Queries :: Create Query From Different Database To Populate Combobox

May 3, 2013

I have a combo box that I want to populate using data of another access database...how would I do it? I tried searching...but I cant find any..

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Queries :: Auto Populate Pending Values In One Combobox To Another

Aug 16, 2013

I am creating a student database. I have crated a single table for this database and a form. Two combo boxes. I have created these two combo boxes named (Documents Submitted and Documents pending).

These two boxes I created using "Lookup coloumn". I selected "I will type in the values that I want" for both the boxes. After I filled the values in both as (CV, Ielts, Passport Copy, Certificates, photo id). After this I gave the name and selected "Allow multiple values".

Now in my form it shows both the combo boxes and in both the boxes it shows CV, Ielts etc. I can select multiple Items in both the boxes. I hope I am clear up to here.

Now at this point these two boxes (Document Submitted and Documents pending) are showing items (documents names) separately. What I want is to combine the values of both. I want to do is, if I select "CV, IELTS, passport copy" in document submitted box, rest of the pending names (Photo ID, Certificates) should automatically be filled in Document pending box. What ever I didn't select in Document submitted box should appear in Document pending box.

For better understanding i am attaching my file with it.

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Queries :: ComboBox On Main Form To Populate Subform

Nov 29, 2014

Database that will show both his side income information as well as his regular income and expenses. I have constructed a tables for the categories, his rec/payables which has information for both his personal & business, the other table he wants to filter only information regarding the business. I set up a form with a subform (business). I need the combo box in the main form to auto populate the matching fields in the business subform, everything but the client name and id. I have tried creating a query for criteria business, it works in query mode but not when I try to use it on the form.

The main form:
IncSrc IncAmt ExpSrc ExpAmt ActionDate

The subform
IncSrc IncAmt ExpSrc ExpAmt ActionDate ClientName ClientID

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Queries :: Create Query To Do A Lookup From Another Database

May 28, 2014

I am trying to do a lookup from a field from one of my databases (DB1) onto another field in (DB2).... I have been using excel to do vlookups but a report that I do weekly I do atleast 7 lookups for the past weeks... So I am trying to find a way in access to do lookups and save those lookups each time i run the report... Do I have to create the query and make the ID the primary key on both the databases and then create a relationship?

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Queries :: Create A Query On All Queries In Database

Mar 19, 2013

I am hoping to do a report all my queries in my Database.

I have managed to use some sql code to list the queries which is the following:

WHERE (((MSYSOBJECTS.Type)=5) AND ((Left([NAME],1))<>"~"));

But i cant seem to get any further i would also like to include the creation date, the description if any, the tables associated with each query, as i know i have a good few queries which maybe duplicates i just want to clean it up.

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Create & Populate Through Access Query And Their Values

Apr 14, 2008


I need your guidance to do the following;

On a click of a button from the Form the following should execute.
I have created 50 queries. Each query has more than 1000 recordsets.

1. I want to count the number of rows for each query (50 queries = 50 different values)
2. create one table and populate those 50 different values into the table
3. Using those values in the table; a Stack column chart has to be created.

In simple explanation; on a click of a button the data should be processed and chart has to be created.

Just a tip will also do to try on my side.

Thank you in advance

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Queries :: Create A Statistics Function On A Database

Jun 15, 2014

I am trying to create a statistics function on a database. The idea is that the user will enter a start and end date and either search for all records during that date range or select a client from a combo box and only view records for that client during the selected dates.

After doing quite a bit of searching, it seems that I should be using a wildcard in the criteria however I cannot get this to work. The code I have been playing with is:

=Nz(Forms![Statistics]![ClientCombo] ,"*")

I have changed the "*" to a specific client number and if the combo box is left blank, results are shown for that client only and if a client is selected from the combo box then the selected client is shown. The only thing I cannot get it to do is show all entries if the combo box is left blank.

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Populate Combobox Programatically

Mar 5, 2008

I have a form that I am populating a ComboBox via a Query. It works but sometimes it flakes out and does not populate the box.

What I want to do is run this through code.

I am a bit stuck. I think that I need to set the recordset, Create a SQL query, Run the query and push the results to the ComboBox. Think this should be on the Click event of the combobox.

Dont really know where to get started.

Does anyone have a rough example of:
1. Getting the recordset
2. A general SQL query (how to run it)
3. How to push the results to the ComboBox


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Forms :: Using A Combobox To Populate A Textbox?

Feb 11, 2014

I have a table filled with company contacts and form with a combo box containing the contacts names.

When a contact is selected I want it to show their Telephone, Mobile and email address in text boxes below. But it only shows the telephone number and the other two fields stay blank.

what I'm doing wrong ?

I have this code assigned to the combobox:

Private Sub MainContact_Change()
Me.Text169 = Me.MainContact.Column(3)
Me.Text167 = Me.MainContact.Column(2)
Me.Text177 = Me.MainContact.Column(1)
End Sub

And this is the row source:

SELECT tbl_Contacts.Salutation & " " & tbl_Contacts.ContactForename & " " & tbl_Contacts.ContactSurname AS MainContact, tbl_Contacts.ContactTelephone, tbl_Contacts.ContactMobile, tbl_Contacts.ContactEmail
FROM tbl_Contacts
WHERE (((tbl_Contacts.ID_Company)=[tbl_CompanyBookings].[ID_Company]));

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Create Database Consisting Of Table / Multiple Queries And A Form

Oct 28, 2011

I worked yesterday to create a database consisting of a table, multiple querries and a form. Today I went to open it and I got a different database I worked on months ago. The properties say it was created yesterday, but it is not the same database and I can not find the database I created yesterday.

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Forms :: Populate Subform With Table From Combobox

Feb 14, 2014

I've got an access front-end database running on Access Runtime on a Terminal Server with a back-end on a data server both of which are hosted by a remote company and accessed via Terminal Services. All is well and the database is working fine but because this is a cloud system I need a way that I can easily delve into the tables on the back-end without copying it down locally from the cloud each time (I've set up an "administrator" option so that this would be available to limited users). I've got the front-end forms working as I'd like but I have quite a few tables and I'd like to avoid creating a separate form for every table. I've been able to populate a combobox on my form with the list of linked tables and I'd like that when I choose a particular table from this list that the whole table is then visible within a subform below in case I need to manually intervene with the data for any reason.

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Forms :: Populate Combobox Value With Open Form

Aug 13, 2014

I have a unbound combobox in my form. I wanna populate list value in my combobox. first value is current year. Every time populate 6 values. like as


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Forms :: Populate Combobox With Data From 3 Tables

May 17, 2015

Is it possible to populate a single combobox with data from 3 different tables.

I have a table called observations (for observing deer), in that table is a field called Location, I have 3 other tables that list possible locations t_foodplots, t_stands and t_section.

I would like to have a combobox called location on my observations form that will allow me to select the proper location from one of those 3 tables, the choices would be something like this...

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Stand 1
Stand 2
Stand 3
Foodplot 1
Foodplot 2
Foodplot 3 etc....

The chosen value would be stored in the t_observations "location" field.

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Modules & VBA :: Populate Combobox From Listbox Results

Jun 12, 2015

I have a list of staff that have a conflict of interest with a particular entity. As a result, these staff are not allowed to interview these entities.

I have a query that matches all staff with their respective entities that they have a conflict of interest with (CoI) and that is functioning correctly.

When the form loads to add an interview, there is a listbox that pulls all the people who are not allowed to do an interview with that particular entity. That is also working correctly.

I have a subform, that is a continuous form, which will allow the user to add staff, one at a time, via a drop down box. These people are stored in their own table with a FK Id to the interview table. This also works correctly.

How to filter the combobox on the subform to exclude the people in the listbox.

Here is what I have tried, loosely based on what I have found on Google and researching here. I am 100% sure it is not working correctly, but what I am missing.

The query the listbox is based on has 3 colums, the ID, the Name, and the business contract number.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim strSource As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To Me.lstCoI.ListCount - 1

[Code] ....

In the immediate window, I get the following result:

SELECT [staff] FROM lutStaff WHERE Staff <> name1
SELECT [staff] FROM lutStaff WHERE Staff <> name2
SELECT [staff] FROM lutStaff WHERE Staff <> name3
SELECT [staff] FROM lutStaff WHERE Staff <> name4
SELECT [staff] FROM lutStaff WHERE Staff <> name5
SELECT [staff] FROM lutStaff WHERE Staff <> name6

The issue is that the box is not filtering all the names out of the list it is built on. It is only filtering out the last name.

Obviously I need to save the results for comparison, but I am at a loss on how to do that.

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Forms :: Populate Text Box After MULTIPLE Combobox Selection

Apr 1, 2013

I have a form based on a query.On the form I have 4 comboboxes.The combo boxes filter eachother without a problem (based on custom select query).Now I want after the fourth combobox value is selected, I want to populate a text field with a value from a different column from the master query (after the 4 selections only 1 value should be possible)I try to say this easy.Master query contains 5 columns:

- group
- type
- job
- insurance
- charge

combo1 selects group (and filters records)
combo2 selects type (from remaining records and filters again)
combo3 selects job (from remaining records and filters again)
combo4 selects insurance (from remaining records and filters again)


This works great and the dropbox only shows 1 OF EACH DIFFERENT record...If I add a text box and want to see the "charge" value, that I thought I could use the ME.text-code. But in order to do this, I have to add the charge column into the query of Combo4.the dropbox for insurance gives me multiple values that are the same. Is there any way to make this work?

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Forms :: Combobox With Three Selections To Auto Populate Textbox

Jun 19, 2013

I would like to create a combobox on a form in which a user has three selections: negative, positive, other.

If negative is chosen a textbox auto-populates with "none detected".
If positive is chosen the text box populates with "positive" and
If other is selected the text box populates with "unspecified".

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Forms :: Populate Field When Select A Value From Combobox On The Form

Apr 24, 2013

In my quality control database QC techs will be entering in test results. Each quality control entry they put in will have a product and lot number it is related too.

My question is about making data entry easier for the QC techs. When two jobs are being run at once, the techs may have to alternate between which jobs they enter, meaning a different product and lot number. It would be frustrating for the QC techs to enter in a product code and lot number for every entry they make.

Can the lot number field be automatically populated when the tech selects a product? Basically, if the tech selects product A, can the last lot number value for product A automatically populate the field in the new entry?

Edit: Currently I have the "solution" of making two instances of the entry form with each lot number entered on the different one. This allows the QC Techs to use the CTRL+ ' to populate the last record, allowing them to quickly enter the product code, lot number, and date of the job they are working on.

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Forms :: Populate Textbox After MULTIPLE Combobox Selection

Apr 1, 2013

Got a bit stuck in a database. I have a form based on a query. On the form I have 4 comboboxes.

The combo boxes filter eachother without a problem (based on custom select query)

Now I want after the fourth combobox value is selected, I want to populate a text field with a value from a different column from the master query (after the 4 selections only 1 value should be possible)

Master query contains 5 columns:
- group
- type
- job
- insurance
- charge

combo1 selects group (and filters records)
combo2 selects type (from remaining records and filters again)
combo3 selects job (from remaining records and filters again)
combo4 selects insurance (from remaining records and filters again)

Combo4 is based on following query:
Total=Group by
Criteria [forms]![name].[combo]

This works great and the dropbox only shows 1 OF EACH DIFFERENT record

If I add a text box and want to see the "charge" value, that I thought I could use the ME.text-code. But in order to do this, I have to add the charge column into the query of Combo4.

If I do this, the dropbox for insurance gives me multiple values that are the same. Is there any way to make this work?

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Populate Attachment Field Based On Combobox Selection

Jan 8, 2013

I am creating a Database to track product details and inventory for items we purchase.

I have several Tables and several Forms already working properly, except for one thing.

I have a Form called "Lights", and it contains a ComboBox called Light_Name and 6 TextBoxes: Manufacturer, Model_Number, Cost, Weight, Light_Type, Notes. It also has an Attachment Field linked to the same table.

I am using the Code:

Me.TEXTBOX = Me.Light_Name.Column(#)

to populate the Textboxes with the relevant info from the Light Table.

This works for every Textbox I have.

However I cannot get the Attachment Box to change. And when I try to add code to it I get a debug error. The Attachments are PDFs and I need them to show based on the ComboBox Selection.

I have tried the same code as above, and as I said, it gives me an error.

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Modules & VBA :: Combobox / Listbox Change Event Populate Values In It

Nov 21, 2013

I am trying to write a code that will execute at the change even of the combobox/Listbox and when a character is typed in it then all the data from "DocumentType" field whose first character matches with the first character typed in Combo/Listbox will be stored in it.

The following code doesn't work:

Private Sub ComboBox4_Change()
Dim strText, strFind As String
strText = Me.ComboBox4.Text
If Len(Trim(strText)) > 0 Then
strFind = "BarcodeRef like '" & strText & "*'"
End If

[Code] .....

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Create Database From Query

Nov 29, 2005


I'm trying to create my own database from queries. the queries retreive data from and ODBC data source. How do I create table from query but I don't want any old data from table to be deleted whenever there's a change of data in ODBC data source. I just want to keep pushing in new information without deleting the old ones, even though those old information have been deleted from the ODBC source.

thx guys!:D

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Queries :: Using Combobox To Input A Value Into A Query

Feb 27, 2014

I am trying to use a combobox to select a value which then activates a query to return results.

Here is some details

I have to tables, one called "Customers" and the other called "Calls". These two tables are linked.

The customers is literally a list of customers with their contact details, but all I am in interested in is the "Company" Field.

The Calls table has a field called "End User" which looks up the company from the Customers Table.

What I am trying to do is create a search by Customer query, furthermore, I would like to do is to create a form with a drop down that looks up from Customers table, select the company and it returns all the records with that company...

What I have done

I have created a query that has the customer and calls tables included, I have dragged down the [Company] from customer table and then all the fields from the Calls table.

Then i created a blank form, inserted a combobox - Combo7, linked the box to the Customers table.

Back to the query, under the [Company] I have put into the criteria the following


Back to the form, selected the combo box, built a macro in the AfterUpdate, to run the query.

Tested this and it does not bring anything back, however if I put into the criteria Like [Please Enter Company Name], then typed the company name, it brings back all the records for that customer.

Am I missing something?, do I need to set the form control to the query, or even the combobox....

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Forms :: Get Information From Text Box On Double Click To Populate Combobox On Another Form

Dec 8, 2014

Trying to pull information from a text box on double click to populate a combobox on another form...

keeps coming up "type mismatch"

I call lngAccount as recognised on mouseover... ("Business Account" is the value I want)

I can't get it to work!

For info, the form I'm calling from is a subform located FrmMainMenu/FrmAccountsMainMenu and the control source is [Account]

the form I wish to populate in on FrmTransactions (it is a main form only) and the combobox is cboaccountselect - **I've seen the obvious mistake with no reference to this whatsoever, corrected it, and still not working**

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Queries :: Update Data In Combobox Using Query

Jul 24, 2014

I have been spending all my today to fill a combobox dynamically, but have not been able yet.

I have a combobox and a pass-through query in access, which is working fine and fill the details into the combobox via data source. Now what I am planning to do is to update the combobox source as soon as value in a text box changes.

Here is the code I am using, but it is not working:

Dim rs As Recordset
Dim qDef As QueryDef
Set qDef = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("get_data")
qDef.SQL = "SELECT Initial + ' (' + Name + ')' uws FROM EM.dbo.UW" _
& " WHERE lob = '" & addSingleQuotation(Me.CMB_LOB.Value) & "'"

Me.cmbUM.RowSource = qDef.SQL

I also used Recordset, but did not work:

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("get_data")
Me.cmbUM.RowSource = rs!uws

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Queries :: Building A Query For A Report - Combobox?

Oct 14, 2014

I have a combobox that I use to combine the employees first name and id number. So when you pull down the list you can select the employee you want and it is saved in the form. Now I need to create a query so that I can create a report on each employee separately. The query will not let me get the Employee Frist Name/ID from that saved field. I thought that what is saves in that field, you can retrieve it in your queries or reports.

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Queries :: Dynamic Query Based On A Form (ComboBox)

Jan 22, 2014

We have a ComboBox on a form with the months: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, etc.

We have fields in a budget table named: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, etc.

We want to create a query that pulls the correct field based on the value in the combo box.

This is what I have that doesn't work:

MyField: [Query1].[SumOf] & Forms![Main Menu]![test]

How to do this?

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