Queries :: Concatenate Field Data Into One Cell In Query According To Linked Table ID?

Mar 8, 2014

i need to Concatenate a fields data into one cell in a query according to linked table ID....

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Modules & VBA :: Concatenate Data In One Cell In A Report / Query

Mar 27, 2014

Watch the below tables.

I have a large ACCESS list as per the left one and I would like to make it as per right.

The problem is that I want to concatenate the "invoices" in one record separated with a coma , .

This is the only way I can compact the long list into a short one and make it comprehensible.

The invoices , in one cell, very rarely are more than 4 or 5 items.

So room for 6 is just perfect.

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General :: Concatenate - Combine Dates Into One Cell To Have One Row Of Order Data

Feb 25, 2013

I have 2 gig of order data which has duplicates due to different invoice dates. How can I combine the dates into one cell so I only had one row of Order data.

i.e. order number, price, order date, invoice date

same order number, same price, same order date, different invoice date.

How do I combine the second line with the first so that I only have the data once.

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Queries :: Append Query Needs To Add Data From A Field To The Table

Mar 13, 2014

I want to set a table field's default value to whatever is displayed in a certain field on a certain form at the time.In other words, say I have a database with a table called TABLE1, and two fields called NAME and SCHEDULENUMBER. I have a form called CreateSchedule with a SCHEDULE NUMBERCONTROL form and a NAME form, and I can enter names onto it, and it records to the proper SCHEDULENUMBER. So if I pull up SCHEDULENUMBER 4, and add three names, when I go back into TABLE1, I can see those three new names, and each one has the SCHEDULENUMBER set to 4.

What I'm trying to do is write an APPEND QUERY to copy a list of names from a different table, and paste them into TABLE1. The problem is that the other table doesn't have a SCHEDULENUMBER field. What I want to do is put a button on the CreateSchedule form that runs an APPEND QUERY, and sets the SCHEDULENUMBER to whatever value is displayed on CreateSchedule's SCHEDULENUMBERCONTROL field.

I tried setting a default value in TABLE1's field properties for that SCHEDULENUMBERCONTROL field, but I keep getting error messages. I just want TABLE1, whenever I add a new record (regardless of how I add the record: manually typing it or clicking the append query button) to look at the form CreateSchedule, and set it's own SCHEDULENUMBER field to whatever is displayed in CreateSchedule's SCHEDULENUMBERCONTROL form.

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Modules & VBA :: Concatenate Data From Multiple Rows Into Single Row / Field

Nov 4, 2013

I use following function to concatenate data from multiple rows into a single row/field. It puts a comma ',' after each concatenate. What I would like it to do more is to put 'and' instead of comma between the last two concatenated words. For example: Now it gives me Value 1 but I want to get Value 2.

Value 1:
FormRegNo CombinedParticipants
DC-190 Political parties, CSOs, community residents

Value 2:
FormRegNo CombinedParticipants
DC-190 Political parties, CSOs and community residents

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Public Function ConcatField(strSQL As String) As String
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strConcat As String

[Code] ....

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Extracting Data From Linked Db2 Table Using Access Make Table Query

Aug 29, 2006

I am extracting data from linked db2 table using access make table query. First I create a select query and can view the linked db2 data, but when I change to a make table query I get an error message, "invalid argument", when I run the make table query. There is no selection critera specified. Has anyone had this happen? and Do you know a solution?

Thanks for your support

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Queries :: Concatenate Related Records Into One Expression / Field In A Form

Feb 13, 2014

In my query, I have several results that relate to the same PK overall, and I'd like to concatenate these records into one expression/one field in a form.

Currently my query looks like this;

As you can see, the BandPK/BandFK are repeated where the GenreFK/GenrePK are different. What I'd like to do is concatenate the column named Genres into one field so the BandFK/PK isn't repeated.

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Queries :: Return Records With No Data In A Cell?

Apr 4, 2015

I've got a database of club members with names, addresses, contact info etc.

I need to send letters by post to those members that I don't have email addresses for. How to create a query to return a list of people whom I don't have email addresses for.

I know how to mail merge the info with the letter I've written in word, how to group people who's email address cell is empty.

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Queries :: Make Table Query To Linked BE

Jul 15, 2014

I have a make table query which creates the new table on the local front end.I have now split the DB, so need to know how I can get this query to make the table on the BE i.e. how do i link it.

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Queries :: How To Concatenate Row Values Using A Query

Jul 1, 2013

I have a table Pmt in Ms Access with following information:

Table Pmt
Cust no Inv no T no Date Amt
123 ABC T1 20110131 1000
123 ABC T2 20130228 1000
123 ABC T3 20130331 1000
789 XYZ A1 20130131 2000
789 XYZ A2 20130228 2000

Fields "Cust no", "Inv no" and "T no" are in Text format, whereas "Date" and "Amt" are in Number.

My question: how can I concatenate row values using a query. The query results that I wanted are as follows:

Cust no Inv no T no Date Amt
123 ABC T1, T2, T3 20130131, 20130228, 20130331 3000
789 XYZ A1, A2 20130131, 20130228 4000

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Queries :: Linked Tables - Query From Different Table In One Column

Apr 5, 2013

I have two tables,

Table A:
Year Type Count
1992 Walk 82
1992 Bike 43
1992 Vechicle 298
1992 Ship 3
1992 flight 3478
1993 Walk 47
1993 Bike 13
1993 Vechicle 638
1993 Ship 24
1993 flight 3111
1994 Walk 0
1994 Bike 8
1994 Vechicle 1298
1994 Ship 24
1994 flight 3234

Table B:
ID Type
T1 Walk
T2 Bike
T3 Vechicle
T4 Ship
T5 flight

The two table linked by the [type]

I need a query expression like: SlowWay: IIf([TableB].[ID]= 'T1' AND [TableB].[ID]= 'T2',[TableA].[Count])

FastWay: IIf([TableB].[ID]= 'T3' AND [TableB].[ID]= 'T4' AND [TableB].[ID]= 'T5',[TableA].[Count])

My expression keep gives me the error.

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Tables :: Survey File - Concatenate 2-3 Field Values In Table

Sep 6, 2014

I have a project that in Access. I'll be handling a survey file that will maintain answers per customer. The visit to customer is done monthly in a year, which means that a customer can have 12 visits in a year. My problem is that if I will maintain this project for the next five years or more, I have to maintain another field in my table that will block the duplicate entries.

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Queries :: Transpose And Concatenate Query Results

Jul 24, 2014

I am trying to generate a simple report that can be imported to excel for analysis. Currently the database documents failure causes associated with a repair. I need a "Report" that does not duplicate the failed items in the event there is more than one cause associated with the failure. some repaired items may have up to 3 causes of failure. What I would like to do is have the query show one record instead of three records (for the cases were three causes of failure were identified for a repair)

Current query format

facilityID Failure Cause
1 Electrical Surge
1 Mechanical Wear
1 Corrosion
2 ......
2 ......
.... ......

Desired query format

FacilityID Failure Cause(s)
1 Electrical surge, Mechanical wear, Corrosion
2 .....
.... .....

I was reading about a SQL transpose call but I do not need all fields transposed (only the failure causes transposed and concatenated into one field).

Test database attached with a query that shows the data I want to transform into the desired format.

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Queries :: Check For Same Cell Value Access Table?

Jun 19, 2014

I've created a database with entries corresponding to different participants in a tasting experiment. All the entries are stored in a single table. The participants are each members of a family, with participants of a family given a family number (increments with family) (see image link below).


I want to be able to check that for either 'Mother' or 'Father' of 'Child1','Child2', etc. within the same family, the location within the sweet, sour, bitter column is the same.

(I'm asssuming five queries will have to be run, one for each of the flavours).

To reiterate, I want to check for example if 'Mother' and 'Child1' within 'Family Number' 3 taste 'Bitter' in the same place (Which they do - 'Middle').

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Query Field To Concatenate Fields With Nil Values

Feb 2, 2005

I have an Access 2000 project and am trying in a query view to join 3 values into one.
2 of the values come from tables, the third comes from another query view (all linked in the query design screen)

Value 1 is always populated, but for each record either Value 2 or Value 3 will always be empty.
All values are strings.

I have tried this formula in the query design grid:

dbo.Value1 + '/' + dbo.Table2.Value2 + dbo.vieTable3.Value3

..in an attempt to give the result Value1/Value2 or value1/Value3 according to the
particular record.

Unfortunately it doesn't work! ...just returns blank results when the query view is run.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated


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Queries :: Update Table Where Column Cell Is Empty?

Aug 6, 2015

I have a small problem: I have a table with over 20 columns. In every column there are some 1's, but the other cells or tuples are empty. In these empty cells I want to write a 0. So I need an UPDATE query.

But what should I write for the WHERE condition? So he should check every cell and if there's no 1, write a 0.

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Erron With Linked Table Query Using Date Field Criteria

Apr 29, 2008

Hello all

I am using Access as a front end (GUI) with a SQL 2005 database and have several linked tables. An user encountered an odd error that I cannot figure out.

He created a query that had criteria on a date. When he tries to run it the query will not do anything. If he closes out of the query and does any other operation he gets the "This Action will reset the current code in break mode." error and will have to close out access before he can do anything else.

I'm found some strange work-arounds but want to fix the problem the correct way. Attached are two examples - the first one causes the error the second one is the work-around that returns the desired results.

Any ideas?

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Queries :: Pulling A Cell From One Table To Another Based On (Account Number)

Jul 22, 2013

Table 1:
Account Number
Start Date
End Date
Cost data**
Budget data**

Table 2 (Imported excel file with cost/budget data):
Account Number
Cost data**
Budget data**

Table 1 is the main table that will be viewable in this database. The idea here is that new Account Numbers can be added to Table 1 throughout the year. It then pulls the cost/budget data into Table 1 based on the matching Account Number between table 1 and 2.

So, if the Account Number (Table 1) = Account Number (Table 2) then it pulls the cost/budget data into the cells on that row. I am trying to make this automated since this data is updated weekly and imported into Table 2 from excel.

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General :: Concatenate Two Text Fields Into A Memo Field In Query?

Sep 5, 2014

I'm trying to concatenate two text fields into a memo field using an expression in a select query. My problem is that the text fields together end up more than 255 characters, so I need the resulting field to be a memo instead. I can't change the underlying text fields to memo fields because this is a large database used by others who need those fields to be text.

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Want Linked Excel Cell 2b Memo Not Text?

Oct 13, 2005

I linked an Excel table and now, in both the table and report, the cell is limiting itself to 255 characters, even though the Excel cell has more. I checked the "data type" and it says "memo" but it keeps truncating to "text".

Where is this limit coming from and can I change the linked table so it won't truncate the text?

thanks :confused:

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Queries :: Selects Active Records For Three Different Selections - Concatenate Query Results

Nov 3, 2014

I have a query that selects the "Active" records for three different selections, A, B or C.. There may be 1, 2 or 3 results for a particular selection. That is Selection A may have one result or active records, but Selection B may have three results.

I want to use data from the query to populate a field on a form. For example, if the results for Selection A, having one "Active" record would be RecordAData. But for Selection B with three "Active" records the result would be RecordBData & " " & RecordBData2 & " " & RecordBData3

My query is:
SELECT tblSomething.ID, tblSomething.D1, tblSomething.D2, tblSomething.D3, tblSomething.D4, tblSomething.D5, tblSomething.D6, [D3] & " " & [D4] & " " & [D5] & "-" & [D6] & " " & "SomeText" AS Header
FROM tblSomething
WHERE (((tblSomething.D1)=Forms!frmSomethingHeaders!D1) And ((tblSomething.D2)=True));

The concatenation in the query is labeled "Header". I want to be able to Concatenate the "Header" which in itself is a concatenation in the query.

I thought that this might be a looping through the query results, but I cannot figure out how to do it. But then, that is only my uneducated guess.

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Tables :: Update Cell In Linked Excel Spreadsheet?

Jan 22, 2015

I have an access database with a linked table to an Excel spreadsheet. I have a form based on the linked table so the presentation of the Excel date is better. The spreadsheet is used by other staff in my office to record sales which I need to register with an external organisation. What I want to do is update the spreadsheet with the registration date from my access form rather than going back into excel to do it.

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Queries :: Change Background Color Of A Query Cell If Certain Criteria Met?

Aug 14, 2015

Is it possible to run a query and have the background color of the query field be highlighted if a certain criteria is met?

I'd like to use the expresion builder if possible.

For example if the values in field A and field B do not match, then field C should be a yellow background.

If this is possible, how is it done?

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Queries :: Enter Data Not Less Than Certain Data In Another Table (field)

Apr 22, 2013

I have a query called "Stock" containing field like (Item, Description, product_qty)

Another is a table called "Sales" with fields like (Sales_ID, Item, Sales_description, sales_Qty, date_Of_Sale) Item field on sales is a foreign key.

Now what i want is how can i make when the user enters new record, in field "Sales_Qty" the data entered here to be less than product_Qty.

NB; this is because you can not sell more than what you have.

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Queries :: Find Data In One Table And Put In Field Of Another Table Then Update

Nov 7, 2013

I have an "order details" table that needs to populate a field called "Voucher" with data from another table called "codes". The "codes" table also has a true/false field called "allocated" because once allocated the code cannot be re-used.

I am trying to work out how to automatically allocate the next unallocated code in the "codes" table to each record in the "order details" table when that order details record has a DiscountID of "92".

Order Details Table Fields and conditions/criteria:
ID - primary key
DiscountID - only when the DiscountID = 92
Voucher - only populated when Discount ID = 92

Codes table Fields and conditions/criteria:
ID - primary key
code = text field with a code like "einstein01", "einstein02"
Allocated = False

Is there a way to put the next available code into the order details record then mark that code as allocated in the codes table. Then, move on to the next order details record that has a discountID = 92, input the next unallocated code and mark that code etc. etc.

Ideally, I would like to do this to happen via an event when the Order forms button "Close" is clicked.

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Queries :: Field Header In Query Based On Other Field Data

Jun 28, 2013

I have two tables that are joined - called A and B. A has two fields, "PLACE" and "RAND" and is joined to B via field "RAND". Other than "RAND", B has several fields named 01 TOTAL, 02 TOTAL, 03 TOTAL, etc...for about 60 fields.

The "PLACE" field in table A has data that is 01, 02, 03, ect.... How do I structure a query so that whatever "PLACE" is, I can match the XX TOTAL value? In other words, i need to have the query field header be somehow dependent on the value in "PLACE".

Is this even possible?

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