Queries :: 2 Inputs For Same Field - Query Result Not Correct

Sep 4, 2014

I have a query that allows 2 inputs for the same field ( batch no )

if you enter "pco0093" only you get 4 results
if you enter pco0094 only you get 4 results

both have the same part numbers is the results

When I run both together pco0093 and pco 0094 and use the "group" function on the field batch no I get 8 results ( as expected)

if I use the " where" function I expected to get the 4 results but with the " quantities doubling

What I am getting is more than 4 results but 5 with a part that was not on any of the single results

File attached ....

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Queries :: Conditional Query To Post Result In Field And Filter Result Records?

Mar 5, 2014

I am working with Access 2010, on vista. What I have is a query made up of two tables, one product the other inventory. (see below) query.jpg

In the product table i have a field called "minimum reorder level". In the inventory table i have two fields one called "number in stock" and "number on order". What i want to happen is "number on order" to be filtered by the result, if the "number in stock", is less than "minimum reorder level", if it is, have the result placed in the "number on order" field. EG. if the "number in stock" = 2 and the "minimum reorder level" = 5 then 3 would be placed in the field "number on order" and only the second record from the query would be visible (see below) Query result.jpg The result of this would mean that the field "number on order" would be populated with the result and the and query would also use this to filter the record.

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Queries :: DCount Function Returns Correct Result But Datatype Is Text

Feb 4, 2015

I am using the dcount function as the example I display below. The problem is that it returns the correct result (i.e. 59) but the data type is text (59 is on the left side) . I need this to be number.

=DCount("[OrderID]", "Orders", "[ShipRegion] = 'CA'")

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Queries :: Way To Construct A Query From Selected Inputs

Nov 27, 2014

I have a form with several fields and combo boxes on which the user will select different criteria to generate a report.The default value for each of these fields/cbo's is "*", so if the user changes nothing from the default, I execute a basic "SELECT *" query.

If however the user enters some value (selects a specific date range, customer number, salesman,etc), I would like to 'easily' modify my query to accommodate the entered search criteria.Trying to construct SQL when there are many search options like this is difficult. I took a stab at using QueryDefs but I'm struggling to find example VBA code as an example.

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Mulitple Inputs To A Single Field Query

Feb 10, 2006

Hey guys, my problem is this:

I want to run a query that runs off of two list boxes on a form. However, I want both these parameters to filter a single field in my query. Why I want to do this is I have several types of accessories made by several manufacturers, both included in the "Description" field. I don't want to include an entirely new field for manufacturer because it's only 4 out of about 5 items that need this.

Is there a way this can be done or will I be forced to include a manufacturer's field.

Thanks in advance

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Queries :: Field Is Empty - Query To Update Table But No Result

Feb 26, 2015

I have a created a query which I want to update a table. The field is called DTP. I have the Workingdays2 module in place as well as the Holidays Table. The dates (date only) are called Time in and Transaction date. I want the table to update records only if the entry in Completed is Yes. I have attached screenshot of what I have in query. I am no good whatsoever at VBA so I used the Query design view. It shows how many records will be updated (which is a valid number) and shows me which field will be updated. However when I run the query and then opend the Table the DTP field is empty.

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Queries :: Script To Do Calculation For Every Record And Place Result As Field In Query

Dec 21, 2013

1. I created a table that contains information about people and their details (mainly numerical info).
2. I created a form containing a command button and a label.
3. I have written a VBA script under the button so that when the button is pressed, the result of the calculation appears as the caption on the label.

My problem is...How do I get the script to run so it does the calculation for every record and places the result as a field in a query.

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Queries :: If There Is No Result In Query Need To Have Default Result Zero

Oct 12, 2013

I there is no result in query, I need the default result zero in my form field. I only use query wizard to create queries.

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Queries :: 1 Or More Query Inputs Into One Query

Sep 4, 2014

I would like to run a query that allows we to enter as many criteria in one field as I want

For example

I have an order for wheel for a car order no "1234" then another order comes in for another wheel order no "23456" not the same wheel type

Each wheel could contain 10 parts to make the wheel both orders could contain 5 parts that are the same

What I want to do is enter as many order numbers as I want then when I run the query and it groups all the parts together for me to order in that query.

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Queries :: Query Correct But Report Wrong?

Aug 3, 2015

Query 1: has all the data (description, account, amount).
Query 2: sums Amount by Account No.
Query 3: combines Query 1 and 2.

Query 3 also has a join by the Account No. There is a report based on query 3.

Issue: I can run query 3 to equal 0 and generate the report correctly but when I generate the query to not equal 0 the report brings in all the data.

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Queries :: Select Query - Count How Many Records Not In Correct Format

May 7, 2013

So I have a table with around 20,000 records and there is a field which holds a phone number for each individual within the organization, I want to run a select query that counts how many are not in the correct format

The format is 10 digits and it must start with a 0

Using Access 2010

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Queries :: List Field Result In One Row

May 3, 2013

How can list the contents of one field columns in one row in a report.

ID: 1

Should be: ID1 - A1, A2, A2, A3, A4

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Queries :: Copy Result Of Expression In A Field

Dec 5, 2013

I've got these expressions in a query to extract parts of an mp3 file full path from a field and just let the name of the song.

exp: Mid([imported];[exp3]-[exp2];Len([imported]))
exp2: InStr([imported];"")-4
exp3: InStrRev([imported];"")
exp4: Left([exp];Len([exp])-4)

"exp4" is the clean name of the song.

Now how can I update my "song name" field (which is empty) to be same as "exp4" . Is it an update query? If so how can i do it?

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Queries :: Combine Two Queries Result Of Second Query In Another Column

Mar 15, 2014

i I have two queries.. What i'm hoping is to combine the result into one query but not in one column only but instead the result of the second query should be beside the first query.. The result of the second query should be added as a new column.

First Query

SELECT tbl_uSers.UserName, Count(tbl_rEceived_eMail.EntryID) AS eMailReceived
FROM tbl_rEceived_eMail INNER JOIN tbl_uSers ON tbl_rEceived_eMail.UseriD = tbl_uSers.UseriD
GROUP BY tbl_uSers.UserName;

Second Query

SELECT tbl_uSers.UserName, Count(tbl_rEceived_eMail.EntryID) AS eMailProcessed
FROM tbl_rEceived_eMail INNER JOIN tbl_uSers ON tbl_rEceived_eMail.UseriD = tbl_uSers.UseriD
GROUP BY tbl_uSers.UserName, tbl_rEceived_eMail.ProcessedYN
HAVING (((tbl_rEceived_eMail.ProcessedYN)="Y"));

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Queries :: Two Tables To Result In Single Column With Field Name Identifier For Each Record

Apr 27, 2015

How to get this one to display in a single column.

I know how to do this wiht VBA. But, this output will need to reside on a SQL Server View. So I need a SQL language solution. If it can work in MS Access Query, it won't be too difficult to test then translate to SQL Server.

Customer Table with PK Customer_ID.

There are two tables with FK Customer_ID.

1. Table Lease1 - Has 3 Fields - the form code enforces No Fields -or All Fields. The red * indicate a Required field - These 3 are entered together.

2. Table Lease2 - Has 1 field with 0 to Many records.


The Type shows up in a single column.

Each Type shows where the data comes from (Lease Type, Surface Owner, Mineral Owner, or Hz Lease Type)


Lease1 table has 3 fields that need to be transformed into a single column.

Lease2 table has 1 field to be appended to the single table.

Then, there is the column that identifies where the data came from based on the column name.

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Queries :: Calculated Field - Return Zero If Negative Result (Access 2007)

Oct 10, 2014

I have a query that returns several calculated fields. One of them is simply derived by simple summation of the others. If this calculated field returns a negative number, I need it to show as a zero.

The only way I know how to do this is by an IIF statement :

SELECT [fld1], [fld2], [fl3], .....
IIF(([fld1]-[fld2]-fld[3])<0,0,([fld1]-[fld2]-fld[3])) AS fld4

(The above doesn't suggest that [fld1], [fld2] etc are calculated fields - I just wrote it like that for succintness - they calculate fine, there's no issue with them...)

Is there a more efficient way of doing this? I find IIF's a bit tardy, possibly because they evaluate for both True & False eventualities, regardless of the condition, and this query is going to run against a fairly large dataset so any performance lag is going to be exacerbated.

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Forms :: Log History Of Inputs - Using ComboBox To Update Memo Field

Jun 25, 2013

I am currently using the column history to log the history of inputs into a memo field.

But i now need to swap how my database runs and now require a combo box to have the same history function, as this is for a status updates and i require users to only input certain status's.

I no that I cant use the columnhistory command with a combo box.

When selecting a status from the combo box it automatically update the memo field (which will be hidden on the form) so the column history function works.

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Multiple Inputs For A Query

Jan 25, 2008

I have a form that has three different pull down menus. When I click a button on the form it opens a second form that is filtered by a query. In order to allow the user to leave a pull down menu blank the query has 6 different columns. Three are headed with the field name and three are headed with the form reference, under the form reference it either says Is Null or Is Not Null. I have a total of 8 options in order to cover all possible scenarios. I would like to be able to add more search parameters but my query is getting ridicules. :confused: Is there a way to build the same thing with a code?


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Calculate Query's Field With Two Result

Sep 28, 2005

Hi All
I try to create a query based on Table1 and fields Date and Result. Is it posible to get a query that calculate two amount of Result field when that field is null and not null?
That two values of Result field I will use to create monthly Pivot report in which each bar will display amonts Completed and NonCompleted result.

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Putting Query Result In One Field

Nov 7, 2005


I have a two column table and I want to display all records in the second column but I want it to be displayed in another single field.

Anyone has a trick on this?


Column1 Column2

001 Basket
002 Jar
003 Pillow
004 Hat

Result should be something like this:

Basket, Jar, Pillow, Hat

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Populating Field With Query Result

Oct 17, 2006

I have got 2 tables:

TAT table with fields: ID, SPB, SET, DAYSIN, HRSIN
SETS table with fields: ID, SPB, SET, DAYSIN, HRSIN, plus a few other fields.

Is it possible to do the following:

then store

Thanks for any help with this.

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Update Query Based On Another Queries Result

May 14, 2007

I currently have the sql below...
UPDATE tbl_Node_List INNER JOIN qryUpdate_P1 ON tbl_Node_List.Zip = qryUpdate_P1.[Zip Code] SET tbl_Node_List.[Date Sent] = (SELECT [MinOfAudit Date] FROM qryUpdate_P1), tbl_Node_List.[Date Recv'd] = (SELECT [MaxOfAudit Date] FROM qryUpdate_P1)
WHERE (((tbl_Node_List.Zip)="35243"));

but I get an err.msg stating the operation must use an updateable query.

What I am trying to do is update my dates in 'tableA' with the max and min values stored in 'tableB'. I have read some of the posts but still can't quite get it. As always all help is appreciated.

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Queries :: Displaying Only 1 Result In A Query Column?

Jun 2, 2013

1 I have a delivery method column and I want to only show 1 type for each method. How would I do that? Is it in expression builder?

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Queries :: How To Divide Result Of One Select Query By Another

Mar 17, 2013

I'm struggling with the correct syntax for this, but ideally what I want to achieve is:

SELECT (SELECT Count(Status) FROM P_T WHERE 'criteria are met') / (SELECT Count(Status) FROM P_T WHERE 'different criteria are met')

They are both fairly simplistic select statements, so I imagine this is not that difficult to achieve, but I'm not sure how to structure the query.

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Queries :: Insert Query Result Into A Table

Jul 19, 2013

there is a query which i made which counts data from two tables RAUTH AND PERS

SELECT RAUTH.coy, RAUTH.Auth, Count(RAUTH.coy) AS Held
FROM pers INNER JOIN RAUTH ON pers.coy = RAUTH.coy

THERE IS A BLANK FIELD NAMED HELD in table RAUTH i want to update the held result which i quired into HELD fiedl of RAUTH table where COY (Field) is COY field of PERS table

RAUTH table structure

Coy Auth Held

Tata 12
Dell 11
HP 21
Opera 11
Bangour 10
pers table

Persno Name Coy Qual

124578 Gita Tata Bsc
235689 Sonu Dell BA
748596 Kiran HP BCA
459687 Sony Tata MCA
965214 Baiju Bangour CCNA
963656 Ashok Opera MCA

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Filling A Table Field With A Query Result

Nov 23, 2004

I have a query_ReimburseResult
that counts the yes/no answers in field Reimburse from tbl_Survey.

How do I take the results from the query and put it into a field in another table?

I have tbl_Result and a field called ReimburseResult. I set the type to long integer and then what?


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