Queries :: Drop Down Lists Or List Box

Dec 2, 2014

In my table I have the following fields that are tick boxes

Round Bilge
Bilge Keel
Lifting Keel

Each record can take a couple of these options. For example record 1 could be ticked for a 'vee' and a 'cathedral' whereas record 2 could be ticked for all of them.

I have been trying to use these to make a search form. I want to be able to chose on ie. 'Round Bilge' and it will search for a record that is ticked 'round bilge'. I have done this for both a combo box and a list box and have used the formula for each field [Forms]![Boatsearch]![hulltype]

When I have clicked run query I have an error message saying: 'This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables'.

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Drop Down Lists

Apr 20, 2006

I am building a query for a university and the table i am working from has a column with every course run by the department.

How do i create a query that allows me to add a drop-down menu to the course instead of having to write out the course name everytime i want to query the number of pupils on a particular course.

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Two Drop Down Lists In A Table - One Dependent On The Other

Sep 12, 2014

I would like the user to enter information directly into an Access table (it's ok). I want one column to have month ended. In this column, there would be a drop down/lookup menu with each month of the year. The user selects the month we are being billed for.

Then another column called week ending date, would display all week ending dates (ends on a Sunday) but only for the month that was selected.

If the user selected another month on another row, the available weekending dates to select from would show only what pertains to the month selected. Is it possible to do this?

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Queries :: Drop Down List Selection - Move Records From One Table To Another?

Sep 15, 2013

Is there a way in which someone can select a table from a drop down list and then search that table for a record then move that record to another table.

For example.

User selects 'Mikey's_table' searchs for a record then move this selected record to 'Mandy's_table'

(all the tables have the same structure etc. identical apart from the name of the table and records within)

I have the list of tables that all the records will be on and the users will know which table the record is in, i basically need to know if there is an ability to search for a record over multiple tables then edit that record and move it to another Table.

I have tried to use a Union Query which works when searching but i cannot edit or move the record ...

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Queries :: Parameter Query Failed Based On Selection From Drop Down List

Feb 23, 2014

When creating a query I have set up a parameter query as instructed (in this case searching for a name) but when I run the query it returns the error 'this expression is typed incorrectly etc.'

I have worked out that this must be due to the fact that the names are not typed in by a front-end user but need to be chosen from a dropdown list (which i have stored in a separate table) - So, the query seems to fail based on that.

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Convert List In Query, Like IIF But With Two Lists...

Apr 14, 2006


I need to output data in a specific format for a certain client..
for example where

Select * from Falls - would normally give me:

01/01/05 Joe Smith ICU, Assisted

I need in this intance to get:

01/01/05 Joe Smith 5, 2

where locations, or types etc are converted to a corresponding number.

I can imagine a query like:

Select FallDate, PatientName, somefunction([Location],(MS2,ED,OB,CAFE,ICU),(1,2,3,4,5)), somefunction([Fall_Type],(Accidental,Assisted,Unanticipated),(1,2,3))

Is there some more powerful version of IIF or way to write this in the query without having to create a report with a bunch of functions?

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Forms :: Manage Lists For Combo And List Boxes?

Aug 15, 2015

During the course of it's development I have created about twenty tables whose sole purpose is to house data for use in combo and list boxes. They have no other purpose.

I am now in the process of creating the maintenance side of this project and how to manage these lists. In the past I have created a form with a multitude of subforms to manage these lists.

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Queries :: Getting Two Lists In One Query For A Report

Dec 18, 2013

I need to get a query back that may have more than the given number of records on either side, but need to not duplicate in either of the two columns. Works better to show what I need, I think...

Query needs to return: PersID.....Name.....Assist.....Device

Base data looks like this (after using query with Person and AssistType and Device tables):


1.....Adams...Lift Chair

What I've been asked for is something that looks like this:

1.....Adams.....Bath.....Lift Chair
1.....Adams.....-----....Wheelchair.......... ===> Null or blank in the empty column is OK; I can work with those

Regardless of join type, I get variants on:

1.....Adams.....Dress.....Lift Chair
1.....Adams.....Bath.....Lift Chair

I can print it with two subreports (one for each column), but that is running slower than I would like. It's workable if we absolutely have to do it that way, but I'd rather see if I can get it out in one query and use the grouping functions in the report (there are some other fields involved, but they don't really affect what I am doing here)

Is there any way to do a query (even a couple of queries if it takes that to set it up) that will give me what I am looking for?

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Queries :: Comparing Two Lists Based On Criteria

Nov 23, 2013

I have run into some problems by comparing two lists. My project is to compare two lists and on the below listed criteria's and with the wanted results.

1. Part
2. Colour
3. pcs.

Wanted results:
1. Equal match (same part, Colour and pcs (pcs difference above and equal 0)
2. Equal match (same part, colour but missing pcs. (pcs difference below 0)
3. Missing parts (difference in org. list - 1 and 2 query)

But already in the first part I run into problems. I do a query as below. (picture attached)

SQL code:
SELECT Parts_All.[Lego part], Parts_All.farve, Parts_All.Antal, [Set 7897-1].[Lego part], [Set 7897-1].farve, [Set 7897-1].Antal, [Parts_All]![Antal]-[Set 7897-1]![Antal] AS Part_Diff
FROM Parts_All RIGHT JOIN [Set 7897-1] ON Parts_All.[Lego part] = [Set 7897-1].[Lego part]
GROUP BY Parts_All.[Lego part], Parts_All.farve, Parts_All.Antal, [Set 7897-1].[Lego part], [Set 7897-1].farve, [Set 7897-1].Antal
HAVING (((Parts_All.[Lego part]) Like [All_parts]![Lego part]) AND ((Parts_All.farve) Like [Set 7897-1]![farve]) AND (([Parts_All]![Antal]-[Set 7897-1]![Antal])>=0));

This query is returning 2 of the same lines with part and colour but with different pcs. Why.?

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Queries :: VBA And Query Criteria From Multi-Value Lists

Jul 29, 2015

I have been working with Access for some time managing some databases for my company. But now I have some problems making the database easier to use by automatically creating a Query based on different criterias.The code looks like this:

Sub Multi_value()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Set db = Application.CurrentDb


The problem is that the "Business Field.Value" is inserted into the Query-criteria with brackets which for some reason are not supposed to be there when I use the .Value-parameter instead of the "Business Field"-parameter.

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How Do I Add A Drop Down List?

Dec 18, 2007

I am creating a table in Access 2003, and I need to add a drop down list to one of my columns. See the attached picture - I need to add a drop down list to the "Division" column that will allow the user to select from one of 5 choices. How do I do this?

I'm an Access beginner, BTW. :)

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Drop Down List Value Help

Mar 18, 2008

Hello all!

I have a drop down menu that pulls values from a table. When clicked that value pops up in a total field. Currently I only allow 1 value to be selected. When the user (me at this point) chooses another value, the value is added to the total instead of updating with the new value. So the every time it is clicked it just goes up and up. So I decided to add a loop. However it seems my look is not having an affect but obviously it is being read since the first part is being processed. I thought I would post it to gather thoughts... Thank you!

Quote: Private Sub lstbagels_Click() Dim newcharge1 As Currency Dim newcharge2 As Currency Dim oldcharge As Currency If oldcharge = 0 Then newcharge1 = Me.lstbagels.Column(2, Me.lstbagels.ListIndex) Me.txttotal.Value = Me.txttotal.Value + newcharge1 oldcharge = newcharge1 Else newcharge2 = Me.lstbagels.Column(2, Me.lstbagels.ListIndex) Me.txttotal.Value = Me.txttotal.Value - oldcharge + newcharge2 oldcharge = newcharge2 End If End Sub

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Drop Down List

Feb 12, 2007

I have one more question:

I have a ComboBox in a form that is looking at a field in a Table. When I select one of the items from the drop down it finds the record and shows all the fields in the form...

Everything works great, but

THere are quite a few records in the database, maybe 1000. If I use the scroll on the drop down and drag it to its bottom and let go, its not actually at the bottom. I have to do this repeatably in order to get to the full set of records.

Is there and easier way to do this?
I have run into this on other occasions with smaller number of records as well.

Would this run faster if I grabed this list from a query instead? And then set the form record to the value of the drop down (runngin the query)

Thanks in advance...

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Drop Down List In A Query

May 25, 2006


Ok, let me preface this with I'm a newbie at Access, and I'm currently using Access 2003. I'm just hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Right now I have multiple tables with set data in them that doesn't change linked to another table where I have a drop down menu (combo box I think it's called in Access) to easily select the given data from. I want to have a drop down box (combo box) to have a set of given variables I have in a table to put in the search criteria. That way a user doesn't have to type the exact criteria into a query. That way I can easily put in the variables I want to search from in the query with less chance of an error. I'm hoping this is possible.

Ideally if I could get help in how to make a form that would allow me to have the set of columns from the corresponding tables with combo boxes to select from and then be able to have a "subimt" button and have it organize the selected results into that form as well.

Thank you for taking time to read this.

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How To Add A Drop Down List To A Query

Dec 7, 2006

Hi all,

I'd like to modify a query of mine a little ...

Currenlty, when I click on my query and have it begin ... I have it set up where I then enter three seperate pieces of distinct data so that the exact information I'm in need of, which is stored in 2 seperate tables, can then be pulled together and displayed into one final combined table ...

I'd like to modify this beginning point where ... once I click on the query to begin, I can then just choose from a Drop Down list which has all the various rows of information displayed via these 3 unique indentifiers ... I then just scroll through and pick what I need and it then populates the final combined table as before ...

How do I add the drop down effect at the start of the query?


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Search By Drop Down List

Mar 18, 2008

Hi Everyone

I'm not too sure if this request is a query issue or not so please excuse if this is posted in the wrong section.

I am creating a database that picks up the start and finish time of each employee and displays the total hours worked by day and week.

I would like to be able to search by employee name from a drop down list but I am a unsure how to do this.

Can anyone assist?

Many thanks :)

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Drop Down List Of Years

Oct 11, 2005

Hi folks,

I want to populate a drop down combo box with a list of 10 years (current year +/- five years). I can enter them as a Value list but I don't want to have to update the list every year. Neither do I want to allocate a table to maintain a list.

Any ideas as to how I can auto populate the combo with a 10 yr span (5 previous and 5 next) and default to current year?



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Customer Drop Down List

Mar 21, 2006

Hey guys, I have a question that I am hoping you can point me in the right direction on. Before I ask it, I am new to access. I have been looking at templates and reading and things on how to build a database. I have my tables setup, relationships I think are right and my form created. One of the things I am having trouble with is creating a drop down list to be able to pick a customer name for. I setup the combo box and have a customerID as the control source in the properties. I have the Row Source Type as table/query and the Row Source query setup so it takes the info from the customer table.


field: customer.* name
table: customer customer

I think I am doing this the same way the templates have the properties but for some reason it won't allow me to pick from the list. It keeps saying "control can't be edited. It's bound to unknown field 'CustomerID'".

I attached my database. I hope it is clear enough that you might see what I have done wrong. Thanks in advance.

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FORM HELP!! With Drop Down List

Sep 8, 2006

I'm pretty much a noob to visual basic, I've only taken C++ so I dont really know VB language. ok here is my question... I have a form and I added a drop down list through a table. What I want it to do is output into another text box within the same form when an item in the drop down list is selected. I think I have to make an event procedure for the "On Click" or "On Got Focus" selection. please help me out !!

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Drop Down List Not Getting Records

Feb 4, 2014

If i have a drop down list containing employee type names e.g. Plumber plasterer bricklayer from the employee type table. How would i select the bricklayer and bring back records associated with the selected employee type . I have done a query to go and get the records for the employee type and it works for one employee type.

But I cannot get the button to go and get the records when i select different employee types from the drop down list. I could add loads of buttons with the same query and change the employee type but looks a bit crowded and untidy. Am i missing something simple or is it just complicated.

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Drop Down List In Access

Jul 10, 2012

I have a drop down list in a table with name and commission rate. When I choose the name it displays but I want both the name and the commission rate to display in my table. I want to use a data entry form to enter values in the table and I want the same in the form too (when I choose a name I want the corresponding commission rate to show up).

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Lookup Drop Down List

Oct 15, 2015

I have a people table for all the people .I set a query to select only those that are Family Navigator Mentors ID,FName,LName..I use this query for a lookup on the family navigator table to select a mentor on the form I want the ID FName and LName to show up not just the ID.????

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Drop Down List In A Query Form...

May 31, 2006

I'll admit from the start that I'm a newbie at Access 2003 and I've tried looking in the help file and internet searches. But I've become stumped on how to create what I'm looking for.

I would like to create a form that performs a query that has drop down menus with info from each specific column in a table. That way I don't have to necessarily need to know off the top of my head what data is entered in that column, but can click the drop down menu and get all of the data listed in that particular column. Once have a particular set of info selected, then have a button like "submit" and then the query results appear in a form and click through each page or results.

Is this possible?

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Data Entry From A Drop Down List

Jun 3, 2006


Can anyone help me? I am trying to add new records/data entry on a Form from a list of drop-down options.

I have a database of vendors with names addresses etc. I will be selecting a specific vendor from the pull-down menu and then add data entry comments. Please help!

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Refresh Combo Box (Drop Down List)

May 16, 2007


I have a combo box in which it's value changes according to user input. It is working but it is annoying to have to click the combo box for it's list to refresh. How to make it seemless?

Thank you

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How Can I Link A Drop List To A Query?

Jul 27, 2005

I want to create a drop list, so I can do that:

I select an item from the drop list. I detect the ID of the item and, depending of this ID, I select some records from a table.

Can somebody help me?

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