Queries :: Calculating Membership Fee From A Field In Another Table?

May 8, 2013

I've made a membership database for an imaginary leisure centre as part of my A Level coursework - only after more or less finishing my project, I've realised that I haven't provided a way for the end users to calculate fees for members.

I suppose the calculation I would have to do is multiply the Length of Membership (days) field on the Membership Opportunities by Cost per Month on the MembershipTypes table.

These are the relevant tables and I've also attached my database (the password is "password" for any of the users) ...

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Queries :: One To Many Relationship Between Tables Containing Membership Details

Nov 25, 2014

I have a table with name, club members details ID etc. This is linked by a 1 to many link (ID) to a table containing details of membership subscription payments. One entry/row per membership period. This second table has DatePaid, Paid (Yes/No), Period. Period contains 2013-14, 2014-15 etc.

I can do a query for those that have Paid (Yes) but when I try one for those that have not Paid (No) or <>Yes I get no result. I only enter members when they have paid. I need a query to display those who have not paid for the 2014-15 period.

I can do it a long winded way copying 2 lists into Excel. One all members. One those who have paid. Then remove duplicates and those paid in 2013-14 leaves those not paid in 2014-15.

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Queries :: Determine Gender Ratio Of Associations Membership - Percentage Occurrence

Apr 28, 2014

I have a very simple query to determine the gender ratio of an associations membership. My SQL code neatly calculates the number of females, viz

SELECT [Mail List].[GENDER], Count([Mail List].[GENDER]) AS TOTAL
FROM [Mail List]
WHERE ((([Mail List].[GENDER])="F"))

However, I wish to present this result as a percentage of total membership.

My main Table has a column titled [Member Name] so my requirement is to produce a calculation of the form "Females"/"Member Name Total" all multipliied by 100.

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Queries :: Calculating Specific Value In Multi Valued Field?

Dec 31, 2014

have a look on the attached sample database.

How can I get the query to work in order to count specific values per day.

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Queries :: Calculating Difference Between A Table And Query?

May 2, 2013

I'm trying to make a query where it can calculate the difference between a table field value and a query field value.

Ex. Table INVOICE - fields
invoice no, invoice value,
Query TOTAL - fields
invoice no total invoice value

I need to get the difference between invoice value and total invoice value.

How can I put this into a query (invoice value - total invoice value)?

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Queries :: Calculating Bonus - Expression Using Sum Of Another Calculated Field In Query

Mar 28, 2015

I've can do this on excel but don't know how in Access. I'm calculating bonuses. My table has salaries, and my query simply multiples each salary amount by a % to get the bonus amount. But I need to calculate adjustments to the bonuses using the sum total of the bonuses my query calculated:

Salary (from table) Bonus (calc'd by query) Adjustment (to be calced)

100,000 1,000 Sum of total bonuses/salary*4%
90,000 900

How do I capture the total of my calculated bonus column to use to calculate the adjustments in my right-most column?

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Tables :: Auto Calculating Field In Table

Jul 29, 2015

Currently I have a form with these variables

- Assets
- Shifts
- Machine Offline Date
- Machine Offline Time
- Machine Online Date
- Machine Online Time

In the Asset Table I have recorded on each asset the number of shifts it operates for as well as starting / finishing time of those shift. e.g. 2 shift asset will start at 7:00AM finish at 11:00PM
or 3 shifts asset will start at 7:00AM finish at 6:59AM

Now I have 82 assets in the factory and 20% of those machines run 3 shifts. Each shift is 8 hrs.

What I have already done is allocate shifts per asset e.g.

when I pick Asset (a) in the Asset combo box, in the shift box it will automatically generate 2 or 3 dependant on what I have set.

If an asset runs for 2 shifts, it would mean that, that asset is operational/running from 0700 - 2300 or 7:00am - 11:PM

also if an asset runs for 3 shifts it would mean that, that asset is operational/running from 0700 - 0700 or 7:00AM - 7:00AM

These are the scenarios that is entered through a "Form"

Scenario A: Machine (a) breaks down at 1700/5:00PM on the 10/7/15 and was back online at 12:30 on 11/7/15, This machine runs for 3 shifts which would mean in the "Breakdown Downtime" the result should be 19.5 hrs

Scenario B: Machine (b) breaks down at 1900/7:00PM on the 10/7/15 and was back online at 10:00AM on 12/7/15, this machine runs for 2 shifts which would mean in the "Breakdown Downtime" the result would be 23 hrs.

I would like to make this an automatic calculation, Is this possible?

Please note I am not after a "Query", I need this calculation in the main Database table named "Tbl_MaintenanceDATA".

I understand this is not the norm and many have suggested against this, however for the purpose of what I need, it needs to be in the main table with all the other data.

Here are some snip it

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Club Membership Database

Jul 11, 2007

I have been asked by my tennis club if I could set up a small Access database to help with membership registration and fee collection. Ideally, it would go on to record coaching sessions for juniors, etc but that can come later.
Does anybody have a template that I could use as a basis for my development?

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Membership Renewal Letter.

Mar 6, 2006

Ok the database that i have contain all the details about customers including thier joining date. I want to make a query that will produce relevant information for use on a membership renewal letter, It should show only members due for renewal on 1st of may
(there are 3 renewal dates per year. 1st jan , 1st may and 1st sept. I need to assume that the next renewal month of membership for those joining between those months will be the next renewal date. Example if you join in June your renewal date would be 1st september)

Could you please explain how i could do this in easy to understand language as i am no expert with access.


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Textbox; Membership ID Incrementation

Nov 2, 2006

I have a form where new records can be added to a table. I was wandering if it was possible to automatically add 1 to a textbox that is bound to a membership id field within that table.

So when the form loads, the txtmembershipID has the next number displayed.

This is my code for the load event.
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Any help is appreciated..
Thank you!


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Automatic Membership Number

Nov 10, 2006

Im putting together a membership data base. the data base has an already existing client base which all have membership numbers in the form of first letter of there sir name, last to numbers of the year and a 4 digit number. So for example Joe Bloggs membership number would be B06001 his sister Betty Bloggs would be B06002 and the guy next door John Doh would be D06001.

What I would like to do it automate this system so everytime I make a new record when I input the sir name into the 'lastname' field on the form it checks the last Membership number and makes a new one. I wouild also like it to change the 06 to 07 when the year changes.

Ive done searches for things like this with Dmax etc but i really could use help with the code as I have no idea how to code this type of thing?

Any ideas on this oue would be great!

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Calculating Field Based On Value Of Another Field In Previous Record

Sep 18, 2014

I'm trying to create something like an online banking view that shows the running balance as each transaction occurs. I have tblTransactions with fields AccountNumber, ItemDescription, and TransactionAmount. I'm trying to create something that shows these three fields and a fourth field with the running balance.

So if I initially deposit $100 it will show the first record with TransactionAmount = $100 and RunningBalance = $100. Then the next transaction will subtract the Transactionamount for the new record from the RunningBalance from the previous record to get the RunningBalance for the new record. So if I make a purchase for $2, the AvailableBalance for that record is $98. Is this possible with a query? Here's a picture to describe what I'm talking about ....

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How To Change Group Membership Of User

Jun 10, 2012

I have to change a group membership of one user in an multi user access database. As I see its no possibility to change it in the backend (in X.ldb file) nor in frontend.

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Forms :: Creating Group Membership Database

Feb 10, 2014

I am having problems developing a membership database - I have three main tables.

1. A table of 600 members of an organisation

2. A table of the subgroups these members may join, about 80 in total.

3. A table of the members of each group.

The members do not have a unique ID - complicated reason for this so I use a system assigned ID. Group ID does have a unique Id but I chose to use a system assigned ID.

Table 3 records effectively consists of just two fields, memberID and groupID. When I create a form and subform to enter these values all is well. But I cannot expect users to know these values, so I have been trying to create a subform that creates/lists/removes members from groups, using a Group main form with a member tabular subform with a surname search through a combobox. Groups have between 5 and 20 members.

e.g enter 'smit' in the combobox on the subform and a list of smiths is displayed together with the full name, from which the user selects the correct entry. At this point the record showing for instance, Paul Smith belongs to Group 17 is written to table 3. All sorts of issues arise, too many to document.

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Forms :: Automate A Membership Status Flag - Invalid Use Of Null

May 20, 2014

I am trying to automate a membership status flag based on comparing today's date and a recorded expiry date. The expiry date control is on a sub-form. I have the following code in the OnLoad event of the master form:

Dim DateGap As Integer
While Me.CurrentRecord < Me.Recordset.RecordCount
If Not Me.NewRecord Then
DateGap = DateDiff("y", Date, Forms!PersonalMasterF!MemberSubF.Form.MemberExpire )
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext

[Code] .....

With debug pointing to the DateGap = statement I get the error 'Invalid use of Null'. As you can see, I've tried to trap any new records it might run into to avoid nulls in MemberExpire, and there are no null values in the MemberExpire field of the underlying table. I've also tried defining DateGap as Variant, which does not work at all.

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Queries :: Form Field Return A Null Then Look At Field In Table

Jun 10, 2013

Trying to run a query using criteria to populate the query by looking at information from a field on a form, if from is closed I need that criteria to look at the table and return all date in table.

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Calculating Time In Queries

Jan 3, 2007

I have the following feilds in a query: Timein Timeout
I need a subtotal feild that totals the two across midnight
I also need a Lunch feild
Then I need a total feild with the subtotal and total subtracted

I tried using this expression please help anyone if you can

Format([Timein] -1 -[Timeout], "Short Time") this created my subtotal feild

then I had a made lunch feild with 30 mins of time into it

then i tried Format([subtotal] -1 -[lunch], "Short Time") and called this one my total box.

The first one worked the second reported an error. Please any suggestions??

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Queries :: Calculating Change In A Set Of KPI

Aug 6, 2013

I have the following query, which gathers a set of kpi for an employee across two reporting periods.

PARAMETERS [Enter_ID] Long, [first_period] Long, [second_period] Long;
FROM kpi
WHERE PERIOD_ID in ([first_period], [second_period])
AND Manger_ID = [Enter_ID];

What I hope to accomplish is to calculate the change from one period to the next. So, say we had Jun 2013 and July 2013 as reporting periods I would want to subtract each KPI in June from the same KPI in July and report on change in that value, for each employee ID. Is this something that can be accomplished with SQL or would I have to use VBA to do this?

For simplicity we will say the only fields in the kpi table are EMP_ID, PERIOD_ID, Manager_ID and the 8 KPI: X1, X2...X8

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Calculating New Field

Feb 26, 2008

Hi I'm building database for a car shop. One of my table (Cars) has these two fields in it intModelPrice (which stores factory price of a model) and intPriceWithTax (which value should mathematicaly be intModelPrice+[(intModelPrice)*(18/100)]).

Now, can I set my default value of intPriceWithTax to be calculated by this formula and how? I tried some combinations but I got various error messages.

I red Tips section on your site and saw that default value can't be calculated. I know how to get what I want in the select query but I want this table field (intPriceWithTaxt) to be acctualy filled with number value each time I enter a new record in this table (for a new car model). How do I acomplish this? Thanx.

P.S. - I searched the forum for answer but I had no luck.

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Calculating AGE From DOB Field

Nov 25, 2012

How to calculate present age automatically using DOB field. I have created 2 fields DOB and AGE. But everytime i am calculating AGE and then manually typing in AGE field.

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Forms :: Group Membership - Select Which People Belong To Specific Groups

Mar 11, 2013

I need to create a simple database where I have a list of people, a list of groups and all I want to do is select which people belong to specific groups.

All I need is to create a form where I have a list of my people and a tick box next to the groups to show who belongs to which group.

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Queries :: Querying Contents Of One Field Against Another Table / Field

Apr 26, 2013

I am trying to perform a search function query in access but am having trouble. I have two tables. One table has a column in which I need to search the contents of this field by referencing data in another field/table. I am able to write the query searching the data manually (not referencing the other table) but can't seem to get the query right when referencing the other table!

this query works =
FROM Sample_Data
WHERE (((Sample_Data.[Affected_Frequencies]) Like "*451.425*" Or (Sample_Data.[Affected_Frequencies]) Like "*451.400*"));

but, i put together a frequency table (Table name = Frequencies) and the column within that I am searching for is called Frequency. im trying to reference Frequencies.Frequency using a LIKE statement.

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Queries :: DSum - Update A Field In Specific Table With Info Form Another Table

Aug 5, 2014

I have a table products with a field "id_product" and "total" (Total items in stock)

I have a query with the fields "id_product" and also the field "total in stock"

I want an update query to update the field 'total' in table 'products' with infos from that query

For each id-product in table products, replace the field total with the field 'total in stock' from the query

So I want to update a filed in a specific table with infos form another table.

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Of Saving Queries And Calculating Fields

Sep 6, 2005

Morning All,
Just wondering.

When a form needs a calculated field. Say something simple, like

TotalCost = Quan*Cost

Is it better to create a query?
Use a table and create the calculated field in the query builder?
Or use a table and create a new unbound field on the form with the formula in it?

I never really know which one to do.

Lately I’ve been using saved queries for almost everything and now I have several dozen in this data base and its only half way done. Soon I’ll have to create a data base just to keep track of the queries in this one.

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Queries :: Calculating Different Date Formats

Jul 18, 2014

I have a query based on two tables that calculates days elapsed between two dates. Problem is one date field is date/time and the other is short date, so the result is always infinite decimal places. I don't want to change the date format for the date/time on the one table. I tried the format function in the query, but still ended up with decimal places.I just want to make that one long date to act like a short date for calculating "days", not hours, etc.

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Queries :: Calculating Most Current Date

Nov 10, 2014

I have a problem with my query to calculate a most current date. I have try everything to explain all current data at each TubeNumber, but there are no calculated answers at TubeNumber 7, IC2, IC3 and IC4. Why not these TubeNumbers? See below my formula to find a current date:

FindACurrentDate: IIf([Time]=DMax("Time";"qlkp_FindACurrentDate";"[Date]=#" & DMax("Date";"qlkp_FindACurrentDate";"[TubeNumber]='" & [TubeNumber] & "'") & "# And [TubeNumber]='" & [TubeNumber] & "'");"This is most current date!")

I have send my database as an attachment with my question.

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