Queries :: Create Query To Sort Table In Particular Order

Feb 28, 2014

I have a table with multi columns with unsorted data.

I want to run query to sort data in multiple columns.

How can i do it?

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Queries :: SELECT Records From A Table Based On IN Clause And Sort Them In Order

Jan 4, 2014

WinXPPro Sp3
Access 2007

After some research I thought I had found a neat way to SELECT records from a table based on an 'IN' clause and sort them in the same order as the values for the 'IN' clause... i.e.

SELECT Unique_No, Table_Name, List_Order FROM My_Table
WHERE Table_Name = 'Titles'
AND List_Order IN (3,1,15,4,5,12,7,2)
ORDER BY INSTR('3,1,15,4,5,12,7,2', List_Order)

Unfortunately, this returns list_order 5 just after 15 and list_order 2 just after 12, thus


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Queries :: Sort Order In Query Based On ID (Autonumber)

Sep 10, 2013

This is something I occasionally see in Access and has been bugging me for quite a while.

As an example, when I have a table (all text fields except for the ID field which is an Autonumber with a unique index - ie just what Access creates when you import data) and I try to make a new table from a query by indexing the Autonumber field in descending order (ie to reverse the order of the table), it doesn't work properly.

So if I have:

SELECT [mytable].* INTO [mytable sorted] FROM [mytable] ORDER BY [mytable].[ID] DESC;

When I preview the data (ie run the select query to have a look at it), it looks fine.

When I change the query to a 'Make Table' and I then I check the table it makes, the order changes part-way down the list, so looking at the ID field it runs from number 2669 down to 2087 correctly, then it goes from 1960 to 1956, then 1803 to 1799, then 1751 to 1747, etc etc etc. After a while it seems to correct itself again, and orders normally down to #1

I'm using Access 2002.

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Queries :: Create And Order By Random Number In Query Field

Jan 2, 2015

I'm trying to create a query that generates random numbers for each record, sorts them by that field, then selects the top record. This should randomize the record being selected.

I can use the Rnd([ID]) function which does appear to generate a random number. Problem is that each time I exit the program and come back in, it always selects the same record. When I remove the Top = 1, to show all the records, every row does have a different random number but it does not appear to be sorting by this field.

If I run the query, here is the number I get: 0.98609316349029

Exit the program, restart, and run the query again: 0.98609316349029

If I refresh the query, the second and third time does appear to be random but the first result is always the same. how to generate truly random numbers?

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Queries :: Specific Sort Order

Sep 13, 2013

I have a query that is returning running conditions for a machine over multiple shifts. the table is set up like this

date shift parameter condition
09/13/13 1 front 500
09/13/13 1 middle 450
09/13/13 1 back 475
09/13/13 2 front 510
09/13/13 2 middle 460
09/13/13 2 back 490

this is just a small example. there are about 24 different parameters reported on in a shift..I want the query to sort by date ascending, shift ascending, and then by parameter in a specific custom that i define. I want it ordered "front, middle, back" for each shift. Again this is just an example, there would be 24 parameters I want in a specific order. Then do I need to define the sort order again for the report based on this query?

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Queries :: Sort By User Input Order

Apr 30, 2013

I have a simple form with a text box, I enter a series of part numbers separated by newlines, and then I use the following code to query for each of the separate part numbers:

Dim strSql As String
Dim part_nums() As String
Dim num As Variant
Dim multivar As Boolean
multivar = False

[Code] ,......

This all works perfectly, but what I need to do is have the query return the records in the same order I entered the part numbers. They are automatically returned in alphabetical order by item_no, and when I enter 15+ part numbers it becomes slightly difficult to search through them all on the form to find the one I am looking for. It would be a lot easier if they were output in the same order that I type them in. Is there any way to make this happen?

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Queries :: Cannot Change Sort Order On Float Field

Apr 22, 2013

I have a query with a float/delta column which is the expression:

Float: [Date1] - [Date2]

When I try to change the order by in the column filter drop-down i get a data type mismatch in criteria expression error.

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Access Query Sort Order Every Other One

Sep 29, 2014

I am trying to create a work schedule, some customers are scheduled for morning and others in the afternoon. I am trying to figure out how to sort AMs and PMs so I get a line with every other one.

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Queries :: Possible To Sort A Table Drop Down Box By Date Within A Query?

Oct 3, 2013

Is it possible to sort a natural table drop down by date from within a query? What im doing:

1. making a query that has certain results displayed
2. within the query you can select one of the field boxes and it has a list of all the items in that table.
3. is it possible to sort this natural table listing from within the query. I have attached a screenshot. Same thing happens with the client ID listing from within the query. Want to know if it is possible or not to sort those. I cant see how.

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Queries :: Joining Two Tables In Order To Create A Form

Apr 2, 2013

I am trying to use a join query to join two tables in order to create a form. I have done this on two other occasions in my database with no issues. Now it is only pulling the ID and I want it to pull the description. I have looked at the SQL view for the other queries that are similar as well as the design view and all of them are set up the same way with the exception that this new join query is pulling CertID rather than the CertDescription.

Is there any reason why it would be doing that? Is there an error that I could possibly be doing? It seems according to my notes that I have created all the queries the same but this last one does not pull the same info as the other queries.

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Create A Query That Will Return Subtotal For Order

Nov 16, 2013

I have set up a basic database that has a customer table , orders table , join table and products table. I have created an invoice form that has customer details and then in a subform has the order ID and product ID , name , price and quantity.I have a text box on the form to which I am trying to output the sub total to when the form is launched(quantity X price for the current order).I was trying to create a query that will return the subtotal for an order.I had the query calculating the subtotal but I was then trying to get t the cost based on the order ID. I was then attempting to get the Order ID for the query from the open form by adding this to the criteria in the query:

[Forms]![Invoice]![invoicesubform].[Form]![Order ID]

I was then trying to use Dlookup to put the result of the query into a subtotal text box by using:

=DLookup("[cost colum from query entered here]",[the query name was entered here]")

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Queries :: Create Summary Query For Each Table?

Dec 5, 2013

I have three tables with data.

Table1 is data for meals.
Table2 is data for room costs.
Table3 is data for payments made.

Each of these tables has a foreign key for EventID.I'm trying to produce a report that will show, for each EventID:

The total billed (which is meals + rooms)
The total paid (from Table3)
The balance due (the difference from the two above).

Do I have to create summary queries for each table?

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Forms :: Create A Data Entry Form To Order Table Using 2 Cascading Combo Boxes

Jan 31, 2014

What I am trying to do is create a data entry form to an "order table" using 2 cascading combo boxes. I have created a data entry form based on a query. I can't get the cascading combo boxes to work properly.Here is the code:

Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate()
Combo2.RowSource = "SELECT L2_ID,L4_Element_name,L5_Category FROM qry_ord WHERE L3_ID = Combo0.Value;"
Combo2.DefaultValue = [Combo2].[ItemData](0)
End Sub


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Queries :: Create Table Query From Multiple Fields?

Aug 14, 2013

i essentially have 2 table:

1. Table BIC

A list of codes that will be updated monthly, which will be the basis for querying the second table. Approx 100 rows of data.

2. Table Original

A data file obtained from IT where i'll need to sort it to find any codes that are including in Table1. This includes approx ~ 10,000 row of data.

** note, the "BIC" from "Table BIC" can appear in any of the 5 BIC columns in Table Original.

What i need to do is create a query that will:

1. Search the "BIC" from "Table BIC" in all 5 columns of "Table Original".

2. Where it has a hit, it will create new table - for example, the first row of table Original includes the BIC "ABC" in the "BIC 1" column. A query would create table "ABC" and place this whole record (all 8 fields) in new table "ABC". No modification needed.

3. Where two (or more) BIC's from "Table BIC" appear in one record in "Table Original" - the result will only need to be placed in one of the new tables (really doesn't matter which one). For example, Record #4 includes the BIC "ABC" in field "BIC1" and the BIC "DEF" in the field "BIC4". Therefore, a new table would be created (either ABC or DEF) to capture this information.

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Sort Order

Oct 10, 2005

How do you change a file's sort order from ascii to international?

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Queries :: Create Numeric Query Fields In MAKE Table

May 25, 2014

Have a Make table query that needs to create (add) several new fields where each field must be numeric design.

Have tried:

Score1: Not Null - does not seem to work (results in a Binary field)
Score1: 0 - which does give me the numeric field designation but every field in table contains a 0.

Would like to show Blank field (makes data input easier at a later time) but still have the Numeric designation.

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Problem With Sort Order

Feb 11, 2007

Hi all, I am new to this site and I am hoping that I might be able to get some help with my database which records address information of people reqesting a brochure or making a hotel booking. The problem that I am having is that the addresses are sorting in post code order, I have selected remove filter/sort and this does not do anything. I would like the records to stay in the order that they are entered at I also use this for a merge with a brochure/deposit letter and it is much simpler if I can merge a block of entries.

Many thanks in advance Pat.

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Dynamic Sort Order

Apr 18, 2007

Supposed I have the following tables:

TableMonthlyReport consists of the following fields:


The asterisks indicates the index keys. While TableMonthlyReport has 2 links of relationship with the TableGoods on IDCatalog and IDItem.

I have a data entry front end for monthly report. I have no problem to have the record source for this purpose.

I just need that the sort order of the item (in the front end) in a way that they could be managed differently on different period. For example, in March to April 2007 I want the items shown in the following order: A B C D ... While in May to August 2007 I want the items shown as B D A C ....

I tried to create an order table just like this:

It is linked with the TableGoods on IDCatalog and IDItem.

The first order list (March - April 2007) will have the ValidStart of 703 and ValidEnd of 704. While the next order list will have the ValidStart of 705 and 708. The last 2 digits stand for the month, while the first digit is to indicate year.

The SQL query for the record source works but I can not enter any value. So, the idea of having a special table for sort order is not OK.

Can anybody give me a clue for the solution?

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Sort Order Problem

Dec 6, 2005

I have a table in MS Access with records including dates. The dates are date/time data type and formatted as short dates. They display properly in the table.

However, when I run a query (SQL shown below), it sorts the dates strangely.

Any ideas??

SELECT DISTINCTROW Format$(tblChat.dtDate,'Short Date') AS ChatDate, Sum(tblChat.TCT) AS SumOfTCT, Sum(tblChat.NC) AS SumOfNC
FROM tblChat
GROUP BY Format$(tblChat.dtDate,'Short Date')
ORDER BY Format$(tblChat.dtDate,'Short Date');

Here’s an example of the sort order in the query.


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Sort Order Question

Nov 3, 2006

Is there a way to sort dates using "Decending" but have blank dates stay on top?

I have a listbox based on a qurery that displays all pending and completed jobs. The query sorts (Ascending) the "Job Complete" date. This conveniently puts all of the pending jobs with null values at the top of the list. The bad part is that this puts recently completed jobs at the very bottom of a (thankfully) long list. Is there a way around this?
Thank you!

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Specific Sort Order

Mar 2, 2005

Okay, here's my new dilema. I'm in the military and rank is one of the fields in my DB. The only issue I'm having is that I would like to sort by seniority, not alphabetically. For Example, I've listed a few ranks below in the correct order from greatest to least. Is there some way that doesn't involve a page of code to achieve this? Thanks.

Lt. Colonel
1st Lt.
2nd Lt.

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Need Weird Sort Order

Mar 14, 2005

I have a query that fills a report that I have in an Access 2000 database. This report needs to be sorted by the following:

Code:ORDER BY tblPrimaryDept.PDName, tblSubDept.SDName, tblKeyStrategy.KSID, tblKeyInitiative.KIID, tblKeyDeliverable.KDID, tblSubDeliverable.TargetDate, tblQuarters.QID;

It's working fine, but .... (There's always a but)

tblKeyStrategy.KSID can be null, so therefore, it is sorted by null records, then ascending order tblKeyStrategy.KSID. What they client wants is it to be sorted by tblKeyStrategy.KSID first, then the null value ones.

So as it stands it currently does this:

Finance 1
Finance 2

Now they want it to do this:

Finance 1
Finance 2

Is there any way this can be done? I've been looking, but haven't seen anything regarding this.

Thanks for any assistance you can give me on this.

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Access Changes Sort Order On Paste

Mar 7, 2008

Hi all,

I'm quite new to access, and have a pretty straightforward problem (I hope):

I have a table with 300 records in 10 columns. I want to:
1. filter the data based on column A (gives me 150 visible records)
2. Copy from an excel spreadsheet which exactly matches the access table (single column only, 150 rows)
3. Paste into a new column I created in the access table

Unfortunately, when I hit paste in access, it loses the filter and pastes the data into the complete dataset (i.e. into the wrong records).

I've no idea why access won't keep the filter I set. I also tried numbering the records and sorting them based on this new column. Again, Access lost the sort order before pasting the data.


I really need to be able to paste my excel data into the table in access!

Can anyone shed some light for me?

Thanks in advance,


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Sort (order) Data On Forms

Apr 12, 2005


This is related to "Old_value, new_value" thread I posted yestarday (Module&VBA).

I have a problem i missed yestarday. The code it's vorking great, but it allways takes the showed new_value and makes it old_value for the new record, and this is a problem, because the showed record is not the last for that customer.
So, I was thinking that if I make a new Autonumber field in my table, I could sort descending the values and this way the input form will allways show me the last entered data for that person.
As I noticed from a long time ago, if I sort a table that allready has a form, the form won't show the records sorted. Why? It's necessary to make the form again? I tried to order the data on the form from Properties window ->Data->Order by, but the ordering is Ascending and I need it Descending!
Can enybody help me?


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Customize The Sort Order Of A Combo Box

Dec 7, 2005

i have a combo box on a payment form which shows existing permit #s. i'd like to make the sort order show the most recently added permit first. i clicked on the build button next to RowSource on the data tab of the properties of the combo box which opens the query my combo box is based on. there are only 3 sort order options...ascending, descending, & not sorted. can this be done?

the permits form has a button to open the payments form (payments can also be opened alone too - ie. if somone applies for a permit today but pays for it tomorrow...). usually this will not be the case but that is why i have to keep it either combo or list.

all help is appreciated.:)

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Sort Order Of Unbound List

Sep 15, 2006

I need to manage a list of, in this case "medications", with this list the most common "meds" are on the top of the list. there will be at times new "meds" added that should be at the top of the list. I want to create a unbound box that will let me drag the "meds" up or down in the list. The best emample i know of is the way you can set the "Tab" fields on a form to move the tabs stops.

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