Queries :: Comparing A Text Field In A Table To Textbox On A Form
Jul 8, 2013
I have a table that has a date field set to text. I use the Mid function and get just the month in a query. I have a textbox on a form that when the user adds a month or removes a month from a selected listbox it adds or removes that months number from the textbox.
I want to us that text box on the form as the criteria for the month (the Mid function getting the month) and I can seem to get it to read what's in the textbox and use it as the criteria. I can manually type in a number and it works fine.
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Jul 12, 2013
Is it possible to insert text from a textbox on a form (Data) when a combobox on (Data) meets a criteria?
Example: Test: IIf([Results]="Positive" text207)
So if the Results combobox is Positive then the text from Text207 is inserted.
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May 15, 2013
I have one field where string contains several words separated by semicolon and my goal is to be able to remove duplicates within the string and keep only unique values. Here is an example:
initial field:
targeted result:
How this could be achieved ?
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Aug 27, 2013
I have one table A that has a Name field that I would like to find if it matches any of the cases in table B with 2 other fields: Field 1 or Field 2
There is no way of establishing referential integrity because the Name Field can be found in either Field 1 or Field 2.
How would I go about searching so I can pull in the rest of the data that I need with when the Name is matched either with Field 1 or 2?
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Mar 21, 2014
Expressions in Access have given me some trouble before. Mainly due to inexperience. I hardly ever work with them. What I am trying to do is make the default value of a form textbox control the minimum value of a field A in a table A. The datatype of Field A is Date.
So far I've got:
=Min([table A].[field A])
In the Default Value of the form's property sheet, but this just returns a blank value. I've had a look in the table and there is no value that is blank in field A.
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Jul 10, 2013
I have a table [VL] with four fields, [vl_id], [product], [vl_date], [valeur_liquidative].
The idea of the table is that you can input and update the value of each product on a given day.
I need to find the difference in days between successive dates (vl_date) each time that a product value (valeur_liquidative) is updated. Values aren't updated everyday as it is not updated during the weekends. I have had a go at this but have struggled..
A picture of what the table looks like is attached for reference.
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Jun 26, 2014
I can not solve this problem, my Access knoledge is mediocre.
I have the following table from imported data:
RecNr IPaddres DateandTime
1 20-11-2013 21:47:21
2 20-11-2013 21:47:59
3 20-11-2013 21:48:35
4 22-11-2013 20:44:59
5 22-12-2013 19:47:59
6 22-12-2013 20:47:59
7 01-02-2014 12:47:59
8 01-02-2014 12:48:30
9 01-03-2014 11:47:59
I want to make a query that results in displaying records that have the same IP-address where the difference in the date/time stamp is within 1 minute. When the date/time stamp is > 1 minute the record can be deleted from the table.
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Nov 3, 2014
I can add to my make table query UDate: Date() that will add a populated field to the output table that has today's date in it.
I can also add something similar like this for example V_Num: [V_Number] and when ran, will prompt with a dialogue box to add some data, it will then create the table with that new field name and populated with the text from the dialogue box.
But how can I automate this to skip the dialogue box and just add it to the expression?
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Sep 19, 2011
I have a table with a field named 'Comments'. On the form, I would like to have a text input and a command button. After the user enter the comments onto the textbox and subsequently click on the command button, the comments will be input onto the 'Comments' field of the table.
Q1. How can the text box be link to the 'Comments' field of the table?
Q2. Only after I press the command button then the input text on the text box will be transfer to the table. What is the command for that?
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Apr 28, 2014
I am importing an excel text field into a table. I am then appending the data to another table. I am having a hard time with the Cdate function
Excel Date Field:
Example Value:
2014.04.21 18:24:30
My Query Code:
NewDate: CDate(Left([DateQ],4)+"/"+Mid([DateQ],6,2)+"/"+Right([DateQ],2))
My Query Result:
What it should be:
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Mar 2, 2014
I am just querying a single table, no relationship involved with another table. As you can see form the attached jpeg, the ZIP field in some cases is empty. I would run a search using Is NULL but the field is NOT numerical. It's a long story but I had to make this field a TEXT field. Basically, what statement do I have to insert in the criteria field to just pull up the EMPTY ZIP fields?
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Jul 18, 2013
I have a textbox on a form that i am pulling off of a table. the table stores the infor as listed below
customer ordernumber order description
Jeff 123 -abc
Bill 456 -ghy
but when i bring the field into a form it lists it out the field of order description as below in a textbox, i used textbox b/c the the text can be pretty long
how can i make it so that it separates out the listing as i have it on the table?
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Feb 20, 2006
Hi All,
I hope someone can help me.
I have a table here tblTemp with a field client. This table can have from 1 to 100 records at times as it keeps getting cleared for the purpose of this exercise.
I also have a form frmLabel1Data with an unbound text box txtclient.
I was hoping to get the first record of the table into this text box upon opening the form.
I tried creating a query which gave me the following sql;
SELECT First(tblTemp.client) AS FirstOfclient FROM tblTemp;
I also tried placing it in this code with no luck
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
SQL = "SELECT First(tblTemp.client) AS FirstOfclient FROM tblTemp;"
MsgBox SQL
End Sub
Does anyone know why I cannot see the same result as when I open the query it gives me my client name but the code above does not????
Any help is appreciated.
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Aug 14, 2014
I have a table x where the field value is selected via a combo box in a form that is populated from another table z.
When I look in x, it appears to have correctly stored the text from z, not the ID number.
I then built a Query, qX, which looks in x and grabs the fields I want. That query shows the text correctly in each selected field.
Now when I build a form, frmQx and use a List control, it displays some of the fields as ID values from the original table z, not the text values.
How can I get round this? I've searched and searched for an answer, sigh. Maybe I'm just not quite certain how to phrase the search.
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Jun 10, 2013
Trying to run a query using criteria to populate the query by looking at information from a field on a form, if from is closed I need that criteria to look at the table and return all date in table.
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Aug 18, 2015
I am building a database to track contract of employees so that I can know which contracts are valid and which are expired.
My table has the following fields:
ID (Primary key)
Employee ID (Foreign key to link to the employee table)
Status (Either valid or expired)
I want when I enter the end date, the system checks the end date against the current date and fills in the status field with either valid or expired as appropriate. For instance if the contract end date is March 10,2016, the status must be filled in the word valid.
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Aug 30, 2013
I am new to access and have been staring at the same Run-time error for 3 days (pathetic I know). I cannot for the life of me figure out why it does not like my Dlookup. Esentially, I want and After Update event in my combo box to populate a Rich text textbox in my form. After reading DLookup is the easiest way to make this happen. Here is my code:
Me.emailbody.Value = DLookup("[Escalation_1]", "Status_Emails", "Status_Emails.Status =" & (cboStatus.Value))
My error reads: "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Status_Emails.Status = LOCATION NEED MORE INFO'.
LOCATION NEED MORE INFO is the value in my criteria cbostatus.value.
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Aug 5, 2014
I have a table products with a field "id_product" and "total" (Total items in stock)
I have a query with the fields "id_product" and also the field "total in stock"
I want an update query to update the field 'total' in table 'products' with infos from that query
For each id-product in table products, replace the field total with the field 'total in stock' from the query
So I want to update a filed in a specific table with infos form another table.
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Aug 4, 2012
How do i save a record as soon as text is entered into the textbox in a form?I need it to save without moving on to the next form without having to click a button
If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
but it doesnt seem to work
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Mar 13, 2006
I keep getting #Name? error. I'm trying to not use the form wizard and manually bind a text box on a form to a field in a table. I've placed a textbox on a form, then right click the text box and click properties, this brings up the properties page. In the control source property, I correctly type the name of the field. I save and switch views from design view to form view, I should see the first data in the textbox, but I see #Name?
what am I doing wrong?
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Nov 13, 2013
I'm having trouble with a Form and getting a text box entry box (Date entry) default to the date entered on the last record, which is linked to a table.
The only way I can get it to work is to type the date into the Text Box's Default property, for example, #11/13/13".
How to get the correct syntax or code into the Default property of the Text Box to make this work? I only want the entry to change versus the previous record/entry if the User changes / enters a new date.
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Apr 17, 2013
Go to frmInvoice, and you'll see a Net Total box (txtNetTotal) . It's control source is linked to a textbox in the subform fsubInvoiceDetails2 called txtStocktotal. It basically just pulls up all the costs associated with that InvoiceID.
The reference mechanism is as follows: =[fsubInvoiceDetails2].[Form]![txtStockTotal].Now...sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't! Sometimes i've had to use: =forms!fsubInvoiceDetails2!txtStockTotal.
It seems to be very temperamental at times and i'm not fully confident if this can be explained.By way of note, I use express builder normally to input these statements: I go to Forms > ALL FORMS > fsubInvoiceDetails2 > txtstocktotal.
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Jan 24, 2006
Hi all!
Got yet another question.
I have a text box field (txtLoanSN) for users to input serial numbers, but they can be of different formats depending on the type of service.
Examples are:
Type A - 020/2005, 001/2006
Type B - C2001/2006, C2006/2006
Type C - B1001/2005, B1021/2006
I would like to perform a series of actions based on the type of serial no. e.g. disabling another textbox (txtPNo) if txtLoanSN is like Type B or Type C.
How should the syntax for the If Statements be?
Would appreciate any help I can get!
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Jul 18, 2005
I've designed a data entry form based on a table. I use a few combo boxes, (linked via SQL statements for their row/source) to fill most of the fields in the table.
What I want to do is populate one textbox on the form with the contents of a field in one of the combo box's row/source tables. The field I want isn't shown in the combo box.
Basically, what I want is that when I choose a PART NUMBER from a combo box, I want the OEM_ID from the same table to jump into the textbox below it.
I think I may have tied myself in knots though to the point where what I want can't be done. Any ideas? I know this is probably going to take a couple of goes at explaining. :P
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Jul 8, 2014
I have a form frmCrisisSupportWorkers with a tab control on the form. On the first tab, Personal Info there is a combo box called cboLocation. It is next to the Town/City.
I have a text box that updates the postcode after the selection is made below it but that is as the post codes are stored in the combo box and I just put the column for the postcode in the control source of the text box.
I can't do that for state as I have it stored in another table and use a numeric identifier to show which state is selected.
I want to have a text box below that auto updates the state once a town is selected but I can't seem to get it working.
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Mar 21, 2006
Hi. I have spent ages searching, but I can't find anything relating specifically to what I want to do, and I'm simply not experienced enough to make up the code as I go along.
I want to call a value from a field in TableA to a textbox on a form bound to TableB. I know, its probably simple, but I can't figure it out.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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