Queries :: Counting Total Number Of Returned Results From Query?
Aug 11, 2015
I'm trying to run a line of code after doing a Query Search that reports back the total number of results pulled from the search. I've dug around and found some useful code, but nothing that gives the results I'm needing. Most everything gives me the total number from the query. I'm also using a Split Form.
The process goes: Enter numeric search in Text10 and hit the search button to run the following macro: [studentID]=[Forms]![Query1]![Text10]
It then gives me the requested information.I have a second text box (Text19) that needs to display the number of pulled results. I've written VBA that only gives me the total number searched for studentID or for the entire Query.
Hello all. I need some help calculating the total number of records returned in a query anytime i run the query.
I have a form that creates an SQL statement and changes the querydef at runtime and displays the results in a listbox. I want to include on my form a percentage of the total records from the table based on the records returned in the query Ex. (5/10) so I can use this information on a report.
What I am trying to ultimately acheive is to calculate an attrition rate based on the number of (clients that leave in a given period / total new clients added in the given period )
I am interested in reporting so need totals, I can write a query that will count the number of machines in a dept like so
SELECT [Computer Inventory].Department, Count([Computer Inventory].ID) AS CountOfID FROM [Computer Inventory] GROUP BY [Computer Inventory].Department;
This works fine, however I now want to add more so are two fields
To_be_migrated Is_migrated
These are just checkboxes so I assume criteria is true or false
I need a query which will give me
The total number of machines by dept The total marked for migration The total migrated
I am trying to build a calculated field that counts the number of times the letter E appears in 8 fields. the query currently looks like the attachment.
I need to have one more field , lets call it NetFlags, that is the number of times the Letter E is in the row for each Technician.
So for Brown, Tom NetFlags = 2, for White, Paul NetFlags = 4 and Wills,Fred = 0
I've just made this query at work, it brings up the results from a database of telephone surveys. about going all gestapo on the table names and codes, I'm unsure as to how told off I could get for placing identifiable images on the internet
basically I would like to extend this query so it shows the sum of the "CountOfQ1 22" column and also shows what percentage of that total each entry in the "Q1 22" column is.
This will enable me to have results for the day sent to me at home every night at close of business as the person supervising the call centre at the time can run the query and email me the results.
I have been tasked to create a DB for my unit. I have created a few DB, but I am a novice at best. I need a crosstab Query to count the number of records for each FY. The Army's FY is from Oct -Sep. I only need to show the the total number of record for the previous FY in a Report and on a form.
Basically I have a report that shows any 'Issues' that wasnt closed within the KPI Target.
I have the report working, but I simply want to do a count of how many days the observations overran the 'Target Date of Closure'.
The report also shows observations that are not closed but passed their Target Date of Closure. These observations will not have a 'Actual Closure Date', but I would like to still have a count of how many days its overrun closure.
This is a formula I tried to piece together but obviously not correct as it's not returning anything;
IIf(IsNull([Issues]![Actual Closure Date]),DateDiff("d",[Issues]![Target Date of Closure], Date()),DateDiff("d",[Issues]![Target Date of Closure],[Issues]![Actual Closure Date]))
I am using the following UNION QUERY to total up equipment tested for a report.
SELECT "Laptops Tested" AS PCEQUIP, Count(*) AS RECORDS FROM [LAPTOPS] WHERE (((Date)Between [Enter Start Date] AND [Enter End Date])); UNION SELECT "Workstations Tested" AS PCEQUIP, Count(*) AS RECORDS FROM [WORKSTATION]
I have created a report using ACCESS 2000 for this union query and it satisfies the requirement. I am trying to add the proper code and syntax in this query to total the number of all of this equipment tested.In this case the total would be 86. Is this possible?
I am trying to use Dcount to find the number of records in a query and put it on a text box in the header of a report. The query is a parameter query. The button opens a form which asks for start and end dates, the query reads those dates from the form and the report displays the correct number of records that fall within the date range. The query is based on another query, which is based on the table. I tried =dcount("*","qryName") but I get #error. Maybe becauase of dates? or parameters?
I have a query that i run and now I am adding another column to provide a ETA for an order, when i specify a date I only get results that have that date and when I leave out the date I get too many results. Can someone please let me know how I can modify my query so that I get all the results with an ETA and also all the accounts that do not have an order placed.
I am trying to create a report that will take information created by a query. Basically I have a form to take in user inputed dates and bring up 2 types of information. Status field, which can be "Approved", "Disapproved", or "In Process". Also, based on the dates, the query shows the Term Start Date field which displays a month. Baiscally what I have been trying to do is create a report based on this query to count and display the number of approved, disapproved, and in process status for the particular term start date. In other words, each term start date should have a certain number of approved, disapproved, and in process.
Summary, user inputs a date from 01/01/05 to 01/06/05. Between these 2 dates lets say there are 3 different term start dates Jan, Mar, May. Jan has 3 approved, 0 disapproved, 4 In Process. Mar has 1 of each, and May has only 1 approved and nothing else. How would I Show this in a Report?
I have tried searching the forum for this case, but I could not find anything to help me out. I hope this is enough information. Thanx for the help!
Im making a database about past bid results. In one table i have a list of bidders and which place they came in (along with some other information). I have 20 positions (1st place, second place and so on...), so i made 20 queries that search through the table for my company's name so we can see how many times we came in first, second, third and so on. Now i would like to bring the number of records in each query to a single form. I tried making another query to using the count feature on the other 20 queries but it keeps returning 0 as the number of results per query. But when i open each query up there are obvisouly more that 0 results in each. Is there a way i can bring up the number of results per query all on one form?
I have a query that pulls up information on employees when they receive warning notices. I would like the query to give me some type of warning (report, email, etc.) when an employee has three or more notices.
I built the below query to count the number of ID's for each week. The problem is that if one month ends mid-week it is counting the next month's IDs in the first month. I need to count the number of IDs within each week by month. I have the first qryGroupbyWeek that assigns a week number to each date then the below query to aggregate.
Code: SELECT qryGroupbyWeek.Week, qryGroupbyWeek.[Approved Date], qryGroupbyWeek.ID FROM qryGroupbyWeek WHERE (((qryGroupbyWeek.[Approved Date]) Between [start] And [end])) ORDER BY qryGroupbyWeek.ID;
I have a query that returns several records, typically 1 to 5. I need to print a label for each record returned by the query. Printing a label is no problem, but how do I print sequentally for each record in the query?
I am trying to create a query that has a self referencing running total based on the values (point totals) of itself (running total of values in the running total column that have already been calculated for all previous records) plus the total of new points being added in the current record, less the total of points being removed in the current record. This running total can never go below 0, if it does, the running total should restart at zero and add in only new points and begin the process again with the next records
I am able to do this in Excel in less than two seconds so I know there has to be a way to port this into a query. I've attached an excel example of what I am exactly trying to do
If it takes multiple queries to complete the required output I am ok with it. In my previous outtakes I have had up to 8 queries but just couldn't seem to do it..
I am wanting to display in a text box or on my report the total number or records in my database. Also I have some buttons that filter the results a little, I'm wanting to display the number after I hit the button(s). Would I just add the query to the end of each button I have?
I have made a query from different tables; however, my query is returning about 5 rows for each person because some fields in the query return more than 1 row.
NAME [NUMBER OF ITEMS] [PURCHASE DATE] Walmart 4 1/4/14 Walmart 2 1/5/14 Target 0 1/5/14 Lowes 3 1/5/14 Sears 1 1/5/14 Sears -1 (returned to store) 1/6/14
I want a DISTINCT COUNT of [NAME] if Total[NUMBER OF ITEMS]>0, so the correct number will be 2 in the example.
This is one way I've tried to write the SQL, but I keep getting an error...
I also tried an Count(IiF( and can't get that to work either..
Is there any option to count the number or records relating to a specific field. Here is the details..The db is for a school and there is a tables for class and students. I am using a form to enter students details. I had created a relationship with these two tables. i am using a query to get the details regarding a specific class like classname, class teacher like that.. Is there any way to calculate the number of students in that specific class.
now i am using the query as follows
SELECT Class.* FROM Class WHERE (((Class.ClassID)=[Forms]![Class]![ClassID]));
I had created the relationship with the above two tables with classid as the primary key
I am trying to count how many of the "same" and "differences", as well as calculate the percentages of the number of "same" over the total amount. To clarify, I work at a nursing home, and I need to calculate the number of people who were admitted to our facility and then to the hospital for the same diagnosis, and a different diagnosis. Then, out of the total number of people who were admitted to the hospital from our facility, I need to calculate how many of those people had the same diagnosis or a different diagnosis.
Also, I need to categorize these diagnosis by each type of diagnosis.