Queries :: Cannot Emulate Saved Query With VBA (CurrentDB Command)

Dec 3, 2014

My issue is about a saved query which I would like to emulated with VBA.

The whole idea is to update a set of a table's fields based in the status of a control at a form; when the condition is met, the query takes the value of another field for doing the updates.

The original saved query is:

UPDATE EntradaPatiosDetalle SET EntradaPatiosDetalle.precio = IIf([Forms]![EntradaPatios]![patioCheckBox]=True,[precio_patio],[precio_pyme])
WHERE (((EntradaPatiosDetalle.idEntrada)=[Forms]![EntradaPatios]![idEntrada]));

The closest approach I can get to at VBA (which fails ), is:

CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE EntradaPatiosDetalle SET [precio] = " & IIf([Forms]![EntradaPatios]![patioCheckBox] = True, [precio_patio], [precio_pyme]) & ", [mayoreoCheckBox] = Null WHERE [idEntrada] = " & Me.idEntrada

I'm sure that the problem is at the code marked in bold..

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Forms :: Disabling Command Button If Record / Records Not Saved?

Dec 19, 2013

Is there a way to disable my print report button if the user has not hit the save button ???? and maybe display a msg box?

attached a snippit of my form.

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Queries :: Run Saved Query Object In Access Through VBA And Display Result In Subform

Jun 25, 2014

I have saved query object named qrySearchBill. I wan to call this query through vba and display the result in a subform named subQrySearchBills in datasheet view. Here's how I want it to work:

When the main form loads, I want all unfiltered records to be displayed in the subform initially. The user may then decide to filter based on date range, so he enters startdate and enddate parameter values in their respective textboxes in the main form. Then click search button to run the saved query based on the date range parameter taken from the textboxes.

I have this code so far:

SQL of the saved query object:

PARAMETERS [StartDate] DateTime, [EndDate] DateTime;
SELECT tblInvoice.BillNo, tblCrdCustomer.CstName, tblCrdCustomer.CstAddress, tblCrdCustomer.Island, tblInvoice.Date, Sum(tblInvoice.[TotalPrice]) AS Amount
FROM tblCrdCustomer INNER JOIN tblInvoice ON tblCrdCustomer.IDNo = tblInvoice.NameID
WHERE tblInvoice.Date Between [StartDate] And [EndDate]
GROUP BY tblInvoice.BillNo, tblCrdCustomer.CstName, tblCrdCustomer.CstAddress, tblCrdCustomer.Island, tblInvoice.Date;

vba code to call the query and its parameter:

Private Sub btnSearchBill_Click()
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qrySearchBills")

[Code] ...

This code works fine except that when the main form loads, a prompt window appears to ask for the value of dateStart and dateEnd. I don't want it to prompt because it's suppose to get these values from the main form's textboxes (txtStartDate and txtEndDate respectively), plus it should initially display all the unfiltered records.

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CurrentDB Syntax

Mar 31, 2006

I have a FE/BE access database. I have split it for our business processes from the original owners who decided to keep it combined. I have in my code Set rst = CurrentDb which needs to point to the BE (where the tables are) and I am struggling with getting the proper syntax. My error msgs are as follows:

"Operation is not supported for this type of object" (most likely becuase the rst is nothing)

I then get an error msg related to the form that it cannot update the StudentID field.

The help VB help module is not able to display this information..

Any help is appreciated.


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Delete Saved Queries

Jun 8, 2005


Can anybody tell me how do I delete saved queries from vb code.


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CurrentDb In .adp Database Doesn't Work

Nov 23, 2004

I am trying to take a string from an input box and place it in a table. I was told to use ado. I have tried but it seems to have problems with Access Data Projects. see http://databaseadvisors.com/pipermail/accessd/2003-April/005252.html
Does anyone know how to get this to work in an .adp database?

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Queries :: Command To Print Selected Query

Jul 11, 2014

I am trying to print selected query how can I do that what is the command for that ...

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Queries :: Multivalue Field - Values Revert To Primary Key In Datasheet View When Saved

Dec 23, 2013

A have a query that selects a multivalue field. The query forms the record source for a subform. The text values in the multivalue field are displayed in the query, but when I save this and view the data in the subform datasheet view the values revert to the primary key values. They are 1,2,3,4 instead of the text values

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Help Passing A Text Box String To A Saved Query

Sep 21, 2005

I have a multi-select list box that runs a "For intCounter" and builds a sting into a text box. That works fine the text box will populate as designed <"Closed" OR "On-Going">.

(I know that I should be dynamically creating the query in the first place ... normally I would ... but this is a quick fix that I want to get it into an existing application, while the redesign requirements are being written.)

Now I want to pass that string to a pre-existing query, but I'm not sure what to write in the criteria section.

I've tried...
Like "*" & [Forms]![ViewReports]![TextPickList] & "*"

and just plain old ...

but my query is coming up blank. What do I need to write into the criteria section of this saved query?

thanks in advance!

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Modules & VBA :: How To Set Parameter Values For Saved Query

Jun 26, 2013

I am using MS Access 2010 to export data into MS Excel 2010 spreadsheets.

I am just wondering: Is there a way to set the Parameter value for the query via VBA?

For example: There are 10 regional managers. When I click a button on a form, 10 sets of data per manager are going to be exported into Excel spreadsheets.

I have created a saved query named [For exporting] with a parameter [Manager Name] for the field [Master Table].[Manager].

The VBA for the button has 2 subs:
1) Sub 1 for the loop for 10 managers

strQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT [Master Table].[Manager] FROM [Master Table] WHERE ((([Master Table].[Manager]) Is Not Null));"
Set rstStores = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strQuery)


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Change Recordsource Of Subfrm To Another Saved Query OnOpen

Aug 18, 2006

How do i make my subfrm record source switch to another saved query (qryPendingStatus) when it's opened from the form.

Heres what i am trying to accomplish:
I have a subfrm that i'd like to use to display info in 2 different forms.

There's a form currently for All statuses. Then another new one for Pending status. I'd like to use the same subform for this pending status form also, and in doing that my qryAllStatuses, but change to qryPendingStatus on the subfrm when i open the mainfrom.

This is on the open even ofthe mainform, but does not work (says method not founds...so obviouly i can't use ".Recordsource" here:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.subfrmJobInfo.RecordSource = "qryPendingStatus"
End Sub

How can i make this happen?

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Modules & VBA :: Passing Values (From Two Column Listbox) To Saved Query

Oct 3, 2013

How can I pass two (2) values to a saved query ? These values are in a form that has a listbox with two (2) columns. The name of the form is 'Previous Evaluation Form'. I'm able to retrieve the values from both columns of the listbox in the form and I've already created the query. Both are working fine, but can figure out how to pass the query's criteria to select records for 'Name' and 'Date' columns of the query. Below is what I had in the 'Criteria:' of the query. What wrong with the code that is placed in the query's 'Criteria:' ?

Forms![Previous Evaluation Form]![Individuals].Column(0)
Forms![Previous Evaluation Form]![Individuals].Column(1)

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CurrentDb.Properties("AppTitle") , Application.name

Oct 19, 2005

I have an app, which I think used to work with application.name returning what has been entered as the application title in the startup options.

Now however it seems to just return MS Access.

Is Application.name correct? Or has it ever been?


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Queries :: Crosstab Queries - Export Command Ask To Enter Date Parameter Twice

Feb 24, 2015

I have a crosstab queries which uses the date query parameters. However, when I go to my Export command (code is below), it ask me to enter the date parameters (start date and end date) twice. What do I have to do so that the system will ask me to enter once only?

On Error GoTo Err_cmdTest_Click
'Must 1st set a Reference to the Microsoft Office XX.X Object Library
Dim dlgOpen As FileDialog
Dim strExportPath As String
Const conOBJECT_TO_EXPORT As String = "qryEXPORT"

[Code] .....

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To Run Two Queries With A Single Command Button

Apr 21, 2005

Hi, I want to run a append query and a delete query by clicking a command button.Can anyone help me regarding this?????
Thanks in Advance

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Queries :: Command To Select First 30 Characters

May 7, 2013

I have the command to select first 30 characters in a simple select query.

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Queries :: Update Command Multiple Tables Using IIF

Aug 10, 2013

I am writing a sql to assign students to each section of a course. The first student would be in the first section and the second student in the second section.

The ClassParam table gives the number of sections for the course and the last period that was assigned.

The Classes table gives the class key number by class name and section number.

The student has the name of class they want to take and I want to move the class section number into the Choice1 field.

The IIF statement seems to work but all of the students are getting the 1st session of the class put into the choice1 field.

UPDATE Students, ClassParam, Classes SET Students.Choice1 = Classes.ClassID,
ClassParam.PeriodAssigned = IIf([ClassParam]![PeriodAssigned]>=[ClassParam]![NumOfSections],1,
WHERE ((([Students]![FirstChoice])=[Classes].[ClassName] And ([Students]![FirstChoice]) Is Not Null And ([Students]![FirstChoice])<>"") AND (([ClassParam]![PeriodAssigned])=[Classes].[SectionNumber]) AND (([Classes]![ClassName])=[ClassParam].[ClassName]) AND ((ClassParam.ClassName)=[Students]![FirstChoice]));

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How To Enter Commands In Command Line To Type Queries

Oct 3, 2014

I have had my 4th SQL/APP Dev lab class, however I missed the 5th.

Our 5th lab was .

1. Create 3 tables, populate with given data and create relationships. 'Customer, Invoice, Payment'

2. We were given 8 queries to try do, we had to come up with which commands would be used.

I have no 1 completed.

As for no 2.. we are still learning all the commands, so the lab here is for us to find what commands we think will be used. I have researched and have them all 6 queries we have to run.., I have all those commands written out on paper which I think are answers..how to find the command line to test them.

I'm using Access 2007 on Windows 7.

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Queries :: Drop Down Access Standard Menu To Place Count Command

May 29, 2014

I have been using a table with queries with no problems. Now the queries wont recognize the last two records of the table when doing a Count. there are no null or empty spaces. I am using the drop down access standard menu to place the "Count" command. Is there a solution to this problem ?

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Forms :: Copying Command Button Appearance Properties To Other Command Buttons

Dec 17, 2013

I am rewriting an old Access 2003 database in Access 2010. When creating new command buttons, the current theme gives them a default appearance. I need to apply this appearance to old command buttons. I know there is a way to select the default button and apply its properties to others quickly. I have done it before but didn't write the process down .

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Queries :: DLookup Command And Evaluate Return Value For Null To Be Used To Control Program Flow

Apr 6, 2015

I have a search from that has an option group, text fields, and a checkbox where the users selects a variety of option that generates a query. If the query return at least on record a split form (form on top/datasheet on bottom) is displayed and the form has an Edit and Close button. If the query returns no records the form is still displayed except the buttons are not visible.

If I knew the result of the query and then made a decision whether to open the form or release control back to the search box that would be great. To open the form I am using VBA with the DoCmd.OpenForm(,,"MyQuery","criteria") command.I thought about using the DLookup command and evaluate the return value for null to be used to control the program flow.

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Record Is Saved

Oct 30, 2005

When the user press 'tab' key the record is being saved. I would like to prevent it and enble record saving only when 'save' button is presed

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Relationships Are Not Being Saved!!!

Mar 10, 2006

Hi guys, I have included 2 screen-shots. Basically, my relationships are not getting saved. The relationships still function fine, like my Lookup fields are working normally etc. Its just they are not visually being saved in access, take a look...

This is me saving a simple relationship between 2 tables:

This is me opening up the relationships window again, only to find that there is nothing there:

PLEASE HELP - this is time-critical (as updating any remote database is)

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Prevent Changes On Log Once Saved

Oct 30, 2006

I am a school nurse. I have started to keep a record of office visits of all the kids that come to my office in a MS Access database. I have a table that I use for logging in each student, time, date, reason for visit, action taken, etc. along with a lot of other info on other tables and queries. I'm wondering how to keep the data entered on the health office log from being altered once entered. Is there a way to do this in Access? Thanks

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You Do Not Have Exclusive Access, Changes Will Not Be Saved.

Aug 29, 2006

I have just had a very frustrating morning. Recently upgraded to MS Access 2003. started having a strange problem, MS Access kept notifying me a another user was using the access database I was in. I switched off and rebooted, still the same..... ?

Read a bit on the Internet, checked my settings, made sure I was exclusive user, made sure user was set to owner, Rebooted, still the same.

I noticed that occasionally the *.ldb file would suddenly appear when I've tried to move or copy a database in explorer from one folder to another? Something was shadowing me, something was recording when I was using an MS Access database.

I checked to see if I had inadvertently added any strange Add-in's, none Listed. I checked visual source safe, I haven't set that up yet it's not doing anything.

Then I remembered! I had installed MS Access crawler which works with Google desktop to record where your MS Access files are. I uninstalled access crawler and I have not had any problems since.

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Need Help I Cant Work Out Were Values Are Saved To??

Mar 20, 2008

Hi there.
I downloaded a demo database (attached, Expiry 200 ) witch allows me to distribute my databases in demo mode with the option of registering a full copy.
this works a treat so far. :)
but now i want to modify the code but i cant work out were the values in the frmsetexpiry are saved to (the registry maybe?) IE: max number of times, company name etc.

any help will be much appreciated with this

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