Queries :: Delete Query Where Code And Client Are Equal

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying to delete a record in tblinclude where record from tblexclude are equal to clientid and codeid

Here is the sql
DELETE tblinclude.ClientID
FROM tblexclude INNER JOIN tblinclude ON (tblexclude.ClientID = tblinclude.ClientID) AND (tblexclude.CodeID = tblinclude.CodeID)
WHERE (((tblinclude.ClientID)=1));

I get the error Specify the table containing the records you want to delete. I've searched for this but I am just not getting it today.

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Modules & VBA :: Code To Delete Table And Then Run 4 Append Queries To Refresh Data

Jun 11, 2014

I have a table called "EquipmentRequired" which is populated by 4 append queries,

5000BaseReq, 6000BaseReq, 6000IFBBReq, EquipmentReq which get some of their information by counting fields in another table but all have the same field names.

The queries contain all data that is initially used to append new records to the table and this works fine.Unless some information changes or a record is added then I would like to add a button to a form and call it "update equipment" behind which would run a vba code firstly to delete all the records in "EquipmentRequired" table then run the 4 queries without the warnings and re-populate the table.

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Queries :: Criteria In Query Is Greater Than Or Equal To 15% But It Gave Values Less Than 15%

Nov 24, 2013

same as the title goes, why i can't query those figures greater than 15% only? How am i suppose to query them right?.Here is my database you cant check query1 and query 2. I am using Ms Access 2010.


www dot dropbox dot com/s/n3iuev1c5e0dfby/StockMonitoring.accdb

xD: StockMonitoring.zip

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"Not Equal And Not Equal" Query Not Working

Apr 14, 2006

I am trying to run a query where one field has a Not Equal parameter AND another field has Not Equal parameter (for example, Product Code Not Equal "A" AND Client State Not Equal "NY)

The result of the above query are all records that have Product Code = "A" are missing from the result. I want some of the "A" Product Codes; I just want to exclude the ones where the Client state is NY.

The list of values for each field is too big to state it in a positive way (I would have to list all the other 28 product codes and all the other 49 states).

What am I doing wrong? Thank you in advance for any suggestions.

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Current Client/Prospective Client Database

Nov 9, 2005

Hi all

Brand new on here and desparate for some help and guidence.

So far with Access I have just used it as a store of addresses to mailshot prospective clients.

However, I now need a more complex database and this is where you might be able to help.

First things first, most of my clients are in universities. This means that I can be used by more than one person in more than one department at a university.

Does this mean I need to do three tables:

1/ "University Details" which gives the address details
2/ "Department" storing the departments of the unis we work for
3/ "Client" Name of the client(s) in that department.

After this how do I link them?



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Queries :: Sum All Alternatives From Column That Equal Specified Value

Jun 27, 2014

I have a database with with 100s of values for a field. What I would like to be do is specify a value via a form and the query will return all options that equal the specified value.

so for example: Specified value = 150

Field 1 Field 2
------- -------

Name1 10
Name2 50
Name3 25
Name4 25
Name5 100
Name6 40
Name7 125
Name8 50

I'd like the query to return all possibilities that equal 150 so it should look like:

result 1 - name5 + name2
result 2 - Name5 + Name 8

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Queries :: How To Run A Delete Query

Jan 13, 2014

When this query runs I want the popup parameter to open and ask for an ChID number. User enters that number and it deletes that record. I cant figure out what to enter on the criteria line. I have [ChID] and that wipes all records. I tried = [ChID] and it does not run.

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Queries :: Getting Most Current Date For Each Client

Aug 3, 2013

I have two tables:

1. Client Info table which contains the following fields:

2.DatesDistribution table

The relationship is one to many for these tables.I have been trying to create a query that will show the following:

DateAttended (where this field only shows the most current date that the client visited)

ClientInfo has 2 records:




I have tried grouping the records in Client Info table to get distinct names and using a Last function to get the most current date with little success.

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Queries :: Remove Duplicates - If 2 Fields Are Equal

Nov 19, 2013

I have a large table with many fields and many rows. There is no primary key. I'll call one field ParentPN, and another field ChildPN. There are many other fields as well. I want to identify all rows where BOTH the ParentPN and ChildPN occur more than once. I know how to create a query to identify duplicates of ONE field in the table, but not two. I can solve this with VBA: I will read the two fields of interest in the first row, then compare both values with every other row. If it finds another row with BOTH ParentPN and ChildPN identical with the first, that's a "hit". Then, repeat with all the other rows. I could find ways to make this run faster, but I was wondering if there are any build in functions to accomplish this. I looked at the Find Duplicates query builder, and all I see is I can select ONE field to search for dupes, not two.

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Queries :: Check If Date Is Equal To Last Day Of Month

Jun 9, 2015

I have two date columns in my table called "End date" and "Closing date".

An example could be 14-06-2015 and 13-04-2017.

I need to make a query which is checking if the two dates are equal to the last day of their respective month. I don't have two columns in the table with the last day of month, so I first need to find out what the last day in the month is.

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Queries :: Export Query To Excel Then Delete Query Data From Table

Nov 20, 2013

I am wondering if there is a quicker way to export a query to excel then have the data in that query removed from the original table. (effectively cutting the data from the table and exporting to excel)

I understand that this can be done by exporting the query to excel then running the same query as a delete query to remove the data but I just wondered if this is the most efficient way.

I have experience of VB in excel but currently only use the basic macro builder in Access though if Access VB is more efficient I can easily learn.

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Queries :: Delete Info From A Query?

Aug 18, 2014

Okay I have 2 tables and I used queries to filter and delete the info off those tables. Now I combined the 2 tables by using a query which is query 1. What I found was a few cells that are blank cells.

I tried creating another query based on query 1 from the 2 tables to try and delete it but it won't work. I tried everything and nothing seems to work. I can't filter the data since I am creating another query called query 3 to display the final results.

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Queries :: Linked Delete Query With A Max

Jan 29, 2015

I have a delete query where i want to delete only the row that contains the max value of the IDnum field from the table STM, where it links two tables on CellTell

I currently have this:

FROM dpl_00c_tbl_StmCellDups
INNER JOIN STM ON dpl_00c_tbl_StmCellDups.STM_CellTel = STM.CellTel
WHERE (((STM.IDNum)=(select max(IDNum) from `STM`)));

It doesn't want to throw out any values when i run it, or view it.

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Queries :: Insurance Database - Get Only One Record Per Client

Apr 4, 2013

I am working on an Insurance DB.. I have two tables tbl_Clients and tbl_PolicyDetails with a One-Many relationship.. tbl_Clients have the Clients basic info, Name, Tel, Address etc. The tbl_PolicyDetails have the details of the policy for the customer like Start date, policy term, amount they pay, policy status etc. Policy Status can be any of the following Quote, Active, Suspended, Lapsed, Cancelled, Terminated..

One client can have many Policies.. When one policy finishes (like when cover upgraded/downgraded/any changed their insured property address etc.) we categorise them as Termination of old policy thus the client will have a New policy.. At any stage we only need the newest policy per client. My problem now is I need to list all Clients with policy status Active, Suspended, Lapsed, Cancelled..

SELECT tbl_Clients.cli_ID, tbl_Clients.firstName, tbl_Clients.address, tbl_PolicyDetails.policyCover
FROM tbl_Clients INNER JOIN tbl_PolicyDetails ON tbl_Clients.cli_ID = tbl_PolicyDetails.cliID_FK
WHERE tbl_PolicyDetails.policyStatus = "Active" Or tbl_PolicyDetails.policyStatus = "Suspended" Or tbl_PolicyDetails.policyStatus = "Lapsed" Or tbl_PolicyDetails.policyStatus = "Cancelled";

cli_ID firstName address
1 Paul Bournemouth
2 Mark Bristol
3 Lauren London
4 Caryn Devon


When a Client wishes to Cancel a policy it is not Terminated, the policy status is just Cancelled.. Similar to Lapsed policy, if the policy hits 30 days of no pay then it is passed on to a Debt collection agency.. If in future the Client comes back a new policy is generated for both cases.. So in this case Client Lauren and Caryn will have been repeated twice, in the report I am trying to generate (based on the above query).. I do not wish to display the Cancelled policy if the customer has another policy which again can be Active, Suspended, Lapsed, Cancelled..

cli_ID firstName address policyCover policyStatus
1 Paul Bournemouth PDB Active
2 Mark Bristol PDB Active
3 Lauren London PDBCH Suspended
4 Caryn Devon PDE Active

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Queries :: Count Of Records Equal To String In Different Field

Dec 24, 2013

I am looking to achieve a column within a query which gives me the count of records that are equal to a string in a different field, e.g.

Field1 Count
aaa21 3
aab01 2
aaa21 3
aaa21 3
aab01 2

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Queries :: Summary Of Columns In TSQL To Return -1 If Not Equal To 0

Sep 3, 2014

Is there an efficient way to return a -1/0 instead of some number/0?

A table has 4 outer joins to views that return a value or null depending on if that field represents a Federal lease.

These 4 outer joins work.

The result is a ID_Wells column and 4 columns with any combination of values or Null.

This line of TSQL:

ISNULL(ISNULL(dbo.vRE_FedLeaseType.Fed_Lease_Type, '')
+ ISNULL(dbo.vRE_FedLeaseMinOwn.MinOwn, '') + ISNULL(dbo.vRE_FedLeaseSurfOwn.SurfOwn, '') + ISNULL(dbo.vRE_FedDirHzLease.Expr1, ''), '') AS HasFedLease

This creates another final summary column [HasFedLease] that returns 0 or some number.

For the Rule Engine - 0 is False, any other number is True.

Access links to this SQL View. Is there a quick way with out a UDF to convert numbers > 0 to a -1?

SELECT dbo.Wells.ID_Wells, dbo.vRE_FedLeaseType.Fed_Lease_Type, dbo.vRE_FedLeaseMinOwn.MinOwn, dbo.vRE_FedLeaseSurfOwn.SurfOwn,
dbo.vRE_FedDirHzLease.Expr1 AS CountOffedLeaseDirHz, ISNULL(ISNULL(dbo.vRE_FedLeaseType.Fed_Lease_Type, '')

[Code] ......

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Queries :: Return First Record Of Each Client Depending On A Filter

May 30, 2014

I have a database where I need to return only the first record of each key (named "process key") accordingly to a time frame I set.

Consider the table below:

ProcessContact dateSalesmanClientClient
99904/28/2014 11:39:00SALESMAN 1111CLIENT 1
88804/28/2014 10:13:00SALESMAN 1222CLIENT 2
55504/22/2014 14:29:00SALESMAN 2333CLIENT 3
66604/16/2014 12:14:00SALESMAN 3444CLIENT 4
55504/16/2014 11:47:00SALESMAN 2333CLIENT 3

If I filter the date, e.g., from April 1st to 30th, I want to get as a result 4 records, one of each client and only the latest record from CLIENT 3 (04/22).

If I filter the date, e.g., from April 1st to 20th, I want to get as a result only the records of clients 4 and 3 from 04/16 (as every other contact is from beyond 04/20).

If I filter the date, e.g., from April 25th to 30th, the return must be only the top 2 records (the only ones after April 25th).

I tried using a query grouping the totals on "process key" and the other cells set as "first", but if I filter from April 1st to 20th, for example, no records from CLIENT 3 gets shown, since Access processed the "first" record request before the date filter, and therefore only considered the contact from 04/22, and as it is later than 04/20, wasn't shown on the query.

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Queries :: Return Unique ID For Any Client Who Attended Any Event

May 2, 2013

I have a query to find only the unique clients that have attended an event during a time period

I can only get the event and client for each event

So I want a query that returns the clientID for any client that attended any event.

I have tried using the return unique values in the property sheet but that still gives me multiple clientIDs with each event they attended.

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Queries :: UnMatched Query To Delete Records

Oct 25, 2014

I have a Unmatched query that displays what I need but I want to clean up my database and remove them but its not letting me. See sql below.

DELETE Warranty
FROM Warranty LEFT JOIN Serials_Repair ON Warranty.[Serial] = Serials_Repair.[Serials_Repair]
WHERE (((Serials_Repair.Serials_Repair) Is Null));

I changed "Delete" it was "Select" thinking that would work but it does not.

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Queries :: Can't Delete Record In Unmatched Query

Jan 12, 2014

Access 2010

I created 3 find unmatched queries from the query wizard. The first one works great. I can delete a record in the query and it deletes the record in the main table.

The second one allows me to delete a record and gives me the pop up box that says " you are about to delete 1 record". I click yes, but when I check the table or reopen the query the same record reappears.

The third query does not even give me the option to delete.

I can create a regular select query and delete the records form 2nd and 3rd but not from the queries made from the unmatched wizard.

I am using the same fields in all 3 queries.

I do not have enforce referential integrity or the other 2 options checked in the relationship properties. (not sure if this makes a difference.)

I even tried to redo the unmatched queries but I get the same result for all 3.

I want to be able to delete the records in the other 2 queries.

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Queries :: Custom Delete And Duplicate Query

Jun 12, 2013

I am trying to create a query to find duplicates and delete the duplicates. The result will eventually be used in another query (append query) to update a table.I have a table with 4 columns lets say for simplicity they are A, B, C, D

I want my query to find duplicates within B and deleting them. The catch is before deleting them I need to look into column A to ebsure they are actually duplicates. Example below

John Doe Tires
John Doe Wipers
Allison Doe Tires
Allison Doe Tires

As you can see from the above Tires is a duplicate and need to be deleted.

John Doe Tires
John Doe Wipers
Allison Doe Tires

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Queries :: Delete Query From Two Linked Tables

Jul 9, 2015

I have two linked tables (Unique_ID)

Table1 has a record of unique tasks.
Table2 has a list of people to do those tasks

They are linked by a Unique_ID (one to many - Table1 to Table2).Sometimes there can be an instance where there are Unique_ID's in Table2 but the reference Unique_ID is missing from Table1.

I have a select query that can show me these like so.

table2 table1
Unique_ID Unique_ID
Like * Not Like *

I can open the query and simply delete the records fine however i wish to automate this.What I want to do is delete the unrefenced Unique_ID's from table2.I have tried to just convert this select query into a delete query but it asks me which table I wish to delete and I cannot see where to enter this information.

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Queries :: DELETE Query Syntax With Subquery

Feb 27, 2014

How to DELETE rows in one table that have a field value that matches a field value from another table? Tried these but sytax errors:

DELETE * FROM tmpBankDebitsMinusJE
WHERE tmpBankDebitsMinusJE.ConcatenateBankDebits IN
(SELECT tmpJournalEntryChangeOrders.Concatenate);

DELETE FROM tmpBankDebitsMinusJE
WHERE ConcatenateBankDebits IN
(SELECT Concatenate IN tmpJournalEntryChangeOrders);

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Queries :: How To Delete Evaluated Data On The Query

Aug 26, 2014

I have a Query which can pull data to a form, then the form will evaluate the ID, after saving/recording, I need to delete the evaluated data on the query.

My problem is how can i delete it? There is Table1 for outputing the evaluation, Query1 where the evaluation can get the Data.

Process Flow:
> Form pulls data from Query1
> Evaluation was saved on Table1
> Evaluated ID should also be removed on Query1

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Queries :: Query Returns (DELETE) As Field Value

Mar 18, 2015

I have a query, and when I execute it, the correct data set is returned. However one field shows "DELETE" as the value for all records.

when I ran it on the SQL server management studio as a test it ran fine. End user does not have access to the tables, so I created a small MS Access application. When I ran the query in MS Access, then connected table dbo_DocRef > Notes shows a value of DELETED.

What am I missing?

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Trying To Delete A Record With Code

Dec 11, 2005

Why does this code not delete the current record?

DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM [Tble-Readings]WHERE
[Tble-Readings].[ID]= " & Me![ID] & ";"

I have this code on the a Close Button and if the record is incomplete I want it to be deleted from the table. The ID field is an autonumber so it is the 1st field to get a value if a user starts entering data. I get a msg box saying 0 fileds will be deleted why? the id's do match but it does not delete??


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