Queries :: Count Matching Postcode Between Two Tables

Sep 1, 2014

I have two tables, one being an 'Address' file and the other an 'Area' file which is a list columns ranging from 1-400 with groups of district level postcodes. For Example; column 1 will have postcodes such as BN1, BN2, BN3, BN4, BN5 etc. Each column has a separate group of postcodes.

Now, my 'Address' file also has a column within this labelled 'District' in order for me to create a straight join (between column number and District) in a query to count each group individually, but of course, do to this 400 times becomes quite tedious! (to say the least)

I would require the outcome to be as follows :

Area file - Count
1 - 469
2 - 201
3 - 0
4 - 3598
5 - 268
. - 101
. - 8936
. - 563
399 - 287
400 - 41

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Queries :: Matching Two Tables With Count

Jan 20, 2014

trying to create a query in which I can select a count across two tables with matching postcodes.

Table 1 : Address database with column called 'STRIPCODE' (e.g. ME8, ME9, ME10)
Table 2 : Area Code table; each column has a list of area codes to match to the STRIPCODE column. (e.g. MEDWAY column will have all of the relevant area codes)

I would pretty much want a count of each match as below :

HULL 352

Have a few hundred areas to match and tired of going through these manually and entering counts!

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Queries :: Count Number Of Society Members In Particular Postcode Area

Sep 16, 2013

I have a query to count the number of society members in a particular UK Postcode area. It works well for a single Postcode reference but adding further references to the Query Design View generates an 'or' or 'and' statement, rather than the additional counts that I need.

The SQL code I use for a single reference is :
SELECT Count([Mail List].[PostCode]) AS CountofPostCodeH
FROM [Mail List]
WHERE ((([Mail List].PostCode) Like "BN5 ???"));

How do I amend this code to produce counts for multiple references in one query.

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[Queries] Problem Matching Record Count To A Field

Mar 10, 2008

This is kind of a weird problem, and everything I've learned about access has been on my own through empirical experimentation so forgive my if my description doesn't make sense, or if I overlooked something really simple. (Apologies for that, I've looked over all the guides on queries and record counting I could find and got nothing on this.

I can't figure out a better way of explaining my situation so I'll do the best I can.

I need to make a query that shows the number of people that have registered for a class.
In one table I have the primary key Schedule ID which is the unique class, which is linked in one-one relationship with another field of the same name. In the second table with that field I have the field schedule ID which shows up multiple times, for each student enrolled in the course, second is the field Participant. There is the following data:
Schedule ID...Participant
1 ................ <name1>
1 ................ <name2>
1 ................ <name3>
4 ................ <name4>
4 ................ <name5>

What the result of the query should look like is this:

Schedule ID...Number of participants
1 ................ 3
4 ................ 2

But instead I get
Schedule ID...Number of participants
1 ................ 5
1 ................ 5
1 ................ 5
4 ................ 5
4 ................ 5

I have tried various variations of the Count and Dcount functions but I always wind up with that result (if it works at all)

This is the expression I am using:

Expr1: DCount("[Schedule ID]","Class Roster")

where "Class Roster" is the name of the Table that Schedule ID is located. I have tried changing it out with the name of the first table, and I have tried using participant instead of Schedule ID, but neither works. So far I've been able to use a crosstab query to get something roughly what I want but I think the assignment calls for a regular query.

Again, sorry if this doesn't make any sense, I did my best to explain it, and I couldn't find an answer anywhere. Thanks in advance for any help!

Oh, by the way, it's access '03 that I am using.

UPDATE: I have a second problem I'm trying to solve, and this one seems more confusing than the first to me. I have a table with the following fields:

Project Name, Task name, employee ID, Production Week, and Hours Worked. The first two being text and the last 3 being numerical.

I need to create a query that totals up the hours worked for each employee (one employee ID can show up under multiple projects/tasks) and returns the total hours in a particular week (week 20) of each employee that has worked over 40 hours, and only the ones that have worked over 40 hours. I can not figure out how to create a field that will sum up the hours worked for a given employee, nor can I figure out how to show only rows where the total hours record exceeds a certain amount. It seems like I would want a conditional like an IIF statement but those seem to be only for returning values, not showing/hiding.

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Postcode Count Query

Jun 5, 2006

Hi All,
Can anyone help me count postcode instances. I have a query that looks at my customers table (tbl_Customer_Details) post code field (PostCode), at the moment I have got it to strip out the right side of the postcode leaving me the left district side eg. HG12 8EN becomes HG12. I would then like to count how many times each postcode instance occurs so I can create a report on the result so I can track which district the customers are coming from. I hope this explains the problem. Any help would be mich appreciated.

SELECT tbl_Customer_Details.PostCode, Left([Postcode],4) AS Code
FROM tbl_Customer_Details
GROUP BY tbl_Customer_Details.PostCode;

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Queries :: How To Join Tables With No Matching - Unique Fields

Jun 16, 2013

I am undertaking an analysis of corporate mobile phone data based on data from the phone provider. The base data consists of a number of monthly text files at transaction level for voice calls, data usage, billing/tariff information, international calls/transfers etc. I have set up VBA code to import the text file data into a number of Access tables.I would like to have a way of joining these tables but the only common field is the phone number (a text field with the groups of numbers separated by hyphens).

I confirmed that joining the tables on the phone number text field does not work.My idea was to create an additional table with just one row for each phone number and link that to the other tables by the ID in the new table. I was able to create this table [PhoneNumbers] (by creating a totals query of the phone numbers from the main call transactions table, I then dumped it into Excel and then imported it into a new Access table with an auto-generated ID column).My problem / challenge is how to get the ID column from my [PhoneNumbers] table to appear in each of the other tables so that I can join them effectively. In the Excel-world, I would have used a vlookup function.I even thought of performing this as an interim step in Excel but there are too many records / rows in some of my tables. It seems that the dlookup function is not what Im looking for and even if the IIF function is suitable, I cannot get the syntax to work for me.

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Queries :: Update Query Using Matching Criteria From 2 Tables

Oct 18, 2013

I have 2 tables that must be involved in this query. Both have the same fields; one is a temporary table created from an Excel import which will be deleted later, the other is the permanent table.

tblStoreProducts is the permanent table. It has a 2-field Unique index; there can only be 1 of any ProductKey for a StoreKey (there can be multiple ProductKeys within a StoreKey, and multiple StoreKeys for each product, but there can only be 1 entry for each unique combination of ProductKey/StoreKey).

tblImportToStoreProducts is the temporary table. It holds all of the ProductKeys for one StoreKey.

My query needs to identify any ProductKey in the tblStoreProducts that does not exist in the tblImportToStoreProducts for that StoreKey, and then it must set the MaxUnits field to 0.

Basically, the temporary table is this years' inventory for a particular store. If a product was in that store last year but it isn't there this year, the quantity must be set to 0 because the ultimate aim is reporting hazardous materials.

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Count Matching Records From A Subform. Please Help...

Mar 1, 2006

I need to have the sum of the "matching records" of a subform, exported to a variable of the main form, in order to use it in an if condition.

e.g. "IF a client has brought X? times the vehicle A for a service of type B, THEN do ..."
How do I get the X value in a variable within the main form which presents all activity for all clients (by means of a subform).

I hope this is clear.
Plaese help me, guys. You 've done it before, you're so great!

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Need Count Query To Output 0 (zero) When There Are No Matching Records

May 21, 2007

I have a form where a user reviews information input by another user, once they have done this they sign it off by selecting their name from a drop down list. On this form there is a scrolling message which tells the user how many un-signed entries there are. This works fine until there are 0 (zero) entries to be signed off.

The scrolling message is linked to a count query which basically counts any records that does not have a name entered in the required field. I have done this with ' Not Like "*" '

Like I say it works when there is one or more entries to count, but as soon as there are none the query does not output a zero it is just blank. This is the problem.

I need some sort of statement to say if there are no matching records please display a zero.

Any help would be much appreciated!

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Queries :: Postcode Extraction When There Are Double Space On Some And Not Others

Feb 4, 2015

Any way to extract a postcode when there are double space on some and not others.

SA1 1AB (i need SA1 1AB)
HU1 2AB (i need HU1 2AB)
HU17 0BG (ok)

For some reason the postcode field returns 2 spaces when the postcode length is only 6 digits and 3 spaces when the postcode length is only 5 digits. Im assuming that the postcode field needs to be 8 characters in length (including a space).

All I want to to remove the addition spaces and return a normal looking postcode!

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Queries :: Extract PostCode Values From The Field

Feb 4, 2014

I have a table with a string field included for an address.

Some rows have postcodes and some dont

How can I extract the PostCode values from the field?

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Queries :: Count Query From Two Tables

Nov 5, 2013

I have TableA with

CityCode (indexed, no duplicates, Primary Key)
CityType (duplicates ok)

TableB, with
CityCode (indexed, duplicates OK)
StreetCode (indexed, No Duplicates, Primary Key)

A One to Many relation between Tables on City Code

In need to feed a cell table with the value of the number of streets that are in "Type1" cities

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Tables :: Duplicate Results In Count Queries?

Feb 18, 2013

I have a table with a field 'FName'. I have run a query to count the number of each Name in this field. However, as well as having a blank field with 9129 results (which was expected) but another with 24 results that appears to be completely blank as well. There are another couple of incidences were results in 'FName' are appearing twice.

how to identify what is causing this duplication?

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Queries :: Getting A Text Field Count From Multiple Tables

May 16, 2013

I am working with 4 tables and I am trying to get a count of the email address field in each table grouped by Email Group Name. I tried the dcount function but returned an error because some of the email addresses have an apostrophe in the field. Is there a way to do this in 1 query? This is an example of the result I would like:

AAA 50 30 15 10
BBB 100 75 50 20
CCC 60 25 5 1

Emails Sent
Emails Opened
Emails Clicked
Form Submits

Field Names in all tables:
Email Group Name
Email Address

Field I want to count is Email Address for each table, grouped by Email Group Name.

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Queries :: Count Occurrences Of A Company In 3 Separate Tables?

Dec 18, 2014

I am trying to count the number of times a client has engaged with our company. I have a company table, a reservation table, a rapid prototyping table and a project table. There is a one to many from the company table to each of the other 3 tables as can be seen in the attached picture.

Is there an easy way, in a single query, to list unique company names that exist in 1 or all of the 3 tables?

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Tables :: Deleting Matching Records From Two Tables

Dec 5, 2012

I have two tables "Master List" and "Audit". I want to delete the records from the "Master" that match those in the "Audit". I am using Access 2010 and have used it often but have built very few queries.

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Matching Values From 2 Tables

May 4, 2007

I have three tables: tblProducts1, tblProducts2 and tblProductSales.tblProducts1Code CostABC 20BVC 35ABC 30tblProducts2Code CostABC 10BVC 55ABC 20tblProductSalesCode RevABC 70BVC 25ABC 20BVC 15DCC 33I want to produce a query that looks like this:Code Rev Cost ProfitABC 90 80 10BVC 40 90 -50DCC 33 0 33How can I do this?Thanks,Jon

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Two Tables - Data Matching

Oct 21, 2007

Hi,I have two tables with these set of data:Table1Filed1 Field21000 A1001 B1002 C1003 D1004 ETable2Filed1 Field21000 A1002 C1003 D1005 F1006 GI need to create 3 Tables with following out put.1. Data that are common to both Table1 & Table22. Data that are in Table1 but do no exist in Table23. Data that are in Table2 but do not exist in Table1 Can anyone help me to find the answer please.CheersBud

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Matching Two Fields In Two Tables

Nov 13, 2006

In a database I have two tables, one is linked to an excel sheet (our customers order) and the other is created via a "make-table query" from our business system.

In both tables I have the customers part numbers and neither contain a primary key.

What I need to do is compare the part numbers in both tables to find if a part number is present in the order but not in our business system.

I just cannot figure out how to do this.

Any ideas are greatly appreciated


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Help Comparing And Matching Tables

Dec 18, 2004

I have 3 tables that all contain Car registration numbers.
Table 1 contains just Reg numbers. Table 2 contains Registration numbers with an additional 2 columns of data. Table 3 also contains Registration numbers with an additional 2 columns of data.
I need to compare the reg numbers in Table 1 with Tables 2 and 3 and where the same Reg number appears in either of Table 2 or 3 display the results in a new table / query.
ie, Table1 Reg, Table2 data , Table3 data Note there are some Reg numbers that will appear in all 3 tables.

any help appreciated.

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Matching ID Values Between Two Tables

Jun 4, 2014

I have two tables, one has two fields:student ID and student name.its kind of like this:

1 Mark
2 Tom
3 Franklin

the other table has three fields: student name, student classes, it goes like this:

Mark calculus
Mark Biology
Tom Statistics

Franklin Calculus
Tom Chemistry

what I want is for the second table to have its related id from the first table so it could be like this:

1 calculus
1 biology
2 statistics
3 calculus
2 chemistry

I cant simply make find and replace because the records are a lot is there another way should I relate the tables of something how will it work?

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Find Matching Entries In Other Tables?

Dec 10, 2007

Im using Access 2000.

Essentially I want to find out which of the entries in my master table have matching entries in my other tables, and list the ones that do.

So if I have an entry in the master table for “productA”, and there are also matching entries for “productA” in tables “SupplierC” and “SupplierD”. I want to perform a query that will output a list showing “SupplierC” and “SupplierD” (I have A & B tables but if there isn’t an entry in them for “ProductA” I don’t want them on the list.)

I intend to use the results to populate the values of a combo box in future so I require the list to be in a single column, rather than across many columns. Does anyone know if this is possible?

My master table is called “OurProductsTable” and the four supplier tables are called “SupplierA”, “SupplierB”, “SupplierC”, and “SupplierD”.

Each Table has a primary key called “ProductID” and I have linked them together on the relationships screen.

I’m not sure if this is the proper method but I also made another field in each of the supplier tables called “CompanyName” and set the default value as the name of each supplier, so if the entry for supplierC matches the master table entry I can return the “CompanyName” value of “SupplierC”.

Here’s what I thought the code should kind of look like but I don’t know how to apply it properly in a query:

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Modules & VBA :: Text Matching Between Two Tables

Jun 5, 2013

Well, I have two tables in an access file one table having customer data base along with the customer name and another table only having the customer name. Now the table having only customer name need not be having the exact customer name in terms of spelling or spaces but both of them will same for e.g. table 1 - Apple and in table 2 - app let. Therefore the system should match this and throw out the results into a different new table as matching results.

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Queries :: Combining Queries Without Matching ID Values

Feb 2, 2015

I have two queries:

1. a sum of payments by individuals
2. a sum of charges of individuals.

I want to combine these queries to create a report that shows the sums for each person of the charges and payments and calculate the balance. However, it is only showing me those individuals that have both a charge sum and a payment sum, while some individuals will only have a charge sum. How do I get those individuals to show and show with a zero payment balance if they are in my charge sum query but not my payment sum query and vice versa (some may have made a prepayment even though they have not been charged yet).

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Matching (find All In Common) Two Tables Of Titles

Aug 12, 2005


I have two tables of titles (DVDs and CDs). Each table has a price associated with each title in an adjacent column. I would like to match the titles between them and compare prices. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. EDS

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General :: Advance Sum IIF - Matching Names In Two Tables

Sep 10, 2014

I have 2 table

Table1 only one column

Table2 two column
name number
AA 1
AC 3
AW 8
AA 6
AA 5
DF 4
EE 8
CA 9
CC 7

I want to sum the table2 number when the table2 name match any name in table1

So the answer should be 1+6+5+7

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