Queries :: Close Query Without Saving Layout Change?

Jun 5, 2013

I have a form with a child that holds a query and for 99.9% of the time remains locked as it's for viewing data only. However, if the user wishes to make a change then they need to press an unlock button first then make the changes.

The problem I have is when closing the form; if this child's query has been unlocked I'm getting a message asking do I wish to save the changes to the layout of the child's query. The answer will always be "No".

I've added the following line of code to all sorts of procedures with no success.

DoCmd.Close acQuery, "LinkTableManager_Frmqry", acSaveNo

how to stop the message appearing when the form is closed.

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Queries :: Change Layout Of Data

Mar 4, 2014

I have been given a large set of records that is layed out with 10 ID fields, then 31 (Day 1, Day 2, etc.) fields representing each day of a given month. These fields contain data. I created two fields labeling the month and year as well.

My goal is to create a date field where I can put together the m/d/y data and take the corresponding day's data and delete the other 30 daily fields. I think I can temporarily create 31 extra fields that give me the date. So then I would have (m/d/y - Day 1, m/d/y Day 2, etc.). How to then separate them into unique records.I am looking to turn the 30k records i have into 900k by reducing the fields.

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Query To Change Data Layout

Feb 22, 2007

Hi there,
I have a warehouse table that lists a stock code with the last 12 periords closing balances in a record.

I would like to write a query that just shows each stock code with only one month per record and has the openning and closing balance for that month.(the closing balance of one period is the openning balance of the next period).

So the Table currently looks like this

StkCode....Whouse....12.....11......10.....09..... .08.....07
1111.........TZ..........100....200....300...400.. ...500...600

I would like it like:


I haven't worked with access for years and can see how to do this in my head - i just can't figure out what to write. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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VBA Close Application Without Saving

Sep 21, 2004

I want to close an Excel application without it prompting me if I want to save it or not

that's what I use

set xlApp=nothing

it doesn't seem to work cause when I shut down my computer, it still asks me if I want to save it

looks like the application is still running in the background even if i set it to nothing

I could use xlApp.quit but I don't want anything poping up

can it be done?

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Close Report Without Saving

Oct 14, 2004

Can anyone tell me how to have Access automatically close a report without saving any changes.
I do not mind if the user closes the report manually but do not want Access to prompt the user to save changes. I want it to automatically abandon any changes that were made.

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Help On Report, Change Layout Based On Data

Nov 25, 2004

I'm getting seriously frustrated with Access now so I hope some of you can help me out.

I have made an access application to enter various types of products (eg paint, tools, glue etc).
The organization I have built this for has asked me to create a report which can be used as
a catalogue of all their products.

They want this report to keep different categories of products in different sections. So say the paints
will go into a section with an orange background and the tools have a blue background. I thought
I could just let it print a number of reports (one for each type of product) however this will give
problems with the page numbering and indexes etc.

Anyone have any ideas how I can let the lay-out (mainly colors) change if a new category kicks in and also
force this category to start on a new page? Any help is very much appreciated!

Cheers Thomas

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Not Saving Info Until I Close The Form

Oct 9, 2006

I have a form and one of the fields is a drop down box with autofill. If I enter an information that it is new, it doesn't show in the drop down box even after I click on the Save button I created on the form. In order to show up, I need to close the form, then reopen it again.
I am running this particular drop down box from a query in order to facilitate the autofill and because it also automatically fill other fields when the information has been already entered.
I also tried linking the drop down box directly to the table instead of the query, but it did not worked.
So basically my main problem is that in order for the new information to appear in the drop down box I need to close the form and reopen it.
Any ideas what can I do here?

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Forms :: How To Close A Form Without Saving A New Record

Feb 28, 2014

I have a form frmAddNewProject that is a Data Entry form.When you click Add Project on the form, it creates folders and copies files to a location and also creates new record(s) in the ProjectT table with appropriate information.Here is my code:


Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
Dim FSO As Object
Dim FromPath As String
Dim ToPath As String
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim strType As String
Dim strYear As String
Dim strGPN As String


Everything works fine till here. Now I would like to close the form but closing it gives me an additional empty record.


Dim ctl As Control
On Error Resume Next
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
ctl = ctl.DefaultValue
Set ctl = Nothing

to remove all values, but then it just adds an empty record.Is there a way to close that form without removing my legitimate new records and without adding empty ones?

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Modules & VBA :: Close Form Without Saving Record

Jun 3, 2015

I have a form I would like to close without saving the record using a button. here is the code I have but it closes the form and it also writes the record to the table.

Private Sub ClosewoSave_Click()
Cancel = True
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmMenu"
End Sub

I found in a thread that Cancel = True would not write the record.

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Queries :: Saving A Working Query

May 21, 2013

I have an simple Access 2001 database with one table in which I want to search multiple fields for entries which match upto four keywords using subqueries.I have entered the following sql code:

SELECT Components.[Component-type], Components.Value
FROM (SELECT Components.[Component-type], Components.Value
FROM (SELECT Components.[Component-type], Components.Value
FROM (SELECT Components.[Component-type], Components.Value
FROM Components


and then refuses to save it giving the error: "Invalid bracketing of name 'SELECT Components.[Component-type"If I remove the changes it will save ok. This is only a test query as I will want to add many more fields and it is my first use of sql code.

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Modules & VBA :: Close Form With Another Form Saving Record First

Jul 30, 2015

I have a timer form which closes the database after a period of time with DoCmd.Quit. Another form is open at this point but if a user has left it in the middle of editing it I want to be able to save the record in the other form and close it before the timer form closes the database.

What VBA do I need in the timer form to save the record and close the other form before DoCmd.Quit? Just to be clear the code is...

Private Sub Form_Timer()
On Error Resume Next
Me.Tag = Val(Me.Tag) - (Me.TimerInterval / 1000)
Me.Caption = "The database will exit in " & Me.Tag & " seconds"
If Val(Me.Tag) <= 0 Then


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Queries :: Export Data With Formatting And Layout Using Form

Jun 24, 2013

Export Query Data with Formatting and Layout Using A Button On Form Before Or After DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet

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Queries :: Change Format On Query Criteria?

Apr 5, 2013

I use expression on the query field, but after I run it, the field change its format from number to text, how to reformat on the query criteria to change the text to integer format?

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Queries :: Conditional Change To Date Query?

Feb 13, 2014

i need to clean up a date field (I hate dates in access!). The field in the table (imported from a spreadsheet) has records where users have simply entered a date in the correct format and then others where users feel obliged to add comments after the date rather in the 'Comments' section. Therefore Cdate alone won't work.

So far i have tried:


IIf(Len([TabDL].[PROMISE]<>10),#1/1/1900#,CDate([TabDL].[PROMISE])) AS PromiseDt1

The intention being to insert a holding date 01/01/1900 if the field contains too many characters to be a date alone. I've tried multiple variations of this code but keep getting errors across the board. Is my logic or Syntax flawed?

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Queries :: Update Query To Change Dates

Apr 17, 2015

I'm working on a report that highlights employees when they are leaving on travel and returning on travel and my problem is that the report is only run on the weekdays. It highlights all employees that returned yesterday so for instance on Monday's report it only shows people that returned Sunday and not Friday and Saturday.

My first thought was to make an update query convert those days to Sunday in a new column on my table which would then still cause the employee to be highlighted on monday. I made a table with all Fridays and Saturday's in the year and then in the second column is the Sunday Date to update the new field.

I haven't been able to get the update query to work correctly and was wondering if there would be a much easier solution so a person wouldn't continually extend the weekend table manually.

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Queries :: Change Field Format Within A Query

Sep 23, 2013

I'm having a format problem. I have a query (Q1) that, among other things format a date field as YYYYMM (Field1).

I have a second query (Q2) whose data source is Q1.

In Q2 I need to link Q1 to a table but Field1 is being reformatted as text (confirmed by running a make table query).

I want Field1 to be Number format to eliminate a mismatch error.

I know how to change the format of a field in a table using VBA but I cant seem to find a way of changing the format within a query.

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Queries :: Change Field Name In Pass Through Query

Feb 10, 2014

In a table of a SQL-Server 2008 I have a fieldname "Alter", the German word for age.

When sending a PT-qry to the server I get an error "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Alter'"

Even when I try to set "Select tblmytable.Alter as Age" I get the same error.

To change the fieldname is almost impossible, as there is to much code to change.

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General Query Form Database Layout Technique

May 24, 2006

ok, someone please clarify this for me..

i know about normalisation and data redundancy..

therefore i will lay out my database like so..

job id
job date
job time

job id
driver id

driver id
driver name
driver phone

job id
payment id


this is all fine..

in the most straightforward situation, you create a form based on a table...

now if i create a query with fields from all the tables.. eg..

job date, job time, driver name, price

if i create a form in the basic way, you cannot add fields from several tables (in the direct sense i mean, forgettin the use of subforms.. etc)

if i create a form based on the query, will this allow me to add as many fields, and most importantly from as many tables, as i wish.. choosing only the relevant ones for that particular form..

will everthing automatically link with the job id if my user fills in this form..

if this is the case then i can see my self making one large query.. with all the relevant job details, and then using a tabbed form to separate them.. is this a common practice.. is this the correct way to go about things?

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Queries :: Change Column Headings In Xtab Query

Feb 3, 2014

I have inherited an Access 2003 database and have been asked to improve the functionality of said database. Specifically, I have been asked to create some charts for improved reporting. I used the wizard to create a crosstab query to support the chart(s):


PARAMETERS [Forms]![Switchboard]![ActualDate] DateTime;
TRANSFORM Sum(qryPMCompletion.CountOfWOs) AS SumOfCountOfWOs
SELECT qryPMCompletion.PA_Priority
FROM qryPMCompletion
GROUP BY qryPMCompletion.PA_Priority
PIVOT qryPMCompletion.wo_Completed

Now what has happened is that the wo_Completed is a Yes/No field so my column headings and therefore my legend comes up as "-1" and "0" instead of "Closed" and "Open".

Is there anyway to change the name of the column headings or shall I just create my own legend?

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Queries :: Change Query Field Based On A Form

Oct 29, 2013

I need a query's field to change to what is selected in a combo box.


I select product 1 in the combo box on a continuous form, after the update there is a requery. The form now displays the data from product 1.

I have tried putting [forms]![form1]![combo1] into the field box of the query. But this only makes the form display "product 1" in every row, it does not take any data from the table.

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Queries :: Create View (Query) With Only Change In Value For First Field

Jul 16, 2014

Need sorted Query to be used in a Listbox. The attachment shows a made-up view of the objective.

The first column shows the change in value, then blanks for the first column's next rows, until there is a change of value again.

I do something like this in Excel where the first change in value is bolded. This is to make a list box more readable.

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Queries :: Calculating Daily Change In Access Query

Jan 21, 2015

I don't use Access too often but I'm trying to connect a table to some business intelligence software I use.

A. Date B. Price C.Ydayprice
01/01/2015 101.45
02/01/2015 104.70
03/01/2015 103.00

Simple stuff. Once I've connected to the table, I can easily do what I want with Field 'Price' and 'Ydayprice'. However, I can't calculate column C. All I want is row 2 to say 101.45, R3 to say 104.7 etc. I've tried various things but I don't have the knowledge to write the action I require. I don't want to calculate the change in Access either.

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Queries :: Change Query Column Name Based On Text Box Value

Nov 8, 2013

Is there a way of using a text field value as the heading for query column?

ie change...

Column header: FieldInATable


[form1].[field2]: FieldInATable?

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Queries :: Change Data In A Query When 3 Tables Are Involved

Aug 13, 2013

I know that i can edit contents in a single table query and it will update the data in the underlying table, but how do i gain the ability to change data in a query when 3 tables are involved?

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Queries :: Change Background Color Of A Query Cell If Certain Criteria Met?

Aug 14, 2015

Is it possible to run a query and have the background color of the query field be highlighted if a certain criteria is met?

I'd like to use the expresion builder if possible.

For example if the values in field A and field B do not match, then field C should be a yellow background.

If this is possible, how is it done?

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Queries :: Field In Table Doesn't Change When Edited From Query

Mar 29, 2013

Users are viewing a record on a form that gets it's data from a query. I want to make it so that if they edit that record from that form, a last updated field will timestamp the date/time that the record was edited. I added a lastupdated to the source table which of course adds it to the query and so it's on the form.

But whenever i access the form and change something, the lastupdated only shows the time the record was created (which is from a different form based directly on the table). Whenever I edit any other field data in that query based form it changes in the table. Why not the Lastupdated?

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