Queries :: Decimal Format In Table Which Shows Latitude And Longitude

Sep 17, 2014

I have an Access 2010 table which shows Latitude and Longitude. However instead of it being in a decimal format it is displayed as 4000000000. I need to add a decimal point so that it looks like 40.00000000. If I configure the Field Properties to Decimal with a scale of eight and decimal places set to eight I can manually convert all of the data to the correct format. But I would like to have this happen automatically from a query.

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Map In A Form - How To Get Latitude And Longitude

Jan 5, 2014

I use Access 2007. I want show a map inner a form. Next step: user select point on the map (inner a form) by click. I would like to get coordinates (latitude, longitude) previous selected point by user. How does it do?

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Queries :: Table Of Expenses - Too Many Digits After Decimal

Jul 27, 2013

I have a query that is pulling from a single table of expenses the sum of expenses for each quarter. I am using only three fields: the quarter, expense type and amount paid. I am using - Qtr: DatePart("q",[PostDate]) - to obtain the quarters, grouping by quarter and then by expense type. However, the record returned for the 4th quarter shows this result: "3.0026" It should not have four digits after the decimal.

Results for the other three quarters in the same query return correctly with two digits after the decimal point. The query below was suggested to me in order to make the sum returned have only two digits after the decimal:

AmtPaid: Sum((SELECT FORMAT(PymntAMOUNT, 2) FROM tbl_expenses))

The result of this was a curious information box that said: "At most one record can be returned by this subquery." The query returned nothing. I have checked the formatting in both the table and the query itself and the format is "Standard" for both. So, I can't figure out what is producing this 4 digit problem, and why it is only in one record while all the others have two digits after the decimal.

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Queries :: Group Financial Data To One Main Table - Round To 2 Decimal Places

Feb 25, 2014

I have about ten append queries to group various financial data to one main table.

I have used the round function (iff (Round(Nz([FIN_data]),2)) in the queries to round the original data into 2 decimal places but there is still one or two lines exceeding 2 decimal places.

What is the better approach to have only 2 decimal places for all append data?

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PivotChart Decimal Place On Fixed Number Format On Averaged Field

May 18, 2006

I have a pivotchart which I cause to take a huge list of people's test percentiles and calculate the average for each year. I then display the average above each bar. The problem is that there are too many numbers after the decimal place for each figure. I went into the properties and changed the number format to "fixed" but it doesn't give me the option to change the number of decimal places that are used (it does every where else in MS Office!). It seems that it just uses the regional settings for the computer. But the problem I have in changing that is that I have other pivotcharts in the same report that does something similar but needs a different number of decimal places. Is there any way around this without having to create another query to calculate the average and then having the pivotchart display the info from the new query (this is a huge database that I put together with many charts and I don't want to have to redo the way that it works just because of this decimal place issue)?

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Queries :: Format Does Not Carry Over From Table

Aug 8, 2014

I have an issue with queries not showing sufficient decimal points, even though the underlying table does have the formatting I desire.

If I open Table 1 directly, for Field 1 I have a value of 0.1439254445378153860918842318 using a format of decimal / fixed / Precision: 18 / Scale: 0 / Decimal: 2 and it shows in the table as 0.14 until I click on the cell in which case I get the full value above.

This is how I want it to show (0.14). When I run a query on this table, not setting any formats in the query, I get 0.00, and clicking on the cell only provides a result of 0. I've tried a ton of different underlying formats on Table 1, and been unable to get a different result...

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Forms :: Access 2010 - Form Shows Similar Match In 1 Table - Alter Another Table?

Dec 16, 2014

I have two tables (Access 2010). One with a list of names (List1) and another with a very similar list of names (List2), but they differ in very small ways. For example, List1 might have John Smith, and List2 would have Smith, John L.; and Smith, John. List2 also has a unique ID associated with these names that I need to append to List1.

I need to design a form that will allow me to look up names in List1, and have it return all names that are similar in List2. I then need to be able to choose with record in List2 matches with the List1 entry (based on a few other columns in List2, such as birth date) and have the form add that unique ID to the List1 record.

PS: I am using Access 2010

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Queries :: Shows Time Slots (4) Available In A Row During Day

Sep 20, 2014

I have a mismatch Query that shows time slots available during day that have not been booked (15 minute intervals) the problem I have i want to just show the time slots that are available depending on what treatment has been chosen so if it was a one hour appointment then it checks that 4 slots available in a row and just displays that


How I would try to do this

so would show for a 1 hour appointment

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Queries :: Recordset Shows Nothing In The Code?

Aug 21, 2013

i have a combo box ,and when i should select "all",this button after update code should show me all the column of table test ,but looks like for no reason the record set shows nothing and its not working.


Private Sub cboTaskListName_AfterUpdate()
'On Error GoTo cboTaskListName_AfterUpdate_Err
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim SQL As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
If Me.cboTaskListName = "111111" Then
Set db = CurrentDb()
SQL = "SELECT no1 from test"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL, dbOpenDynaset)
End If
End Sub

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Queries :: Query Shows Duplicate

Dec 4, 2014

I hve a query that I want to total soldAtPrice *quantity This information is stored in my order details table and mus not change .I can do a calculated field to get the answer but the Problem is if there are 2 recodrs to be totaled the query displays 2 records if there are 3 records the query dislplays 3 records and so on .I need one record to be displayed with the total of all the recodrs

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Queries :: Link Table To Represent Data - Format Text As Date

Nov 15, 2013

I have a link table that has a field that represents dates - but they are actually just text. It's a long story but the source is not going to change - so I have to try and deal with it. I need it to behave as a date - and am hoping to do this in a query. The data looks like this:


I have tried various things but it does not seem to totally do the trick - if I sort on it it still does not sort as one would expect from an actual date field. How do I do this?

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Round Up Decimal Point To 4 Decimal Places

Jun 2, 2005

Hi there,

I am not sure the best way to do this,

I have a field with values that look like: 1.69553366385509 or 0.0061705541157596

I want these values to look like: 1.6955 or 0.0062 (4 decimal places [rounded up if possible])

Thanks for your help with this


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Modules & VBA :: Filter On A Table Shows Up Black

Apr 1, 2014

Ive created a table in Access but when I click on the filter option, it comes out blank.Im using VBA code to populate the table from SQL server.All other column work fine.There is data in that column.

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Table Shows Deleted Record But It Won't Delete

Sep 19, 2014

I have a table that is showing #Deleted in several fields, not all of them. When I select the record and try to delete it I get the message that the record id deleted. How do I remove this record?

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Table Select Field Shows Up As A Number To Text?

Sep 3, 2015

I have a KidShop table that shows the Diagnosis for the person,there are 5 diagnosis fields because one person could have up to 5 Diagnosis and each field is a lookup from the diagnosis table.in the report they show up as the ID number not and not the text.

I inserted Diagnosis from the Diagnosis Table and a window popped up asking what Diagnosis from the Diagnosis table matched in the KidShop Table and gave the selection of Diagnosis 1 or 3 or 3 or 4 or 5. I could only select one and I selected Diagnosis1 in the KidShop table and that showed Diagnosis as text for the Diagnosis1 field but the other 4 diagnosis fields still show a number. I understand what that did but it does not give me the option to match Diagnosis 2,3,4,5 to diagnosis Table. If I changed the Data source for the other 4 to Diagnosis then only Diagnosis1 shows up it the other 4 fields which makes since.

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Queries :: Rounding To 2 Decimal Places

Aug 20, 2013

I have a database that has raw data input to 2 decimal places. There are multiple queries set up to sum the total cost by facility and box type. When the queries are run, the output is to 4 decimal places. I need to round the cost to 2 decimal places. (Right now, it is formatted to show 2 decimal places, but when you click on the number, there can be up to 4 numbers after the decimal.

I have tried to round the numbers within the queries and I get errors asking for parameters. I've also tried to round the numbers in the append queries where I move the final numbers to a summary table. When I do that, I get an error message that the database can't find the table I selected.

I'm not sure how or where it's best to add the rounding function so that my final output is in the format I need.

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Queries :: Time Elapsed To Decimal

Jul 5, 2014

I am creating query that calculates time interval so that this is used to calculate pay. Employees clock in at [time_in] and clock out at [time_out]. Sometimes time_out is on the next day of time_in.So if is substract time_out - time_in I will get a negative number.I am therefore using the following formula to extract the time interval; Interval: Format([time_out]-[time_in],"Short Time")

this gives out a result such as 3:30 when in fact I would need 3.5 to calculate pay by multiplying with rate.How do I convert 3:30 to 3.5. From the searches I get that I need to multiple 3:30 by 24. But when in put done in the query Interval: Format([time_out]-[time_in],"Short Time")*24

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Queries :: Exported Data Changes To 2 Decimal Places From None

Feb 14, 2014

I'm exporting a query that has currency values in with no decimal places but when it's viewed in excel it has 2 decimal places! I've changed the properties in the query to none, how to stop this from happening? I'm using 2003.

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Forms :: Check Box In A Form Which Shows Data From A Table In Tabular Layout

May 12, 2013

I have made an unbound check box, named "myckeck" in a form which shows data from a table in tabular layout.

1- When I check one check box, all check boxes are checked. How can I solve that? I mean I want to check or clear check boxes independently.

2- I made a text box, named "jobdate" to sow todays date automatically upon checking a check box.

Private sub mycheck_afterupdate()
jobdate = date

But this is not working and checking a check box does not make anything to happen.

3- Then I made this expression in the default value of "jobdate" properties:

iif( mycheck = true, date(), null)

This not working either.

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Queries :: Convert Decimal Part Days To Hours

Dec 23, 2014

I have a query result for example = 2.19 days worked. The result of cumulated hours divided by 8 (hours in the workday). What I want to do is take the .19 and multiply it by 8 (hours in the workday) and I would have the result in actual hours which is what I need. Or of course if there is a way to display that into 2 days and 1.52 hours Rounded up to quarters would be even better. But with spending hours looking through forums I didn't find a way to just work with the decimals right of the dot. Trim, format, Len didn't work for me, they all give me funny result.

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Queries :: Time Duration Over Midnight In Decimal Hours

Dec 22, 2014

I want to calculate decimal hours duration taken for a job starting before and finishing after midnight.

I have something that works but it seems cumbersome.

Hour(Format([Job]![Start_time]-1-[Job]![Finish_Time],"Short Time"))
+ (Minute(Format([Job]![Start_time]-1-[Job]![Finish_Time],"Short Time"))/60)

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Queries :: Exporting Currency Field Without Decimal Place?

May 1, 2015

I need to export a currency field to include the pence but without the decimal place, is this possible?

It also needs to be 11 characters wide.

I have tried a number of formats and can get the decimal point removed but I am not getting the pence displayed.

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Getting 2 Decimal Points In A Table?

Jan 28, 2008

This is probably an easy question, but I can't figure out how to get a table to show numbers in 2 decimals points when they are inputted with 2-5 decimal points. I changed the DATA TYPE to Number and DECIMAL PLACES to 2, but when I do that, it just rounds it to a whole number. Please help, thanks!

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Queries :: Pull Data From Fields That Have Values With Decimal Places

May 9, 2013

I have a query that pull data from hours worked fields that have values with decimal places. Hours is multiplied to rates to create my amount to charge in my query which is then displayed on my invoice report.

The issue is that when I sum my amount, my subtotal is off by $.01 due to the decimals entered for the hours worked (e.g. hours worked is 1.5*32.75=49.125)

I need the rounding to work in the query and display on my report as $49.13 and the subtotal to reflect it. I have the properties in my table as double with decimal place at 2, and my query and report properties with decimal place at 2 as well. It still isn't working.

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Queries :: Rounding Average Values - Result With Two Decimal Places?

Apr 23, 2013

I'm trying to get this query to work:

SELECT Avg(Round([Final 205].[LastOfSumOfRehLOS],2)) AS AvgInpLOS, Avg(Round([LastOfSumOfWaitLOS],1)) AS AvgWaitTime, Count([Final 205].PHN) AS Observations, [Final 205].LastOfIntensity AS Intensity_Level
FROM [Final 205]
GROUP BY [Final 205].LastOfIntensity;

It doesn't found the result to two decimal places.

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Queries :: Utilization Database - Calculating Hours Minutes From Decimal

Apr 23, 2015

I'm working on a utilization database and pulling Excel data from Cognos 8. I use Access formulas to separate hours and minutes because I want to use time (.30, .45 (minutes)) instead of quarterly increments (.25, .50). I've successfully segregated hours, because I also have to turn days into hours. When I try to calculate out a column just for minutes, my formula keeps the number of days and I don't know how to fix it so the column just shows the minutes.

An example is a job has a decimal time of 2.02083333, which when done correctly is 48 hours and 30 minutes. I get the 48 hours correct, but the minutes shows as 2.30 instead of 0.30. That inflates the total job time to 50.30. This is the calculation currently in my database to pull out minutes:

Minutes: Int(([Min]60)24) & "." & Format([Min] Mod 60,"00").

How do I get rid of the '2' in the 2.30?

Access 2010

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