Queries :: Allow Edits To Check Box On Subform In Dataset View

Jun 25, 2015

I have a simple form that has a subform with its datasource being a query that is a multi-table select (complex joins)... the subform is set to allow dataentry, edits, etc. I have a checkbox that displays a value from the query (0, -1). Is there a way I can enable this checkbox to write back to one of the tables? Temp table to hold the contents of the query?

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Tables :: Check Box Edits

Dec 26, 2013

I have a check box field in table, i want this field to be work as if once checked cannot be unchecked again... no worries if done through queries, vba etc

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Forms :: Edit Button To Enable Edits On Form And Subform

Sep 22, 2013

I have a form "Handover" on this form I have a button that enables edit functionality once clicked, I now have a subform on this form named "Bdown".

The Bdown subform allows edits without having to click the "btn_Edit" on the main form "Handover".

Is is possible to make the edit button on "Handover" control the edit function on "Bdown" also?

Currently "Handover" contains:

Private Sub btn_Edit_Click()
Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.btn_Edit.Caption = "Editing"
End Sub

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Dataset - Cumulative Sum For A Month

Nov 27, 2013

I have a dataset like this

6.SSXXB15028815/02/88Start 1.25101000

I used to to apply this logic in XL to do my job A-F = XL Columns & 1-9 XL Rows

ifA2=A1, E2+E1, E2

This is to have a cumulative figure for a month. Just bcoz the data is growing in large numbers, we were advised to use access for which I don't know how to perform this calculation.

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Queries :: Dataset - Group By Query Without Summing

Jan 15, 2015

I have a a dataset that has recorded encounters with a number of Banded (identified) animals. It is currently setup so that each encounter is its own row; with all the information, including "Band_Num" repeated, but "Encounter_Date" being unique. I wanted to query the table and get it to display the results as "Band_Num" on a row, followed by x columns for with each unique "Encounter_Date" represented. I thought a "Group By" function would work, but that requires a sum, which is not useful.

Complicating this is the fact that not every individual is seen a set number of times, so Animal 1 might be seen 3 different dates, but Animal 2 only on 1 date.

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Queries :: How To Handle Empty Dataset As Form Recordsource

May 7, 2013

In Access 2010, I'm writing VBA code that assigns an ADO dataset as the recordsource for a form. The query itself varies and is constructed from a search term typed in a textbox by the user. The code below works perfectly until the dataset is empty, when no records satisfied the WHERE criteria. In that case, there is a very long pause (presumably a timeout?) and I eventually get the error message "ODBC call failed." I tried to get around this by testing the number of records in the dataset (see toward the end) before assigning it, but it makes no difference in the behavior, so I'm thinking the actual assignment isn't the issue ... something else is.

If it matters, the "FROM qry_beneficial_owners" in this case is predefined query local to my Access db. That query is based on a linked view from a SQL server.

Public Sub RunSearch(SearchTerm As String)
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql As String
Dim cols As String
cols = "[acct], [acctname], [planid]"

[Code] ....

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How Do I Show The Subform As Form View Instead Of Datasheet View :confused:

Jul 19, 2007

See title :)

I have seen that in some sample db's rightclicking the mouse showed the menu with an option to check or uncheck the dataview option, unchecked the formview was applied, but when i 'just' import the subform, i cannot find somewhere the possibility to change from dataview to formview.

Maybe someone can help me with this, probably very simple(?), question?

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Queries :: Run Query Multiple Times (different Data Parameter) To Generate Single Dataset

Mar 30, 2015

I have a reasonably complex query (3 subqueries into 1 main query) which gathers data from various tables into a single dataset based on a specified date.

I now need to generate a similar dataset but across a range of dates (a month) for reporting purposes. However, I can't just adapt the query and change the parameter from a "=#<Date>#" format to a "Between #<Date1># And #<Date2>#" format

The reason being, each date has to be treated individually and has to be queried as a standalone. It's to do with the type of data I have (one-to-many relationships between tables)

So what I really need to do is run the same query multiple times, for each date in scope, then stitch all of those datasets together into one 'giant' one.

How to do that in SQL (effectively, have one query produce the dates in scope, then join that onto the other query, passing each date as the parameter - I don't even think that's possible to be honest)

The other option I can think of is to use VBA to loop through the dates in scope, then use a QueryDef object to set the parameter and read the records for each date into a Recordset object. But then I have the problem of stitching all the Recordsets together, without looping through all the fields and rows each time.

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Modules & VBA :: Datasheet View - Check Box In A List Box

Jul 9, 2014

I dont know if this is possible but I want to change a yes/no field from a list box.

I can load data in fine I can even loop through it to see what value each item is but, is it possible to allow a user to change a value from a list box?

If not do I have to use the Datasheet view?

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Modules & VBA :: Check For Duplicates When Importing Multiple Records Into Datasheet View Form

Aug 15, 2014

I am using the following code to check for duplicate tickets when importing multiple records into a datasheet view form by using the paste append function.

Private Sub Ticket_Number_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If DLookup("Ticket_Number", "Record_Store", "Ticket_Number= '" & Me.Ticket_Number.Value & "'") > 0 Then
Cancel = True
MsgBox "There were import errors, please open View Import Errors above."
End If
End Sub

The form is used to insert multiple records into the database at a single time.

That codes works to check for duplicates. And if there are none there are no popup messages.

If there are duplicates though it gives a popup for every single Ticket_Number that is a duplicate.

I am wondering if there is a way for it to give only a single popup once it completes checking all the records to be imported for duplicates.

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Datasheet View In Subform

Jul 17, 2006

Hi. I am trying to create subform in datasheet view with one column (total 3)as drop down list. Is this doable? Thanks.

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Subform Datasheet View

Jan 5, 2006

I have a subform that is in databsheet view. When the user logs in to the db it sets the global variable with the group level they have.

I would like a column to be hidden for a certain group of users and have tried the following.

On the subform opening event i have

if vlevel = "engineer" then

me.Hours.columnhidden = True


me.Hours.columnhidden = False

End If

And i have done the same on the Main Form open event identifying the subform by Form!Subform![Hours].columnhidden = True

But neither worked.

Can any suggest something.

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Datasheet View In A Subform

Jul 25, 2006

Can anyone tell me how to manipulate a single cell in a datasheet view, or if it is even possible?

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Subform Design/form View ??

Sep 13, 2005

I created a subform on one of my forms and in design view it looks all nice with a nice background and stuff. But in the form view it looks just like a regular datagrid. I'd like it to look like it does in design view. Any idea how?


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Subform Open In Form View??

May 16, 2006

Is it possible to automatically open a subform in form view as opposed to datasheet view?

If so would someone very kindly advise me on which code to use and where to implement it?

Many thanks folks.


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Before Update For Subform In Datasheet View

Jul 19, 2006

I have a small issue with the before update event, it is triggered for every record of my subform in datasheet view rather than just once when the user leaves the subform.

I have a module which is called from my form and all the subforms. It tells the user that changes have been made to the record and gives them the option to undo. This is to prevent accidental editing when viewing records. This works fine, but sometimes the user must enter a number of records in a subform and so they must answer the message box every time.

Is there any relatively straightforward way to accomplish the warning and undo when the user leaves the subform rather than the individual record in it?

A quick attempt at lost focus and before exit demonstrated that these were not the way to go.

For reference, here is the before update code and the module

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Form_Before Update(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Call Confirm_Change

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_Here

End Sub

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Sub Confirm_Change()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Dim Msg, Style, Title, Response


'Define message box
Msg = "You have made changes to this record. " & Chr(13) _
& Chr(13) & "Click 'Yes' to save changes " & Chr(13) _
& Chr(13) & "Click 'No' to undo changes "
Style = vbYesNo + vbExclamation + vbDefaultButton1
Title = "Record changed - Confirm save" '

'Check which button pressed
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If Response = vbYes Then
MsgBox "Record has been updated with your changes", vbOKOnly, "Record saved"
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_Here

End Sub

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Forms :: Subform With Datasheet View

Oct 31, 2014

I have recently added a subform to a form and wish to display the subform in Datasheet view. Whilst I can get the proper data and headings to display, I cannot figure out how to get the column widths to persist. I can adjust the column widths while in (main) form view right on the subfirm columns themselves but after I save and reload the main & subform form, the widths revert to some sort of default value.

I have also tried adjusting the columns in the subform's associated data table itself as well as adjusting the text box widths when the subform is displayed in Form view but it does not affect the column widths when the subform displays Datasheet view.

What is more annoying is that I have another subform in which I was able to make the Datasheet view column widths persist but I don't seem to be able to properly recall how I did it.

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Check For Values From Subform

Aug 17, 2005


I want to check a listbox value (the listbox is in the parent form) after updating a subform field to see if the listbox value is greater than 8.5 after updating. If it is, I want an error message to pop up and I want the field that the user is on cleared.

I think I might be referencing the control from the subform incorrectly:


Any help would be much appreciated.

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Check Fields In Subform

Feb 25, 2005

I'm new to this forum and already I've got a question.

I'm made a form and a subform. I placed a field called 'status' in the form and in the subform I placed a field called status_subform.

If I've changes all the status_subform into a certain value I would like the status in the form to be updated.
I tried a lot of things with recordsets. I can find the number of recordsets, but I can't scroll through the recordsets, can anybody help me?

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Check Boxes On A Subform

Aug 19, 2005

Good Day Everyone :)

I appologize that this may be a very remedial question, and that many previous threads pertained to the general topic of check boxes, but as I am new to the world of access, I did not find any threads which i could apply to my following question.
I would greatly appreciate any help and guidance :)

What I am trying to accomplish is to set up a subform in which each record is linked to a check box. The check box would be used to select unique records for an upcomming search.
My problem: the check box which i have added to the subform (from the toolbox) is linked to all of the records. That is to say that when I check one box it checks all of the all boxes as well. :eek:

Is there any SQL language which i should be applying here?

Suggestions are much appreciated :)

Thanks a million in advance,

~ N' Take care ~ :)

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Forms :: Check Box In Subform

Jul 31, 2014

I'm trying to create a form to link data. I'll give you an example..I have 25 football teams and 100 players. I want to link 4 to 7 players to each football team. Those players can be repeated in different teams.

I wish to do it with a form where I choose the team first (combobox) and then I select the players in the subform. The point here is that I want to choose the players via a checkbox and I want to see all players in that subform too.

- [Checkbox] [name player 1]
- [Checkbox] [name player 2]
- [Checkbox] [name player 3]
- [Checkbox] [name player 100]

Is it possible to do without programing Access with VB?Do I need to create an intermediate table with the checkbox and then create the subform?

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Update Of Subform In Datasheet View On Mainform?

Oct 8, 2006


I have a query (SelectedData_Query) , on which a form (SelectedDataQuery_SubForm) in datasheetview is based, which is placed on a form (NAWInvoerForm) where customer adress data is put in. When someone clicks new case button on the NAWInvoer_Form, another form (CaseDateTimeInfo_Form) is opened, data is entered, but when the "CaseDateTimeInfo_Form" form is closed, the data in the subform in datasheetview on the NAWInvoerForm is not yet refreshed. So I tried the following:

Private Sub Form_Close()
' RefreshNAWInvoerForm
On Error GoTo RefreshNAWInvoerForm_Err

DoCmd.OpenForm "KlantNAW_InvoerForm", acNormal, "", "", , acNormal
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRefresh

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume RefreshNAWInvoerForm_Exit

End Sub

Which works just fine. After the form is closed, the name, adress and cases overview form is reopened and refreshed, thus the case that has just been created is shown nicely in the subform which is based on a query.

But it is starting to become bothersome, sometimes when I close the form in which I create a new case, I don't want to have the other form (NAWInvoerForm) reopening again.

So how can i make it so that when I close the form only the data in the "NAWInvoer_Form" is refreshed, without having to reopen the form again. I mean, in the background, the form is still open anyway. It just shouldn't keep popping up everytime.

It can't be hard, but I can't see it. I'm new at this. I have found some similar topics on this forum, but none which helps me out enough.

It should be something like:

On "thisandthatevent" do a "thisandthatcommand" on "thisandthatsubform" in "thisandthatform"

If I know how the syntax of that is done, it would help me out with some other problems I see coming in the near future. I've looked at, and tried some things based on this link: http://www.mvps.org/access/forms/frm0031.htm
But without success.

Can anyone help?

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Using Subform In Datasheet View To Open Other Form

Oct 21, 2006

Well, I couldn't find this using the search, so here it goes:I have a form in which I enter data to create a new client. Within that form I have a subform in datasheetview which is based on a query which holds/retrieves certain (important) fields from a table that holds case info. So in that one view the client data is displayed on the form and all cases and the most important data from those cases is displayed nicely in one screen.Now, when a client calls I navigate to that client and see all previous and all current cases that are open and/or closed for this customer. So the customer says case this and that number is the case I need to discuss with you. Now, what I would like is to be able to click or double click anywhere on the line that, for instance, says case nr 55, so that the form(s) belonging to case nr 55 pop up and all info concerning that case is displayed and can be edited as needed. My problem is: I'm still a newbie and if it was a simple thing like using the on_click event to open the form that's needed, I would not have to post this question. But that can't be done (as far as I know) since the subform is based on a query which is displayed in dataview.Am I overlooking a very simple solution to this problem or is it really going to be as difficult as I think it's going to be?For clarification of the idea I have included a screenshot of the form in question. I assume there are tons of databases out there which use such a layout or idea as this one. Please, never mind the buttons etc. It is still a work in progress. ;)

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Forms :: Change Subform Default View

Apr 25, 2014

I have a mainform with a listbox and a subform sitting in the mainform. The default view of mainform is single. The listbox displays a list of people. When the user clicks on a row of the listbox the subform shows detailed data about that person. The layout of the subform covers almost half of the area of the mainform. It works except that the subform automatically takes table view as if there were many records to display although it displays only the selected record. This automatic manipulation of the default view does not look good at all.

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Tables :: View Table Data On Subform?

Jan 1, 2013

i have a table that holds "course codes" with the corresponding Module title and module codes, and assessment titles and codes that are used in each of the courses, so I have a few records that will go against one course code. I have forms set up with subforms, with the same general details on the top of each as the main details, and each of the subforms giving different information. But, for four of my subforms, I need to pull information from this table with the module title, module codes, assessment title and codes. possible to have these certain columns appear across four subforms, and what is the best way to go about it, I was thinking of using lookups?

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Multiselect Listbox On A Subform With Datasheet View

May 22, 2014

Is it possible to have a multiselect listbox on a subform with a datasheet view or do I need a combobox in this situation?

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