Queries :: Default Value Not Populating With VBA Code

Mar 11, 2014

Why the code is showing error.

Private Sub Ref_Click()
Me.Ref.DefaultValue = Date
End Sub

I want that when I click the Ref field in the form the date field in the form get populated with todays date

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Setting A Field Default Value Through Code

Dec 17, 2007

High all.

I would like to know how to set a fields default value on a table.

Eg - i have a Yes/No field that and i want the default value to be set to 'Yes'.

I cant use the front end application because the form its on is a generic form used by about 30 other tables.

At present it is not set to anything and so always defaults to 'No' on the form.

Thanks in advance.

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Help Changing Default Sort Code

Mar 1, 2005

I am trying to set the default sort code to something other than the primary key. Example- Book Code is Primary Key but I want the table to be sorted by Title. I have went into properties and used the Order By property and typed 'Book.Title' however when I view the datasheet, Book Code is still the 1st column??? Is it still being sorted by Title??

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Modules & VBA :: Getting Code For Conditional Default Field Value?

Jan 17, 2014

convert the following into VBA code for an Access 2007 field on a form. It is needed to create a conditional default value based on another field's category: (Note: TransType, MembershipYear and Dues are field names and are all on the form). Based on the TransType (which is really a category of membership) I want the Dues field to have the applicable default value automatically entered.

For MembershipYear > 2008
If TransType="Individual" or TransType="I" Dues=35.00
If TransType="Family" or TransType="F" Dues=50.00
If TransType="Founder" Dues=100.00
If TransType="Student" Dues=10.00
If TransType="Lifetime" Dues="" or is Null
If (TransType is Null or TransType="") and TotalPaid >0, Dues=35.00

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Modules & VBA :: Code Doesn't Wants To Set The Control Default Value

Aug 7, 2013

code doesn't wants to set the control default value

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Populating Tables And Queries?????

Jun 29, 2007

I have created a query from two tables. One table is Job information the other is job notes. How do i populate the query with the job # and job prefix from the job information table? I have the query(field) structure I want but its just gives me blank fields in the query form. How do I populate the fields with the info from the tables?

Thank you!

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Populating Combo Box With Certain Select Queries

Jan 7, 2008

I have a form that has a combo box that contains every query in my database. This worked fine until i started having to create cascading queries to return the data I want. How can i populate my combo box with only certain queries in my database.

This is the code I was using to put all queries into my combobox.

FROM MSysObjects
WHERE MSysObjects.Name NOT LIKE "~*" AND
MSysObjects.Type = 5
ORDER BY MSysObjects.Name;

Upon clicking a button or clickin the query in the list, I want the query to run......So the main question is how to I include certain queries in my combo box but not all of them? I do not know SQL or any programming, so as specific as possible will help immensely. Thank you everybody.

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Queries :: Populating One Combo Box Based On Selection In Another

Jul 20, 2014

I can't quite get my code right for populating one combo box based on the selection in another. I didn't create this Access database but I've been asked to add in a second combo box that is based on the selection of the first combo box.

My first combo box is for Rohe (the location of the Maori tribe) and the second is Iwi (the tribe name). So my first combo box (Rohe) has Dvic_ROHE written in the control source and its row source code is:

SELECT tblLookUpValues.DatabaseFieldValue
FROM tblLookUpValues INNER JOIN tblFormQuestionLookUp ON tblLookUpValues.LookUpID = tblFormQuestionLookUp.LookUpID
WHERE (((tblFormQuestionLookUp.FormID)=2) AND ((tblFormQuestionLookUp.QuestionNumber)=75))
ORDER BY tblLookUpValues.DisplayOrder;

The combo box for Rohe (tribe location) is populated by a table named tblLookUpValues. The second combo box for Iwi (tribe) has Dvic_Iwi in the control source. I created a table named tbl_Rohe_Iwi_lookup that contains ROHE (a list of tribe locations) and IWI (the tribes). There are 12 tribal locations and another 10-14 tribes in each location.
The form that the Rohe and Iwi combo boxes are located on is called frmDeceased. This is the code that I attempted to write so that the second combo box (Iwi) is populated with only the tribes that are in the Rohe (location) that was selected from the Rohe combo box. But when I run the query it comes back with no results.

SELECT distinct tbl_Rohe_Iwi_lookup.Rohe, tbl_Rohe_Iwi_lookup.Iwi
FROM tbl_Rohe_Iwi_lookup
WHERE (((tbl_Rohe_Iwi_lookup.Rohe)=[forms]![frmDeceased]![Dvic_Rohe])) UNION select distinct null, null
FROM tbl_Rohe_Iwi_lookup
ORDER BY tbl_Rohe_Iwi_lookup.Iwi;

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Queries :: Populating New Field In Existing Database

Nov 4, 2013

I am trying to add a new email field to my existing database of 900 employees. I have imported an excel worksheet of email addresses into a new table that has lastname, firstname, employee#, email. The primary key on the new table is email. The primary key on the employee table is employee#, and there is a new field titled email.

The email field in both tables are text fields. In running an append query, it either adds 900 to 27000 additional fields of email only or it says cannot complete because of key code violations. On the join properties I have clicked on #3 all records from source to only equal fields of destination.

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Queries :: Adding New Column In A Table And Populating Values

Mar 2, 2014

I have a table having fields start date and end date. I need to calculate difference in the dates and store the values in a new column in the same table. I am able to write the query for this but am clueless as to how to put in these values in a new column in the table.

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Queries :: Populating ComboBox Via Query With Conditional Criteria

Dec 23, 2014

I'm populating an unbound ComboBox with a Query via the QueryDesigner. The value of the Rowsource depends on the value of another ComboBox at the main Form.

After several hours of trial and error, I came to the solution showed at the attached image ("works"); my concern is.. why does my first approach does not work via the IIF clause? ("not work")...

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Queries :: Is It Possible To Hide Default Value

Aug 26, 2014

can i calculate 3 fields

ex. total: [rate]*[dys] (working)
ex2. total: [rate]*[dys]-[late] (not working when one of the field(late) doesnt have value)what i want to happen is even if the late field doesnt have value i want it to still calculate

just like in excel =a1*b1-c1 (even if the c1 doesnt have value it still works properly but in access total: [rate]*[dys]-[late] (if the late doesnt have value, nothing shows up in total field, even though rate and dys have.what i did was i assigned the default value of late field properties to 0.but the 0 is just so annoying to see when i have to many data.can i calculate 3 fields in access just like excel even if one of the field doesnt have value? if my only option is to set the default value of late to 0 , is it posibble to hide the default value?

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Queries :: Set Bit Field To Default Checked?

Jul 11, 2014

I have a query that simply pulls back each tenant from a tenant table. Each row has a bit field that I use for check box's. This check box is true or false depending on the balance they owe. I currently use it to print off late reports and people that have this field set to true have a check box that auto populates on my datasheet.

I copied the query but I want to change it a little. I want to be able to show all tenants, but I want the bit field to show on my datasheet defaulted to checked for everyone (even if the table shows false) so that I can print all tenants without having to check the fields that are false in my table.

I tried to create an expression instead of using the bit field, but I no longer have the option to make that column into a "Check Box" under Lookup-Display Control.

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Queries :: How To Make Subdatasheet To Look Like Default One

Jul 2, 2015

Linked field is shown both in Master and child tables, but not in the default subdatasheets made by when a relationship is made between a Master and Child Table.

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Queries :: Combo Box Default - Locate Particular Record According To Predefined Value

Dec 10, 2013

I got a combo box with a few columns for locating query activity. However, how can I make use of it to locate a particular record according to predefined values, for instance in a loop, to locate records. The combo box got 3 columns, just want to know the syntax to define the combo box according to some values. I need to define only the first colmun or all 3 columns??

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Queries :: Default Value 0 In Query Extended Price Field

Mar 4, 2015

How to set a Default value "0" in Query Extended Price Calculated field ?

I have attached the screenshot with explanation, how to changes the formula.

I have used below following functions but there is no workout.

Extended Price: CCur([Qty]*[BPrice])
Extended Price: CCur(Nz([Qty]*[BPrice],0))
Extended Price: Nz([Qty]*[BPrice],0)
Extended Price: ([Qty]*[BPrice])
Extended Price: IIf(IsError(([Qty]*[BPrice])),0,([Qty]*[BPrice]))

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Queries :: Set Month Or Year Default As Per System Date

Oct 16, 2013

How can I set Month or Year default as per the system date. ie Only select records by Month (October) or Year (2013) as per system date?

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Queries :: Column From Other Table Displays Default Value Even With No Matching Record?

Apr 7, 2014

I have three tables: First, Second, and Third.The tables Second and Third each have a column with a default value of "X".I'm creating a query that selects fields from First table that JOIN with corresponding fields from Second and Third, so that all records from First are represented and only matching records from Second and Thirdare returned. I also select the "X" fields from Second and Third.

So I run the query: and the "X" column from Second only displays "X" for records that have a match in Second (since I mean for these fields to be quick indicators for if the record also appears in the other tables, this is my ideal result). However, the "X" column from Thirddisplays "X" for all rows, regardless of whether the record has a match in Third or not.

I can get more specific if need be, but I really can't tell why the one is displaying according to matching records but the other is always on. The JOINs are set correctly and the properties for the columns all check out.

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Queries :: Making Default Value Of A Form Textbox Control Minimum Value Of A Field

Mar 21, 2014

Expressions in Access have given me some trouble before. Mainly due to inexperience. I hardly ever work with them. What I am trying to do is make the default value of a form textbox control the minimum value of a field A in a table A. The datatype of Field A is Date.

So far I've got:

=Min([table A].[field A])

In the Default Value of the form's property sheet, but this just returns a blank value. I've had a look in the table and there is no value that is blank in field A.

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Default Combo Box Based On Default Table Value

Feb 13, 2006

Hi Everyone,

I hope someone can help.

I have a form with a combo boxes and a table with relevant list and additional field, fldDefaultDrive (Yes/No Field).

Currently in order to set the default value, I have used the following code for each default;

Private Sub Form_Load()
Forms!frmMediaLabeller!CboDriveName.DefaultValue = """D"""

End Sub

However, I want users to be able to go into the table and change the default value if thier CD player default Drive is anything but D: Drive. I have tried to replace the D above with an SQL statement but with no success.

Private Sub Form_Load()

Dim Drivename As String

Drivename = SELECT tblMediaDrive.fldDrivename FROM tblMediaDrive WHERE (((tblMediaDrive.fldDefaultDrive)=-1));

Forms!frmMediaLabeller!CboDriveName.DefaultValue = """Drivename"""

End Sub

This is definetly not working, can anybody help, I have a feeling it is syntax but not sure where? :confused:


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Queries Vs Code

Jan 30, 2008

If one has a query and vb routine that does the same thing, in an overall Access environment, is there any advantage to using one over the other ?
Just curious.

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What Is The Supporting Code With Queries?

Feb 19, 2008

As an example, I have 2 separate queries:

SELECT Orders.QtyAdd
FROM Orders
WHERE Orders.ProdID = 1;

SELECT Output.QtySub
FROM Output
WHERE Output.ProdID = 1;

What code do I use to subtract these 2 queries?

And also, where it says .ProdID = 1; what is the variable so it picks the ProdID from a basic single row form being shown? I guess it doesn't follow the Table.Field pattern?

Thanks, hope that isn't confusing.

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Code Help In Selecting Queries.

Dec 14, 2004

I am needing help with how to set up the code to select different queries based on different conditions.

The database is to be set up so that I can pull studies at different time points based on if they are under long term, accelerated or stressed conditions. When this condition is selected there are only certain time points which are to be run,
Long term: 3,6,9,12,24,36,48 and 60 months.
Accelerated: 3,6,9 and 12 months.

As you can see I have the dates calculated for all of the weeks and months that the sample could be pulled at, Inventory Transactions Table. And I am able to generate throught the Pull Dates Form a list of only the records to be pulled under Long Term conditions. I would like to have the form set up so that when I choose the Accelerated condition that it would pull from another Query like the Pull Dates Long Term, but only have the Accelerated time points listed.

I am not sure if I need an If/Then statement and if so how do I set this up.

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Functions Work In Code But Not Queries

Feb 14, 2007

I have a problem where I can create queries in code using functions such as Left() and they will work fine on my clients machines with a complied MDE file but if I try to use the same function in a saved querie they get an error: "Function is not available in expressions in query expression..."

The Queries work fine on my machine but not on those using Access Runtime. From my research it appears to be a problem with them not having the correct Reference on their machine. If that is true then which Reference do they need and is there away of installing that Reference by code?

Thanks for your help....

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Queries :: SQL Code For Displaying Max Date

Apr 13, 2015

I need displaying the max date sql code below;

PHP Code:

SELECT TblDietPlan.DietPlanID, TblDietPlan.ClientID, TblDietPlan.MealDate, TblDietPlan.MorningSnack, 
TblDietPlan.AfternoonSnack, TblDietPlan.EveningSnack
FROM TblDietPlan
WHERE (((TblDietPlan.ClientID) Is Not Null) AND ((TblDietPlan.MealDate)=Max()))
ORDER BY TblDietPlan.MealDate DESC; 

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Queries :: Using Recordset In VBA Code With Yes / No Datatype

Apr 18, 2013

I'm a having a problem with a Yes/No datatype. Fundamentally, my code looks like this:

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblAddresses " & _
" WHERE YPID = " & Me.Parent.IDNUMBER & " AND CurrentAddress = yes"

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)

Now this statement returns 3 records even though only 1 Current Address exists.

false also returns 3 records
true also returns 3 records
no also returns 3 records
-1 also returns 3 records
0 also returns 3 records
1 RETURNS 0 records!!

If I look at the table in Access, I only have 1 CurrentAddress record for my IDNumber.

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