How do you grab a custom Fiscal Year's values based on the system clock's date?
I am building a query where I want to see the number of closed cases based on the current custom fiscal year with the system clocks date. The report that it feeds only cares about the current FY.
I need the System Clock's FY value in this query
Code: SELECT shortname AS Station, NZ(TotalCount.TotalCases,0) AS [Cases Complete] FROM StationList LEFT JOIN (SELECT station, count([Open Issues].ID) AS TotalCases FROM [Open Issues] WHERE [Status]="Closed" GROUP BY Station) AS TotalCount ON StationList.shortname =TotalCount.station;
Within the Query Open Issues I have the FY broken up
I have fields [DayOfYear] and [Year] can I somehow produce the dd/mm/yyyy from this. I know how to do it in Excel but the Asscess function Date() is a little different.
I.e. if [DayOfYear] =152, [Year] = 2014 then [Date] = 2/6/2014
I tried writing a SQL query to produce the list of details in year wise DESCENDING order for the input - Agent ID.
In addition to that I need to get the sum of amount fields year wise in the report. How to achieve it???.
Find the attached report for better clarification.
First three column in the attachment is the outcome of the below listed query. Whereas the fourth column is the expected result which needs to be included..
Code: SELECT CessioneCredito.Data_Movimento, CessioneCredito.Anno, CessioneCredito.Importo FROM CessioneCredito WHERE (((CessioneCredito.ID_Agente)=[Reports]![R_StoricoCessCredAg]![ID_Agente])) ORDER BY CessioneCredito.Data_Movimento DESC;
How to alter the code in order to provide the SUM of Importo field every year.???
I wanted to know if it is possible to set a rolling year based on the first recorded date for an individual. In other words, my table is updated every time an employee receives a point. The record includes the employee's name (empName), the date (dateOfOccurrence), and the point (occurrencePoint).
I would like to create a query that would be based on a rolling year from the very first record of an employee based on the first dateOfOccurrence. The first date/record of this employee would be the start of the rolling year. I am writing this in SQL in Access 2013.
I am creating a Make Table Query and calculating new fields based on current and prior year-end numbers. If the prior year-end number does not exist (Is Null), I want the use the current rate or calculate the change in rate. I have typed the below in the Field Box:
However, when running the query, I get the attached error message.
The screenshot will also show how the two tables are joined.
I am trying to have a query sort out my invoices by year but also to have the possibility to show all invoices.
I have one table "INVOICE" where I have a column "YEAR" calculated with DatePart function from the invoice date.
On my form "INVOICE LISTING", I want to have a combox "Combo957" selecting the year. I have forced the "ALL" selection to the combox using a UnionQuery.
My problem, I cannot get the query to work. I have tried many ways, the closest I can get is :
I want to build a query that calculates the fiscal year and the month from a date on-the-fly. I tried to do it in VBA, but it's more complicated than in query I guess. So this is my table:
The date is on the left, in the middle I want to have calculated Jan 14 and on the right I want 14/15.
In VBA I started with this: strMonth = MonthName(Month(A), True) & " " & Format(A, "YY") which gave me "Jan 08". But the date was hard-coded and not from my table. Then I tried to store the information by SQL statement into a string. But this also didn't work, the types were different.
Code: UPDATE tblSAPOD SET sapOD_month = Year([sapOD_OrderDate])-IIf([sapOD_OrderDate]< DateSerial(Year([sapOD_OrderDate]),6,16),1,0) WHERE sapOD_OrderDate Like "*/*/94";
.. but I guess it's wrong, it gives me a syntax error.
My question is that I wish to have a query that looks up on a name in a form (No problem got this bit) and also the Date field from the same form so that from the date :-
example 24/03/2013 only cares about the Month and Year so would look up only March in 2013
The end result would be to supply me with a number (using count) of how many times this persons name has occurred within the calendar month and year of the date supplied in the form
AssumptionMo AssumptionYr MAY 2014 JUN 2015 JUL 2015 OCT 2016
I need to create a field called AssumpDate that converts the month into a date field on the 1st day of the month. ex May 2014 needs to read 5/1/2014. When I use the expression AssumpDate: DateValue("1-" & [Assumption_Month] & "-" & Year(Date())) of course the year changes to the current one--2015. How can I I change the expression so that the year is based on the AssumptionYr column?
THEN . . . . I need to also isolate certain periods, for example July- March for YTD (year-to-date) analysis and compare YTD of 2006 with that of 2005.
I'm setting up some analytical reports and i'm having a hard time with some date criteria.
I've gotten monthly averages already and what i want to do is take those monthly averages, and average them throughout the year. (the year being from the specified date on a form control back one year)
Month([Forms]![Report Runner]![Date1]) and Year([Forms]![Report Runner]![Date1]) worked great for specifying a certain month in a certain year, but what i'd like is to show all the monthly numbers for every month going back one from [Forms]![ReportRunner]![Date1].
I tried this:
Code: >(Year([Forms]![Report Runner]![Date1])) And <((Year([Forms]![Report Runner]![Date1]))-1)
How do you write a MS Access query criteria that looks for records like the current year only for a date field ? I tired Like *Year(Now()), it did not work.
I'm trying to add a couple of fields to the Contact database in Access 2010.
In the Contacts table, I created a field called "Sobriety Date" that has dates formatted like 12/27/1995
I am trying to add a calculated field called "Years Sober" which should be the current year minus the year in the 'Sobriety Date' field (1995 in the example above).
I'm going to try using the year, day of year, hour & minute (24 hour clock) as a report number. It's set up in a field on a table. Right now I have....
Default Value =Format(Now(),"yyyhhnn") 'which works but not exactly how I would like
yy = Last two digits of the year y = Number of the day of the year (1 to 366) 'can this show three digits all the time? hh = Hour in two digits (00 to 23) nn = Minute in two digits (00 to 59)
For instance, right now for Jan. 10th, 2012, 1306 hours the result would be 12101304 which, for all intents and purposes works, but I would prefer the "day of the year" to always be represented by three digits and not just when it hits day 100 of the year.
I have a query based on payment date which I have extracted the Year part as a seperate Field StartYear, but I want to now add EndYear which just adds 1 year to the StartDate. e.g. EndYear = StartYear +1. Anyone kow please I know i's proably simple but I keep getting syntax errors.
I am using the following expression to calculate a completion date for a project which is based on the due date. My problem that I am running into is when I get to a project that is due on a Tuesday, it returns a date for Sunday when it should be Friday.
Can someone tell me how to get year to date totals, month to date totals, week to dates in a query? I need to get all three for three different fields.
I was not able to get the totals with the formulas given. I received the totals for each day instead. Are there any other suggestions? I am trying to different formulas, but they are not working either. I did try doing different queries with the formulas to see if that would work.
In the fields of the table, among others, there is a date field which represents the starting date of the flat availability. I'd like to create a query which displays the available nights per flat for each month in the current year. For example, Flat1 is available from 11.08.2014, then I'd like to see in the query result 20 nights for August and 30 for September, 31 for October and so on.I created a query which displays only the dates for the current year. Then I joined this query with the Flats table, the join condition is >= flat.valid_from_date and displayed 1 in each row in the result as night. This way, I have the available flats for each day with 1 as available night. Then I tried to summarize the number of nights by month and flat.
I have 2 tables. One for customer details. With customer ID,Company Name, Customer Name and Address.The other for sales details with Order ID, Customer ID, salesprice and sales date.I would like to have a list of customer ID, Company name,total sales last year(sum of salesprice for 2013), Total sales till date(Jan 2014 til now). All should include customers details who have not made any sale as well.
I need help with an update query that will change records for me based on the date
In the record I have a TEXT record called [GI1] that can have a multitude of data in it. The data can be “EVA”, “CON 10/12/06”, “REQ 10/12/06”, “PAS 10/12/06”, or “B 10/12/06”, and finally “A 10/12/06”
What I need is a query will look at the Data that starts with “B” and change the letter to “A” if the date in the record has passed. {The Date can be any date in any year }
I have a form where someone enters a 'Job' to be done which in turn creates a record in a table with all this information
On the form I have a field called 'Repeat Frequency' where the user can choose how often they would like this 'Job' to repeat. e.g. Monthly
Then, on another form someone else can check what 'Jobs' should be done on that day
I have managed to get this to work fine using the DatePart function and it displays all jobs to be done that fall on the current day (e.g. if they choose to repeat it weekly, it will look for all entries where the datePart "d" [DateToBeDone] = Date()-7, -14, -21 and -28)
The problem is that i have been limited to the options of 'repeatability'
What i would like to do is change the options from 'Weekly', 'monthly' etc and instead have a field makrked "Repeat every so many days"
Is there a criteria i can use in a query where i can show records every so many days? i.e. if there is a job in the system that should repeat every 7 days and the [DateToBeDone] is set to 31/10/13, it would return this record on 07/11/13, 14/11/13, 21/11/13 and so on?
I Have tried DatePart ("d", [DateToBeDone]=DatePart ("d", (Date()-[RepeatDays] but what happens is it only shows it if the day is that many number of days in the past and not multiples as i said above.
I have a query that I want to "filter" based on a date derived from a Build statement (Expression). The Build statement works I can even sort by "Ascending".. But when I try to add a "Between [Startdate] And [Enddate] statement in the Criteria box, returns nothing".