Queries :: Eliminate Records With Dates In Same Month

Jun 17, 2015

I am trying to figure out a logical WHERE condition. I have a Query that gives me data,

Name | Start | End
Paul | 30-May-15 |
Eugin | 21-May-15 | 28-May-15
Francis | 04-Mar-15 | 08-May-15
Samuel | 10-May-15 | 13-May-15

I want to have only Paul and Francis. As Eugin start is 21-05-2015 and End is the same month, so is Samuel's. So I want to eliminate those two records.I have checked pbaldy's web of overlapping records. But unlike that, I need something customised.

Begins and ends before range - we don't want - Yes
Begins before, ends during - we want this one - Yes
Begins and ends during - we want this one too - NO
Begins during and ends after - we also want this one - Yes
Begins and ends after - we don't want this one - Yes
Begins before and ends after - we want this one -NO

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Queries :: Displaying All Dates Within A Month

Oct 14, 2014

I have created a query to limit the list in a combo box to display the months and years of the date field in a table. Below is the code that I am using. This works fine except this displays the years within the months - for example:

January 2012
January 2013
January 2014
February 2012
March 2012
March 2014
April 2012
May 2012
May 2014

I would much prefer it to sort by month and year:

January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
January 2013
January 2014
March 2014
May 2014

SELECT DISTINCT Month([QTDate]) AS MoNum, Format([QTDate],"mmmm yyyy") AS MoName
ORDER BY Month([QTDate]);

How to change this code to make it sort on Month and Year, not just month?

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Queries :: Matching Dates By Month And Year

Aug 27, 2013

Looking to match to date fields within a query by using the month and year only, is it possible and how.

I'm using Access 2003

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Queries :: Expression To Show Years And Month Difference Between 2 Dates?

May 6, 2014

I am wanting to get an expression that will return the difference in years and months between 2 dates. Specifically, I want to know peoples ages in years and months based on a person's D.O.B and todays date. I have managed to do it in years:

Expr1: DateDiff("yyyy",[TBL_EmployeeDetails]![D_O_B],Date())

and in months but I would like to know how to return the difference in years and months.

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Queries :: Dates In A Query - Show Orders By Month For Last 12 Months

Apr 22, 2013

I want to create a simple query from a list of orders dating back over 12 months.

The fields I have is Ord_Date, Qty

I need to show the orders by month for the last 12 months.

The problem I am getting is that the orders for the month of April (as we are in April now) contain orders from 1st - 22nd April 2013 and orders from 23rd - 30th April 2012, therefore confusing the figures.

I would just like orders grouped by month with a total qty dating back 12 months, but without any old orders for the current month.

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Queries :: Records From Now Until End Of Next Month

Sep 27, 2013

I am using the following code to get results from next month,



which works great to get next months results. I try to get what is left of this month by adding the code:

Between Now() And Month([ptdate])=Month(Now())+1

This actually gives me results from July and August, eventhough it is Sept.Basically I want the results from the remainder of this month until the end of next month.

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Eliminate Records That Net To Zero

Apr 14, 2008

Hello All, I am looking for any advice on the following dilemma. I have a table with new monetary transactions that come in every day. I would like to have the transactions(one debit and one credit) that net to zero eliminated from the table automatically. What I was thinking was to have an abs amount column added and run the duplicates query as a delete query based on this column, but that would not only eliminate the amounts that net to zero...but similar debit and credit amounts. Does anyone have any thoughts on the most efficient way to do this? Im sure the answer is staring at me in the face, but I cant get my head around it. Thanks in advance!

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Queries :: Retrieve Records From Specific Month

Mar 10, 2014

I have a query which I'd like to create which would be to retrieve records from a specific month of a specific year, in this format "01/14" "02/13" etc..

Obviously it would need a prompt box for the query for the user to input the month and year.

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Eliminate Duplicate Records In A Query

Jun 5, 2007

I know there a many posts about eliminating duplicate records because I did search, but I did not see anything that really answers my question.

I have a query in a local Access database that is using a Linked table from an SQL database managed by our corporate IT department. I have read access to only certain tables / fields in the SQL database. My query is based on 3 tables from the database and I have them linked together in my query.

When managers move from one site to another, they are given a different TeamID number. However, until they are replaced, the manager will have more than one TeamID assigned to him in the SQL database. Evidentally, the way our IT has the SQL database structured, when I query open items it duplicates the record for that manager because he has 2 TeamID numbers. So the only field that comes up differnt in the duplicate records is the manager's TeamID number.

I would like for my Select Query to ignore the duplicate record. I know I can use an Append Query to copy the data temporarily to a local table and set the proper fields as Primary Keys to do this. However, it would be nice if I did not have to go to all that trouble.

Is there a way to eliminate duplicate in my Select Query?

As always, I appreciate the help.


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Queries :: Count Amount Of Records That Fall In Each Month In Date Complete Field

Sep 13, 2013

i''m currently trying to count the amount of records that fall in each month in the date complete field. i am currently using a count query and it it bringing up the dates not the month.

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Queries :: Finding Records Between Dates?

Jun 4, 2013

I have a table tbl_PolicyDetails with details of the policy the customers have with us.. In the tbl_PolicyDetails, I have two fields (these are the ones in question) called

"policyStarted" - Start Date of a Policy and
"policyPeriod" - Term of Policy Monthly/Annually/Quarterly

So in a Form view I just get the Next installment for the customer based on this information for display.. For example..

Mr Butters Stotch's policy started on 26/04/2013 and is paying Quarterly; the next (i.e. 2nd) installment would be on 26/07/2013..

Ms Wendy Testaburger's policy started on 07/04/2013 and is paying Monthly; the next (i,e. 3rd) installment would be on 07/06/2013..

This is not hard to get.. I have that sorted.. But the problem is, my manager wants to be able to specify two dates and search all policies that will be 'paying in' that Date range should be picked up..

So if the search range happens to be.. 01/07/2013 and 31/07/2013 Then Mr Butters Stotch's policy should be picked up, as his next installment falls on 26/07/2013.. Since this information is not stored, I cannot run a direct Query on this.. Also as the Installment number varies for each customer, I would not be able to just add 1 - Month or Quarter or Annum, and see if the date falls in that range..

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Queries :: Compare Records From Two Different Dates

Jun 11, 2013

I have a table that contains the following fields: ID (autonumber), Item, billing date(mmm/yyyy), count, and approved.

My first query returns records where the approved field is null. My second query returns returns all records for 2 months ago where the approved field is not null.

This is my problem, I need to pull records that have NOT been approved for the prior month BUT if they were approved 2 months ago AND the count is the same, it does not need to be returned in the query. Also, if it was approved 2 months ago but the count is different than what it is for 1 month ago, it needs to show in the query.

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Queries :: Query For Records Between Two Dates

Jun 5, 2013

Only one table : Customer ID,Customer name , subscription period, subscription start date and subscription end date.

I need values where subscription start date is between date1 and date2 and subscription end date is between date 1 and date2.

Detail explanation:

customer1 subscribed from 2-feb 2012 to 2-feb 2013
customer2 subscribed from 5-aug-2012 to 5-aug-2013
customer3 subscribed from 1-Jan-2013 to 31-Dec-2013
when the user enters date 1 as 1-jan-2013 and date 2 as 30-Jun-2013

Even though the subscription start date is not within the range entered by the user.I need to get all three customers because the subscription enddate falls within the range.And customer 3 is also required as subscription start date is within the range.

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Queries :: Query To Filter Records Between Dates

Feb 19, 2015

I have a few queries which are used to create reminder email on training which is due for renewal.Some training required reminder 6 months before 2 year expiry. I use this in the criteria for the training date within query:

Between DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-18,1) And DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-17,0)

Some training required reminder 3 months before 1 year expiry. I use this in the criteria for the training date within query:

Between DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-9,1) And DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-8,0)

My problem is with training requiring reminder 6 months before 3 year expiry. Using this criteria:

Between DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-30,1) And DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-29,0)

Doesn't show any results (although there is training which was done 30months ago, expiring in 6 months time).

Changing the -30 (months) and -29 (months) in above down to -22 & -21 shows records as expected, but anything below -22/-21 doesn't show any records.

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Queries :: Subquery To Eliminate All But Show TOP 1 Of A Field

Jun 24, 2015

I have a one-to-many query which I would like to add a subquery to eliminate all but the TOP 1 of a field.

Here is the SQL:

SELECT QrySitesBatteries.SiteKey, QrySitesBatteries.SITEID, QrySitesBatteries.Battery
FROM QrySitesBatteries
WHERE (((QrySitesBatteries.Battery)=[Forms]![FMHome]![Battery])) OR ((([Forms]![FMHome]![Battery]) Is Null))
ORDER BY QrySitesBatteries.SITEID;

And I would like to only show the TOP 1 of the SiteKey field.

So, I think I have to add the subquery before the ORDER BY, but how to do it?

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Queries :: Eliminate A Record Not In Date Range

Jan 8, 2015

I have a query as follows :

SELECT tblCase.CaseId, tblCase.ReqReceived, tblCase.Letter_AMPI
FROM tblCase
WHERE (((tblCase.Letter_AMPI) Between #4/1/2014# And #3/31/2015#)) OR (((tblCase.ReqReceived) Between #4/1/2014# And #3/31/2015#))
ORDER BY tblCase.CaseId;

I am looking for all records where either the field Letter_AMPI or the field ReqReceived falls between the specified date range, EXCEPT as below.

However there are cases where first there is a date for Letter_AMPI and then a few weeks letter, we get a special request for the same case which is the ReqReceived date. So for example we may get a case which has an Letter_AMPI date of 01/01/2014 (not in the date range), but a ReqReceived date of 05/10/2014 (in the date range). So I need to be able to eliminate this record because if the Letter_AMPI does not fall in the date range, it should not appear in the results.

I know that it does not work because of the OR but I need the OR to pick up the other records.

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Queries :: How To Get Latest Dates And 3 Other Data For Records From A Table

May 29, 2015

Giving up after a zillion tries. I have a table (tblLOADS) containing: BROKER, PUDATE, MATERIAL & DRIVER. I am able to create this query:

SELECT tblLOADS.L_ID, tblLOADS.BROKER, Max(tblLOADS.Pudate) AS MaxOfPudate, tblLOADS.Material, tblLOADS.Driver
HAVING (((Max(tblLOADS.Pudate))>0));

Problem: It's datasheet view displays all of the records for BROKERS, PUDATE, MATERIAL & DRIVER, instead of ONLY the records for the last PUDATE of each of the BROKERS, with their corresponding MATERIAL & DRIVER fields.

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Queries :: Rolling 12 Month Query - Keeping Track Of Orders Placed For Given Part Number By Month

May 5, 2014

I am trying to create a database that will keep track of the orders placed for a given part number by month. Currently, my table houses the part number, and the ordered amount for the past three years by month (there are thirty-five columns for every part). My column headings are ORDER_MAY_2013, etc. I would like to set a query up that will look at the column headings and pull the amounts ordered for each part for the past twelve months. In other words, I have three years of data in my table. In my query, I just want one year. However, I don't want to have to rewrite the query every month so that it will pick up the new data. Is there a way to accomplish this?

Is there a better way to build this database? I thought about just have four columns in my table - PART_NUMBER, ORDER_MONTH, ORDER_YEAR, ORDER_AMOUNT. The only problem there, is that every part (there are about 450 parts) would have to be listed 35+ times. That seemed too redundant to me, so I built the table this way. However, now I am having trouble querying against it.

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Queries :: Return Records Between Dates Based On 2 Date Fields In A Table

Apr 24, 2013

I have a table which includes a start date field and completion date field for housebuilding.

I am trying to extract all records that have either a started date or a completed date between 2 dates supplied by the user. I have tried to use Between on both fields but that doesn't return results between the fields.

It workd if I just do it on EITHER the start date field OR the completion date field so that implies to me that I need to break it into 2 queries, one returning start date recrods and the other returning completion date records but then I would need to have somthing that removes records that appear in both the start date and the completion date results.

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Please Help To Group Dates By Next Month

Aug 21, 2007

I have a table column with dates like


I need to calculate the next date[Due Date] in 6 months, which is simple

[Patient's file].[Last Appointment Date]+180 as [Due Date]

and I have to group the Due Date by the next month. Lets say the due date is 08/25/07, so it has to be grouped as September group at the top or the list. It should be displayed as "September, 2007"

How should I assing let say 08/01/07 - 08/31/07 dates to September groups. I mean the statement should be universal for any day and any month of the year.

Thank you.

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Queries :: Combine 4 Tables Data That Falls Within Dates - SQL Query Returns No Records

Oct 2, 2013

I have a complex database app that has a form called from the main form. It requires two inputs: BeginningDate and EndingDate and I use a calendar picker for date selection. Using data assigned to a variable, I build the SQL query in VBA. The result is:

SELECT [1733_All Print Orders].[Application], Sum([1733_All Print Orders].[TotalImages]) AS SumOfCCPC
FROM [1733_All Print Orders]
WHERE [Application] = 'CCPC' AND [StatementDate] >= #9/3/2013# AND [StatementDate] <= #9/30/2013#
GROUP BY [1733_All Print Orders];[Application]

[1733_All Print Orders] is a defined query that combines 4 tables together and there are data that falls within the dates for CCPC. But the query returns no records.

I pasted the query to the query builder and using different combinations, I isolated that the [StatementDate] >= #9/3/2013# portion is what returns no records

To complicate matters even worse, prior to today, it worked. I made some adds and changes to another area of the application, but did not touch this code.

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Show All Dates In Any Given Month / Quarter

Aug 10, 2005

I need a query that lists each day of the month (or quarter) that is selected from a form. Meaning, if a user selects June 2005 on the form, the query will return to show every date from June 1, 2005 to June 30, 2005. Is this simple, tiny little thing possible?

The reason behind this is that on a report, I need to show data for every date. If there is not data entered for that date, it still needs to appear with the date listed, but with no entries represented.


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Return Dates Based On Day And Month Only

Jan 3, 2006

I would like a query to return dates based upon the input of just the day and month. At the moment I have a parameter query which asks for 'start date' and 'end date' and this works fine, but I want the query to return all the records for all the years in the database and not just the current one (date format is dd/mm/yy)

So if I type <start date> 01/01 and <end date> 02/01 the query will return:


Does anyone know a solution - I have been searching all afternoon!!??

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Filter All Dates Within Current Month

Mar 21, 2015

I am probably quite wrong but I am trying to apply a filter that returns all dates within the current month

The bulk of the filter is from Microsoft Access examples.

Private Sub MonthB_Click()
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "DueDate Year([DueDate]) = Year(Now()) And Month([DueDate]) = Month(Now())"
End Sub

It is not working??

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Queries :: Retrieve Records From One Table Where Dates Are Between Records In Another Table

Dec 30, 2013

I have a survey database that I've been using for the last year for monthly auditing of employees files. I need to be able to get monthly audit scores for each employee but grouped by their manager. The problem I'm having is employees have moved between managers throughout the year, so employees that are listed under Manager 2 now were actually working for Manager 1 when the audits occurred.

ie. Audits occurred Jan - April for Employee 1 while they were assigned to Manager 1. Employee 1 moved to Manager 2s team in May. So when running monthly reports for the year Employee 1 audits should fall under Manager 1 for Jan-April and Manager 2 for May-Dec.

I do have a history table set up like:
EmployeeID (FK to Employee table)
ManagerID (FK to Manager table)
MoveDate (date employee assigned to manager)

The Employee table is set up like:
Employee ID (PK)
ManagerID (FK to Manager table)

The Manager table has the ManagerID and ManagerName.

That's the employee side of things; then I have the tables that store the audit results:

EmployeeID (FK to employee table)

AuditID; QstnID (Composite PK, QstnID is FK to tblQuestions)

How can I use AuditDate and MoveDate to relate audits to the managers the employees were under when the audits occurred?

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How To Get Beginning And Ending Dates Of Current Month

Mar 14, 2005

I know i have read this before, and i have been searching for a hour now.

can someone tell me how set a variable = the beginning date ofthe month and another variable2 = the ending date of the month?

Thanks for your help!

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