro and just enter in the dates they need data for.

Also, I am using the criteria on a date ime field that I have set up an expression on - CreateDate: DateValue([TABLE]![date])the date in the table is stored with time and I just need to show the date.

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Problem Pulling Results That Are "Not Like..."

May 19, 2006

Hi, I have a query that displays a list of e-mail addresses based on criteria from a table, but when I try to reverse the criteria in another query (to see what does not match) it displays all of my records. Thanks in advance for your help. :D

VALID EMAIL ADD QRY (This one Works)
WHERE (((IMPORT_TBL.Email) Like "*@*" & ([DOMAIN_TBL].[Domain_Name])))

[B]INVALID EMAIL ADD QRY (Not working, displays all records)
WHERE (((IMPORT_TBL.Email) Not Like "*@*" & ([DOMAIN_TBL].[Domain_Name])))

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Unmatch Query With Dates - Bad Results

Apr 6, 2007

I've got an unmatched query set up that works pretty well using a linked Excel file, and an Access Table. It compares a Name, Day of the Week, Start Time and End Time.

The problem is that some that I KNOW are matching are turning up as unmatched. It typically seems to happen when it's an "odd" time, with and End Time like 10:20 PM or 9:40 AM.

I suspect this may be because Excel actually sees dates as decimals and the way Access is interpreting that time is different and it sees it as not matching.

I need these "stored" as times, so I can't change the values to text, where I think they would match.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Review Dates Query Results

Apr 18, 2008

Hello everyone,

Using Acess 2007

This is what I have:

I have one Query with the following:
Main.ID, Main.First Name, Main.Last Name, Main.Assigned Date

I created a Daily Report using this Query to tell me when I need to meet again with these people.

I have a Report that has the following:
Main.ID, Main.First Name, Main. Last Name, Main.Assigned Date, [Assigned Date]+30,[Assigned Date]+60,[Assigned Date]+90,[Assigned Date]+120,[Assigned Date]+150,[Assigned Date]+180

What I would like to do:

The current report shows ALL records with the requested information. How can I have the Query or Report filter out the records that do not have any of the review dates falling on today's date?

I hope I explained myself. If further explanation is necessary let me know.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Display Results Between Two User Entered Dates

Apr 18, 2006

Is there a clean way to:

1)Take two user dates as input at run time, e.g by a calendar GUI selection, or even just a string

2) Then return all rows from a table where the value of the date column is between those two values?



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Queries :: Show All Results Between Dates Specified By User

Jul 5, 2014

I am needing a fairly simple query to show records from a table that occurred between a set of dates specified by the user; I have quickly built the query using the wizard, however the date is stored as DateTime;

In the criteria, I tried - Between [Enter Start Date:] And [Enter End Date:] which returns an empty result (presumably because there are no records that match exactly, as they all have the time included?)

Is there a way to have the query show all results between the dates specified by the user, regardless of the time?

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Queries :: WHERE Statement - Enter Dates Into Date Reported Fields For Results To Show

Sep 11, 2013

I use this

'WHERE ((OperationalRiskEventTable.DateReported)>=Forms!U pdateForm!UDateBegin And (OperationalRiskEventTable.DateReported)<=Forms!Up dateForm!UDateEnd)'

in a query by form.

The problem is that you have to enter a date in the between values for results to show. If I don't enter information into a different field such as Full Name but I enter in 40 into Age then everyone that is 40 years old will show. On the other hand if I enter 40 into the Age field but I leave the Date Reported fields empty then no results will show.

How can I change it so that I don't have to enter dates into the date reported fields for results to show?

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Return Weekend Results On Monday, Yesterday's Results Otherwise

Nov 14, 2007

I am trying to filter a form to show the entire weekend's activity on Monday but only yesterday's activity Tuesday through Friday. Using this code I can return Friday's results on Monday and yesterday's for the rest. How do I get the range Friday to Sunday?


Using >Date()-3 doesn't work.



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Forms :: Dates As Column Headers To Update Table With Dates As Rows

May 12, 2014

Any way to have a form with Dates as column headers to update a table where the dates are stored in rows???

The table set up is like this:
DiaryID (PK) - OpDate (Date)

DiaryID (FK) - CostCode - MachineNumber - MachineHours - etc

I'm just wondering if there's any way I can do this with a datasheet or a crosstab type setup?

It's Access 2010.

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Queries :: Calculate Expiry Dates Of Training Courses - Due Dates Not Shown

Aug 28, 2013

I have built a query to calculate the expiry dates of training courses but I am trying to input a criteria so that only dates within 90 days of todays date show. I am using Date()<90 but it doesn't return the correct information. What the criteria should be for this?

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Pulling Data Out

Nov 7, 2005

I have a member roster. I have members who have attended. How do I subtracta list of those who have attended from the roster to find those who havent attended. The only way I know those who have attended is by their sign in date.

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Pulling My Hair Out

Dec 28, 2006

I have created several Queries and I would like to have a column that numbered the results. I have looked all over saw a couple of samples but havent had any luck. Anyone have any suggestions. Thanks for your help and have a good New Year.

Just to clarify basically this is what I need. Loan Number is the Primary key.

# Column Borrower Loan Number
1 smith 123456
2 jones 023567
3 jang 102569

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Pulling No Data

Dec 28, 2006

How could I pull in someone when they do not have data?

There is a name table and data table. My goal is that when I run a parameter query if someone does not have data for that time period to have that name pulled in so that eventually a report could be generated stating there is no data for this person for the time period.

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Pulling Last Record

Aug 2, 2007

I'm trying to figure out how I can pull the most recent entry in a table for each of the properties in our database. Let me give you some background. This access database is used to format reports from an SQL database - all of the tables are linked and all of my other reports work great except for the one I'm trying to create from a table that gets updated every day by way of a stored procedure that runs every night on the SQL server. In my mind this shouldn't make a difference and I should be able to select whatever data I want from this table/query based upon whatevery criteria I want. The field in the table I'm trying to use is a "date stamp" of when it was updated via the stored procedure. I want the last entry made for each property so I selected "last" as the criteria which should get me approx. 20 lines - one for each property. But when I use this I still get back multiple entries for each property. This seems like it would be easy to do but everything I try doesn't seem to work.

That's why I've turned to the experts here for help.


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Pulling My Hair Out...

Feb 6, 2008

I'm certainly not new to Access, but this is the first time encountering a problem like this. I have a table with 3 Field Names, [Return], [Header] and [Date]. An example table looks like so..

Return Header Date
1 | 10 | 1/1/2007
2 | 10 | 3/1/2007
3 | 10 | 5/1/2007
13 | 20 | 6/1/2007
14 | 20 | 7/1/2007

I need to take to have group the Header's together, for instance 10, and have it return the [Date] for whichever line has the lowest [Return] value. I just can't figure out how to do it. Any help or insight would be GREATLY appreciated. I'm 90% done with the project, and this last part will seal the deal.

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=Date() Not Pulling Nothing!

Oct 31, 2006

I have a field that is updated with =Now()
now when I try to run a regular query with the criteria being

I get nothing
And the "=" is always disapearing out of the query.
I dont know what is going on. I got the field set up in the table section as a date field with short format.

Can somone please tell me what I am doin wrong when I have followed instructions up to this point....

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Pulling Up A Query With ASP

Mar 11, 2007

Hi, I was wondering if someone could check this code over. I am trying to pull a query (titled: Codes_+_Conduct:_General)which was already created in Access. Here's the code: (the red is where the error message I get is)

Set objCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objCon.Open connectionstring
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strQuery = "SELECT * from Codes_+_Conduct:_General order by subject asc"
objRS.Open strQuery, objCon
IF rs.EOF Then
Response.Write("<tr><td colspan = 3>No Tips</td></tr>")
Do While not rs.EOF
x = x + 1

<strong>Q</strong> <%=replace(rs("question"),vbcrlf,"<BR>")%>
<strong>A</strong> <%=replace(rs("answer"),vbcrlf,"<BR>")%>

End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set objCon = Nothing


The error message I receive is:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in FROM clause.

/faqs2.asp, line 13

If anyone could offer me any help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

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Queries :: Access 2007 - Select All Dates Between Two Dates?

Apr 9, 2015

I have a table of records, which has within it two date fields (effectively, a 'start' and 'end' date for that particular record)

I now need to create a query to perform a calculation for each date between the 'start' date and the 'end' date

So the first step (as I see it anyway) is to try to create a query which will give me each date between the two reference dates, in the hope that I can then JOIN that onto another query to perform the necessary calculation for each of the returned dates.

Is there a way to do this?

So basically, if for a particular record, the 'start' date is 01-Apr-2015 and the 'end' date is 09-Apr-2015, can I produce a dataset of 9 records as follows :01-Apr-2015


(The *obvious* solution would be to create a separate table of dates, from which I could just SELECT DISTINCT <Date> Between #04/01/2015# And #04/09/2015# - but that seems like a dreadful waste of space, if that table is only required to generate the above? And it would have to cover all possible options; so it would either have to be massive, and contain every possible date - ever! - or maintained, adding new dates as necessary when they are required. Seems horribly inefficient!)

Is it possible to just select each date between the two reference dates? Or can you only query something which exists somewhere in a table?

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Pulling Data From A Table

Dec 11, 2005

I trying to build a usage tracker. Users will take a reading once a week and enter data. I want to open the form and have 2 fields filled in based off the last reading entered into the table. I have an ID field (autonumber) and I tried using that field -1 to populate my other fields but it does not work. any suggestions


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Pulling Data From SQL To Access DB

Jan 23, 2006

Ok, so I am creating an Access Database to track the progress of our collections staff. I need to pull data from a remote SQL database and filter it so that the appropriate records are appended to the appropriate tables in teh Access DB. Any ideas?

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Pulling Numbers From A String

Feb 12, 2006

I have a column of data set up as follows:

Review July 2003
Review October 2003
Review July 2004
Review October 2004
Review July 2005
Review October 2005...and so on.

I know the data is not normalized, but if I want to use the Year part of the string in a WHERE clause, how would I do that? or in other words how do I extract the Year from the string.


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Pulling Values From A Table Onto The Net?

Dec 10, 2007

Hello all,

I would consider myself a novice to almost intermediate with access.

Anyways what I need to do seems pretty simple. I just need to make a web page that pulls values from a table we have stored on our server. The users WILL NOT need to modify the info, they simple need to view it.

I want it set up so that when users modify the table locally here at our company, people from another site can view the changes on the internet...

Thanks for your time!

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Why Is My Query Pulling One Record Only?

Apr 13, 2007

Hello Everyone,

I've been trying to figure out why my query only pulls record Object ID 10011399 and not the other one, but I can't figure it out. Can anyone please help me see what's wrong?



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Pulling A Like* Criteria From A Table.

Jun 20, 2007

I'm querying off of a teradata table in Access. I have the teradata table linked to a table I made in Access which will only pull specific cars(example). How can I make the query pull.. like car* for every record I have in the table?For example..My made table has20120220321Q24Retc...the teradata table shows this201G101201G102201P202203A12021QP131the record means ...the first 3 characters is the car name, the middle two char is the location, and the last 2 is the day of the week.Btw in the query I use in my other querying system it has an option "Begins With" which works, I don't know if acces has this? Can anyone assist me on this? If I am unclear let me know!!

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