Queries :: Default Value 0 In Query Extended Price Field

Mar 4, 2015

How to set a Default value "0" in Query Extended Price Calculated field ?

I have attached the screenshot with explanation, how to changes the formula.

I have used below following functions but there is no workout.

Extended Price: CCur([Qty]*[BPrice])
Extended Price: CCur(Nz([Qty]*[BPrice],0))
Extended Price: Nz([Qty]*[BPrice],0)
Extended Price: ([Qty]*[BPrice])
Extended Price: IIf(IsError(([Qty]*[BPrice])),0,([Qty]*[BPrice]))

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Extended Price Subform

Feb 5, 2005

I am stuck for a calculation expression for 'extended price' which can be seen in the attached screenshot.

I want to times item price by quantity and deduct the discount.

Thanks. :)

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Queries :: Item Without Price Or Duplicate Price

Jul 29, 2013

I have a table called Books, in that table there is 4 columns ChapterName, Auther, ITEM, Price.

Each book has a item number, and each book has a few records with the same data, just the first column is different where its the ChapterName, each book has a price, but only once, meaning in the first record of each book it will be a price in the column price

Now I want a Query where i can get which book dont have a price at all, and which book has more than once a price, how can i do that?

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Queries :: Set Bit Field To Default Checked?

Jul 11, 2014

I have a query that simply pulls back each tenant from a tenant table. Each row has a bit field that I use for check box's. This check box is true or false depending on the balance they owe. I currently use it to print off late reports and people that have this field set to true have a check box that auto populates on my datasheet.

I copied the query but I want to change it a little. I want to be able to show all tenants, but I want the bit field to show on my datasheet defaulted to checked for everyone (even if the table shows false) so that I can print all tenants without having to check the fields that are false in my table.

I tried to create an expression instead of using the bit field, but I no longer have the option to make that column into a "Check Box" under Lookup-Display Control.

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Queries :: Making Default Value Of A Form Textbox Control Minimum Value Of A Field

Mar 21, 2014

Expressions in Access have given me some trouble before. Mainly due to inexperience. I hardly ever work with them. What I am trying to do is make the default value of a form textbox control the minimum value of a field A in a table A. The datatype of Field A is Date.

So far I've got:

=Min([table A].[field A])

In the Default Value of the form's property sheet, but this just returns a blank value. I've had a look in the table and there is no value that is blank in field A.

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Two Field For The Price Of One Combo

Sep 5, 2005

I have a combo box which looks up vessel names, it stores the Vessel ID in a field [Vessel ID]. This all works fine, no problem, easy. However as part of the vessel details I also need to know the service the vessel is providing “transhipment” or “direct”. If it is a “transhipment” service I need to show a second Combo box with the on carriage vessels. That’s also easy, I just hide the second combo box and only show it depending on the service status of the vessel.

Now I figure I just need to have a field [Vessel Status] which is updated after the first combo box is updated and then depending on the value show or hide the additional combo box. The problem I’m having is updating the [Vessel Status] field once the first combo box has been update.

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Queries :: Price Not Rounding Up Correctly?

Aug 22, 2013

I seem to be having some trouble with my unit price. Its not round up correctly.

I currently have this :

Extended Price: CCur(Nz([Quantity]+[QuantityToFollow],0)*[UnitPrice]*(1-[Discount]))

Which comes to ÂŁ45.74, but the actually price should be ÂŁ45.72. Its some how rounding up. I think. My current unit price is ÂŁ7.62 however Access seems to think it is ÂŁ7.6241.

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Default Value In A Field Based On A Query

May 31, 2006


I have a query which returns 1 value (The description associated with the maximum ID in the table).

I have a Text box on a form and I would like the default value of the text box to be the the value from the above query.

I have tried to build an expression using the expression builder by selecting the query and the field that I am interested in, in that query but I can't seem to get it working.

Could anyone please advise how I can assign a result from a query to the default value of a field on a form.

Many Thanks

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How To Add All Time Max Price Calculated Field

Sep 2, 2014

Say we have a table like the following, with hundreds of symbols:



and we need to add the ALLTIMEMAX column. This is the MAX CLOSE price for the symbol on SYMBOL till the date on DATE.I think that if we can take the first CLOSE for each symbol, then for the following date wed just need to check if the new CLOSE is bigger than the previous. If it is, use it and if not, just keep the old one.

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Blank Date Field Default On Query Criteria

Oct 8, 2007


I have a query that is pulling data based on a date in a table. For some records, that date field is empty. For those records, the data should be pulled based on the date of 1/1/06. I tried doing this
=IIf([Signed SLA Received] Is Null,1/1/06,>=[Signed SLA Received])

It doesn't like this at all, it brings back no data. I also tried putting 1/1/06 in quotes, but it didn't make any difference.

This is probably a totally incorrect way to get this done, but I don't know how else to try it.


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Merging 2 Queries Of Same Data To Get Lowest Price And Matching Items

Sep 4, 2006

I must admit I am a "newby" to Access but I have bought my Access 2000 bible, as I am running Access 2000, and attempted to create my desired database. I have linked to 2 tables that I download on a daily basis. This is my inventory from two different suppliers. I then have created two queries that filters each of these files to only show positive quantity items, filters out item specifics, etc.What I want to do is join the 2 queries with their data already filtered. Both of the files from 2 different suppliers contain some of the same data. Once joined if there is an item that is the same I want to delete the higher cost item and only show the lower cost item, I also want to show the rest of the items that do not match. It is easy to identify the same items as every item contains a 12 digit identifier called a upc.I can create a UNION ALL query that shows every item from the two queries. However, I am unsure as to how I go about deleting the higher cost item and only showing the lower cost item if the item is the same. On a side note after I get the results desired I will then be createing an append to query and append all this information to another file that is then uploaded to another system.I will try to attach some sample data that I am using from the two queries I want to join, this data is only a sample of a much bigger file.Thank you and any and all comments or suggestions is much appreciated.

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Queries :: Average Price Of Last 5 Line By Items By Recent Date

Mar 4, 2015

Any way to filter the average price of of a Product within the last 5 occurences (Line Items). It would pull a week back so WHERE: Between Now()-7 and Now(). Example:

PARTID | Price | Date
111223344 | 5 | 3/1/2015
111223344 | 7 | 3/2/2015
111223344 | 8 | 3/4/2015
111223344 | 10 | 11/22/2014
111223344 | 20 | 10/1/2014
111223355 | 5 | 2/5/2015
111223355 | 6 | 2/1/2015


What I want:

PARTID | avgPrice | MinDate
111223344 | 10 | 10/1/2014
111223355 | 5.5 | 2/1/2015

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Extended Forms

Mar 16, 2006

I am creating a form based directly on some paperwork which needs to be logged electronically, Unfortunately this extends well over the 55" that Access allows for a form.
Not a problem I thought, just create a second form and place a continuation button on the first...Obviously not.
When I place information on the second form, it throws a new record in the table meaning that the table ends up twice the required size and half the records have one side of the data and the rest is on the other side.
What do I need to do to sync these together properly?



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Reports :: How To Manipulate Zeroes In A Unit Price Field In A Report

Jul 2, 2013

I have created a report and, in the unit price field, I have set the decimal place to 5 in the report properties. Sometimes we have pricing for items up to 5 decimals long, such as $10.02985. It is rare though, so I'm to see if there is a way to have it drop the zeros down to 2 decimals when more is not needed. I'm thinking maybe a VBA event might work, but not sure.

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Queries :: Show Price Valid On Specific Date Based On Two Parameters

Mar 30, 2015

I atrying to make a query that shows the price for a product, based on two parameters.

Parameter one is a product code.
Parameter two is a date. This date falls between two dates.

I have one list (table) where is product code and invoice date.

The second list (table) I have, contains product code, and price valid from date, and price valid to date columns. This price valid to date is often not filled, and the price I still valid as we speak. If the date is filled there is often a new entry with an updated price. But sometimes, even if there is a new entry in the table, the date 'valid to date' is sometimes also not filled.

I would like Access to show me the valid price for the specific product. What criteria should I give in the macro, in order that Access shows what I want?

For illustration purposes, a small overview of my table:

Product code, Price, valid from, valid to
AAAA, 12000, 01.01.2012, 31.12.2012
BBBB, 16600, 01.01.2012, 12.06.2013
AAAA, 13500, 01.01.2013, 28.08.2013
AAAA, 11500, 29.08.2013,
BBBB, 17600, 13.06.2013,

Product, invoice date, price according to price list
AAAA, 02.05.2012, ????
AAAA, 01.08.2012, ????
BBBB, 10.06.2013, ????
AAAA, 31.10.2013, ????
AAAA, 16.11.2013, ????

If you happen to know how this search can be performed in Excel, I am of course also happy to read that. (But my index, or Vlookup functions, give only the first possible result in the table. As I do not know how to give in the date parameter.)

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File Extended Properties

Mar 29, 2007

I have a list of files which contain the full path of the file (dir & filename), how can I get the extended properties for these files?

I try to use the script

Dim arrHeaders(35)
dim sFolder as string

sfolder = "C:Scripts"

Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(sfolder ) 'objFolder = nothing even after the object is set.

It does work; however, if I were to hard-code the path in the NameSpace("c:Scripts")

For i = 0 to 34
arrHeaders(i) = objFolder.GetDetailsOf(objFolder.Items, i)Next

For Each strFileName in objFolder.Items
For i = 0 to 34
msgbox objFolder.GetDetailsOf(strFileName, i)

Any thoughts on this?


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Queries :: Getting Transport Rate Based On Date Ranges Due To Fuel Price Floats

Jan 1, 2015

I have tried search through some forums and but still not able to get desire results.

Table Customer Agreed Transport Rate
Customer > Eff Date > Route > Rate
A > 1 June 2014 > AAA > MYR 99
A > 15 Aug 2014 > AAA > MYR 88
A > 1 June 2014 > BBB > MYR 77
A > 1 Sept 2014 > BBB > MYR 66
B > 5 June 2014 > CCC > MYR 88
B > 20 Oct 2014 > DDD > MYR 100
C > 1 Oct 2014 > EEE > MYR 222

If there is order from Customer A for Route AAA loading on 2 July 2014, I can easy to get answer "MYR 99".

How if I wish to make Route as primary key? (as I understand, Primary key must be unique and no repeat).

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Queries :: Get Average Repair Price Of Multiple Part Numbers With Same Root Number

Nov 19, 2013

I need to get an average repair price of multiple part numbers with the same root number i.e.

8 each 8TJ124GGN1
4 each 8TJ124GGM1
7 each 8TJ124GGP1

First I used a query to average the repair price of each subset of numbers, and then queried the query to average all the subset prices together.

If I simply use the AVG function in the first query, I can use it again in the second query to get the average price of all the subset price averages. HOWEVER, if I use the expression:

AdjustedAvgLabor: Int((Sum([LaborPrice])-Max([LaborPrice])- Min([LaborPrice]))/(Count([LaborPrice])-2))

…to get a more accurate average by throwing out the high and low values, I get a:

“…expression too complicated to be evaluated”

when I try to average the averages in the second query using the AVG function.

I don’t know why the expression is “too complicated” since the first query has already completed its computations before the second query begins its AVG function.

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Discount Price Query

May 27, 2006

For an assignment I am required to do the following:

Quote: Use an expression (in field name of design view by using the build button) to create a new field (in Design View of a Query) called "Discount Price" in table "Stock" which is a 25% discount for all stock items from the new inflated price in query B (use expression builder if needed and create it the field name of a query; it will not appear in the table if you try to open the table).

So sorry to bug again. Any ideas or processes on how to go about this would be welcomed

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Last Price Of Month Query?

Apr 1, 2015

We have this database:

It has Symbol on the first column, Date (daily on trading days) on the second and Close on the third.

We want a query that shows the last CLOSE of the month for each symbol and sum the volume of the month.

The query table would be like this:

Date (last date of the month)
Close (last date of the month)
Volume (sum of whole month)

Here's the sample file:


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Listbox Extended Multiselect & Opening Form

Dec 12, 2006

Hi, i was wondering if it's possible in a listbox with the multiselect option set to extended simply click on a field and open a form with the data of this field..

i've a listbox of my customers, (only first and last name)..i click on one of this and a new form with all the details'll open, so i can see and modify stuff...
with the multiselect set to none this works..but with the extended??

(btw..i wanna just click on one filed, but i need the extended multiselection on for other options..)

thx in advance

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A Query That Only Displays Each Item And The Cheapest Price

May 2, 2007

ok i have a table containg two columns. One column has a list of items and the second column has their respective prices. I wanna make a query that only displays each item and the cheapest price. Does anyone know how to do that?

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Forms :: Selection On Price / Stock And Delivery Time In One Query

Dec 13, 2013

I have a table with following structure :

Fabcode Price Stock Date Supplier

Fabcode : the unique code of the article
Price : the price by this supplier
Stock : quantities for the moment in stock by this supplier
Date : When there is no stock at this supplier, the estimated time of arrival
Supplier : name of the supplier

A selection for looking the lowest price for a supplier who has stock is no problem. But I want also the fastest delivery date when no one has stock.


Fabcode Price Stock Date Supplier
Product1 5 3 A
Product1 6 4 B
Product1 7 5 C
Product1 8 6 D
Product2 14 73 A
Product2 12 56 B
Product2 15 14 C
Product3 30 0 30/12/13 A
Product3 24 0 B
Product3 25 0 26/12/13 C
Product3 32 0 26/12/13 D

Result :
Product1 5 3 A (because supplier A has stock and the lowest price)
Product2 12 56 B (because supplier B has stock and the lowest price)
Product3 25 0 26/12/13 C (because no one has stock, but supplier C has the shortest delivery time AND the lowest price)

Remark 1 : when there is no delivery date (and no stock), this supplier should be ignored for that product
Remark 2 : when no one has stock, the delivery date is priority, when 2 supplies has the same delivery date than the price is priority.

Can this in one query or SQL-statement ?

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Proper Method Of Using A "price" Field

Aug 3, 2005


table1_ProductList -> has the following fields:
ID (primary key,auto number)

table2_Jobcard -> has the following fields:
ID (primary key,auto number)
PROD_DESCR_ISSUED (droplist, get 'prod desc' value from table1)
DATE_ISSUED (datetime)

Let's say I change the PRICE(in table1) on 1 Jan 2005, then all EXISTING records (before 1/1/2004) will also be updated with the new(changed) PRICE.
This is WRONG, right?

What is the correct procedure to use/update the PRICE value ??
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


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Queries :: If There Is No Result In Query Need To Have Default Result Zero

Oct 12, 2013

I there is no result in query, I need the default result zero in my form field. I only use query wizard to create queries.

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Default Field Value = Field Value In Prior Record

Jan 24, 2006

Hello. I am looking for a way to make a field value automatically default to
the value of the immediate prior field. For example, I am in record 11, and
in Field "City" I type "New York." When I create record 12, I want
City to automatically default to "New York." Is there a way to do this?


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