In the fields of the table, among others, there is a date field which represents the starting date of the flat availability. I'd like to create a query which displays the available nights per flat for each month in the current year. For example, Flat1 is available from 11.08.2014, then I'd like to see in the query result 20 nights for August and 30 for September, 31 for October and so on.I created a query which displays only the dates for the current year. Then I joined this query with the Flats table, the join condition is >= flat.valid_from_date and displayed 1 in each row in the result as night. This way, I have the available flats for each day with 1 as available night. Then I tried to summarize the number of nights by month and flat.
How do you grab a custom Fiscal Year's values based on the system clock's date?
I am building a query where I want to see the number of closed cases based on the current custom fiscal year with the system clocks date. The report that it feeds only cares about the current FY.
I need the System Clock's FY value in this query
Code: SELECT shortname AS Station, NZ(TotalCount.TotalCases,0) AS [Cases Complete] FROM StationList LEFT JOIN (SELECT station, count([Open Issues].ID) AS TotalCases FROM [Open Issues] WHERE [Status]="Closed" GROUP BY Station) AS TotalCount ON StationList.shortname =TotalCount.station;
Within the Query Open Issues I have the FY broken up
Code: ' count records in query Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim db As Database Dim strSQL As String Dim beginDatum As String Dim eindDatum As String Set db = CurrentDb
want my query to count only records that are not duplicated based on a set of criteria.I have a table with customer IDs and Call dates and the employee ID. I want a count of the call dates for each customer ID for each employee. However I only want to count as one occurrence if multiple calls happened on the same day. For example
I did a calculation in a query that gives me how many minutes/hours it took to process records. Now what I need to do is show how many records took only 0-2 hours to process. 2-4 hours to process. 4-6 hours to process etc.
We have a field that we track paperwork with that is 9 characters. The first 4 characters are a 'julian date', the 5th character is a dash and the last 4 characters are sequential.
Example: For today, we would use 4085-0001, 4085-0002, 4085-0003, etc. For yesterday: 4084-0001, 4084-0002, etc.
I have a query set up that will pull records with a julian date of today-1 and today-7 that works. So a result I may get:
I have 4 fields I'm trying to combine, but I need to add spaces between field 1 and the rest of them. The total character count needs to be 22 including the spaces.
Field 1: THE
Field 2: 1234
Field 3: BOAT
Field 4: 0001
End Result: THE 1234BOAT0001
Need to add 7 spaces to equal 22 characters.
Fields 1, 2, and 3 can vary in number of characters.
I am using the following expression to calculate a completion date for a project which is based on the due date. My problem that I am running into is when I get to a project that is due on a Tuesday, it returns a date for Sunday when it should be Friday.
Looking to have a count function which calculate data in sense like if records found on 1-jan-2014 the it give answer as 1, same as records for 2-jan-2014 it should return 2 and so on .. in short the criteria must look and give same number for same dates starting from 1
I want to count the number of tasks by department by week. I need the time so my date the task was added is formated as a date/time.
I created a query and added the department (twice so that I can group and count), and transaction date. I clicked on totals and added the count function under the department. I added this criteria to the task date: between [start date] and [end date].
Problem is that it's grouping by day and each one is different because all times are different. How do I group these by day and not time?
i''m currently trying to count the amount of records that fall in each month in the date complete field. i am currently using a count query and it it bringing up the dates not the month.
I run a physical therapy office and patients come in for treatment either 3, 4 or 5 times per week. My database is used to track these frequencies (among other things).
I have 3 queries which count how many patients come in 5, 4 and 3 times/week.
In my main table I have fields called "how many 5's", "how many 4's" and "how many 3's".
I have tried to design an update query which will update those fileds in my main table to reflect the counts in the 3 queries mentioned above.
(I'm not using SQL view, I'm using the query design view)
In the "update to:" row, I use the Build function and locate the count I'm looking for.
Problem: when I run the query I get the error: Operation must use an updateable query.
I need to count records based on multiple criteria from two different tables. I have two tables (i.e. "tblTasks" and "tblTaskHistory"). The tables have a one-to-many relationship based on the "TaskID" field. "tblTasks" has a field called "AssignedTo" and "tblTaskHistory" has a field called "TaskStatus". I need to know how many tasks have been "reopened", the "reopened" status is located in the "TaskStatus" field in "tblTaskHistory". I need this count against a unique listing of employees which can be found in the "AssignedTo" field in "tblTasks".
I have 2 tables. One for customer details. With customer ID,Company Name, Customer Name and Address.The other for sales details with Order ID, Customer ID, salesprice and sales date.I would like to have a list of customer ID, Company name,total sales last year(sum of salesprice for 2013), Total sales till date(Jan 2014 til now). All should include customers details who have not made any sale as well.
I need help with an update query that will change records for me based on the date
In the record I have a TEXT record called [GI1] that can have a multitude of data in it. The data can be “EVA”, “CON 10/12/06”, “REQ 10/12/06”, “PAS 10/12/06”, or “B 10/12/06”, and finally “A 10/12/06”
What I need is a query will look at the Data that starts with “B” and change the letter to “A” if the date in the record has passed. {The Date can be any date in any year }
I have a form where someone enters a 'Job' to be done which in turn creates a record in a table with all this information
On the form I have a field called 'Repeat Frequency' where the user can choose how often they would like this 'Job' to repeat. e.g. Monthly
Then, on another form someone else can check what 'Jobs' should be done on that day
I have managed to get this to work fine using the DatePart function and it displays all jobs to be done that fall on the current day (e.g. if they choose to repeat it weekly, it will look for all entries where the datePart "d" [DateToBeDone] = Date()-7, -14, -21 and -28)
The problem is that i have been limited to the options of 'repeatability'
What i would like to do is change the options from 'Weekly', 'monthly' etc and instead have a field makrked "Repeat every so many days"
Is there a criteria i can use in a query where i can show records every so many days? i.e. if there is a job in the system that should repeat every 7 days and the [DateToBeDone] is set to 31/10/13, it would return this record on 07/11/13, 14/11/13, 21/11/13 and so on?
I Have tried DatePart ("d", [DateToBeDone]=DatePart ("d", (Date()-[RepeatDays] but what happens is it only shows it if the day is that many number of days in the past and not multiples as i said above.
I have a query that I want to "filter" based on a date derived from a Build statement (Expression). The Build statement works I can even sort by "Ascending".. But when I try to add a "Between [Startdate] And [Enddate] statement in the Criteria box, returns nothing".
I have a file of transaction history from the accounting system. All of the payroll cash payments are coded as ZG. Payroll accruals are coded as ZC. I need a sum of payroll accruals by department that have the same date or later than the last payroll cash payment. How do I write that query?
I have a query which is displaying a date/time field a record was input. in my query I'd like to only display the records where the date/time based on what today is i.e. Monday it will display <Friday or yesterday for Tue to Fri.
Within a query, I'd like to reference another query field based on a date specified as a parameter.
In my query, there are fields for each month: [January],[February], etc.
I have a field titled [Current Month], based on the parameter [As Of Date]. So if when running the query, the parameter pops up and I type 5/6/2013, it knows that the month is May. I know how to return May in the current month field (format([As Of Date],"MMMM"). But how to I return the value that is in the May column?
I have multiple buildings that I own. Each building earns a monetary amount each day. Some days they earn $0, some days they earn $1,000. This is all kept track in a data base in which someone manually enters the information each day.The three fields are:
Building Date Profit
I have narrowed a query down to one building, and I am interested in two things. How do I write a query that shows a 30 day peak (the most profitable 30 days). In other words. I want to see the following Building: GNB Tower Date: 02/14/13 - 03/15/13 Profit: $25,162
The next thing I am interested in is a 7 day peak from within these 30 days. This shouldn't be too difficult if I can figure out how to query these 30 days, I can query 7 days out of those 30 days. So this bigger mind stumper is the first one.
out of a date range of months and months (Let's say 10/12/13 - 6-14-13).Once I figure this part out, I am sure I can figure out how to compile all buildings into one large report with their 7 day peak and 30 day peak.
Context is I have a TABLE 1 that has a record for every package shipped with various details about it, include how it shipped, and the date. Table 2 is a key to go from the ship method to a better grouping we deem service level. Table 3 is a Fuel Surcharge (FSC) Table. It includes various FSC % that vary by different service levels and different date ranges. In the end I need to know the amount of pkgs shipped (by month and servicelevel) and the relevant FSC.I have several tables in my database but we should be able to focus on 3 to explain my situation and only the relevant fields:
Table 1 is Left join on Table 2 based on ShipVia Table 2 is Left join on Table 3 based on FSCType The issue is Table 3 is dependent on Table1.ShipDate being between the date ranges as well.
There are overlapping date ranges, however they are differentiated by the FSCType field.The only semi-feasible solution I currently have is to expand Table 3 to include every date, and not date ranges. This will create an issue due to size of date ranges etc.
I have recently set up a button that exports multiple queries to one Excel file, using TransferSpreadsheet code. This works great and saves a lot of time, the only thing is on many of the queries I have a date range set, so you have to enter a date range to get the results.
Is there away that once I press the button I enter the date range once and than it exports the rest of the data based on this range, rather than entering the same dates multiple times.
I atrying to make a query that shows the price for a product, based on two parameters.
Parameter one is a product code. Parameter two is a date. This date falls between two dates.
I have one list (table) where is product code and invoice date.
The second list (table) I have, contains product code, and price valid from date, and price valid to date columns. This price valid to date is often not filled, and the price I still valid as we speak. If the date is filled there is often a new entry with an updated price. But sometimes, even if there is a new entry in the table, the date 'valid to date' is sometimes also not filled.
I would like Access to show me the valid price for the specific product. What criteria should I give in the macro, in order that Access shows what I want?
For illustration purposes, a small overview of my table:
Product, invoice date, price according to price list AAAA, 02.05.2012, ???? AAAA, 01.08.2012, ???? BBBB, 10.06.2013, ???? AAAA, 31.10.2013, ???? AAAA, 16.11.2013, ????
If you happen to know how this search can be performed in Excel, I am of course also happy to read that. (But my index, or Vlookup functions, give only the first possible result in the table. As I do not know how to give in the date parameter.)