Queries :: DLookup With 2 Criteria - One Number And One Date
Jan 26, 2014
I have been working on a query in my database and I would like to look up a Number Value from another table based on a Number ID field and the Number Date in the Number Values table, where the Number ID field in the table agrees to the Number ID Index field in the query, and the Number Date field in the table agrees with the Initial Date field in the query. The Dlookup syntax I currently have is as follows:
The Dlookup shown above does not return an error, but it returns a blank field. I know that individually, the Dlookup for the Number ID works, but when I add the And for the Number Date the Dlookup returns a blank. Also, I have verified that there are existing records where the Number Date and Initial Date fields agree.
Also, I changed the format of the date fields in the tables to be ShortDate, thinking that the Timestamp was causing the Dlookup to not find a match. I also tried to use the DateValue() function within a query to reformat with not luck.
I am trying to make a DLookup function to return the ID number of an entry that matches 2 or 3 criteria but I am struggling to get the syntax correct for the second and third criteria.
Here is what I have so far:
1 criteria, works fine =DLookUp("[timedata]![id]","timedata", "[processdone] =" & Forms![Mainform]![p11] )
2 criteria, works fine =DLookUp("[timedata]![id]","timedata", "[processdone] = " & Forms![Mainform]![p11] & " And [timedata]![BGSnum] = 1001" )
BGSnum is a numerical value but it changes for each form I load, so what I want to do is use the form location value as the criteria.
I'm having trouble with DLookup() using dates as part of a multiple criteria. I'm using the following;
Code: If IsNull(DLookup("ExchRate", "TBL_DDPExchRates", "CurID = " & Me.Combo4 & " AND ExchDate = #" & Me.ShipOBDate & "#")) And Me.Combo4 <> 2 Then
It seems that if ShipOBDate is any date between the first and tenth of the month the DLookup fails to locate the appropriate record. I can't understand why as ShipOBDate and ExchDate are both formatted as Short Date and ExchDate is being populated via an OpenArgs which is derived form the field ShipOBDate..Is the fact the the date is getting converted from a date to string and back to a date some how upsetting things
I have a table tblDateGroups, with two field, [Group] (like This Week, Next Week, Last Month, etc) and [Code] that holds the code for criteria for each group in a query. I know the code is fine (like next week = Between Date()-Weekday(Date())+8 and Date()-Weekday(Date())+14 ) because I tested before putting in the table.
On my form I have a combo box that list all the [Group] and i hidden textbox that looks up the code based on the cbx after update...all that is good.
However, when i try to requery the report the criteria is not working. I am simply using the date criteria to read the hidden text box with the code string.
the error code is "This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables."
I need some syntax in setting 2 criterias for a DLookup query.
I've attached a sample db with 2 tables: Main & Timesheet
I need a "combo" query showing (on the same line) all Qty for Transcodes N, 1 & 2 where the Staff number and TSNum is the same.
I'm sure about the logic but the syntax is letting me down.
I can pull in 1 of the criteria E.g.:
OT1: DLookUp("Qty","ExOT1","[Staff] =" & [Staff])
But can for the life of me not script the second criteria in.
So in my result of ExCombo I'm getting Staff 11 showing 4 under OT1 while I know the result does not apply for TSNum 29832 as indicated hence the need for the 2nd criteria.
Since I have to change some of the values to text inside the query it might be best to have a look at the attached db rather than just suggesting the correct syntax .
I've been asked to get involved in some access development but don't seem to be get my dlookup syntax correct.I essentially want to lookup what salary band different employees are in.I have two tables:
Employee Table) has the fields: Name, Type, Salary
Salary Band Table) has the fields Employee Type, Salary Band, Lower range, Upper range..my query syntax is:
Band: DLookUp("[Salary Band]","Salary Band Table", [Salary] & " BETWEEN [Lower range] and [Upper range]" & "AND " & [Type] & " = [Employee Type]")
I can get the first criteria to work but can't get the second part to work - currently it produces an error.
I am trying to create a Dlookup in Access 2010 within a query using query wizard. I want to lookup the tax rate for an employee based on a salary range and their 'tax category' (string). Through troubleshooting I can get the criteria to work separately.
These are: DLookUp("Base","TABWT","[TABWT].[Taxclass] = '" & [FirstOfTaxGroup] & "'")
DLookUp("Base","TABWT",[grosspay] & " Between [TABWT]![Minimum] And [TABWT]![MaxBracket]")
These work and return the correct values for each column/row when I run the query.
However, when I combine the criteria (using the build wizard) as follows:
Expr1: DLookUp("Base","TABWT","[TABWT].[Taxclass] = '" & [FirstOfTaxGroup] & "'" and [grosspay] & " Between [TABWT]![Minimum] And [TABWT]![MaxBracket]")
The Dlookup will returns 0 values but will not give an error message.
I've tried quite a few variations on syntax and quotes and so on. However, it's just not working for me.
I'm trying to pull a date from a table into a text box on a form tab control using DLookup and I just can't figure out what is wrong with my DLookup expression:
=DLookUp("DateOrdered","tDateOrdered","PrNumber=" & [PrNumber]) ----- (DateOrdered is short date, PrNumber is text, db is split Access 2013)
Whats missing in this expression? I've tried every criteria variant I could find but to no avail.
i have 2 tables.. 1 with bookings and 1 with a BonusPeriod range.
in the Bookings table there is a field called [ServiceDate]
in the bonus table i have a field called [Period] which is text i also have 2 dates, [StartDate] And [EndDate] i need to Dlookup the Bonus table to return the value of the period table based on where the [ServiceDate] falls.
i dont want to use VBA (i really need it to work within a query that inserts it's data into another table)
i've tried everything but had no joy
Expr1: DLookUp("[Period]","BonusPeriods","[ServiceDate]" Between "#[StartDate]#" And "#[EndDate]#")
Expr1: DLookUp("[Period]","BonusPeriods","[Staff_BookingsAndQuotes_Master].[ServiceDate]" Between "#[StartDate]#" And "#[EndDate]#")
Expr1: DLookUp("[Period]","BonusPeriods","(FormatDateTime([ServiceDate]),"yyyy-mm-dd") Between (FormatDateTime([BonusPeriods]![StartDate]),"yyyy-mm-dd") and (FormatDateTime([BonusPeriods]![EndDate],"yyyy-mm-dd"))))
Query that I have built to create a subform on one of my forms. It's my goal to make the subform easily navigable/query-able for the users, and that is where I've hit a roadblock. The subform contains a field - Balance - which I would like users to be able to search based on numeric/mathematic expressions (i.e. >0 and <40). In testing I have created a text box on the main form (BalanceCriteria), and linked it to the subform's balance field through the query in the Criteria field (forms!MainForm!BalanceCriteria).
This works fine with exact numbers - entering 19 will return client's with a balance of 19 - but returns an error - "Expression is typed incorrectly or is too complex to be evaluated" when tested with a numeric equation (>0).
I want to get remarks as like this i have a query which is showing the total of different fields suppose the total is 77 and I want to give a crietria field by name of net level which shall work like this ..
if the number is from 0 to 33 then then the result should be C-1 if from 33 to 40 then C-2 if from 41 to 50 then C-3 if from 51 to 60 then B-1 if from 61 to 70 then B-2 if from 71 to 80 then B-3 if from 81 to 90 then A-2 if from 91 to 100 the A-1
Is it possible to do a criteria like the "Between" to pull data like a work order number?
Ex WO#: WO5551212
I would like to be prompted to enter a Work Order Number when I run a query, then have the query display all of the data for that particular work order number.
I have a query the result of which provides me a date field in the format 12-Oct-2010.I want that this field data to be converted to corresponding numbers such as 40463.
I have a table with a field TDate (dd/mm/yyyy format). A query with calculated fields is lying on this table. I want to put a date criteria in this query, by a combobox in an unbound form, where the date format has to be mmmm/yyyy and has to be updated as new TDates come in.
Trying to pick up values for the combobox from the TDates field (and formatting them), I get a list with several same values. This is of course expected as there are many records on the same month, even on the same day of the month.Is there a way to have this list with unique values for each TDates month/year?
I have a query which includes a deposit field and a Transaction_Date field. I would like a cumulative deposit on each record (arranged according to date). The following is the expression I am using:
I am getting completely nonsense values from the expression - some of the fields are blank (the first few fields) and then the values bear no relation to the deposits preceding them. I have tried all sorts of formats including using Format([Date], 'dd/mm/yyyy') on either side and then on both sides but with no effect.
I am trying to figure out how to build my query that returns equipment reservations where "date out" OR "date In" are between 2 dates that are specified on my form using [Forms]![Myformname]![StartDate] and [Forms]![Myformname]![EndDate].
The purpose of the query is to find the amount of companies that have had a piece of equipment reserved between 2 dates, which could be a calendar year, or a fiscal year for example.
This is my current SQL statement that returns records where only DateIn falls between the criteria. My objective is to also return records where DateOut falls between 2 dates.
I have a report database that provides my company with clients that took our training modules and notify us of which clients completed our trainings.The clients can complete training in 3 States and "Passed" means they are good to go.
I download an excel report daily and import it to Access on a daily basis. Problem is the Report is over 8,000 rows long and basically I just need the clients that completed training within past 48 hours. The excel report provides a date of completion.
code that only pulls those clients that "Passed" within the last 48 Hours. Here is my SQL Statement I use on the RecordSource.
SELECT report.SPS, report.FirstName, report.region, report.id, report.AZ_Cert, report.AZStatus, report.CA_CERT, report.CAStatus, report.OR_CERT, report.ORStatus, report.Completed FROM report WHERE (((report.Completed)=False));
The completed checkbox removes the record from the cert queue. How can I do this more efficiently? I think I have it right.
Private Sub Completed_Click() Const cstrPrompt As String = _ "Are you sure you want to complete this record? Yes/No" If MsgBox(cstrPrompt, vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False ' save the record Forms!frmRecertView.subfrmRecert.Requery End If End If End Sub
I need to do a DSum with criteria that picks up a previous month based on todays date, I have got the following but I don't know how to format the last part of the criteria.
If I take out the Month(DateAdd("m",-13,(Date()))) and replace it with 6 it works fine.
Below is the SQL for a query I have, which returns events that are scheduled for today, I need to change this so that The user can specify events to be displayed in a date range and If possible only show those events for the users windows ID
SELECT tblEvent.EventStart, tblEvent.EventOwner, qryCompany.Company, ltDescriptionType.Description FROM (tblEvent INNER JOIN qryCompany ON tblEvent.Company = qryCompany.ContactID) INNER JOIN ltDescriptionType ON tblEvent.EventDescrip = ltDescriptionType.[DescriptionType ID] WHERE (((tblEvent.EventStart)=Date())) ORDER BY tblEvent.EventStart, tblEvent.EventOwner;
How do you calculate or find Month To Date in a query as it relates to a hand keyed criteria.
For example I have a field called Operating Day and right now my criteria in my query is Between DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),1) And Date(). Works perfectly. I'm using this data in a sub report.
But now my requirements have changed and its possible that I may need to report on something from January (or December and so forth). Well this criteria will show data from February. But the Month To Date data should show totals for the Month I'm reporting on.
I have a query with a date field that is formatted mm/dd/yyyy. I have a combo box that is formatted as mm/yyyy. I need the choice from the combo box to be the criteria for the date field in the query. the combo box has to contain the month and year only (which it does now) and the query must return mm/dd/yyyy. I have tried a few statements and the closest I got was a between statement that added 30 days to the combo box selection but that's not really accurate.
Below is a simplified example of what I'm trying to achieve with a parameter query.
The source table for the query contains two fields:
Reading_Date (short date) and Use_value (integer)
The parameter query sums Use_value between two dates for various date ranges specified as 'or' criteria. SQL as follows:
SELECT Sum(Table1.Use_Value) AS SumOfUse_Value FROM Table1 WHERE (((Table1.Reading_Date) Between #1/1/2013# And #1/5/2013#)) OR (((Table1.Reading_Date) Between #1/1/2014# And #1/5/2014#));
This produces a single sum total, but I'd like the query to give a total per criteria date range. In other words to group results by criteria. As date ranges may span year change, grouping by year is not possible.