Queries :: Concatenate Person Name And Initials

Aug 21, 2013

How to concatenate a number of fields from a table into a query.

The fields are:


Note that there will be varying combinations: some people will have a Prefix, Firstname then surname (no middle initials), so I would want to display "Mr Joe Bloggs". But others could have no Prefix but two middle initials, so "Joe P J Bloggs".

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Queries :: How To Add More Fields To Concatenate

Mar 5, 2014

I have a table called Export_Car which contains Data such as License Number and Make and Model.I am calling a VBA function (in my query) that I have found online.This works fine and concatanates all the License Numbers for that Dealer.

ConcatRelated("License & Chr(13) & Chr(10)","Export_Car","[Dealer_ID] = """ & [Dealer_ID] & """")

My question is how do I add more fields to concatanate, such as Make and Model.

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Queries :: How To Concatenate Row Values Using A Query

Jul 1, 2013

I have a table Pmt in Ms Access with following information:

Table Pmt
Cust no Inv no T no Date Amt
123 ABC T1 20110131 1000
123 ABC T2 20130228 1000
123 ABC T3 20130331 1000
789 XYZ A1 20130131 2000
789 XYZ A2 20130228 2000

Fields "Cust no", "Inv no" and "T no" are in Text format, whereas "Date" and "Amt" are in Number.

My question: how can I concatenate row values using a query. The query results that I wanted are as follows:

Cust no Inv no T no Date Amt
123 ABC T1, T2, T3 20130131, 20130228, 20130331 3000
789 XYZ A1, A2 20130131, 20130228 4000

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Queries :: Concatenate Multiple Rows Without VBA

Sep 23, 2014

I am trying to concatenate multiple rows into one record. I googled it and found many functions in VBA that do the job. However my problem is that my query will be linked directly to Excel file and then I get an error message saying that Excel could not recognise this function. I could potentially insert data into new table and link that table to Excel but I need to avoid end-user exposure to Access as much as possible.

So I am desperately trying to find a way of doing this without VBA code.

Example of data:

Customer Name |Order Number
Smith |O101
Brown |O102
Smith |O103
Green |O104
Brown |O105

I am trying to achieve below:

Customer Name |Order Number
Smith |O101, O103
Brown |O102, O105
Green |O104

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Queries :: Transpose And Concatenate Query Results

Jul 24, 2014

I am trying to generate a simple report that can be imported to excel for analysis. Currently the database documents failure causes associated with a repair. I need a "Report" that does not duplicate the failed items in the event there is more than one cause associated with the failure. some repaired items may have up to 3 causes of failure. What I would like to do is have the query show one record instead of three records (for the cases were three causes of failure were identified for a repair)

Current query format

facilityID Failure Cause
1 Electrical Surge
1 Mechanical Wear
1 Corrosion
2 ......
2 ......
.... ......

Desired query format

FacilityID Failure Cause(s)
1 Electrical surge, Mechanical wear, Corrosion
2 .....
.... .....

I was reading about a SQL transpose call but I do not need all fields transposed (only the failure causes transposed and concatenated into one field).

Test database attached with a query that shows the data I want to transform into the desired format.

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Queries :: Concatenate Multiple Records Grouped By Date?

May 2, 2014

I have a rates table with 3 fields : [RateDate], [CurrencyID], [FXRate]

I also have a currencies table with 2 fields : [CurrencyID], [CurrencyCode]

Where [CurrencyCode] is just the 3-character currency code (i.e. EUR, GBP, USD etc.)

The rates table uses a composite primary key across [RateDate] and [CurrencyID] - i.e., there should only be one unique record for each combination of date and currency.

Not every date will be present in the table and, within each of those dates, not every currency will be present (but at least one, obviously)

I want to write a query which will return two fields. The first field will contain all of the unique dates in the table for which the [FXRate] field (for any currency) is blank / null. Straightforward enough :

SELECT [tblRates].[RateDate]
FROM [tblRates]
INNER JOIN [tblCurrencies]


But this gives me a separate record for each date / currency combination in the returned dataset. I just want one record per date and all of the currency codes in a single string (separated by some delimiter) as a text field.

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Queries :: Concatenate - Difference Between Numeric And Text Fields

Aug 6, 2015

I have a Query contains field that is :

Code : AllNv: Concatenate("SELECT NAll FROM NormalsQ WHERE SerName='" & [SerName] & "'" & " ORDER BY NormID")

but [SerName] is a text type field that is not Primary Key.

I have in the FamilyTbl , [ServiceID] is numeric type field, and a primary key. I try :

Code ; AllNv: Concatenate("SELECT NAll FROM NormalsQ WHERE ServiceID='" & [ServiceID] & "'" & " ORDER BY NormID")

but this returns all [NAll] records. I use concatenate :


Function Concatenate(pstrSQL As String, _
Optional pstrDelim As String = ", ", _
Optional pstrLastDelim As String = "") _
As Variant

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Concatenate Related Records Into One Expression / Field In A Form

Feb 13, 2014

In my query, I have several results that relate to the same PK overall, and I'd like to concatenate these records into one expression/one field in a form.

Currently my query looks like this;

As you can see, the BandPK/BandFK are repeated where the GenreFK/GenrePK are different. What I'd like to do is concatenate the column named Genres into one field so the BandFK/PK isn't repeated.

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Queries :: Selects Active Records For Three Different Selections - Concatenate Query Results

Nov 3, 2014

I have a query that selects the "Active" records for three different selections, A, B or C.. There may be 1, 2 or 3 results for a particular selection. That is Selection A may have one result or active records, but Selection B may have three results.

I want to use data from the query to populate a field on a form. For example, if the results for Selection A, having one "Active" record would be RecordAData. But for Selection B with three "Active" records the result would be RecordBData & " " & RecordBData2 & " " & RecordBData3

My query is:
SELECT tblSomething.ID, tblSomething.D1, tblSomething.D2, tblSomething.D3, tblSomething.D4, tblSomething.D5, tblSomething.D6, [D3] & " " & [D4] & " " & [D5] & "-" & [D6] & " " & "SomeText" AS Header
FROM tblSomething
WHERE (((tblSomething.D1)=Forms!frmSomethingHeaders!D1) And ((tblSomething.D2)=True));

The concatenation in the query is labeled "Header". I want to be able to Concatenate the "Header" which in itself is a concatenation in the query.

I thought that this might be a looping through the query results, but I cannot figure out how to do it. But then, that is only my uneducated guess.

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Queries :: Concatenate Field Data Into One Cell In Query According To Linked Table ID?

Mar 8, 2014

i need to Concatenate a fields data into one cell in a query according to linked table ID....

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Separate Name Fields To Initials

Aug 13, 2007

Hi all, I'm trying to splitt the name of the clients in my query into a column called Initials:

Their 'Names' are in this format


Therefore in Initials, i want to see in column Initials


How do i do this please? Many thanks

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Modules & VBA :: Fetch Initials (First And Last Letter) Of Username

Dec 24, 2013

How can we store the first and last letter of the username using vba.

E.g. my name is "Daniel Rawlings" then it should display "DR".

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Forms :: Can Automate Adding Date / Initials To Memo

Apr 28, 2014

We have a memo field that folks may add to on different days. Additionally, different users may add notes if the person who started to work on the transaction is out of the office. My manager would like to add a way to include the date and initials of the person that added a new memo automatically after they add a memo. Currently, we don't track user login so I'm assuming we would have to in order to get their initials.

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Forms :: Displaying Initials In Combo Box When Option Selected From Drop Down

Oct 2, 2013

I have a Combo Box bound which gets its values from a table (T_Users).

The Combo Box displays the Users 'Initials' [Column 1], but the Bound Column [Column 2] is that of the Users 'ID' (which is used when a record is edited or a new record added).

What I want to be able to do is when the user clicks the Combo Box, and the drop down list 'drops down' the options, I want them to not only see the 'Initials' but also selected other columns - BUT - when the option is selected I just want the 'Initials' to be displayed in the Combo Box.

So, Normal > | ABC |

Dropped Down > | ABC |
| ABC (Annabel Carcus, Big Company Ltd.) |
| JB (Joe Bloggs, Medium Company Ltd.) |
| FS (Fred Smith, Little Company Ltd.) |

Select JB, and > | JB |

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User Login And Have Their INITIALS Auto-Filled When Filling Out Forms

Apr 17, 2013

I have a database where multiple users log in and work in 1 of 2 different forms. The 1st form in for initial data entry where users enter data then senter there initials and save each record. the other form is for QC'ing data that has been entered and they will add additional data to the form, then enter their initials and save the record.

How can I make it so that I can have a user once they log in to the database, it will autofill their initials? I have used a dropdown box before but it is not useful for people who have the same first name initial or worst, the same first and second initial because they end up selecting the wrong initials.

I do not currently have it set up where I have a login screen, I just have only forms visible to users when they enter data. Any easiest way to go about making this happen (I am just trying to shorten the amount of data entry that gets done).

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Can More Than One Person Be Using....

Mar 25, 2008

I've set up a database and set up User-Level security for each user.

While they are entering data, can I go in and change some items in design view?


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Totals By Person

Aug 25, 2005

I have a table where 4 different people enter their amount of work sheets they complete each day via a form. Each person could have a different total each day. Example:


Each person will have a entry for each work day of the month.

I am creating a query that needs to show each persons total for a month. I know how to get the month but how can I total each persons page count all together and then separately? Example:

All four combined total page count

AJ Page count individually
CH page count individually
MH page count individually
Ca page count individually

Thanks for all help

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Tracking Person's Work?

Oct 18, 2005

I'm undecided in what I should to to track what an employee does for the day. Currently employees have a 5X7 index card which is printed out fields and they fill it in by hand and turn it in.

Instead of the employees doing this I want to record all of this information in the database.

These are the fields that I will include:
EmployeeName, Book, WorkType, WorkEffort, StartPage, EndPage, StartTime, EndTime, TotalPgsWorked, Comments.

Should I bound all of these fields to the tblWorkLog or should a create unbound fields and create an append query which will add these fields to the table.

I don't want the users to enter their own start time and end time as they might not record it accurately.

Should the time be recorded this way: Have the user open the form, when the form opens that will record the start time. Have the user have the form remained open until the end of the day or when he or she finishes through out the day. When the form is closed that will record the end time.

What is an alternative of doing that though? Have the user open the form record all the info and have the startime recorded. Exit out of the database, when they finish their work, open the database go back to that record and record the end time?

My problem here would be there is no uniqe ID. The user can work on a Book for a week, and can also work on multiple books on the same day. How would they know which record to open.

I'm uncertain how to lay this out and begin it any insight will be greatly appreciated.

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Calculate A Person's Age Not Working.

Oct 11, 2006

Hi all ,
I am trying to calculate a person’s age.
Went to Customer Form
Have a field called cust_birthday ( date/time ) ( 99;00;00;>LL;0; )
Have a field called cust_age ( Number )

Went to Madules / New / then add this code,

Public Function Age(dteDOB As Date, Optional SpecDate As Variant) As Integer
Dim dteBase As Date, cust_age As Date, cust_birthday As Integer
If IsMissing(SpecDate) Then
dteBase = Date
dteBase = SpecDate
End If
cust_birthday = DateDiff("yyyy", dteDOB, dteBase)
cust_age = DateSerial(Year(dteBase), Month(dteDOB), Day(dteDOB))
Age = cust_birthday + (dteBase < cust_age)
End Function

Not Working get no return. Can someone help me. Thank You if you can….


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Forms :: Only One Person In A Field

Sep 26, 2013

I have a form where one person wil insert a new record and click on a button that will display his login name and date she/he inserted the new record. A second person will later check if everything was entered correctly and this person will also press a button that will insert his login name and date in a field.The thing is that the same person can't do the quality check and insert the new record. So if in the field "PersonPassQA" is filled in and the person will do the same in "PersonQA", she/he should get a warning and the field should stay empty. This is the code I use to pass the PersonPassQA:

Private Sub Command24_Click()
'Date pass to QA and person passing to QA
Me.[DatePassedQA] = Date
Me.[PersonPassQA] = Environ("Username")
End Sub


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Person Link To Adres, Howto?

Sep 1, 2005

Hello all,

I'm new here so hello everybody.

Ok, I'm pretty new to Access '97 and so I have a problem already.
I want to make an adres database. I want to make the adres central and link the persons to that adres, so that i can have multiple persons on the same adres. I created an adres table and a person table, but how do I link the person to the adres???

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Allowing A Database To Be Opened By More Than One Person

Apr 9, 2008

How can i have multiple people entering data into a database, also there is an excel file that imports the info every few min, if i have that open i cannot enter data into the database. theres going to about 4-5 users plus the excel file.

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Multiple Practice Groups For One Person

May 27, 2005


I'm creating a simple relational database of all the attorneys our company work with. I'd like to have three tables: "Law Firms" (firm name & other info), "Attorneys" (what firm, personal info, and what practice groups s/he is involved in), and lastly "Practice Areas" (all different practice areas with codes).

Now, my issue is that people are usually involved in multiple practice areas. Thus, I can't just put a code for one practice area in "Attorneys" table, but I can't put multiple codes in either in one field (right?) because it'd mess up the relations.

What I'd like to accomplish is for people to be able to go to our intranet and, using a form (?), select a law firm and a practice group and get a list of attorneys.

Does anyone know of a good way to solve this? It doesn't have to be pretty, since the DB isn't going to be huge (2000-2500 records).

Thank you!

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Multiple Tables Per Person (student)

Nov 13, 2006


I have a DB for students.
I'm making notes each time we've had a chat.
Is there a possibillity to make a relationsship between 2 tables so I can make multiple records for one person? (or any other way)
For ex. 03-04-06 there were a couple of things I wrote down.
and 03-06-06 there were some other things I wrote down about the same person.
and then I will be able to backtrack this information
How do I do this.


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General :: Moving DB To Another Person's Computer?

Dec 31, 2014

I have a search form built that depending on the dropdown selection on the form, it will run a query to SQL Server 2008 and provide data. There are 5 SQL Server db's so there are 5 different queries. I have each SQL Server linked to the Access DB. When I moved to someones else's computer I got a ODBC Call Failed message. In order to fix this, I had to recreate the links on that person's machine, then change the SQL code in the query with the new name of the linked DB.

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Forms :: Counting The Person Name According To A Date?

Aug 26, 2014

I have a database where I have 2 fields that are "Person Start" and "Date Start"

I would like to show in a text field how many cases a person started on a certain date or better on today's date.

I tried the below, but did not got it to work:


what I'm doing wrong?

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