Putting Queries In A Folder

Jul 31, 2005


I have created an Access DB for personal use and I am willing to sort the queries in folders. I haven't found a way to do this, is it actually possible?

Having 40 queries all inside the database window is not so convinient...

Thanks in advance for any replies.

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Queries :: Putting Aggregate Inside A Where Clause

Oct 11, 2014

I need to change the below to a where clause to fit inside a union query that is just where clauses.

tblNEWNONTODATA.DateOfVisit) AS FirstOfDateOfVisit
HAVING (((tblNEWNONTODATA.TCGDecision)="Adopted" Or (tblNEWNONTODATA.TCGDecision)="Hot Tasked") AND ((First(tblNEWNONTODATA.DateOfVisit))>=#10/1/2014#));

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Queries :: Putting Total Years In A Query?

Sep 25, 2013

I have a database of people who have a "Joined" date. i.e. 09/1/2012. I would like to set up a query that tells me how long (in years) that they joined.

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Queries :: Putting A Label In Front Of Real Field Name

Apr 4, 2014

I have a query in which some of the field names were assigned a while back and don't make a lot of sense to the person who gets the report so I give them new labels in the query...for example:

I pull in the field AE_resp_req and in front of that I type in RM Response: AE_resp_req and when I run the query, the name for the field is RM Response and it works great. I have another field called Category_Rating that I pull into this query and I did the same thing: Exam Rating: Category_Rating (field name) but when I run the query it still says Category_Rating and I get no errors or messages..

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How To Open A Dialog Box To Move Files Inside A Folder That Is Setup As Current Folder

Sep 2, 2015

I'm trying to automate a process of selecting a set of file/s and move them in a folder. When I click on a button, it should open a current folder that is setup in the code.

Lets say that I have a folder C:documents est, and very time I click on the button, it should open the dialog box with that path so I can select the files from another folder, drag them there and they will be saved in that folder.

This will form part of wider automation that will send an email stating that those file/s where placed in that folder.

I have in the same form where the button is placed, 3 check boxes that needs to be passed to the email as well that one or all the files where placed in the folder.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Folder Nested Inside Main Folder?

Mar 16, 2015

I'm trying to open a folder based on a BIN nr. This folder could be in a main folder that has diferent subfolder. As there where differnt naming used to create the folderes, one of the things they have always is the BIN nr. It alwasy start with a unique number and maybe I could use it to scan the subfolders and open that one that the BIN nr is equal as in the field BIN.

Now we have serveral 1000th of folders and finding them takes time.

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Export Multiple Queries Into Zipped Folder

Nov 21, 2007

I am developing a db in three parts: one each to be hosted in two different agencies, and a third to be hosted by a third-party which combines the data from both of the others in one place.

Because there is no common network I need to export data from each of the two agency db's in some form, and then import it into the third db with some import coding to make sure that certain entities are matched up between the two.

There are 5 queries that need to be exported into some format such as csv, or tab delimited. This part is easy enough to do.

However, I would like to take it a step further and have the db create a single export folder to place these 5 files into, and then zip the folder for emailing.

I have searched and googled without much luck trying to figure out a way to do this. I was wondering if anyone might be able to point be in the right direction, or let me know if I'm barking down the wrong rabbit-hole!


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Queries :: Import Multiple CVS From Single Folder Into Access

Jun 2, 2013

I have some patient data which outputs from another system generates 2 CSV files, for example (John Doe Ankle) and (John Doe Calf). Where Angle and Calf are the part of the body and John Doe the patient name.

Here is the exact output side by side of both of these files: [URL] ....

The CSV file generated contains the field names in column A and I have to pull both of these into a single table OR maybe it should be two tables in Access and then join them (only problem is that there isnt any unique keys in the raw data to tie them together).

Ideally, Id love to have a Macro on a form in Access that runs this process into the table, then allows this data to be merged to a single report containing all of this data.

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Putting It All Together

Mar 25, 2007

I dont know hot to say this but lets try :rolleyes:

I have about 8 forms each form with a table behind it or a query, so the user starts at the first form selecting this and that, after the selection a button is pressed another form opens the user fills out the information and presses a button and another form opens and so on until all the information have been filled.

My problom is that I want this to be only one window (form), and when the button is pressed this form changes to next window and so on.

Now it works like when the button is pressed a new windows opens and this window (form). The user can see this as a another form I want the first form to change into the second and the second to third and so on.

Hopefully someone understands what I am trying to say.

Best regards

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Help Putting Password On Please Help

May 4, 2006

hi im doing my A level course work and im wanting to put a password on my database, so if i want to look at the tables ect i need to put a password in, i think its something i have to do in quries but im not sure please can someone help me i have to have it finished for tomoz thanxs

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Putting An .mdb On A Server

Nov 7, 2004

soooo now my client wants the program i just wrote on his brand new server that he doesn't know how to use. i've semi-split my db (i kept my lookup tables with the program to save room for data). i'm not very familiar w/networking. my assumption is that i just put the BE on the server and put the FE on their machines, but i was wondering if i could put both the FE and the BE on the server with a shortcut to the FE so that i could update it and not have to worry about making sure everyone has the most recent copy.

anyone have any suggestions on how to make this run smoothly and make it appear as though i have some semblance of what i'm supposed to be doing?


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Help With Putting A List In Access

Mar 20, 2006

i have started to try putting the concrete records i keep on excel into microsoft acces. for each record, i need to make note of the vehicle registration numbers. what is the best way of doing this? if it is possible


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Putting Row Values Into Columns

Nov 17, 2006


I have been trying to figure this out for a long time. Any tips/helps is much appreciated it.

I have a table with 3 columns(SSN,DeductionType,DeductionAmount). Let say I have 100 employees. There are 3 records per employee, because each have 3 different deductionType(TypeA,TypeB,TypeC).

I want to create a queryTable that will result with 1 record per individual, with TypeA,TypeB,and TypeC as column names and the DeductionAmount as their values. Make sense? Below is an example of what the new table should look like:

022-58-5898------ $10.35-----$25------------$14

Thank you VERY much!

By the way, if QueryTable is not the method to do this, please let me know how.

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Putting In A Date Range

Jul 20, 2005

I'm a beginner to Microsoft Access, and I just started working on a project for a marketing company I work for. I have to build them a pretty straightforward database which has tables including Clients, Contacts, Vendors, Employees, Timesheets, etc. The point is to have any employee be able to work with the database and enter any piece of information they have into it. Again, it's a pretty straightforward database. Right now, I am working on a search form for specific jobs. For example, if they need to design a website for a particular company, that specific website job will be entered into the jobs table. I am working on the search form right now so that they can search for specific jobs and they will come up.

One of the sections of the form is a date range, for date received. For example, this would apply if they wanted to search for all jobs that they received between 1/1/05 and 7/10/05. In the query that I am designing for this form, I have the table entry "Date Received" apply to both of the two boxes in the form (I titled them "What Date Received 1" and "What Date Received 2"... my boss advised me to title the boxes in the search forms "What ___" to not get them confused with the forms displaying the information). In the query, the code I am using right now for Date Received is this:

Between [Forms]![Search Jobs]![What Date Received 1] And [Forms]![Search Jobs]![What Date Received 2]

I've also tried this code:

(Between [Forms]![Search Jobs]![What Date Received 1] And [Forms]![Search Jobs]![What Date Received 2]) Or IsNull([Forms]![Search Jobs]![What Date Received 1]) Or IsNull([Forms]![Search Jobs]![What Date Received 2])

The first code works if I have things entered into these boxes. However, if I try to search and leave these blank, I never get any results. I tried playing around with some "IfEmpty" statements, but none of those worked. The second code doesn't work either. Does anybody know how I should modify this statement so that if the "Date Received" boxes are empty, it just ignores it? Thanks a lot.

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Putting 0 Where Field Is Empty

Jan 12, 2006

I have a query which has a field where it shows reservations. if there is no reservation the field is empty.

how can I achieve getting a 0 in this field when it is empty?

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Putting A Graph In Form

Apr 14, 2005


I would like to display a graph in a form along with the fields from a table. The user will be allow to update the table and the graph will be updated. So far I am able to display the graph on the report but I cannot find a way to display the graph on the form. Can somebody help? Thanks in advance.

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Putting A Query Into A Form

Aug 9, 2006

I would like to put a query or some look up device into my form so that a certain part number can be found and its form opened for changes. How should I do this?

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Putting A Counter On A Form

Sep 16, 2007

Hello everyone, new member here. I am in charge of a student sign in sign out database at the college where I work. This database has two forms and one table. What I would like to do is include a text box on the first form, which is the sign in form that will display a running total of the students that are signed in. This text box should count 1, 2, 3 etc. each time a student clicks the sign in button. Thanks for the help

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Putting A New Line Into An Email Messsage

Feb 1, 2006

I am just setting up a command button so when it is pushed, outlook opens and I can send a message.
The code for this I got from another thread.

I am sure this is a simple one (?) but in the message of the email, I want numerous amounts of lines, not just the one.

This is the code for the message subject (taking from the thread)

strMessage = "Hello" & " " & Me.cboChampion.Column(1)

I want about 10 lines, not just the one. I tried copying the same line again, but that didn't work

I am sure this is basic coding....just can't find the answer.

Hope this makes sense.



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Putting My Database Online.... My Options??

Feb 13, 2007

I would like to put my database that I have created online so I can update it from anywhere, and was wondering what are my options - does access have a feature to do this? Or will it involve using dynamic coding to update the tables? I would like to use the forms that I have already created etc ... but is this possible?

I have my own server if this helps?!



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Putting Query Result In One Field

Nov 7, 2005


I have a two column table and I want to display all records in the second column but I want it to be displayed in another single field.

Anyone has a trick on this?


Column1 Column2

001 Basket
002 Jar
003 Pillow
004 Hat

Result should be something like this:

Basket, Jar, Pillow, Hat

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Putting Command Buttons On Forms

Aug 4, 2005

I ma going to sound a complete idiot with this question, but I have been working on a database for some time now, successfully putting buttons on forms with the wizard, jumping from form to form, form to report, basically the button wizard used to work now it doesn't and I don't think I have done anything stupid. (I hope). The wizard was brilliant, I'm lost without it. How do you restore it?

Thanks in advance guys. :confused:

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Putting In The Date After Field Is Input

Jan 26, 2006

Sorry guys, I thought this would be simpler than it was!

Basically I just want to update my "Resolution date" field with the date or time now (which I know how to do) but AFTER I input data in my "Resolution" field ie I want a field to automatically record what time I am entering the text in my "Resolution" field?

How do I do this, and can I do it without writing a macro? I thought it was along the lines of After Update, but now I am confused!

Thanks again - I am learning just slowly!

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Getting Value From Form And Putting It As The Field Criteria?

Jul 11, 2006

Somewhat simplistic question, but I can't seem to get it to work correctly.

SELECT Field1, Field2
FROM Table1
WHERE Field1 = [Forms]![Form1]![Text1];

Form has two quieries, named Text0 and Text1. Text0 contains the Field info for the query to search under.
How do I change it so that this will work.

SELECT Field1, Field2
FROM Table1
WHERE [Forms]![Form1]![Text0] = [Forms]![Form1]![Text1];

Presently I am getting nothing but blank queries. I'm sure its some simplistic thing but I can't figure it out atm.

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Forms :: Putting Text Into Combo Box?

Apr 5, 2015

I have a combo box with an associated label.

I want to eliminate the label and have the label text be part of the row source of the combo box.

The combo box is based on a select statement.

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Putting Linked Tables Into One Table?

Sep 17, 2013

I have multiple tables that are linked to excel. I am creating a product selection tool to make it easy to find the products contained all these linked tables. They are necessary as they contain pricing data and information necessary to be kept in excel which is regularly updated.

Is there a way to create one table containing data from all these linked tables? I tried using an append query but realise that when the linked tables are updated the table containing all the data wont be?

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