Queries :: Add Days From One Field To Date Field

May 18, 2013

I am trying to track vegetables that I will be planting in my garden. I will plant some vegetables. I have a StartDate and HarvestDate and Estimated HarvestDate Fields. I also have a field named GrowDays. This field states how long it takes for each vegetable to mature i.e. 75 days or 58 days or 42 days etc. etc. What I want to do in a query is to automatically add the number of days from the GrowDays field to the StartDate and come up with the Estimated Harvest Date. If I plant a Tomato on April 13th and it takes 75 days to mature then I want the EstimatedHarvestDate field to reflect 6/27/2013 which is the StartDate + 75days. I am trying to figure out how to do this when the GrowDays field changes numbers. I can use this "Estimated HarvestDate: DateAdd("d",+75,[GrowDays])" except this only works if the GrowDays Field is 75. I need to be able to accomplish this no matter what the GrowDay field says.

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Adding Days Onto A Date Field

Jun 5, 2007

I am trying to add a certain number of days onto a date field to create a due date within a Table but can't work out how to do it. I know that to add days on I can use the function DateAdd but the only way I can see how to do this is to create and update query to run and add the date on. Is there anyway that I can set the field to automatically update the due date dependent on the priority of the record e.g. immediate (1 day) standard (3 days) and request (28 Days)?

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Enter Number Of Days In Date Field

Aug 7, 2005

At work I can enter +15 in a date field and it automatically sets the date 15 days after todays date. Our companies computer is operating on a ERP system. I would like to do that in an Access database I'm designing for a friend. Any hints.

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Forms :: Due Date Calculation - Adding 4 Days To A Field

Jul 26, 2014

I don't think the below code is right, is it close?

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Test_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Test = "LR" Then
Me.Due_Date Date = [Date Received] + 4
End If
End Sub

Just trying to add 4 days to a field. (the Date Received field is in the format m/dd AM or PM)

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Web Database Expression - Number Of Days Between A Field And Todays Date?

Jul 9, 2012

How do I write a Access 2010 Web database expression to give me the number of days between a particular field eg [sold date] and todays date?

Being a Web database I know I am restricted to a smaller list of available expressions - normally part of my expression would include eg date().

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Queries :: How To Convert Datetime Field To Date Field

Jun 8, 2013

I am trying to deduct a datetime field from a date field to decide how many days are in between. It doesn't let me. So do I need to convert the datetime field to a date field first? How would I do that?Or is there a function I can use to calculate the date difference?

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Queries :: Next 7 Days From Calculated Date Value

Aug 4, 2013

In a query i have setup, i work out when a tenant is next due to pay their rent.

Looks like this

Tenant Last Payment Date Payment Terms Next Payment Date
User1 01/07/13 Monthly 01/08/13
User2 01/07/13 Weekly 07/07/13

The next payment date is calculated using an IF statement and DateAdd in the query, so if it is weekly it adds 7 days, if it is monthly it adds 1 month.

What i am trying to do is write sub query of this one which shows which tenants are due to pay within the next 7 days.

But the access query seems to ignore the criteria I'm putting in....in the next payment date criteria i have tried specifying >Now() + 7 or >Date() +7 but neither seem to work, it just shows up every record...

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Queries :: Date Field With Time - Query For Date Only And Get All Records

Apr 26, 2013

I have a query based on a table which has a date field. the field both in the table and the query have the time also in the date value so when I try to query on a date I get nothing if I copy the date and time from the field I will get the result for that record if I just use the date I get nothing. I have tried the format which does display just date but if you click on the field the time is also there You must be able to query for a date only and get all the records.

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Queries :: How To Select Records When Date Is Less Than 30 Days Apart

Mar 10, 2014

I have a large database filled with customer records. Some customers come one time. Other customers come 50 times at year. I want to find all customers that have records that are less than 30 days apart so I can ultimately see the types of products they buy. How do I write the query?

I attached a picture of a sample database. The 30 day (+/-) field doesn't exist but I would like the query results to build it.

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Queries :: Return Selected Date Plus Next Three Days

Mar 22, 2015

Ok, so I'm sure this is a pretty simple criteria, but I just can't seem to get the syntax right.

I'm trying to allow my user to select any start date and the query will return that date plus the next three days.

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Queries :: Product Per Date - Show Days With 0 Sales

Aug 11, 2014

I'm trying to build a query that adds up the total sales for a given product per date. The problem I'm running into is some products have $0 sales on a given day and don't appear in the table I'm querying. How would I get the query to add a record for that day for the given product with 0 in the sales field?

To give more details, I currently have one table showing the sales data. It has a record for every sale that includes the product of the sale, the amount, and the date. In the query, I'm summing the sales for a given day and product. Then I plan to export to Excel where I will run additional analysis.

If there are no sales for the product in a day, I'd like it to list the date and product with a $0 in the sales column.

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Queries :: Adding Estimated Start Date With Days?

Feb 7, 2015

I'm working on a query ("Target Date of Completion") that takes the initial date started (from Step 1 of date started) and adds the EC (Estimated Completion) which is just shown in days. This will give an EST (Estimated Start time) for the next step in date format, which I would need the new column. Also, As you can see, the piece parts all have a different amount of steps, so this calculation would need to know when it's a different part.

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Queries :: Expiry Date - How To Show Remaining Days Or Over Due In Query

Mar 5, 2014

I have a query call courses and field name expiry date I have add additional field within the query to show how many day left and how many days over the expiry date

Code : DayLeft:[expirydate]-now()

but i just get a error when i run the query

I also would like to ask is this possible to be done within the table e.g adding another field dayleft and some how add formula to calculate number days left or over due .

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Queries :: Function To Calculate Date Diff In Network Days

Aug 7, 2014

I'm using the following function to calculate date diff in network days (excluding weekends)

Public Function NetWorkdays(dteStart As Date, dteEnd As Date) As Integer
Dim intGrossDays As Integer
Dim dteCurrDate As Date
Dim i As Integer
intGrossDays = DateDiff("d", dteStart, dteEnd)
NetWorkdays = 0

[Code] ....

So when using this function in a query to get number of networkdays between 2 date columns ...it works fine but throws a #Error where there is blank entries in either of 2 date columns...

I need to find a way to display Null instead of #Error...

I have tried this expression but no luck...


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Date Add Problem (calendar Days Vs Working Days)

Dec 4, 2006

I have a query and I need the records to display 3 working days before the 15 working day deadline.

I used the following in the criteria box below the received date field and it doesn't pull the correct number of workdays, it's pulling calendar days instead.


Can anyone help, thanks for your time!!!

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Date Add Problem (calendar Days Vs Working Days)

Dec 4, 2006

I have a query and I need the records to display 3 working days before the 15 working day deadline.

I used the following in the criteria box below the received date field and it doesn't pull the correct number of workdays, it's pulling calendar days instead.


Can anyone help, thanks for your time!!!

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Forms :: Auto Populate Date Field Based On Another Date Field

May 13, 2014

I am building an Access database for a client. It is an employee staffing database. With that being said they would like the ability to automatically populate the "T2PPCD" date field based on what is entered into the "Report Date" field. (Same table)

The date is the Monday after 180 days from the report date.

I already know how to get it to auto fill 180 days from the "Report Date" but I'm not sure how to tell it to give me the Monday after 180 days.

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Queries :: Sum A Field Depending On Date

Aug 21, 2014

The following code should sum a field depending on the date. The field IncidentYear is created and set to Last, This or "-" depending on the date. I should get three rows, one for each of the three values..

I get..... you tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression as part of an aggregate function

I'm sure I've missed something obvious and I can't see it! If I remove the group by clause and the sum field..... it works.

SELECT IIf([Incident Date]>=#01 July 2012#And [Incident Date]<=#30 June 2013#,'Last',
IIf([Incident Date]>=#01 July 2013# And [Incident Date]<=#30 June 2014#,'This','-'))
AS IncidentYear,
Sum(tbl_2c_Acc.[Vehicle Off Road Time]) AS VOR_Acc_Days
FROM (tbl_2c_Acc
LEFT JOIN tbl_Value_Proposition
ON tbl_2c_Acc.Lessee = tbl_Value_Proposition.[Lessee No])
LEFT JOIN tbl_Vehicle_Type
ON tbl_2c_Acc.[Vehicle Reg] = tbl_Vehicle_Type.[Reg No]
GROUP BY IncidentYear;

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Queries :: Update Date Using Value Of Another Field

Apr 14, 2014

I have the following fields

[safetycheckdue] is a date field
[safetycheckfreq] is a numeric field

i need an update query to update the field [safetycheckdue] with the value in [safetycheckfreq]

when i run the query, it just shows the existing value with adding the numbers of days to the safetycheckdue date.

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Queries :: How To Add One Year Onto Date Field

Jan 9, 2014

I want to add one year onto a date, I could do this in a query or just add it on on a textbox in the form?

Field Name is IncidentDate from table tbl_incidents

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Queries :: Date Interval In Same Field

May 24, 2014

I need to show the interval between dates. The dates are all held in the same field.


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Queries :: Counting Days Between Dates - Vacation Period And Work Days

Sep 11, 2014

I have a form called subfrm_vactions

rowsource is a query called qryVacations

the query should calculated two things

1 - the difference between start_vac and End_vac in days to calculate the vacation period and put the value in field called Period (working well)

2-the work days which the period between the last day in Previous record (End_Vac) and the (Start_Vac) in the next record (didn't work)

the result is the difference between (End_Vac) and (Start_Vac) in the same record which i don't want

simply i want to calculate the work days.

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Queries :: Number Of Days Between Two Dates With Irregular Days Worked

Apr 14, 2014

I have a form where a start date is inputted (Inputfrm , StartDate) and a form where the end date of the process is recorded (Inspectionfrm , EndDate) and these both record in the table InputTbl as StartDate and EndDate respectively.

I have created a union query which shows a list of all the dates where there is work recorded (WorkingDatesQry and the column of list of unique dates is "WorkingDate"), and as we run a highly varied schedule depending on time of the year and order numbers I cannot just use a query which says Monday-Friday or Tuesday - Saturday.What I am trying to do is to find the number of days between StartDate and EndDate where there is a date recorded in the WorkingDates query.

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Queries :: Missing Days - Creating Table With 31 Days Of Zero Values

Apr 3, 2013

Client has asked me to create a report showing summary of monthly sales by day. That was easy. I created a query for the month the user selected and then summarized and group the data by day. Client like the result but would like to see zeros on the report for non sales days. Non sales days are days like holidays and there are no sales.

I am thinking of creating an table with 31 days of zero values and then join the two tables in a query? Or, should I create a temporary table with code and then merge the two tables which the existing query which I can then use for the report?

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Deriving / Reformatting Date Field From Another Date Field In Same Table

Jun 19, 2014

I've inherited a database into which the user (not me) is entering essentially the same Date data twice: field 1 contains 6/19/2014 and for field 2 they enter June-14 (the month and year from field 1).

I suspect there should be a way to derive and then reformat the display of field 2 based on the contents of field 1, such that the user only has to enter the first. Is this true? If so, how?

(I know there really is no need for the 2nd field, but existing reports and queries are built around it -- so for right now, I'm just trying to eliminate the duplicate data entry)...

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Queries :: Pull Date Field From A Form

Jul 22, 2015

I have a query that is pulling a date from a Form. In my Query Criteria, I can put:

Code : >=[Forms]![frmAdhoc].[Date]
Code : <=[Forms]![frmAdhoc].[Date]
Code : =[Forms]![frmAdhoc].[Date]

And it works fine, but I don't want to hardcode the ">=", "<=" or "="

I would like the user to be able to choose ">=", "<=" or "=", from another field on the Form, so I am trying to code it on the query like this:


But it isn't working for the ">=" or the "<=". It just gives me a blank result.

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