Queries :: Display Start And Finish Time For Activity

Sep 18, 2013

I have a query that displays the start and finish time for an activity, I am trying to display the reults of the time between each activity....

For example
Name start End
aaa 14:07 14:09
aaa 14:11 14:12

The end time for the first activity was 14:09 and the next job was started at 14:11, so I want it to display 00:02: - (elapsed time)

Its very easy to do in excel as it would be =SUM(B2-C1) but haven't a clue how to do it in access.... is there any way?

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Forms :: Calculate Difference Between Start And Finish Time

Jan 30, 2014

I have a subform in which I want to calculate the difference between a start time and finish time, the problem I am having is when the start time is on a different date to the finish time

Start 23:15 on 14th Jan finish 00:015 on 15th Jan, also I want the answer to be the number of minutes. The fields I have are

BatchStartTime Short Time
BatchFinishTime Short Time
BoilTime ([BatchStartTime] - [BatchFinishTime]) General Number.

There are many batches to enter per job and the MainForm has the StartDate as I didn't want to enter the StartDate for each batch.

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Queries :: Start And Finish Distance Within City - XLS

Mar 8, 2015

I use Access 2003 and want to make a query by specifying the start and finish within the city, I send files. a

Attached file ...

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General :: Calculating Number Of Weeks Between Start And Finish Date

Jun 9, 2015

I am calculating number of weeks between start and finish date. Some of the users have questioned the validity of calculation as they are not too sure if this is being calculated as Monday to Friday week or does it work by calculating 7 days. If the latter is true, then I should see a decimal value. I am using date diff formula.

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General :: Create A Field With Start And Finish Date On Certificate Formatted Correctly

Aug 22, 2013

I am creating a access db for use with a training company. All is working great.

What I want to do is create certificates within Access and then print by the Course load. Easy enough and I can do this.

The courses usually last two or three days, so i want to create a field which has the start and finish date on the certificate formatted correctly.

I currently use this

CourseDate: DatePart("d",[StartDate]) & " & " & DatePart("d",[EndDate]) & " " & Format([EndDate],"mmmm") & " " & DatePart("yyyy",[EndDate])

within a query which returns this

29 & 30 May 2013

what i want to print on the certificate is this

29th & 30th May 2013

I need to have the 'st' or 'nd' or 'rd' or 'th' in the date.

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Queries :: Start Time - End Time Query

Nov 3, 2014

I have finger print machine and i already connect to it and get all log.then i tray to get data and here is the code that im using

WHERE (((Format([CHECKINOUT].[CHECKTIME],"dd/mm/yyyy"))='10/04/2014'));

how i get end time due to CHECKTYPE]=O

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Prevent Double Booking Using One Date And Start Time With End Time

Apr 10, 2015

so i created a system to have events booked, and i am trying to check time availability of the event room available, but i dont know what wrong. it either my query or vba code. i have attached the attachment,

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General :: Activity Log Database - Combo Box Queries

Oct 15, 2014

I've attached my database as I have it now. I am trying to create what amounts to an activity log.

I have created my main Subject and underlying related Issues tables, and a table for my daily activity notes. I have created my main form and subforms that should be sufficient (hopefully) for my purpose. Where I am getting hung up now is making the Subject and Issues fields combo boxes and filling them.

For the top-level Subject, I want to be able to type a new one in at any time, but also have the option to choose from a dropdown on the control as well. Then, if I do type one in, the next time I try to add a new record, it would appear in the dropdown as well. I think I have to query the underlying field to drive the dropdown list, but I cannot remember how to do that.

For the second-level Issue, there would also be a dropdown in the same way as the Subject control, and I want to be able to choose from the dropdown or add a new one in the same way... but I need to make sure that the ones that appear in the dropdown are related to the top-level Subject shown in the main part of the form. Of course, I don't want to be able to add an Issue unless it is related to a parent Subject. On these things, I am totally lost.

Finally, I built my notes to show in the subform as a continuous form, which I have used only once before. I'd like it so that the notes show newest at the top. And, I'm thinking about putting a "lock" checkbox on the note record so that I don't overwrite previous notes unless I consciously go back to edit something. I'm not sure how I can make an individual note dependent on an individual checkbox in the continuous form.

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Queries :: Appointment Activity - Select Query For MAX Date

Jul 10, 2014

I need to find the frequency of client's appointment activity after their last appointment in a 4 month window.

My question is:
(1) Is my SQL going to give me the last time a client was in the office within the 4 month window?

(2) What will my SQL need to like to count frequency of appointments before and after window for each client?

(3) Can I do (2) in the same SQL shown above or will I need to make a new SQL statement?

SELECT tblTest.Client, Last(tblTest.AppointmentDate) AS LastOfAppointmentDate INTO tblTest
FROM tblTest
GROUP BY tblTest.Client
HAVING (((Last(tblTest.AppointmentDate))<#4/30/2014#))
ORDER BY Last(tblTest.AppointmentDate);


Date Window I need to select the clients last appointment: Jan 1, 2014 - April 30, 201

Once the last appointment has been determined for each client in that window I need to count the frequency of appointments before and after that date.

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Queries :: Database For Log Activity - Delete Only Appended Records

Nov 3, 2014

I have a database that is used by managers to log activity of staff. We wanted to allow staff to write to the DB, but not allow them full access. We decided to accomplish this by adding a VBA function to an Excel sheet that they already use every day. It allows them to select a description, start time and end time and writes records to a database containing just 1 table.

The database used by the managers periodically runs an append query, and then a delete query to update with details of entries made by staff, and then clear the table to avoid duplicates during the next append.

I'm sure those of you with experience can already guess what's been happening and are shaking your head right now. It seems like entries made while the append query is running are being deleted when the delete query runs. So potentially I append 4 records, but delete 6 as 2 new entries were made before the delete query ran.

Is there a way to delete only the records that have just been appended? Or is there a more acceptable way of achieving this without using a delete query?

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Queries :: Display Date And Time User Log On And Log Off

May 21, 2015

I would like to make a query that count simultaneous connection.

Here is my tables
Users (ID_User, Name)
Date_logon (Id_on, Date_logon, time_logon, Num_user#)
Date_logoff (Id_logoff, Date_logoff, time_logoff, Num_user#)

Here is a part of a query that display users date and time of log on and log off.

Users Date_logon Time_logon Date_logoff Time_logoff
Utilisateur1 13/05/2015 17:38:42 13/05/2015 18:52:15
Utilisateur2 13/05/2015 17:12:21 13/05/2015 17:30:24
Utilisateur3 13/05/2015 16:59:08 13/05/2015 17:16:06
Utilisateur4 13/05/2015 16:54:14 13/05/2015 18:32:13

Then I put that result in a pivot table in Excel. In line we have time logon by date and in column we have time logoff by date.

Here is the issue : In Excel for the 4 lines above, it counts 2 logon at 4PM and 2 logon at 5PM. We should have 4.

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Queries :: Button To Display Current Time (Sign In And Out)

Jan 27, 2015

I have created a button to display the current time ( sign in and out).

It works fine with this code Me.field = time$

However i need a code beneath it to run the actual query that will display this time onto the table...

I have attached an image of one of the query, I need it to run.

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Queries :: Display Date / Time Based On Weekday

Jul 7, 2015

I have a query which is displaying a date/time field a record was input. in my query I'd like to only display the records where the date/time based on what today is i.e. Monday it will display <Friday or yesterday for Tue to Fri.

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SQL Expression - Calculate Difference Between Start And End Time

Jun 2, 2015

I'm trying to calculate the difference between start and end time, which works fine with:

Total Time: DateDiff("n",[tblTaskTimes]![StartTime],[tblTaskTimes]![EndTime])

However, this is for a database that calculates billable time in 10th of an hour. So, for example, 1 hours would be 1, 30 minutes would be .5, less than 6 minutes would be .1.

The format for this expression is set up to a general number, if that matters.

It's gotta be something in the formula like multiplying this by 24 (for 24 hours) and then dividing by something. Nothing I'm trying is working.

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Forms :: Adding Breaks On A Form - Start And End Time

Jun 18, 2014

I have an input form for production. I need to be able to have a unbound box look at the start time and end time. I need it to determine if the times fall during a break or lunch. My fields in my table are - ID, Start Time, End Time. Example of what I need the control source formula to do is this. If I start at 6:00 AM and work till 10:00.AM and my break is Start Time 9:00 AM... End Time 9:10 AM. I need it to then show 10 in the box as result of the break. I have this so far as in my formula builder.

IIF([Start Time]<9:00 AM AND [End Time]<9:10 AM, 10, 0)

When I press enter it says I have an syntax error and I have checked to make sure the fields are correct. Also how would I go about adding on to this formula to add a lunch break on to it.

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General :: No Start Or End Time In Linked Table Using Outlook Calendar

Aug 5, 2015

I created a call logging/work tracking type Database using SharePoint 2007 lists for the backend and Access 2013 front end for about 60 users and it has been running smoothly for around two years .

We use a shared outlook calendar and I want to be able to pull meetings & appointment information into the database from the calendar so I can assign the meetings out to specific people and keep of a record that they where given the request to attend. I was able to use the import outlook folder to create a linked table and it has lots of great information from the calendar apart from the two most important things you need in a calendar Start_time & End_Time . Is there something I'm missing in regards to these two fields? I assume I'm doing something wrong but I can't figure out what, nor did I have much luck with the Search function on here or google.

This is the list of field names it does import(everything apart from the meeting time and is it a recurring appointment)
Message To Me
Message CC to Me
Sender Name
Message Size
Subject Prefix
Has Attachments
Normalized Subject
Object Type
Content Unread

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SQL To Get A Job Start Time And End Time??

Oct 21, 2006


I have a database that tracks jobs as they are being completed.

I have 2 tables, the first of which contains details of the jobs and the second contains details of the individual tasks that make up each job (Job and Task respectively)

Within the Job table, there are several fields, however the fields I am concerned with are JobKey, JobID, Start_Time and End_Time.

Currently, as each task within a job is completed, a new entry is added to the Job table with an updated End_Time. At the end of a job, there will be several entries in the Job table similar to

JobKey JobID Start_Time End_Time
1 1 10:00:02 11:00:07
2 1 10:00:02 11:01:14
3 2 10:02:12 11:24:45
4 1 10:00:02 11:02:34
5 1 10:00:02 11:05:25


When I query the Job table, I end up with multiple references to the same job, where all I really want is a single reference to a job with the JobID, Start_Time and the End_Time the last entry relating to a particular job.

How would I write a query to give me a single reference to a JobID Start_Time and the final entry for End_Time?

eg From the above, my query should return

JobID Start_Time End_Time
1 10:00:02 11:05:25
2 10:02:12 11:24:45

Thanks for any help with this


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Sum Of Start Time And End Time, Please Could Someone Help Me...

Sep 14, 2007

i have three fields.
StartTime, EndTIme and TotalTime,
i need to sum the StartTime to EndTime so that i will know how many hours it spent.

and also the total min.

pls could anyone help me...


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Modules & VBA :: Write A More Complex Macro That Will Start Another Macro At Preset Time

Dec 8, 2013

I am trying to write a more complex macro that will start another macro at a preset time, however I am getting stopped at the first hurdle - getting a macro to run another macro.

Here is the code i am using at the moment, all I want to do currently is click the first button, then get the second macro to execute. But no luck, getting error 2157 "cannot find the procedure"

Private Sub Command3_Click()
MsgBox "1st macro running", vbExclamation, "Note"
Application.Run "teststart1"
' Application.OnTime TimeValue("19:55:00"), "teststart1"


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Queries :: See All Dates Between Start And End Date

Apr 22, 2013

I'm booking in my hotel booking system the start and enddate of renting a room.

Example: Room 12 is booked from (startdate) 16/05/2013 till (enddate) 19/05/2013.

Now i need a query where i can see all the dates between start and enddate.

Room 12 16/05/2013
Room 12 17/05/2013
Room 12 18/05/2013
Room 12 19/05/2013

This between function i really need.

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Queries :: DSum With Start And End Date

Oct 19, 2013

I am having a query showing customer as client, paid amount as pamount, billingdate, payment date as pdate.

I want to get dsum of pamount specific for each client with date criteria for example if i open query through form mentioning start and end date then the sum must vary as per the date given. the date is "billingdate" as mentioned above.

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********* Really Need Help .Please Take A Look. Last To Finish************

Nov 1, 2006

Hello everyone ..I really really really really need help with this ..It have to be work but I don know why it’s not working . This is the last thing and I finish my project so if you help me I’ll really appreciate that.
Images and my db Included in my zip

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Zero Activity Query

Jan 9, 2007

I currently have 2 tables going:

Table 1: Customers
Fields: Account (join field)
First Name
Last Name

Table 2: Transactions
Fields: Account (join field)
Payment (money that comes in)
Fee (invoice that is charged)

I need to find those customers that do not have any transactions (no payments, no fees) for a certain date period (ie entire month of January)

I have see "sql not exist", "minus", "outer join" for sql statements, but most of my work is in Access 2000.

Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Thanks ahead of time.

Leeann... :)

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Queries :: Possible To Force A Query To Start Table Search At End?

Jan 24, 2014

As the post title says, is it possible to force a query to start its table record search at the end of the table and go backwards? The table I'm searching has hundreds of thousands of records and I want to check if any new records have a field with a value that has already been imported into the table. The duplicates would most likely occur near the end of the table and not the beginning, so I see no reason to waste cycles searching records from the very first record in the table.

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Queries :: Adding Estimated Start Date With Days?

Feb 7, 2015

I'm working on a query ("Target Date of Completion") that takes the initial date started (from Step 1 of date started) and adds the EC (Estimated Completion) which is just shown in days. This will give an EST (Estimated Start time) for the next step in date format, which I would need the new column. Also, As you can see, the piece parts all have a different amount of steps, so this calculation would need to know when it's a different part.

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Queries :: Querying Dates Between A Start And End Date Field

Aug 25, 2014

I have a db tracking vacation times for staff. One of the fields tracks a members vacation start and end dates. I need a way to pull a report to see who is on vacation based on Date() (today).

For example:

A record for John Doe has him start vacation 08/19/2014 and end vacation on 8/28/2014. If I wanted a report that shows who is on vacation today, 08/25/2014, using the date() function), how would I do this?

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