Queries :: Available Prices At Certain Date For All Products

Dec 6, 2013

As you know, the prices are, unfortunately, dynamic "objects".

So, I have a table for products:
ID_Product - Autonumber (PK)

and a table for prices
ID_ProductPrice - Autonumber (PK)
ID_Product - Number (FK on tblProducts
Price - Double
PriceDate - Date/Time

The problem: I have a certain date. I need to know the available prices at that date for all products.

I have a solution; but, for each product, I apply an external function that use two aggregate functions: DMax and Dlookup.

For my small tables, this isn't a problem but I like to know if it is a better way.

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Adding Prices To "products" In A Database

Nov 7, 2005

Dear List,

I have made a database of locations. Each location has a subform which lists the "products" at this location. There are only about 5 sorts of product, and these are in a look-up table.

I would like to add the price of these products, so that when I open a different form/report, I can see how much money is spent at each location, etc etc. When I add a new product to the list at the location, the price automatically is logged somewhere on the database. I would also like to add another product, which is delivery. The price shouldn't be visible on the subform of the location form.

The thing that bothers me, is that the database is already filled with data. How can I add these details so that existing products have prices attached to them without exporting and reimporting all the data? There are other linked tables which would suffer.

I've tried to look at the sample databases on Access but I am, sadly, none the wiser.

Many thanks,

Mrs Miggins

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Date Range For Prices - How To Handle?

Oct 14, 2004

Here is my problem:

I have a database which we use to track customer orders of products that we provide to agents to sell to their customers. We have to keep track of the end-customer for redemptions/cancellations, and pay commissions to agents based on sales.

So, I have a Customer Table, Product Table, Order Table, and Agent Table. These are all tied together via the Order Table (Each Customer buys a Product from an Agent and this is known as an "Order").

We occasionally change the commission levels to the agents and the cost of the Products. However, these are mostly fixed costs and they apply across the board to all products of a type sold by that Agent. We institute changes as of a particular time period (all products sold after October 1st will cost $, etc.)

My concern is that if I change a price or commission now, it effects the commission and income reports for all time periods prior to that when the price change wasn't in effect. So if the price change takes place in October, I don't want that change to cascade to August orders.

I'm thinking that I need a price table with a date range in it and the ability to associate that with commissions and prices. I'm thinking I may have to further distinguish between prices and commissions, but I'm not sure. I'm sure that this issue has been addressed before (hopefully by someone on this forum :) ) and am looking for advice on setting this up.

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Date Query For When Products Are Available

Apr 19, 2006

I am trying to automate a process where we have 1000's units available on a date eg 01/01/06 - 05/01/06 this is produced in a reprot via a prehistoric system we use.
The report shows the start date and the duration the unit is in use. per each order
I then use excel to populate when the unit is in use. With all of 2006 date's along the top and use an if statement to populate when the unit is in use. Then i sum all like for like units together.
Is there an easy way of doing this in access?

where i am failing is populating when an individual unit is available with out using excel. excell is on the vege of falling over now due to the volume so am desperate for alternatives

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Queries :: Calculate Prices For Reservations Using Query

Dec 31, 2014

I have two excel tables that I linked in access. From excel tables I created query that gives me all data I need.

First table has data of periods and prices of apartment per period. For example:

PropertyID 1111
PropertyName Apartment Zagreb Mila
StaringDateOfPeriod 1.1.2015
EndingDateOfPeriod 1.7.2015
PriceForPeriod 100
PropertyID 1111
PropertyName Apartment Zagreb Mila
StaringDateOfPeriod 1.7.2015
EndingDateOfPeriod 31.12.2015
PriceForPeriod 120

Now as you can see I have apartments with prices that change per periods.

Second excel table gives me information of total paid service that customers need to pay , number of days that he will stay and CheckIn and CheckOut dates of those guest.

In calclutated fields in query I created calculations like TotalyPiad(from 2. table) - OwnerPrice*TotalyNumberofDays . I guest good result IF i have reservations that matches or is it BETWEEN StartDate and EndDate of periods.

BUT If I have reservation that is overlapping , where CheckOut of guest is 1 or more days > that EndDate of selected period I have problem with calculation because my calculation is based on WRONG price in that period.

For now what I manage to do is to create separate field in query where I calculated number of days that are out of range

CHECK_IN - StartingDate of period
CHECK_OUT -EndingDate of period
Check-in date - starting date of reservation of guest
Check-out date - ending date of guests reservation
nabavna cijena - owner price

PreklapanjePerioda: IIf([Check-out date]>[CHECK_OUT];[Check-out date]-[CHECK_OUT];Null)*[nabavna cijena]

But still when I calculate those number of days I multiple those number of days with old period.

So How can I MULTIPLE THOSE NUMBER OF DAYS WITH PERIOD +1 , I meen next period not this old one just for those days that are out of range? [CHECK_OUT] +1 doesn't work it just add extra day in my CHECK_OUT filed

My final idea is :
Separately calculate in one field number of days that are out site of range
Calculate number of days of reservation of guest that are in range
= make sum of those two fields

From that I will create report which I will send to our owners of properties (number of reservations, reservations details, price that they need to pay to us ...)

I also thought this could be possible to make using VBA but I am still not skilled anough in it. Also I was thinking of creating calendar where I would that add those two queries but how to create simple calendar in Access. Is there some template for simple calendar in Access?

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Queries :: Find Data Only For 3 Products

Apr 16, 2015

I have been trying to get this to work for days and I cant get it to work correctly. I have a query that I need to search only for the records that have 12,22 and 24 so in the fields criteria I have been trying

Total: Where
Criteria: In (12,22,24)

and it works BUT it only works for the first record it finds then it seems to skip and continue to search for all records after that.

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Queries :: Finding Only The Clients That Has Only 4 Types Of Products?

Sep 14, 2014

find only some clients that has only 4 types of products, but no other type of products.

Just to put it in a much easier way to understand. If I have to find only the client that did buy only 1 or more from the 4 products. Fridge, tv, dvd player, mobile phone. But I'm not interested in the clients that also did buy for example, laptop, pc, video cameras, etc. So if the client has only one of the 4 products, I want to list them all, did they buy another type of product too, then not.

How could I create a query that will show me only those clients?

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Queries :: Material Checked Out And Returned Products

Apr 8, 2013

Finally got my DB straight so I am not using calculated fields however can't figure out the best way to handle the Combo Box so I do not show closed records ( Item checked out and item returned).

Please see the attached table of materials checked out and materials returned. How to setup a query so that if an item has been returned and matches the item checked out, Both the original check-in and the matching return records are filtered and not displayed in the Combo Box.

Also, I am a little worried about partial returns as when an employee only returns half the amount.

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Queries :: Make DSum For Products Coming In And Out?

Nov 9, 2014

I am trying to make a dsum for products coming in and coming out. find the example below

Products In
Apple 10
Mango 5

Products out
Apple 5

Now I want to show statement for sum as follows

Product. In. Out. Net in hand
Apple. 10. 5. 5
Mango. 5. 0. 5

But it is showing only

Product. In. Out. Net in hand
Apple. 10. 5. 5

what I understand is dsum cannot find the out field for mango as there is no field found for mango

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Queries :: Access 2010 - Return All Products Not Associated With A Variable

Apr 1, 2014

I use access 2010. I have a form that allows the user to assign products to operations. Each operation can produce multiple products and each product can be produced at multiple operations. I manage this many-to-many relationship through the use of a third table that stores primary keys for associated products / operations.


The query im trying to design will populate a listbox on the form that contains products which are available to be added to a given operation. In addition to the listbox there is also a combobox that allows the user to select the operation they want to add products to. As the user selects an operation, the query behind the listbox should return records for all products except the ones that have already been assigned to the operation selected in the combobox.

So far I've been able to make the listbox return all products always or return products that haven't been assigned to any operation at all, but I'm struggling to formulate the logic in my mind on how to show only products that have no association (through the tblOperationProducts table) with the operation selected in the forms combobox.

This is the query I have right now, it's not working:

Select tblProducts.ProductID
From tblProducts
SELECT tblProducts.ProductID
FROM tblOperation RIGHT JOIN (tblProducts RIGHT JOIN tblOperationProductMM ON tblProducts.ProductID = tblOperationProductMM.ProductIDMM) ON tblOperation.OperationID = tblOperationProductMM.OperationIDMM
WHERE (((tblOperation.OperationID)=[Forms]![frmOperationProducts]![cboOperation]));

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Queries :: Track Monthly Data For Several Thousand Products

Apr 17, 2014

I have a table that track monthly data for several thousand products.

The idea is to grab the first month and the first three months of sales for each product.

So I simply need to have a statement that scans through a predefined set of fields and seeks the first none zero value. This become the first month of sales (even if it is the 5th month of the year). It then needs to be able to grab the proceeding 2 months to create a sum of sales in the first 3 months. (however that would be for a second field, so presumably that is just a slightly more complex version of the same formula used to find the first month of sales).

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Queries :: Products Form - Listbox To Show Recent Inventory Transactions

Apr 3, 2014

I have a products form, we are a manufacturing company, with a listbox to show recent inventory transactions. This is based on a query which shows all transactions with the current part id, and that all works well and fine.

The problem is, I would like to limit this query to show only the last 10 transactions in the listbox and not make it editable, ie not enabled. I set the show only in query design view to 10 and it says in the sql statement select top 10, however, the listbox consistently shows all related records. What am I missing?

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Adding Prices

Apr 28, 2005

ive got a database for tickets for a school play. how can i create a query that adds up prices from multiple records? would the total be displayed in a form?

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Update Prices

Jun 28, 2007

I am a beginner Access Programmer, so my understanding at this point is pretty basic, so that could be why I have run up against a wall with this one.

I am trying to create a database that creates Estimates. In the most basic setup, I have a customer table, an estimate table and an item table. The item table would have a description and a price per unit. With those tables I can set up a basic form that creates an estimate for someone. The wall I am referring to is when I ask myself, "how am I going to deal with price increases?" With the current setup, when I change the prices in the item table it will change all previous estimates prices.

How have others dealt with this scenario? I would have a hard time believing this is a rare question. In the real world this is going to happen. Yet I have several access 2007 books and none of them seem to address this. The closest thing I have seen that seems like it might be in the right direction would be some sort of update query.

Any thoughts on this would be great,

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Lock Old Prices From Updating

Oct 4, 2005

Hi, please help if you can, i have searched the threads, but unfortunately didn't see anything close. Please point out if i missed some.

I am trying to lock or archive old records/invoices from updating when prices update for the same products/services.

Anyway of doing it a quick and dirty way perhaps?
U people rule! - built my entire system based on on your help threads/samples!


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Access Development Prices

Oct 16, 2005

I recently got asked by a friend to set up a database for him to store his business contacts (so he can do mailshots etc) along with some basic order history. I've come up with the basics of this database (attached). There is still some work to do on it, a bit of tidying up and some reports etc but I need to go and see him show him what I've done and to clarify exactly what reports and stuff he wants.
I'm only doing this in my free time but he has said he'll pay me for my efforts. I don't feel I can really charge an hourly rate though as I'm still only learning the ropes and what might take me several hours might only take an experienced developer an hour or even 10 mins! :o
So I guess what I'm asking, is could those of you who are self-employed, or indeed anyone who has some idea of what the going rates for databases are, take a look at what I've done and give me an estimate of how long it would have taken to put together something similar and how much you would charge for it (either in total or per hour).
I'm also sure that some of what I've done could have been done a lot better, so if anyone has any views on improvements I could make, I'm all ears. :)

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Computer Configurator - How To Add Prices Together?

Feb 20, 2006

I am trying to create an Access database that can be used to configure computers for sale in a small pc repair shop.

What i need it to do is have drop down boxes for different parts, each part having a value, and at the end being able to update the total value depending on which parts are selected.

I have tables with different types of CPUs, Motherboards, RAM, etc etc... each table has description and price values ( a couple more for relational stuff but i don't think that is needed to figure this out ) Just to test it out i have a form where i can go through and select the different products, but i am stuck on the adding of values of the different computer parts.

So anyway, i am trying to take prices matched with values from multiple tables, then add the prices all together at the end for a total value, like any of the pc configurators online.

If anyone can help, greatly appreciated, if i make no sense just ask to clarify...


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Breakout Query For Prices

Aug 31, 2007

I am trying to write a breakout formula to identify if today's close is greater than the maximum close of the last 20 days. This is what I have so far:

SELECT WZ07.Symbol, WZ07.AlphaDeliveryMonth, DateSerial(Val(Left([ddate],4)),Val(Mid([ddate],5,2)),Val(Right([ddate],2))) AS transdate, WZ07.DClose
WHERE (((DateSerial(Val(Left([ddate],4)),Val(Mid([ddate],5,2)),Val(Right([ddate],2)))) Between Date()-28 And Date()-1) AND ((WZ07.DClose)=(select max([WZ07].DClose) from [WZ07])));

If I replace the = symbol with a > symbol near the end will it compare today's close to the max of the date range selected? I thought I had this figured out but apparently not.

I can do a query that will give me the last 20 days using the "Between date()-28 and date()-1 criteria. I can do a separate query for the maximum close using select max([WZ07].DClose) from [WZ07] but when I try to put them together it screws up. I need to have it first do the last 20 days query and then take the maximum close from it, and then compare to see if today's close is greater than that number. Can this all be put together? Thanks for your help.

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1 Item And Up To 5 Diffrent Prices,what To Do?

Dec 1, 2004

hey guys,

I'm creating my tables on paper.
What im hopping for is to be able to add a second price in my inventory list that will show up on all the order form between a time periode and if the time periode is empty it takes priority .

Regular prices: 14,99$ (this amount never changes)
price a 4.95$ between 10-10-04 and 15-10-04 (the price of the item will go back to its regular price)
price b 10.99$ no date specified (this becomes the new regular price and take priority on "regular price")
price c 7.99$ no date specified (this becomes the new regular price and take priority on "regular price" and price a)
price d 4.95$ between __-__-__ and 30-12-04 (the price of the item will go back to its regular price,in this case it will be price c)

I figure i need to creat a second table (otherprices) that is linked to inventory list. do i keep a price field in the inventory list or do i make a query. if so im not sure how to aproach neither of them, can someone explain to me witch way to go and what it takes to make it happen, i dont want to tackle this proble when it arrives because then it will be a toal mess.
thank you

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Tables :: Same Product Same ID BUT Different Prices

Sep 19, 2014

I'm going to design an access database for an LPGas company. This company sells LPGas and LPGas cylinders.


1.AlfaCylinder supplies it's cylinders(not the same kinds of cylinder as ME's)
2.MECylinder supplies it's cylinders(not the same kinds of cylinder as Alfa's)
3.PerfectGas Co. supplies it's LPGas.

Products :

This company sells cylinders and fills different kinds of cylinders with LPGas. for example, 11 kilogram LPGas in one kind and 25 kilogram LPGas in another kind and so on. Therefore, products are :

See the attachment

No problem with customers table. There are two kinds of customer. 1. Known customers 2. Unknown (everyday changing) customers. (there is a record for them in customer table named as Uncustomers, that at the end of the day, the sum of sale of this kind entered under this name.)

Problem is : As you see, there are some products with the same ID and same name or same type but different prices. How can I arrange the product table?

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Product Sizes And Differing Prices

Jun 20, 2007


i am developing a clothing order management database.

I have so far got [order details], [products], [product details] entities.
This is so that products with the same model code can have a selection of colours and sizes which are held in the product details table.

I followed this website which was very helpful: http://www.princeton.edu/~rcurtis/ul...database2.html

The question is now: each size and colour will have a different stock quantity. How do i model this, for example, so when a Small Red t-shirt is added, the small red t-shirts quantity decreases rather than the overall quantity for the model.

any ideas?

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1 Product Base, 30 Customers, Different Prices For Each

Mar 24, 2007

Hi all I have an order entry database. I need to talk through this problem I have, if anyone would like to let me call them then pls pm me.
Within the database there is an add ne w order & details form where, the functionallity behind this prolem will need to be explained to me in very shall we say easy terms.

I need the product price, to be different all customers. The product list is the same for all customers.
When the customer name is chosen by the "user" in the order entry form the form automatically tallies up orders based on the costs to that specific customer

any ideas guys on the best way forward.
Thanks for reading


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General :: Multiple Prices Per Product

Dec 4, 2013

I am looking for a way to have different prices saved for each individual client.

I would have one main price list but i want to set certain items to have special prices for different clients. How is this possible in Access in excel its so simple.

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Restricting Updates Of Product Prices

May 28, 2013

I am trying to set up a database to track truck maintenance, repair, and inspection records for a trucking company. Parts are ordered from vendors, and I have forms set up to facilitate the entry of the information regarding those orders. The problematic form is based on a query. In that query (this form and query deals with the purchase details - product, price, extended price), the product ID is gathered from the inventory transaction table, the product name and price are gathered from the product table (I did this so that price would enter automatically).

Of course, when I change the price, it is changed across all related orders, including those that have been saved previously. I know that the problem more than likely stems from having the info pulled from the products table. I'm just at a loss as to any other option to have the price automatically pulled.

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Top 5 Products Per Customer

Jan 22, 2008

Hi There,
I have created this query and i want to return the top 5 suppliers per LOB. It is returning something but it is not the top 5. I want to limit only to return the top 5. Pls. help and thanks. See attached file.

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Concerning Prices: Hourly Rate / One-time Amount

Mar 26, 2008

I'm asked to do a specific task, a database concerning of:Tables: 25Forms: 25Reports: 40-45Build from ground up, multi-user, accounts, account-restrictions, has to be linked to an already existing database, will need a fair amount of VBA coding.I would like to know specifically two things:--> what is your common hourly rate --> what would your common total-price-estimate for a project like this.

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