Queries :: Combining Queries Without Matching ID Values
Feb 2, 2015
I have two queries:
1. a sum of payments by individuals
2. a sum of charges of individuals.
I want to combine these queries to create a report that shows the sums for each person of the charges and payments and calculate the balance. However, it is only showing me those individuals that have both a charge sum and a payment sum, while some individuals will only have a charge sum. How do I get those individuals to show and show with a zero payment balance if they are in my charge sum query but not my payment sum query and vice versa (some may have made a prepayment even though they have not been charged yet).
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Oct 23, 2013
I'm looking for a way to grab values from one table that match a criteria, and append them/update them to another, but only grab one value once. Example:
Part ID ---- Profile Profile ID ---- Locations
Part1 - Profile 1 Profile 1 ---- Location 1
Part2 - Profile 1 Profile 1 ---- Location 2
Part3 - Profile 1 Profile 1 ---- Location 3
I have a database of parts that fit in certain profile sizes. Each profile size has multiple open locations. I need a query to grab a location, assign it to a part, grab a new location, assign it to the next part, etc, without assigning duplicate locations to different parts.
Right now, I'm doing this by using the First/Last aggregate functions, marking them as used, and looping it again and again until all have unique locations. Is there a better way to do this?
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Aug 24, 2006
I have created two queries which calculates a total. I want to add the values of the two queries in a third query to give me a grand total.
When I try to create this third query, it gives me an error saying that the fields cannot be used from two different queries. So I'm just wondering whether this is possible or is there any other way of doing this.
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Mar 6, 2014
I'm creating a query which pulls together the numerical values of 32 separate fields. Each field has the potential to have a value in it ranging between 1 and 9, but most fields will be blank.
I want to prefix the value (if the value is not null) with a 2 or 3 character-long code relating to the field name.I then want to combine them all together in a query so I can easily copy and paste the output to a spreadsheet.Here is what I have so far, with just 9 of the field names, and it's already looking a bit clunky.
IIf(IsNull([zam_adm]),"","ADM") & [zam_adm] & " " &
IIf(IsNull([zam_cts]),"","CTS") & [zam_cts] & " " &
IIf(IsNull([zam_crs]),"","CRS") & [zam_crs]& " " &
IIf(IsNull([zam_IPB]),"","IPB") & [zam_IPB]& " " &
IIf(IsNull([zam_opr]),"","OPR") & [zam_opr]& " " &
IIf(IsNull([zam_owl]),"","OWL") & [zam_owl]& " " &
IIf(IsNull([zam_pmi]),"","PMI") & [zam_pmi]& " " &
IIf(IsNull([zam_wl]),"","WL") & [zam_wl]& " " &
IIf(IsNull([zam_sgt]),"","SGT") & [zam_sgt]
The output, unfortunately, is putting spaces between empty fields and I'm not sure how to prevent this in the syntax?
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Sep 29, 2014
I need to create a query that combines two columns (lets say Column A and Column B for example) however the problem is that whatever non-null values that are in Column B must replace any value in Column A. If Column B has a value that is null then Column A's value is shown.
I have an example of what I'm working with (access file) and what result I want (excel file).
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Jul 22, 2014
I have a form (DropDown form) that has 3 drop down fields, you select your values from the drop downs and you would push a command button that runs an event procedure which runs a query (DropDown qry test). The user should have the option of picking any combination of fields to filter by. Or no combination, which would return all values in all fields. So I am basically using the form as parameter's for the query.
The problem I'm having is that my query is returning values for one field AND values for another field. Even if the other values selected are not in the same record. It's not combining the fields together to filter. For example: you pick a Project name and Supplier name, the query will return records that have the project name you selected but it will also return records with the supplier name you selected that have a different project name.
I've attached screen shots of the form and the design view of the query (the screen shot cut off the last column name. It is meant to say "Expr3: [Forms]![DropDown form]![Combo7]").
Using Windows 7,
Access 2010
Is there a way to select multiple values from the drop downs?
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Dec 2, 2014
I have 3 cross tab queries that are completely identical with the exception of the field that they pivot. Each field is searching for the same values just in different columns, with the end goal being to get the sum of the values for each pivoted column. I'm wondering rather than having 3 almost identical queries is there a way to use a crosstab to sum the values from each of the three fields rather that having 3 queries which then have to be aggregated in a fourth?
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Jan 24, 2014
I have two queries, one base upon the other. I would like to combine them (If Possible) into one query so I can embed them into a form or report. I have tried without success at finding the answer on the forum as well as searching the web.
The table lists employee numbers and dates they worked. I need a count of how many employees worked each year, based upon the paycheck date, not the actual date worked. Pay check dates are two weeks apart. An extreme example, is the first pay check date of 2010 was on 1/1/2010, but all the days worked were in 2009, this would have to be included in 2010 not 2009(See the query for further date calculation understanding). Anyway, the date calculations are not the issue here.
I only have one table, so if I am not mistaken, I can't use the WHERE (SELECT... JOIN) feature. I also was unsuccessful at using SQL DISTINCT.
I am running ACCESS 2010 Tables are ACCESS 2007.
OS is Windows 7 Ultimate.
I have included a same database with the queries. qryEmployeesAnually2 is the results I am trying to achieve.
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Sep 30, 2014
I am working on a report that has some special characteristics.
Let's say I have a list of groups of Vendors in a table, complete with VendorID. I have 3 other tables that use the VendorID: Complaints, Complements, and Terminations.
Each of these tables has a date that the Complaint, Complement, and Termination notice was received.
Every Fiscal Quarter, a report is pulled that looks back over the 4 preceding quarters to determine if a 5% threshold has been crossed by any of the vendor-groups in regards to the amount of Complaints they received.
The equation used for that is : (complaints/vendors_in_group)*100
It is imperative that the information has the current fiscal year and fiscal month (which I am tracking with functions from MS website), and I need to be able to store the information attached to the fiscal year and month.So when a user goes to the form and inputs the desired Fiscal Year and Fiscal Month, the database can display the 4 previous quarters of information...split into Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4.
What I would like to have happen is to be able to have one table where the information is stored, quarterly, so that it can be retrieved for the report.
1. Is it possible to have one line, per VendorID, that has the total number of Complements, Complaints, and Terminations, as well as the threshold percent stored in a table? Right now, I am getting LOTS of duplicates and blank lines when I try to put them all together. It has the right data, but takes about 10 rows per VendorID.
2. It is very important that the total number of Vendors in a group be captured on that quarterly report, so maintaining that number, in the same table, is essential and must be tied to the VendorID.
3. I have looked at Union Queries and Crosstabs, but I just dont know enough about them to make it work.
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May 7, 2014
Im trying to join two queries as I am unable to use just a single query but I cant use a union query as the query fields aren't exactly the same.
Both queries have a PO_Detail field as every PO has a PO_Detail number assigned to it. 3 of the same records are in both query results but one query is missing the other two results.
If I create a join between the two queries based on this field I don't get all the results. Unfortunately I cant upload the database as it has sensitive data which would take me ages to clear out but I can show a picture of the results.
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Apr 2, 2014
I am trying to combine the result of two specific (and different) queries on a set of loans. As a result I have to sets of query results:
+ result query 1: with first field LoanID and several other fields
+ result query 2: with first field LoanID and several other fields
Now I want to create a list of the combination of all LoanID's, without duplicates.
How do I do that? I read about UNION but that appears to work only on tables.
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Jun 16, 2013
I have a table with sales in (TBL_Sales) as well as another (TBL_Key_Customers) which lists information about specific customers, in particular if they are part of a group e.g I would categorise Dave's Cars, Dave's Bikes and Dave's Coaches as being part of the Dave group.I would like to query the TBL_Sales to see how many sales were made to the Dave group but then also what else was sold. e.g if Factory 1 sold 100 items of which 60 went to Dave's group then the remaining 40 would be shown as "Other".
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Dec 13, 2005
i want to comibine some queries into one table
the first quierie contains like 6 records and the second one contains 3 records
the problem is is that when combining these columns into the one query the second contains more then 3 records when it should be only displaying data for the 3 bits ?
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Jan 10, 2008
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
I've read through the other threads but can't seem to find anything that is simple (not an experienced SQLer so can't really tweak too much) and that would work for my problem.
I have a Project table linked to an Invoice Table (1 to many respectively)
The Invoice table linked to a Transaction table (1 to many respectively). 1 invoice can be paid out to many different cost centers and amounts.
I also have a Reclass table that is linked to the Project table.
Basically Invoices can be processed to multiple cost centers originally. But can also be reclassed at a later date to other cost centers.
The way the database is setup is so that if there are 10 invoices each having multiple records in the Transaction table (charging 1 invoice to multiple cost centers) AND we need to reclass them. We don't want to reclass each an every invoice and transaction record. It setup so that we can take the total invoiced amount for the project (sumed up all the invoices for that project) and reclass one total amount.
The problem is now I have 2 separate "financial" tables. One for the original invoice payment transaction (Transaction table which has the original cost centers and amounts) and a Reclass table with the "new" cost centers and amounts.
I need to combine them so that the financial reporting will reflect the reclasses (moving dollars from one cost center to another).
I tried creating a separate table (All Financials Table) that I can append the "original" Transaction table and Reclass table to use for reporting. I have this working but I can forsee possible problems going forward (i.e. user may append multiple times by a button click).
Is there a simple way to do a combined query on both the Transaction and Reclass table. Both queries have the following: Project ID, Cost Center and Amount. The problem I'm having is that if one table has 10 records of say cost center 123456 and the other has 3 records of 123456. The query ends up giving me 30 records.
I know my explanation is long but I think it will help paint the bigger picture.
Thanks again for reading this!
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Jan 29, 2008
I have a query called Spans1 that calculates the difference between dates:
SELECT [Rasp].[Issue Number], [Rasp].Issues, [Rasp].Status, [Rasp].Date_Received, [Rasp].Date_Resolved, DateDiff("d",[Date_Received],[Date_Resolved]) AS Span
FROM [Rasp]
WHERE ((([Rasp].Status) Like "*" & [Enter status]));
I have another query called Average_Span that gives me an overall average number of days between the dates in the above query:
SELECT Format(Avg([Span]),"0.0") AS Expr2
FROM Spans1;
Is there a way to combine the 2 so that I get the spans and an overall average? Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Nov 5, 2004
I have a need to combine two queries into one so I can run it from a function. I have tried everything to no success.
Anyone have any ideas?
Query one [find m owner] this restricts the table to only those records owned by "m":
SELECT [Table1].[PK], [Table1].[dog], [Table1].[owner] as tempList
FROM Table1
WHERE ((([Table1].[owner])="m"));
Query two this deletes the latest record added by "m":
DELETE [find m owner].PK
FROM [find m owner]
WHERE ((([find m owner].PK)=(select top 1 P.PK from [find m owner] as P Order By P.PK Desc)));
I tried copying
(SELECT [Table1].[PK], [Table1].[dog], [Table1].[owner] as tempList
FROM Table1
WHERE ((([Table1].[owner])="m")))
everywhere [find m owner]
exists in the second query but received syntax errors
this is the combined query
DELETE (SELECT [Table1].[PK], [Table1].[dog], [Table1].[owner] as tempList
FROM Table1
WHERE ((([Table1].[owner])="m"))).[PK]
FROM [SELECT [Table1].[PK], [Table1].[dog], [Table1].[owner] as tempList
FROM Table1
WHERE ((([Table1].[owner])="m"))]. AS [%$##@_Alias]
WHERE ((((SELECT [Table1].[PK], [Table1].[dog], [Table1].[owner] as tempList
FROM Table1
WHERE ((([Table1].[owner])="m"))).PK)=(select top 1 P.PK from (SELECT Table1.PK, Table1.dog, Table1.owner FROM Table1 WHERE (((Table1.owner)="m"))) as P Order By P.PK Desc)));
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Oct 6, 2006
I have a query that uses Count to count the number of Attendances in a register in which there are the letters / Present, A = Absent, E = Excused, L = Late
I have another query that calculates the total possible number of attendances
I am now trying to combine the two so that it will calcuate the Percentage Absent, Percentage Present etc
Can this be done in one query, can the two queries be joined together or do you have to use vba in a Form to
extract the information from the two queries.
thanks for looking
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Jun 12, 2015
I have two tables. One with a persons name and ID, DOB, GP etc (TblName) and one with the persons ID and medication they take (TblMedication). I have a query that runs a report. The header is made up of the first table (TblName) and the body of the second table (TblMedication). All works fine but it shows all records from the first table (TblName) regardless of whether they have medication or not so the body shows up blank. I want to run the query with both tables information but only show the persons header if they have medication.
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Jan 20, 2014
trying to create a query in which I can select a count across two tables with matching postcodes.
Table 1 : Address database with column called 'STRIPCODE' (e.g. ME8, ME9, ME10)
Table 2 : Area Code table; each column has a list of area codes to match to the STRIPCODE column. (e.g. MEDWAY column will have all of the relevant area codes)
I would pretty much want a count of each match as below :
HULL 352
Have a few hundred areas to match and tired of going through these manually and entering counts!
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Apr 19, 2013
I have a table that holds course information for students. I have a parameter query linked to this prompting the user to enter a course code thus displaying all students who have that course. However, I would like to do the opposite i.e prompt the user to enter a course code and then the result to be a list of students who do not have that course.
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Jun 4, 2015
I have two tables. One is about 160 thousand records, which is a part number, a contract price and a day the price took effect. The items appear several times. Prices go up and down over the course of the data, and items are added and dropped.The second table is a list of dated sales and quotes of those items over the past 14 months.(About 10 thousand lines)
I need to match the items with the contract price that existed on the day the quote or the sale was created, so as to demonstrate we were always at or below the contract price.
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Aug 23, 2012
I am managing a tool room and one of my tasks is to update a chit board where people sign out their tools. I have managed to make a query to find New Employees and one to find Terminated Employees. I have also made a query to find the matching employees between these two queries.
My problem is that we employ both contractors and direct employees. When a contractor is hired on directly, their name shows up in both the New list and the Terminated list.What I want to do is have a separate query that shows contractors who went direct and not have these employees show up in the other 2 queries.
Both queries are unmatched query that compare the "Current Chit Board" table to the "Weekly Roster Check" table. The first query called "New Employees" displays the data from the "Weekly Roster Check" table where Employee Number from "Current Chit Board" Is Null. The second query called "Terminated Employees" is the exact oposite. The third query I have is called "Contract to Direct" compares the "New Employees" query to the "Terminated Employees" Query with a "fields from both tables are equal" join type.The problem is when I try to do an unmatched between either the New or Terminated Emplyees queries and the Contract to Direct query, I get a Circular Reference warning and it doesn't execute.
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Mar 5, 2008
Hi there,
I will need to create a way of searching through products in a bookstore by product name, Author or by ISBN. Right now, I have designed 3 seperate queries, but to get more marks in my coursework I would have to combine the 3 queries to allow the user to be able search the three fields in the follwoing way:
Search by: Product Name AND/OR Author AND/OR ISBN
in other words, the user could have the option of searching by either product name, author or ISBN OR they could search by each individual criteria, or they could use a combination of two (e.g. Product name and author).
Could someone please help as i gotta get this sorted
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Dec 10, 2007
Can I use left and right outer join at a time? Means I want all records from both the table, and it should put 'null' whenever value is absent.
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Jan 25, 2006
I have a number of cross tab queries which I run on a weekly basis, each of which is running from a different date field in the database (e.g. one query for orders received based on 'Received Date', another for orders complete based on 'Received Date'. On a weekly basis I have to open each query in design view, edit the start and end date for the week and execute the query. It would save significant time if I could enter a date range once into a form and run the series of queries based on these parameters. Any thoughts?:) :)
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Feb 18, 2006
I'm new to the forum as well as I am new in using MS Access, so please don't lough :) I wasn't even sure whether this is the right subforum to post to....
Anyway here it goes....I have this really big database (nearly 5000 records) and I was wondering how could I make a query, perhaps outside of the Design View, and making it appear like a form e.g. let's say I want the query to display in form style (or even report...) the rest of the fields concerning a certain record when I just give the ID number of a person.
Should I turn to code solution?
Help anyone?????
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