Queries :: Export Data With Formatting And Layout Using Form

Jun 24, 2013

Export Query Data with Formatting and Layout Using A Button On Form Before Or After DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet

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Queries :: Export With Formatting Filtered Data

Aug 3, 2015

I have a centralised database that imports data from several other databases at the click of a button to produce a "global" query of data.

This is presented as a datasheet form which I am then able to filter. This is a subform to my main form.

I have a button on my Main form with a macro to ExportWithFormatting to excel. I was under the impression that exportwithformatting exported the filtered data.

How to export my filtered query data to Excel and not the whole query data?

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Queries :: Change Layout Of Data

Mar 4, 2014

I have been given a large set of records that is layed out with 10 ID fields, then 31 (Day 1, Day 2, etc.) fields representing each day of a given month. These fields contain data. I created two fields labeling the month and year as well.

My goal is to create a date field where I can put together the m/d/y data and take the corresponding day's data and delete the other 30 daily fields. I think I can temporarily create 31 extra fields that give me the date. So then I would have (m/d/y - Day 1, m/d/y Day 2, etc.). How to then separate them into unique records.I am looking to turn the 30k records i have into 900k by reducing the fields.

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Modules & VBA :: Formatting Page Layout (Margins / Orientation)

Mar 21, 2014

I have the following code in a module to set certain formatting properties when exporting an Access 2010 query to Excel:

With xlApp
.Application.Selection.Font.Bold = True


This works perfect but now I need to set some of the page layout properties (margins, orientation, etc.)

I have tried adding this:

With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.LeftMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.RightMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.5)
.TopMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.BottomMargin = Application.InchesToPoints(0.75)
.Orientation = xlPortrait
.PaperSize = xlPaperA4
End With

But I get a complie error (Method or data member not found) on the .InchesToPoints part of the line.

But I get a complie error (Method or data member not found) on the .InchesToPoints part of the line.

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Forms :: Check Box In A Form Which Shows Data From A Table In Tabular Layout

May 12, 2013

I have made an unbound check box, named "myckeck" in a form which shows data from a table in tabular layout.

1- When I check one check box, all check boxes are checked. How can I solve that? I mean I want to check or clear check boxes independently.

2- I made a text box, named "jobdate" to sow todays date automatically upon checking a check box.

Private sub mycheck_afterupdate()
jobdate = date

But this is not working and checking a check box does not make anything to happen.

3- Then I made this expression in the default value of "jobdate" properties:

iif( mycheck = true, date(), null)

This not working either.

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Queries :: Date Formatting Criteria - Query Returns No Data

May 7, 2015

I have a query in my database called "Open Date" which is a date formatted field when imported as DD/MM/YYYY. The criteria is set to:

>=#06/04/2014# And <=#05/04/2015#

The query works just fine. My customer has come back and asked for the way the date is displayed to be in the YYYY-MM-DD format (i know it's not ideal but thats what they want). When i've done that using the following

Format([Table].[Open Date],"yyyy-mm-dd")

The query then returns no data.

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Formatting Access Export To Excel?

Jul 9, 2013

I am looking to export a table to excel from access. I would like to order the transaction category column in a specific order(round trip air far, parking, lodging etc),. I have a button that runs a make query table and exports it to excel. I would like the rows to be in the order of transactions category. What code would I need in the button to make this order correct?

I have attached some code below.

Private Sub ExportDebitsButton_Click()
Dim oApp As Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim i As Integer
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset


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Export Table To EXCEL With Required Formatting

Jan 9, 2007

Hi all
the problem i am facing is that the table exported by ACCESS to EXCEL is without any kind of formatting, bold text italics etc. , is there any way i can make access export the excel file with bold column headings and the cells having solid borders(basically any formating i wish to give).
Each time i export the table i have to open excel and format the spreadsheet giving headings highlighting stuff and all and it is very troublesome so i did make a macro in EXCEL for it but i still need to open the file in Excel and run the macro. is there some way to run that macro during the export process so that the user just gets the file in the format he/she wishes.
thanks for you help in advanc

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Modules & VBA :: Formatting A Sheet After Export From Access

Sep 16, 2013

I have a button on a access database form that runs a query and exports the data to an excel sheet that remains open. I am ok with this. What I would like to do now is format the sheet and then save it as a file name that is the same as the query name but adding the date at the end. Here is what I have so far:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command1_Click
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "Qry_SentForProcessing"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.RunSavedImportExport "Export-Qry_SentForProcessing"


I just want to add the code to this button. Or do I need to write a function as a module, then call the function after the export is run.

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Queries :: Carriage Return - Format Data So It Will Export With 2 Decimals?

Nov 4, 2014

When using the carriage return how do I format the data so it will export with 2 decimals?

In the example below I need the Estimated Material Cost to export in in format: 500.00 --- NOT 500.

MTLCost: [Estimated Material Cost] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [C]

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How To Show The Data In Such Layout

Jul 9, 2007

I have this very important question, I dont know how to do it but I am sure Access support this and it is doable.

I have the following recorset:

Name LeaveType LeaveDate LeaveYear

Frank Annual 25/06/2007 2007
Frank Annual 30/04/2007 2007
Frank Unpaid 11/09/2004 2004

James Unpaid 04/03/2006 2006
James Unpaid 19/09/2006 2006

Meco Paternity 17/12/2004 2004
Meco Paternity 18/12/2004 2004
Meco Annual 02/07/2006 2006

Paolo Annual 25/06/2007 2007
Paolo Annual 12/06/2007 2007
Paolo Annual 24/06/2004 2004

I want the data to be shown in a report as follow:

Name: Frank

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 000

Name: James

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 000

Name: Meco

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 002

Name: Paolo

Leave Type200720062004

Paternity 000



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Forms :: Export Query To Text File With Specific Formatting?

Oct 28, 2013

I have successfully put together some VBA code that will accept a user's input into a textbox on a form. A cmdFindprinter button is clicked and the query is ran. The user is asked via an inputbox for their login ID so that the query is exported to a text file on the desktop. The query then pops up in a new tab and also automatically exports the queried record to a text file on the desktop. I have upward of 30 users using this form at any given time and I need the following automated.

What I would like to do is to have the text file go into a specific format. For example:

IP address:
Serial number:

The name of one of the queries is "Xerox IP Query", the field names would be "IP Address", "SerialNumber", and "Site Name".

This is what comes up in the text file right now:

"CXF345946","","123 Happy Ave"

I'd like to remove the quotes and have the info fall into place as shown in the example above.

This is the code so far:

Private Sub cmdFindprinter_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdFindprinter_Click_Err
Dim strPath As String
userNT = InputBox("Please enter your NT ID", "ServiceBase Xerox Printer Query", "Enter your NT ID")
strPath = "C:Users" & userNT & "DesktopPrinterQuery.txt"
If Heading = 0 Then Exit Sub


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Query To Change Data Layout

Feb 22, 2007

Hi there,
I have a warehouse table that lists a stock code with the last 12 periords closing balances in a record.

I would like to write a query that just shows each stock code with only one month per record and has the openning and closing balance for that month.(the closing balance of one period is the openning balance of the next period).

So the Table currently looks like this

StkCode....Whouse....12.....11......10.....09..... .08.....07
1111.........TZ..........100....200....300...400.. ...500...600

I would like it like:


I haven't worked with access for years and can see how to do this in my head - i just can't figure out what to write. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Modules & VBA :: Export To Excel (rich Text) Column Not Formatting Correctly

Feb 6, 2015

I have a process that is getting data from sharepoint page, containing 2 list. Both list contain one field I am having issues in my export, a 'Multiple Lines of Text' type field which is Rich Text in sharepoint. I have an access DB with a linked table to those 2 list. Access show the one field I am having problems with as Memo.

The Linked table pulls/display the rich text data field correctly. My access query pulls/displays the data correctly.

My export procedure does not, the cell it exports to includes the HTML Tags. How can i modify my VBA export procedure to export to excel in plain text, i dont need the same format, just want to drop the html tags.

Public Sub StatusReportExport()
On Error Resume Next
' Test to see if the file currently exist, if so, delete file, so new file can be written.
Kill ("L:Connect SiteStatus Report " & Year(Date) & "-" & Month(Date) & "-" & Day(Date) & ".xls")
If Dir("L:Connect SiteStatus Report " & Year(Date) & "-" & Month(Date) & "-" & Day(Date) & ".xls") <> "" Then
MsgBox "Status Report.xls File already in use!" & vbNewLine & "Please Close File, then rerun Report."


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Form To Export Data And .....

Jan 25, 2005


I am new, as you can see this is my first post. I have been reading different posts, but couldn't find a solution to my problem. Actually, I have created a table and around five forms, now each form is connected with that table. I can input the information through those forms into the table, now the only problem is this I want to transfer the information into differnt forms using the combo drop down menu, when the selection will be made it will transfer the information into the other or it will freez it into that form.

for e.g. I have made new, active, deal etc forms, I have made a drop down menu using combo which has these options in it as these are not only the forms name they are processes too. As the new deal comes in, it will be kept into new process for 30 days, after 30 days it should be moved to deal forms automatically, how would that be possible. And I want that to be frozen in that form. Other question is, how is it possible to hide the table from users, that they wont be able to make changes into table. Third question, once the info is inputed into the form no user should be able to delete that or overwrite it. And my last question is in regards to security, how is it possible to keep one user login into the database at one time, so no other user can login into that database or make changes.

I would really appreciate your help.

I hope I haven't conufused you guys.


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Help On Report, Change Layout Based On Data

Nov 25, 2004

I'm getting seriously frustrated with Access now so I hope some of you can help me out.

I have made an access application to enter various types of products (eg paint, tools, glue etc).
The organization I have built this for has asked me to create a report which can be used as
a catalogue of all their products.

They want this report to keep different categories of products in different sections. So say the paints
will go into a section with an orange background and the tools have a blue background. I thought
I could just let it print a number of reports (one for each type of product) however this will give
problems with the page numbering and indexes etc.

Anyone have any ideas how I can let the lay-out (mainly colors) change if a new category kicks in and also
force this category to start on a new page? Any help is very much appreciated!

Cheers Thomas

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Queries :: Close Query Without Saving Layout Change?

Jun 5, 2013

I have a form with a child that holds a query and for 99.9% of the time remains locked as it's for viewing data only. However, if the user wishes to make a change then they need to press an unlock button first then make the changes.

The problem I have is when closing the form; if this child's query has been unlocked I'm getting a message asking do I wish to save the changes to the layout of the child's query. The answer will always be "No".

I've added the following line of code to all sorts of procedures with no success.

DoCmd.Close acQuery, "LinkTableManager_Frmqry", acSaveNo

how to stop the message appearing when the form is closed.

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Forms :: Possible To Export Data From A Form To Another Form Within DB?

Mar 28, 2014

I have made a form in acces with several training dates my question is can a export this data to another for in the DB? I have looked but can't find that option maybe it's possible true vba?

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Sub-Form Layout

Aug 12, 2006


I created a sub-form using the wizard; however, I can't get it to view as Calumnar even when I move its text boxes about and change their order. When I run it, it always show as a datasheet!

Any suggestions will be very much appreciated.


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Form Layout/Syles

Sep 7, 2006

Ive been using the form wizard, with columnar but I find it squishes up some of the words, and doesnt use the whole screen width, is there a way I can change this? and is there anywhere that you can download more styles?

Any thoughts would be awesome.
Cheers Ezy

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Form Layout Requirement

Nov 7, 2006

ok, i have a few design requirements and am unsure as the best way to approach the situation..

here is the basic layout of my tables..


i will basically need a form with the following layout


you enter the date at the top of the form.. and then all the records you enter will use that value as the job date..

also.. the customer name and number will need to be entered in this form.. and the customer id will have to be registered to the job in the job table..

can anyone suggest where i should start with regards to creating a subform.. a query.. etc??

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Queries :: Export Query To Excel Then Delete Query Data From Table

Nov 20, 2013

I am wondering if there is a quicker way to export a query to excel then have the data in that query removed from the original table. (effectively cutting the data from the table and exporting to excel)

I understand that this can be done by exporting the query to excel then running the same query as a delete query to remove the data but I just wondered if this is the most efficient way.

I have experience of VB in excel but currently only use the basic macro builder in Access though if Access VB is more efficient I can easily learn.

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Email Record From A Form In Customized Layout

Sep 13, 2006

when a record is open in my form, i want a button that says.. send email confirmation..

this will then transfer particular fields to an email template and send the email

how can i begin to understand how to make this work

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Hiding Subform Layout In Main Form

Nov 28, 2013

How to hide the layout of subform in main form?

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General Query Form Database Layout Technique

May 24, 2006

ok, someone please clarify this for me..

i know about normalisation and data redundancy..

therefore i will lay out my database like so..

job id
job date
job time

job id
driver id

driver id
driver name
driver phone

job id
payment id


this is all fine..

in the most straightforward situation, you create a form based on a table...

now if i create a query with fields from all the tables.. eg..

job date, job time, driver name, price

if i create a form in the basic way, you cannot add fields from several tables (in the direct sense i mean, forgettin the use of subforms.. etc)

if i create a form based on the query, will this allow me to add as many fields, and most importantly from as many tables, as i wish.. choosing only the relevant ones for that particular form..

will everthing automatically link with the job id if my user fills in this form..

if this is the case then i can see my self making one large query.. with all the relevant job details, and then using a tabbed form to separate them.. is this a common practice.. is this the correct way to go about things?

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Forms :: Contents Disappear In Form Or Layout View

Jul 17, 2013

I seem to be having an issue with a split form I've been working on. I created this split form on Monday and it was working just fine but today, I have added a couple minor text boxes. Since then, I can view the form contents in Design View but when I switch to "Form View" or "Layout View", it's all gone minus the logo in the top left corner and the title for the split form.

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