Queries :: Append Query Error
Apr 27, 2014
I am having problems adding details from StudentForm to student table. When I click on the add student button it throws back an error Microsoft Access cant append all the records in the append query.I have attached the error as a pdf and the database for info.
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Aug 18, 2006
I am wanting to run a query in my FE which takes data from a Linked DB and copies this to my BE for general user access. The query itself contains three tables with the final table being a Left Outer Join.
If I run this query to append to a table in my FE it runs fine. If I run it to append to the exact same table copied to the BE I get the error "Record is Deleted". If I then open the table there is nothing showing in it. If I then run a delete query on the table it find records to delete.
After some investigation I have discovered this happens whenever there is null data on the Left Outer Join table.
Does anyone know why this works fine appending to the FE but not the BE and more importantly how to resolve or work round this problem.
Many Thanks
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Feb 1, 2008
I have created an append query to begin the transfer of terminated employees to a separate table then delete them from the Active file using a Macro. I get an error running the append query and I have attached the error to this thread. I answer all the halts in the affirmative and the process does happen the way I want it to. The terminated employees get added to the Terminated table and they delete from the Active table. I don't understand what the error is telling me and why its doing the job anyway. Thanks for looking.
INSERT INTO tblEmployeesTerminated ( EmpID, LastName, FirstName, Status, [Position], EmpDate, TermDate, LastChgDate )
SELECT tblEmployeeRecord.EmpID, tblEmployeeRecord.LastName, tblEmployeeRecord.FirstName, tblEmployeeRecord.Status, tblEmployeeRecord.Position, tblEmployeeRecord.EmpDate, tblEmployeeRecord.TermDate, tblEmployeeRecord.LastChgDate
FROM tblEmployeeRecord
WHERE (((tblEmployeeRecord.Status)="Terminated") AND ((tblEmployeeRecord.TermDate) Is Not Null));
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Sep 28, 2005
I keep getting a syntax error (missing operator) with this bit of code when executing SQL in VBA.
"WHERE [tbl_Student_Roster].[Student Name]= " & [Forms]![form_Student_Roster]![Student_Name] & ";"
It is part of a larger piece, but the rest works (or does not give me an error).
Any ideas?
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Jun 5, 2007
I have an MS Access 2003 front-end (queries, forms, reports) connected to a SQL server back-end database (SQL Server 2000).
When I try to run an append query against any of my SQL tables with a unique identifier, I get the error...
"Explicit value must be specified for Identity Column it table 'table1' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to ON (#545)"
I am trying to create a duplicate record process for my users, by appending data using append queries to the same table. I used the MS Access built in wizard to duplicate the main record on the form, but was going to have to use append query code to duplicate the sub-form records.
Is there anyway around this error, or am I stuck as far as writing code to run this append query on the fly?
Thank you!
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Aug 23, 2007
Hey guys (again :o)
I've encountered another weird error when applying an append query through a button. Here's the code:
Private Sub cmdSaveChanges_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdSaveChanges_Click
'Saves the new Inspector information into the information table.
'Adds the two references created by adding a new inspector into the XREF_FILE_INSPECTOR table.
'This is the case that the references are formed by adding a completely new inspector.
If (IsNull(cmbInspector) Or Me.cmbInspector = "") Then
'Saves Inspector information
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
'Adds references
& "(" & [Forms]![GeneralFile].[txtGeneralFileNumber] & "," & [Forms]![AddInspector].[txtInspectorNumber] & ");"
'This is the case where the user chooses an inspector from the provided combo box.
& "(" & [Forms]![GeneralFile].[txtGeneralFileNumber] & "," & cmbInspector.Column(0) & " );"
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdSaveChanges_Click
End Sub
The problem is, when I run this I get a "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement". This seems to only be the case for the first part of the IF statement, as the second part's append query works fine.
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Jul 20, 2015
Syntax error in this append query. What is it?
Dim DataToAdd As String
DataToAdd = "INSERT INTO Address " & _
"customerId, addressNr, addressType, firstname, lastname, companyName, postalcode, country, workphone, email, notes, streetaddress, city, contactTypeId " & _
I am trying to append data from the query into the table where the value on function field in the query is equal to the word ADD
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Mar 4, 2015
In some cases I create pass-through queries and use these in an Append or Make-table query to bring data locally.
All is well and fine until source data changes and the pass-through query runs too long and times out.
If needed, I can extend the timeout value in the Parameters of the pass-through query no problem, but when I try to open the Append or Make-table query in Design view to do the same, the pass-through query is first triggered and then throws the timeout, and I cannot access the Design view of the Append or Make-table
Is there a way to open an Append or Make-table query in Design view without invoking the source query?
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Feb 14, 2014
I am having fun with key violations and cant seem to find out why?
I basically am deleting a Job but when i delete it i want to archive it hence the 'Archive' query and the History Tables.
It seems to be pasting everything in fine apart from the 'EmpJobHistory' Table?
I am getting the usual message "Key violations"?
I think i need the intermediate 'EmpJobHistory' Table because there will be Employees that are related to many Jobs and vice versa.
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Feb 26, 2014
I am trying to copy notes from one table to another table where a condition has to be met and I can't figure out how to do that in an APPEND query.
Each record has a unique number that comes into my Initial Table in my Access database from a construction program I download. In this particular table both the [DNJTNo] and [DNVersionNmbr] fields can have duplicate numbers. However, when I run the query I want it to add a record to the second table only after the query checks that the [DNJTNo] in combination with the [DNVersionNmbr], is not already in the table. If it is, I do NOT want it appended to the second table. (I have attached a picture of the query in APPEND design stage).
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Aug 15, 2013
How can I modify the below code so that it only adds new records to AttributesTBL from ProductInformation-Consumer?
INSERT INTO AttributesTBL ( Material )
SELECT [ProductInformation-Consumer].Material
FROM AttributesTBL INNER JOIN [ProductInformation-Consumer] ON AttributesTBL.Material = [ProductInformation-Consumer].Material;
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Jun 10, 2014
I have a table with 3 fields:
numberFROM, numberTO, Quantity
10, 15, 6
I would execute an append query that will store in another table:
How could I mange it?
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Jul 30, 2013
I would like to use an append query that appends data from a union query into a table, but doesn't add duplicates based on a certain field.
I have been trying to use this code, but it doesnt seem to work.
INSERT INTO [Cotton13/14]
SELECT DISTINCT [Contracted Farmers].*
FROM [Contracted Farmers]
WHERE NOT (SELECT * FROM [Cotton13/14] FROM [Cotton13/14] AS [Cotton13/14] WHERE [Cotton13/14].[OF Codec] = [Contracted Farmers].[OF Codec])
Cotton13/14 is the table I want to append to and Contracted Farmers is the union query. However the code is giving me an error.
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Jul 7, 2014
I am looking to make an invoicing database.
I create 30 invoices a month. each client gets billed the same amount each month (for example Customer A gets billed $100 every month, Customer B gets charged $200 each month). Only two things get changed on the invoice-'Description' (for example the description would be 'services rendered for July 2014' for July invoice) and 'Invoice Date'.
Now please see the image attached, I have an append query that combines information and creates invoices for all 30 clients.
The problem is, the 'Invoice No' field in the invoice table stays empty, because I do not know how to start numbering at a specific point (for example invoice numbering should start at 14150001) and I want it to add the number (+1) automatically when this append query adds data to the invoice table.
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Dec 17, 2013
I receive the data from engineering team lets name it as MAster database( in DB2 database - Read only ) and then i want to assign the data to each member and staus will be updated by them.So my Idea is upload the data from Engineering team (MAster database) to my (Local database), i think of using Append query if there is any changes in engineeiring data after i append the data then i can use the Update query to modify the data.
But once i assign the job to every member from my Localdatabase, i want it to stored in a data base with their name because it is a huge volume data and it will go for years.The bottleneck is If i use the Append query here, the changes from Masterdatabase to Locadatabase will not reflect in Team members database? is any solution for this or i have to use the Update query in Localdatabase and also in Team memers database?
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Nov 6, 2014
I am trying to create a query to append new records from my NEW database into my old excel database.....
The old DB has 4-5 extra tabs that the NEW database does not have so when I append, in those extra columns the new database will just have blank records since the column doesn't exist.
Usually I do a append query in design view. but sometimes it gets funny because it creates duplicates...
How would I go about it, so its quicker and persistent like creating a macro excel.
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Feb 13, 2014
I have a table with rooms each room have a number of gust. I want to append each room many times equal to the number of gusts.
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Jul 19, 2013
I am creating a database for users that no nothing about access nor do they want to learn. So the database needs to be as simple as possible.
This being the case I would like to avoid users from creating/editing querys.
I would like to have a form that would run the append query. The query would have a date column and a status column that the query would filter.
The query would have a criteria for status that would equal to "BACKED OUT" and the date would need to link to the two text fields on the form. My problem is writing the VBA code to make the query append in the background.
For sake of argument:
Query = qryappend
Form = frmappend
Table = tblappend
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Nov 14, 2013
I want an append query to create a new record in a table and populate that record with fields from a form. Some of these fields are free text, others are from combo boxes.The append query adds vastly too many records (albeit all populated with precisely the same information) - and the number it adds seems to depend on which combo box options I choose.
I have a similar append query which pulls information from earlier records in the table, and combines that with free text and combo boxes on a near-identical form, which works fine and always just adds one row.
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Mar 24, 2015
I am trying to create a table from a form. The form has several fields but I need to take the value from 4 separate combo boxes ([cr] +[br] +[tr] and add them, then add the value from one more combo box [inc] to be my beginning value in a table.
I then need to add the last value [inc] to the total and that become the next line in the table. I would the like to add this value [inc] an infinite number of times until it reaches a max number.
The scenario would be something like this
cr=3 br=2 tr=3 inc=1.5
So the first total would be 9.5. Then every row after that would be plus 1.5
and so on.
This would be a temp table that I would run a query on to let an operator know lengths they can choose from in a combo box. I don't know if this is even possible.
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Sep 11, 2013
I'm attempting to create an append query that will add new records only if there isn't an equivalent record already existing. Typically I would add the existing table to the query, and only add new records if the same do not exist. In this case, the table is maintaining records over time (start date and end date).
I have 4 tables:
I'm checking if [t_temp_employees].[effective_date] <> [t_city_assignment].[start_date]. However, if the employee has historical entries it will still add a record (in fact, it'll add multiple records).
How can I append a new record only if one for the same time period does not exist?
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Jan 8, 2015
I have a crosstab query which i would like to append to my table..can't change it to a append query...it changes the structure.
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Aug 6, 2013
In access Im working with two tables, this is my setup
Both tables are filled with data, Table B contains the same kind of data as table A, But tableA has documentnumbers with different revisions (for example revision a,b,c, for each revision a seperate row). Table B might have an identical document, but just one revision (like revision a).
Now I like to append the data of tableA to tableB, except if a revision is similiar to a revision in table A. (There is more metadata involved, but I will do it step by step)
Im not working with primarykey data, becayse in the end result table B will also have multiple (identical)document numbers with different revisions on different rows.
I tried to use the update query but it doenst append the documentnumbers where the revision is not present in table B I attached a image of the tables.
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Dec 3, 2014
I am using an append query to move data into another database. One of the fields being imported is a date field in text form (20141201). I need it appear in the final database in text form (01/12/14) I have tried using several date conversions and cant get this work. Ideally i need the final value as a text rather than date.
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Nov 7, 2013
is possible to run an Append Query and update a field at the sametime?
i.e. I would like the MealDate field to be incremented by 1, just not sure how to write the code within the query!!!
This is what I have so far!!! not working
MealDate: ([MealDate](Date()+1))
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Jul 31, 2013
I'm trying to create an Append Query in Microsoft Access to add some data from one table into another table. I checked all of the properties and fields to make sure there are no validations. I have allowed zero length, and have tested the validation rules under the tools section of the design tab on both of the tables. When I run the Append Query, I still get an error that says 0 records added due to validation rule violations.
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