Queries :: Adding Data From One Table To Another

May 11, 2013

I have two tables in access:



The data is a store of all viewers of a video.

Table 1 has all of my unique data within it. People within this table may have watched the video once or several times. People within Table 2 have watched the video several times.

I want to add a flag for "Multi" to Table 1. And, where a person is not a "Multi" create a flag that reads "Single".

I've spent countless hours (probably days) trying to achieve this and have failed miserably. Whatever approach I take I end up creating a new table that just contains the "multi" people.

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Queries :: Connecting Data - Adding Field From Another Table

Jun 15, 2015

I have a query all set up and now I have to add one field from another table in it. I am looking for a date which has the criteria Now() - Last Movement Date. Last Movement Date is the column I am taking from the other table which I just added which is the ZLX02 table. When I run the query, everything but the Last Movement Date shows up. What can I do to get the Last Movement Date to show? Check out the attached pics.

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Adding Data To A Table

Sep 18, 2006

I had a form with TO,DATE,BODY and a button .
on click of a button this fileds should get added to a table.
I have created a table with same fields.

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Adding Data Into A Table Via A Switchboard

Mar 11, 2006

I was wondering if it was possible to do this, currently if I need to add a new record, I have to add it all in the tables section, this works fine but would be easier if it could be done through the switchoard somehow.

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Adding Data To Table Each Month

Feb 22, 2008

I want to have a query that I run at the end of each Month to track a workers production and to store that data in a table for each worker by month. Can this be done?

Something like

Worker Jan Feb Mar
Mike 45 33 95
Sue 125 44 02

If this can be done could someone explain to me how to do this. I don't even know if a table can be used to keep stats over months and years.

Thanks for any help you can give

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Adding New Data To Existing Table

Mar 27, 2007

Please bear with me, first post, trying to get to grips with Access for work!

We (a primary school) had a "bespoke" database set up using MS Access by someone who has long left the area and now we need to make changes and I, as the most computer literate person on site, have been volunteered to make these changes.

My level is beginner (for now) and my first job is to add some new options to a "Titles" table, four columns, six records. Column1 = ID#, Column2 = Male Titles, Column3 = Female Titles, whilst Column4 seems to hold items from Columns 2 & 3.

If I add a futher option, I get the error "Can't perform cascading operation: Entry must be one of the Titles as featured in the drop-down box or in the Titles table.

Now, as far as I can tell, I HAVE added the new option to the Titles table, and they DO show in the drop down box in the main spreadsheet display, BUT the error comes back as soon as I try to confirm the new title.

Any ideas please?

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Adding Form Data To A Table.

Mar 2, 2006

This may be a very neebie question, but I have a form with drop downs for data choices. When an employee finishes with the selections, I would like all the data transferred to a table as a record. How would I go about doing this.

Any assistance is really appreciated!!

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Adding Combo Box Data To A Table

Jul 28, 2005

I have an existing FORM called Evaluations where you can select a trainer and a trainee from two different combo boxes. Once a name is selected from both of the combo boxes I click on an assign button and I want it to record those two names selected into my evaluations table in the Trainer_Name and Trainee_Name columns.

How do I do that??? Please help??


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Adding Data To Table From Form

Jul 10, 2006

I have a query based on two tables and I have created a form based on that query. Now I want to take input in the form and then add that data to one of the tables, that the query is based on. How can I do that?

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Forms :: Adding Data To Table

Nov 20, 2014

I have a form that I'll populate with some data, I need to then append this data to a table and clear the form for use next month, is this possible?

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Adding Data Back To Table?

Sep 30, 2012

my problem is that when i make a booking on my booking page it all saves, but when i go to the table where the bookings should all be kept, they all dissappear and only the recent booking i have made shows.

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Adding Same Data To Different Field Within Another Table

Apr 14, 2013

I have tblCategory and tblExercise. The data in tblExercise can sometimes match with more than one record in tbCategory. When inputting data into tblExercise how can I choose to have that stored under more than one field in tblCategory?


tblCategory: Arms
tblExercise: TRX Biceps Curls
so TRX Biceps Curls can also be under
tblCategory: TRX

Right now I have to input TRX Biceps Curls under Categories Arms and TRX. Very time consuming.

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Adding Data To Table From Form Text Box

Jun 3, 2006

Hey, im developing a taxi service database and i am working on adding new customers to the customers table through a form using text boxes. Im wondering if its possible to have text boxes as inputs and once all the data is entered (first name, last name etc) have a button to simply click and have all the data transferred to the table. Im also trying to do this without having all other records shown as well.

I've included a screen and the db to show you what i mean:

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Forms :: Adding Data From Form To Table Using VBA

May 27, 2013

I have a form (called Form2) with say 3 text boxes, called txt_Field1, txt_Field2 and txt_Field3.

In txt_Field1 the user specifies the number of records to be added to an existing table. The fields txt_Field2 and txt_Field3 are used to pre-populate the records with default values.

Furthermore, I have set up a table called Table1. It's headers are ID, Strategy, divRate. ID is Autonumber, Strategy is Text, and divRate is Number.

Suppose the user inputs the following on Form2:
txt_Field1 = 3
txt_Field2 = Covered
txt_Field3 = 0.04

How do I programmatically add 3 records (since txt_Field1 = 3) to Table1 such that the table will look like:

ID, Strategy, divRate
1, Covered, 0.04
2, Covered, 0.04
3, Covered, 0.04

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Queries :: Adding New Field To Resulting Table

Jul 2, 2013

I am looking to create a query that adds a new field to the resulting table. The field should be 'Yes/No' and for every entry the default should be 'Yes'. The query looks something like this:


Select .*, [here the new field]
From MyTable1
Select .*, [here the new field]
Form MyTable2

The Union statement isn't really relevant, just for completion's sake.

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Data In Listbox From Access Table

Jun 5, 2014

The following code gives me runtime error message "couldn't set the list property , Type mismatch".

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Dim j As Long
j = 0

[Code] ....

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Tables :: Adding Field To Table And Updating Data?

Dec 1, 2013

I have a table in my DB called, devices. This contains all the information about various devices we have deployed in the field.

These devices are also contained in 2 other separate MySQL DB's.

What I need to do is add 2 additional field to my access table for the DeviceRecno and DeviceID of the same device from the MySQL DB's.

Adding the field is easy, but I cant think of a way to enter the recno and ID from the other DB's without typing them in manually for each one.

The common between them all is the serial number of the device, and I can get a list of serial numbers, recno's and ID in an excel sheet.

like a vlookup in excel to easily populate all the existing records with the recno and id's from the other db's?

When I created the access system there was no intention to link it to the other DB's for any reason, but that has now changed due to a lot of reasons.

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Tables :: Linked Table - Adding Entries To Each Row Of Data

Jul 2, 2014

I have a table that is linked to a survey and pulls data from the limesurvey backend.

The user would like to add a local field, so they can add entries to each row of data.

Is that possible ?

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Queries :: Adding New Column In A Table And Populating Values

Mar 2, 2014

I have a table having fields start date and end date. I need to calculate difference in the dates and store the values in a new column in the same table. I am able to write the query for this but am clueless as to how to put in these values in a new column in the table.

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Queries :: Adding Fields In A Table That Are Related To Other Tables

May 13, 2013

I am a beginner in access and I want to populate a new field (REPUN_1 which corresponds to SEGMT_ID in the other table) in my table and this field is coming from another table. The values of the fields need to correspond to the row of my actual table (JMTable) having the same CO_ID, MOVEPLANCD and TTY_NO as the table I want to extract the values from (DI_Treaty_Crosswalk).

Here is my query:

UPDATE JMTable SET [REPUN_1] = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.SEGMT_ID WHERE JMTable.TTY_NO = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.TTY_NO AND JMTable.CO_ID = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.CO_ID AND JMTable.MOVEPLANCD = DI_Treaty_Crosswalk.MOVE_PLAN_CD

and it doesn't work since access ask me to enter a parameter value.

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Queries :: Lookup Records From Table - Adding A Value To A Query

Feb 12, 2014

I have a query which looks up records from a table, now what I would like to do is append the word All Projects to this query - is it possible, and if so how?

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Adding A Unique Identifier Field To A Table With Lots Of Data

Jan 9, 2007


I wonder if someone can help with what must be an easy solution to this problem.

I have a table with 350,000 records, but without a unique identifier field. I just want a simple incrementing number field to become the primary key but dont know how to add this in. I cannot add an autonumber as there are two many records - it falls over.

Ive tried exporting it all to excel, but as well as being cumbersome, something went wrong and so I'm back to square one.

I think there must be a way to add an incrementing number either via a query or in VBA but I dont know how. Please can somebody provide a solution.


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Forms :: Adding Table New Entries With Form Retrieving Data

Nov 15, 2014

I have quite an extensive form linked to a table. When I add new columns to the table I seem to have a problem getting the form to read the data.I have just added a numerical column to the table and added a text box on the form that is bound to it. When I try to pull up the value using VBA it is blank, even though an entry is visible on the form. I have set the text box to general number and the entry shows in the actual table. When typing in the entry into VBA it capitalises where required so it must be registering the table entry. However the value it pulls remains blank.

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Forms :: Adding A Combo Box To A Form With Data Sourced From A Table

Nov 6, 2014

I am adding a combo box to a form with data sourced from a table. Everything seems ok but when I select an option from the combo list and move to the next record the selection is repeated there also. How do I get to select a different option in the next record?

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Adding Data From Table 1 To Table 2?

Jun 22, 2012

I have two tables they both share column 'Mile Markers'. Table 1 lists all mile marker from 0-60 in 0.1 mile increments, in order. It also has a column for x and y coordinates. Table two only lists 435 random mile markers. Is there a way to add the correct coordinates to the 435 mile markers in table 2 from table 1?

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Queries :: Adding New Records To Table - Random Number No Duplicates

Jul 31, 2013

I have a form which allows the user to add new records to a table. After the user had entered all the information into the form, they click a command button to add the record. In addition to adding the new record, my command button runs an query which is supposed to generate a random number between 1 & 1,000,000,000 and update the record ID field with that number.

Here is the formula I have been using in the "update To" now of my query: Int((1000000000-1+1)*Rnd()+1)

My problem is that I keep getting duplicates. You would think that the chances of getting a duplicate number would be pretty small with this large of a range, but I get a duplicate almost every time.

I have tried indexing (No duplicates) the field in the table, but that did not work. When my query generated a duplicate number, the record was just not added to the table.

I also tried a two step approach:
1-Make a table of all in use record ID numbers from my table (tblIdNo)
2-Update new record with a random number that is not in tblIdNo

This was a no-go too

How to build an update query that will update each new record added to the table with a random number between 1 & 1,000,000,000 without any duplicates? This seems like it should be so simple, and I am starting to get really frustrated.

I would prefer to accomplish this through a query/queries (if possible) rather than with 100 lines of code. This database is not for me, it's for another group, and the individuals in this group are totally freaked out by code.

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