I have a problem getting the value of an IIF function that produces a DateDiff. Instead I'm getting numbers stored as text, and when I try to sort the report, the numbers are all over the place. I tried the Val function on the DateDiff, but this only produce #Errors in certain fields. That's because not records have a date in them.
The field is suppose to produce a countdown of days until the report is late, but only if the Received_Date is blank. Otherwise nothing. Also not everyone has a Duedate, that's whats causing the #Error.Original report that produces numbers as text.
I think this is propably an easy thing to do, but nevertheless I have not been able to make it work in MS Access...
(Let's say) I have a table with information about people. Sometimes I need to get a subgroup of the table_people, like a group with a certain age, or who live in a certain area, or who like certain things. And sometimes a need to work with the whole table.
To be able to do this basic filtering I have a form with check boxes, like "check this if you want to filter by a persons hobby" and appropriate fields where to choose a hobby from a list. My problem is: how do I add this "condition" to my query? I've tried eg. using "Like" as a filtering tool and IIF() to add the condition, but this doesn't work (in the criteria row):
Like (IIF( Forms![basic]![Filter_by_hobby] , "[Forms]![basic]![Hobby_from_list]", "*"))
So the idea is that if the box is checked, the condition is true and the first text is chosen, and if no filtering by hobby is required, all people are chosen regardless of their hobbies (Like "*") How to fix this - is there a syntax error or a profound mistake in my thinking - or how to do the same more elegantly?
I'm trying to delete data (no archiving required) from 5 tables that all have a one-to-many relationship between them and keep getting the following error: "Could not delete from specified tables".
I've tried everything I can think of including the following:
* Set unique records property to 'Yes' * Enable referential integrity and cascade delete records in the relationship diagram * Checked the DB isn't read only * Have correct permissions to delete records
I'm the only person in the database but I'm at a loss and short of me actually deleting the 23891 records manually I can't think of what else to do!
This query works and I can spot the record based on 3 fields and display it. Now I have discovered that we have a person who has an apostrophe in his name like O'Brian. The above code gives a syntax error in this case.
I am getting this invalid use of bracketing error Set objMyRecordset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select itemno from " & Chr(34) & "[" & icitem & "]" & Chr(34))
Now this code works just fine. However, I am trying to make a graph with EoL values on the x axis, and a sum of QTY on the Y with SystemName in the legend. This is giving me a "The Microsoft Access database engine does not recognize 'FORMS!Main!cboArchitecture' as a valid field name or expression' error.
After some research, I have tried adding FORMS!Main!cboArchitecture in the query's parameters as text
Trying to parse first two sections of a five section string. Now getting a SYNTAX COMMA ERROR. Th Left((([ArborID],InStr([ArborID],"-")+1,(InStr(InStr ([Arbor ID],"-")+1,[ArborID],"-")-InStr([ArborID],"-"))-1)),10)
I have a several fields, calculated, that break apart a string of text at every open and closed parentheses. They work like they are supposed to with no errors. However, I want to use the result of this particular field in a combo box to populate another combo box with the other half of the string that will be split. The problem, I think, is that since the field is calculated, it will not allow me to select it in the combo box, saying that the field can't be edited.
So, I added the same field names to the table that the query was built on, however when I run the query, it says that there is a syntax error with a comma in the code. If I take out the table in the query, (not using the SQL side, just the query builder), it works again with no problem.The text I am breaking apart looks like this: 1.234(a)(1)(A)(2)(b)(i)(-a-)
I need this field to break the text up at the (1) mark, so the code I am using looks like this:
Code: PrinSubChap1: IIf([Sub2] Is Null,[PrincipleNumber],Left([PrincipleNumber],InStr(InStr(1,[PrincipleNumber],"(")+3,[PrincipleNumber],")")-0))
The other fields I have do the exact same thing, written the same way, with adjustments made to the position (+3,0).I have stared at this for awhile and can't figure out why it is giving me an error and research on the web doesn't appear to cover my question.
This is the error message: Syntax error (comma) in query expression '[mytable].[IIf([Sub2] Is Null,[PrincipleNumber],Left([PrincipleNumber],InStr(InStr(1,[PrincipleNumber],"(")+3,[PrincipleNumber],")")-0))]
I am trying to paste this formula into one of my queries, but I get the "the text is too long to be edited" when I paste the formula into the designated field. Is there anyway to get this paste without getting the error?
I am having problems adding details from StudentForm to student table. When I click on the add student button it throws back an error Microsoft Access cant append all the records in the append query.I have attached the error as a pdf and the database for info.
why the first code is working and after adding a few lines it gives me a syntax error. It highlights the AS ETI. I usually work on the query grid, but I read somewhere there is a limit to the length of expression. So I ended up editing the expression in SQL view, but somehow doesn't work.Working before editing:
Code: SELECT [Salaries YTD].[Emp#], [ETI Filter].ETI1, Sum([Salaries YTD].DaysWorked) AS SumOfDaysWorked, IIf([SumOfGross] Between 0 And 2000 And [ETI1]=1000,[SumOfGross]*([DaysWorked]/(DateDiff("ww",[Forms]![PeriodSelector]![FromDate],[Forms]![PeriodSelector]![ToDate],6)*5)*0.5),IIf([SumOfGross] Between 2001 And 4000 And [ETI1]=1000,1000,IIf([SumOfGross] Between 4001 And 6000 And [ETI1]=1000,1000-(0.5*([SumOfGross]-4000))))) AS ETI, DateDiff("ww",[Forms]![PeriodSelector]![FromDate],[Forms]![PeriodSelector]![ToDate],6) AS Weeks, Sum([Salaries YTD].Gross) AS SumOfGross1
I have different product groups and they can have one of 3 rental rates(5,4,3%) I have written a nested query but I keep getting parenthesis errors, the last one I got told me I must enclose iif functions in parentheses. I know its probably a small thing but I just cant see it. By the way the server is German so ; need to be used instead of ,.
IIf([view_India]![Sub_Group] In (1730;1810;2870);5;iif Left([view_India]![Sub_Group];2) In (01;02;21;24;29) ;5;iif([view_India]![Sub_Group] In (3310;3330;3340;3360);3;4))))
I am trying to use DCount to count the number of records (speakers) for each session. Not being very savvy with DCount, I copied code that I had working for another instance of needing to count the number of records.
My query has three fields
Query used: Web/PrintReport_qry Session Id - number Speaker - string
I have the following in a query to assign a sequence number to each record:
(SELECT Count(*) FROM [qryPTLActivity] AS T WHERE T.EmployeeID=[qryPTLActivity].[EmployeeID] AND T.PickDateTime <= [qryPTLActivity].[PickDateTime] AND T.PickAisle=[qryPTLActivity].[PickAisle])
I have used this in other databases without issue but for some reason this time I keep getting an "Invalid Argument for Function" error.
I have 2 tables called MakeTable1 and DBO_TBL_Activity
Im trying to update MakeTable1 with the values from TBL_Activity when both activity.StartDate and maketable1.Dates match but also acticity.IDStaff and Maketable1.ID Match
Below is the SQL i have so far
UPDATE [MakeTable1].[Detailsa] SET [dbo_tbl_activity].[details]
WHERE [MakeTable1.Dates)=[dbo_tbl_activity].[StartDate] AND [MakeTable1].[id]=[dbo_tbl_activity].[idstaff]);
I had created a Access DB where there is a query named as "GenerateTimeHours", here whenever am trying to do a search by ID, Time & Date, always getting "data type mismatch error", I checked it and understand this Error is causing for Date Search Clause, I tried every possible way to change the date format, using #, etc etc but no result :Query As follows:
SELECT GenrateTimeHours.ID, GenrateTimeHours.MaximumSeatsNumber, GenrateTimeHours.DaysInMonth, GenrateTimeHours.Hour, GenrateTimeHours.Remaining, GenrateTimeHours.FinalSeats FROM GenrateTimeHours WHERE GenrateTimeHours.ID = 1 and GenrateTimeHours.Hour between #08:00:00 AM# and #10:00:00 AM# AND (GenrateTimeHours.DaysInMonth) between #7/2/2013# AND #7/3/2013#;
I ran a very similar code with near-identical SQL, with only the fields and tables changed, and it had worked before. However, after changing the fields and tables, I repeatedly get error 3134 for "syntax". The code was
Code: Private Sub UpdateI_Click() Dim PerName As String, strsubb As String, Popup As Role, Strsub As String PerName = InputBox("What is their name?") strsubb = "INSERT INTO Company-personID (CompanyNo, Name) VALUES ('" & Me.CompanyNo & "', '" & PerName & "');" DoCmd.RunSQL strsubb
[Code] ....
You can ignore the userform and inputbox if they're not important in this, but I figured they might just be. When I run "Strsub" and "strsubb" by themselves, they both come up with errors, so it's not one or the other. There are two tables in this. A table of companies, which has its form open, and a child table of companies and their people.
I wanted strsubb to put in a record where a person is added, their name based on the inputbox, and their associated company to be marked as the one that is in the field "companyno".
Strsub is meant to set the same person's roles to be whatever was clicked on the userform. If it's important, the roles are in a lookup wizard with multiple choices.
I've been trying to get a query to run but I keep the "type mismatch in expression" error message.It's the Invoice-Product Query in the attached file.I have tried changing the field types, the primary keys and messed around with the relationships but noting seems to work.
i keep getting an error "could not delete from specified tables"
I have a table with this data
Main table bub|12345|1 bub|45678|2 bub|91011|3
Child Table bub|45678|2
result in Main table
bub|12345|1 bub|91011|3
match from child table and delete from main table.. but i keep getting error "Could not delete from specified table main table has unique records. and it is primary key..
I'm trying to replace a null value with $0.00 for the second field in a query. My first try at the SELECT stmt did not contain any solution for a NULL value. The result was that it skipped the record. I need it to show 0.00 because the field is used in another calculated field.
SELECT tblRecovery.CustID, IF((Sum([tblRecovery.RecAmt]) IS NULL, 0.00, (Sum([tblRecovery.RecAmt]))) AS SumOfRecAmt FROM tblRecovery GROUP BY tblRecovery.CustID;
This returns : Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'IF(( etc.
After clicking "OK", access highlights AS in the statement. I'm not sure how to deal with the NULL value or fix the error?
(I'm not sure if this belongs in the macro or query forum)
I have a macro that opens 15 queries and ends with opening a report.
The final query asks the user to type in beginning date, then an end date. Now when there's a data mismatch (i.e., he spells feburary), the macro halts. No harm no foul, they can just click the command button again, but I'd rather not.
What I'd like to do is place a msgbox (i.e., "Check Your Spelling") and then reroute them back to the query.
I'm using Access 2007 and have a query in which I have a Where clause that includes a TempVars variable. Here is the SQL:
SELECT tbl_CostCenter.*, tbl_OpEx.*, qry_OpExByCC.* FROM (tbl_CostCenter INNER JOIN tbl_OpEx ON tbl_CostCenter.[Cost Center] = tbl_OpEx.[Cost Center]) INNER JOIN qry_OpExByCC ON tbl_CostCenter.[Cost Center] = qry_OpExByCC.[Cost Center] WHERE tbl_OpEx.[Base Year]=TempVars!CurrentBaseYear ORDER BY tbl_CostCenter.[Cost Center];
I get runtime error 3070 stating that "The Microsoft Access database engine does not recognize 'TempVars!CurrentBaseYear' as a valid field name or expression." When I run the query without the Where clause, it runs fine, except it includes all years, not just the one I need.
However, when I use the immediate window to check the value of TempVars!CurrentBaseYear, I get a result of 2012 which is what I expected. So how can it not be recognized in the query? I thought that one of the perks of using a TempVars variable is that it can be used in queries.
I am creating a database to analyze prices. I have 2 tables. One table has a bunch of dates, product names and the prices. There are many of the same dates and many of the same products. I.E. a product could get priced one day and than have a different price the next day.The other table has a bunch of information and dates and product names also. The goal is to add a week to the dates in this table and use that date and product name to look up the corresponding price for that date and product and add it to the record.
I am trying to use Dlookup but evey record is then filled with the same price. I am using this Expr1: DLookUp("Price","Qry_Historic_Price","[Date]=#[End Period]# And primary_id ='[primary_id']")...When I run the query I get a message that says "Syntax error in query expression" than a message box that pops and says "Unknown" with only "ok" to click.
Access and receive the following message after trying to run a query: Syntax error (comma) in query expression, followed by the formula I wrote on the Query Builder. I use 4 tables to run the query, but only need to trim some stuff from one of them. This table is called BD_lamosa_corregida and have already selected Expression on the Total row in Design View. This is the formula:
The formula is trying to trim the left side of an expression (Part description) which may contain a code number in parenthesis or not, it might also have this parenthesis separated by a space or not.