Queries :: Filter Out Negative Results In Query

Feb 17, 2014

I have a query that I am using in VBA to select the number of days equipment is past due for service. I have an equipment table with a last maintenance field (tbleqDP with field DPLstMnt) and another table (tblmaintdue) that defines the maintenance interval. I have a query (qrynumdays) that finds the number of days from tblmaintdue for the equipment type based on a value in cboMaintEquipType combobox. The VBA then generates a report based on which type of equipment is selected using a select case statement. An excerpt of the VBA is below:

Select Case cboMaintEquipType.Value
Case "DP"
Set qdf = db.CreateQueryDef("qryoverdue", _
"Select DPTag, DPLstMnt, DateDiff(""d"",DPLstMnt,Now())-NumDays AS Overdue from tbleqDP, qrynumdays where Overdue > 0")
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryoverdue"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptDPmntovrdue", acViewPreview

I am having problems with the "where overdue > 0" statement. It is asking me for parameter value for overdue. How can I get this to automatically filter out any values that are negative - in other words, don't report on equipment that is not past its maintenance interval due date.

Also, I think there is a way around how I am naming my query in the createquerydef function because later I just delete the query after the report is run. Is there a better way to do that.

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Queries :: Negative Time Values When Export Access Query To Excel

Jul 10, 2013

The time difference in access query works very fine in 18:00 (Short Time) format , but when i export to excel it came out with "########" and the value is -0.14679132479

How to solve this problem , i keep trying but it doesn't work ....

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IFF And LIKE In An Access Query To Filter Results

Aug 28, 2007

My understanding of the LIKE operator seems to be deficient for filtering a query when using the Access query pane. I have a combo box that lists the values to be filtered. One option in the combo box is "No Selection". If "No Selection" is selected, I want the filter turned off, in other words ALL records are shown.

In theory the following code would seem to be correct when placed in the criteria line. It does not work: IIf([forms]![type5frm].[combo2]=24,Like "*",[forms]![type5frm].[combo2])

If the value of COMBO2 =24 (No Selection), then I would like all records to show up, but no records are displayed. The FALSE side of the IIF statement works correctly.

As an experiment I tried LIKE by itself and it displayed all the records: LIKE "*"

Another failed try:IIf([forms]![type5frm].[combo2]=24,[agency]) Like "*",[forms]![type5frm].[combo2]) AGENCY is the fieldname.

A more exotic attempt that failed:IIf([forms]![type5frm].[combo2]=24,Val(Str([agency]) Like "*"),[forms]![type5frm].[combo2])

Any thoughts?

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Filter Query Results By Date Range In Form

Jan 3, 2006

I have a query form that allows user to search by two criteria (in which, user can select "And" or "Or" clause for the two criteria). I also allow user to filter the results by date range. On the form, I have two command button, one will prompt the results in a query table, and the other will prompt a report.

Problem 1
I manage to prompt report with a date range (i.e. two unbound text boxes for start date and end date). But, I dont' manage to disable the filter if the date range is null. Below is the code for this report command button. Should I use a toggle button to make a select case?

Private Sub cmdReport_Click()
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strDocName As String
Dim str1MainCate As String
Dim str2MainCate As String
Dim str2MainCateCondition As String
Dim strDate As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strFilter As String
' Build criteria string for 1st ComboBox
For Each varItem In Me.fstMainCate.ItemsSelected
str1MainCate = str1MainCate & ",'" & Me.fstMainCate.ItemData(varItem) & "'"
Next varItem
If Len(str1MainCate) = 0 Then
str1MainCate = "Like '*'"
str1MainCate = Right(str1MainCate, Len(str1MainCate) - 1)
str1MainCate = "IN(" & str1MainCate & ")"
End If
' Build criteria string for 2nd Combo Box
For Each varItem In Me.SecMainCate.ItemsSelected
str2MainCate = str2MainCate & ",'" & Me.SecMainCate.ItemData(varItem) & "'"
Next varItem
If Len(str2MainCate) = 0 Then
str2MainCate = "Like '*'"
str2MainCate = Right(str2MainCate, Len(str2MainCate) - 1)
str2MainCate = "IN(" & str2MainCate & ")"
End If
' Get 1toggle button condition
If Me.optAnd2MainCate.Value = True Then
str2MainCateCondition = " AND "
str2MainCateCondition = " OR "
End If
' Build SQL statement
strSQL = " SELECT NewsClips.IssueDate, NewsClips.Title_Eng, NewsClips.Titile_Chi, NewsClips.NewsSource, NewsClips.[1CategoryMain], NewsClips.[1Sub-Category], NewsClips.[2CategoryMain], NewsClips.[2Sub-Category], NewsClips.hyperlink, NewsClips.FirstTwoPara, NewsClips.Notes, NewsClips.attachment FROM NewsClips " & _
"WHERE NewsClips.[1CategoryMain] " & str1MainCate & _
str2MainCateCondition & "NewsClips.[2CategoryMain] " & str2MainCate & ";"
' Build criteria string for Date
If Not IsNull(Me![dateTo]) Then
strDate = strDate & " NewsClips.IssueDate Between #" + Format(Me![datefrom], "mm/dd/yyyy") + "# AND #" & Format(Me![dateTo], "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#"
'Format(Me.dateTo, "mm/dd/yy")
strDate = strDate & " NewsClips.IssueDate >= #" + Format(Me![datefrom], "mm/dd/yyyy") + "#"
End If
' filter string
strFilter = strDate
' Open report
strDocName = "RptCateDateQry"
DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, acViewDesign, , strFilter
With Reports(strDocName)
.RecordSource = strSQL
.Filter = strFilter
.FilterOn = True
End With
DoCmd.Save acReport, strDocName
DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, acViewPreview
End Sub

Problem 2
I have no idea how to filter the query results by date range in the query table. Below is the code of the query table button, which do not offer the filter feature. Would really appreciate it if you can give me some advice.

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
On Error GoTo cmdOK_Click_Err
Dim blnQueryExists As Boolean
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim qry As ADOX.View
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strDate As String
Dim str1MainCate As String
Dim str2MainCate As String
Dim str1MainCateCondition As String
Dim str2MainCateCondition As String
Dim strSQL As String
' Check for the existence of the stored query
blnQueryExists = False
Set cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
For Each qry In cat.Views
If qry.Name = "QryCateDateForm" Then
blnQueryExists = True
Exit For
End If
Next qry
' Create the query if it does not already exist
If blnQueryExists = False Then
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT NewsClips.IssueDate, NewsClips.Title_Eng, NewsClips.Titile_Chi, NewsClips.NewsSource, NewsClips.[1CategoryMain], NewsClips.[1Sub-Category], NewsClips.[2CategoryMain], NewsClips.[2Sub-Category], NewsClips.hyperlink, NewsClips.FirstTwoPara, NewsClips.Notes, NewsClips.attachment FROM NewsClips"
cat.Views.Append "QryCateDateForm", cmd
End If
' Turn off screen updating
DoCmd.Echo False
' Close the query if it is already open
If SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acQuery, "QryCateDateForm") = acObjStateOpen Then
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "QryCateDateForm"
End If
' Build criteria string for Date
If Not IsNull(Me![dateTo]) Then
strDate = strDate & " NewsClips.IssueDate Between #" + Format(Me![datefrom], "mm/dd/yyyy") + "# AND #" & Format(Me![dateTo], "mm/dd/yyyy") & "#"
'Format(Me.textStartDate, "mm/dd/yy")
strDate = strDate & " NewsClips.IssueDate >= #" + Format(Me![datefrom], "mm/dd/yyyy") + "#"
End If

' Build criteria string for 1MainCate
For Each varItem In Me.fstMainCate.ItemsSelected
str1MainCate = str1MainCate & ",'" & Me.fstMainCate.ItemData(varItem) & "'"
Next varItem
If Len(str1MainCate) = 0 Then
str1MainCate = "Like '*'"
str1MainCate = Right(str1MainCate, Len(str1MainCate) - 1)
str1MainCate = "IN(" & str1MainCate & ")"
End If
' Build criteria string for 2MainCate
For Each varItem In Me.SecMainCate.ItemsSelected
str2MainCate = str2MainCate & ",'" & Me.SecMainCate.ItemData(varItem) & "'"
Next varItem
If Len(str2MainCate) = 0 Then
str2MainCate = "Like '*'"
str2MainCate = Right(str2MainCate, Len(str2MainCate) - 1)
str2MainCate = "IN(" & str2MainCate & ")"
End If
' Get 1MainCate condition
If Me.optAnd1MainCate.Value = True Then
str1MainCateCondition = " AND "
str1MainCateCondition = " OR "
End If
' Get 2MainCate condition
If Me.optAnd2MainCate.Value = True Then
str2MainCateCondition = " AND "
str2MainCateCondition = " OR "
End If
' Build SQL statement
strSQL = " SELECT NewsClips.IssueDate, NewsClips.Title_Eng, NewsClips.Titile_Chi, NewsClips.NewsSource, NewsClips.[1CategoryMain], NewsClips.[1Sub-Category], NewsClips.[2CategoryMain], NewsClips.[2Sub-Category], NewsClips.hyperlink, NewsClips.FirstTwoPara, NewsClips.Notes, NewsClips.attachment FROM NewsClips " & _
"WHERE NewsClips.[1CategoryMain] " & str1MainCate & _
str2MainCateCondition & "NewsClips.[2CategoryMain] " & str2MainCate & _
str1MainCateCondition & strDate & ";"
' Apply the SQL statement to the stored query
cat.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection
Set cmd = cat.Views("QryCateDateForm").Command
cmd.CommandText = strSQL
Set cat.Views("QryCateDateForm").Command = cmd
Set cat = Nothing
' Open the Query
DoCmd.OpenQuery "QryCateDateForm"

' If required the dialog can be closed at this point
' DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
' Restore screen updating
DoCmd.Echo True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An unexpected error has occurred." _
& vbCrLf & "Procedure: cmdOK_Click" _
& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & Err.Number _
& vbCrLf & "Error Description:" & Err.Description _
, vbCritical, "Error"
Resume cmdOK_Click_Exit
End Sub

Sorry for posting this question again, as I thought it's better to make it a seperate posting, rather than a reply to my early post. Your advice will be greatly appreicated.

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Filter A Report USING A Forms Filter Results

Oct 25, 2006

I am using MS Acess2000 and need to make a report that will be passed around with production work. My primary key is the invoice number of the work order. Currently to open an invoice i have a macro, attached to a query with the following qualifiers; Like [Enter invoice]

This pulls up the current record fine.
for the form and flags the folloing in the property filter sectin of the form

(((([CustomerTableMasterRef].[Invoice]) Like [Enter invoice])))


Now I am trying to use microsofts how to filter a report using a forms filter...
This picks up on the Invoice query as shown above but does not just insert the query results...

Is there better code or another way to approach this... Currently i am using:

Caption: Open Report
OnClick: [Event Procedure]

Private Sub CmdOpenReport_Click()
If Me.Filter = "" Then
MsgBox "Open an Invoice First"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptCustomers", acViewPreview, , Me.Filter
End If
End Sub

Using this code not only does my report not detect the correct fields to import data (no data is filled in) but it requerys the invoice or atleast should, which I could do with out all of that code...

Where should i go from here?

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Queries :: Display Negative Number As HH:MM

Jul 9, 2015

I'm converting minutes to display as HH:MM but have an issue when the number is negative. How to write this so I don't end up with a negative in front of the minutes?

Format([Variance]60,"00") & ":" & Format(([Variance] Mod 60),"00")

i.e. -193 gives me -03:-13, whereas I would like -03:13

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Queries :: Rounding Negative Numbers Up To 0

Mar 13, 2015

I can not have any negitive numbers show up in my field so I need to round up and negatives to "0" ...

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Queries :: Sum Positive And Negative Values In Same Field

Jun 18, 2015

I am trying to get sum "+" and "-" Values in same Field. I created new Expression Builder in Query and i wrote there :

A: Sum([tablename]<0)

of course it did not work.

How shall i update my expression to work this thing?

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Queries :: Convert String To Positive / Negative Number

Feb 24, 2015

I have an expression that converts a string to positive/negative number. It seems to be working fine, however, it doesn't convert "00000000001}" to -10. It shows as 10.

This is the formula that I am using in my query:

PJUNAccrual: IIf(Right([PJ_ACCRUAL_ADJ_X],1) Between "J" And "S",-1,1)*(Val([PJ_ACCRUAL_ADJ_X])/IIf(IsNumeric([PJ_ACCRUAL_ADJ_X]),100,10)+(IIf(Right([PJ_ACCRUAL_ADJ_X],1) Between "A" And "I",(Asc(Right([PJ_ACCRUAL_ADJ_X],1))-64)/100,0))+(IIf(Right([PJ_ACCRUAL_ADJ_X],1) Between "J" And "S",(Asc(Right([PJ_ACCRUAL_ADJ_X],1))-73)/100,0)))*100

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Queries :: Purchase Order - Negative To Positive Number

Aug 14, 2014

This query tell me what quantity I am short of to make a part

diffqty: [StockQty]+[OnOrderQty]+[PendingQty]-Sum([OrderQty]*[ProductQty])

This will return a negative quanity iE -200

what I then would do is copy that to a purchase order but remove the negative sign can this can the formula be changed in anyway to give the positive number .

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Queries :: Join Results Of Unmatched Query With Matched Query To Include Null

Mar 24, 2013

I am trying to do the good 'ol sales report (query) to include customers with no sales.

I have a customers table, account number table, sales table & sales (line) detail table. (all linked in that order)

If I run a query to show customers (in the customer table) with account numbers, that works

An unmatched query to show customer without an account number works (but of course the unmatched account number field isn't shown).

How can I get the two two be shown together with the "unmatched" having a null or 0 for their account number?

I am guessing in principle, the resulting solution can be modified to show customers without sales alongside those with sales?

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Queries :: Update A Query Based On Results From Another Query Using Count Function

Apr 2, 2013

I run a physical therapy office and patients come in for treatment either 3, 4 or 5 times per week. My database is used to track these frequencies (among other things).

I have 3 queries which count how many patients come in 5, 4 and 3 times/week.

In my main table I have fields called "how many 5's", "how many 4's" and "how many 3's".

I have tried to design an update query which will update those fileds in my main table to reflect the counts in the 3 queries mentioned above.

(I'm not using SQL view, I'm using the query design view)

In the "update to:" row, I use the Build function and locate the count I'm looking for.

Problem: when I run the query I get the error: Operation must use an updateable query.

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How To Make Negative And Positive Values Affect Queries Differently

Jul 10, 2014

I have created an Access 2010 Database for tracking inventory. As parts move to each location, quantities automatically subtract from the previous location. I now realized that some parts are destroyed.

The problem is the if I simply enter a negative value to indicated that a part was destroyed at one location, it appears as a positive value in the previous location. Is there a way to make negative values not affect a specific query?

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Queries :: Query Showing Two Results?

Mar 19, 2013

I have a query that is showing two results for one product and I have no clue why. I have my tables in a one to many relationship and if I click on the + it shows the correct data for the product in question. Im guessing I have my table set up wrong its the only thing I can think of.

The table tbl_Carton has two entrys for a product (Flex Tape 2-1/16") (Product_PKEY #21) mabe I have it set up wrong? If I run my (qry_Switchboard ) and enter (21) its giving me an extra result for each of the two results thats suposed to be there.why?

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Queries :: Yes / No Query To Include Some Or All Results?

Jul 4, 2013

I'm having a mental block on this one.

I have a table with a yes/no field. It's linked to a form with a yes/no box, but the outcome I want is that if the form box is unchecked, the query returns all the "yes" records - which is trivial; however I want to return ALL the records if the form box is checked.

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Queries :: Query With Multiple Results

Jun 20, 2013

I have an access database which is going to present a front end webpage form. The form has several drop down lists and I need one of those drop down list to display only certain results dependent on what the previous drop down list has selected e.g. if Box A is selected as Aces then I need the next drop down box to only display A building

1-A building
2 A building
3 and not the entire list.

How can i get this to work?

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Queries :: No Results In Query Criteria

Mar 13, 2015

In Access 2007, I put into the table, in a certain field, a certain word field, so I put into design view for that query, in that field, Like "Field" and even though the word field is in that table in that field, it doesn't show it in that particular query?

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Queries :: Calculations On Query Results

May 20, 2013

I need to do a calculation on the RESULTS of a query. Each record in the table I'm querying has a date stamp. I have a query that produces a list of the newest records for each machine. I want to calculate how old each of those records is based on today's date.

So far when I try to include the calculation in that query, it returns all the records instead of the newest ones. This makes me think I'm doing something fundamentally incorrect. The calculation is affecting the query results where I just want to do the calculation on the results. What I'm trying to ultimately do is have a way for the users to see a list of machines that are overdue for a certain procedure. I was thinking of putting a button on a form that will run the query and present the list, perhaps with some conditional formatting highlighting the machines that are overdue, etc. Do I need to just use 2 queries?

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Queries :: Simple Query Gives No Results

May 3, 2013

Have created a simple data collecting database with a simple query to narrow down some of the data , the DB all works fine and some queries are ok, but one the simple query where I want to look a one single set of data.Using the Like "*"&[Enter Search Parameter]&"*" gives me no results.

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Queries :: Combining Query Results

Nov 5, 2014

I have created a booking system for a travel agency and now when the booking is complete I want to export some summary data to the Excel. The issue is that I have separate tables showing lunch, tickets, tour guides, etc for every destination and I have also created queries showing the total for each destination but the issue is that I cannot combine all the results into one query and export that query to excel.

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Queries :: Calculated Field - Return Zero If Negative Result (Access 2007)

Oct 10, 2014

I have a query that returns several calculated fields. One of them is simply derived by simple summation of the others. If this calculated field returns a negative number, I need it to show as a zero.

The only way I know how to do this is by an IIF statement :

SELECT [fld1], [fld2], [fl3], .....
IIF(([fld1]-[fld2]-fld[3])<0,0,([fld1]-[fld2]-fld[3])) AS fld4

(The above doesn't suggest that [fld1], [fld2] etc are calculated fields - I just wrote it like that for succintness - they calculate fine, there's no issue with them...)

Is there a more efficient way of doing this? I find IIF's a bit tardy, possibly because they evaluate for both True & False eventualities, regardless of the condition, and this query is going to run against a fairly large dataset so any performance lag is going to be exacerbated.

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Query To Get Summary Results For Multiple Queries

Feb 27, 2006

Hi All,

I have a approximately 70 queries in my database. I would like to be able to run a query which would run all of the queries and output the number of records for each query. Ideally, these would then be written to a table so that the user could then just read the values from the table for the latest results, rathe r than have to execute the whole thing again.

The user may wish to select which queries to run. I was thinking that I would need a table as follows called say tblQueryResults:

QueryToRun - Yes/No - DateRun - NumberOfRecords
Query1 - Yes - -
Query2 - Yes - -
Query70 - Yes - -

So my first dilema is to work out how to run all the chosen queries that the user wishes to run. The user will probably have all 70 ticked as Yes initially.

Should I run this from VB code with a whole lot of VB statements. I would like to loop through the whole table and collect a list of all the queries to run based on a positive Yes for some or all of the queries. The results must then go and be written into the same table under the date it was run and the number of records that was found for each query.

The whole reason for doing this is that queries which return no records need not be run by the user - saving the user time etc. I appreciate that this query will take a considerable amount of time - given that it could be as many as 70 being run one after another.



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Queries :: Combine And Total Query Results

Aug 8, 2013

The results of my union query of 2 separate tables looks like:

Name - Count of Participations

Joe Blow - 7
Harry Smith - 11
Kate Upshaw - 8
Joe Blow - 3
Harry Smith - 5
Kate Upshaw - 13

I need to combine the duplicate names and total their participations to make a report look like:

Name - Count of Total Participations

Joe Blow - 10
Harry Smith - 16
Kate Upshaw - 21

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Queries :: Query To Find Results For Two People?

May 20, 2013

i have created a parameter query which will find a students best and worst time for each exercise they have done. so you enter the student ID when you run the query and it works fine but i have a problem i need to query to find two students in particular and then i have to create a report from this query on the two students identified and this is where i come up stuck. i have tried typing in both student id's into the criteria but this doesnt work no matter if i put and in it or not and im not sure how to get the job done.

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Queries :: Assign Query Results To A Tempvar?

Nov 14, 2013

The Query

'SELECT Count(clubbox) AS MTSingles
FROM moves WHERE (((moves.cmrdate)>[Forms]![CPanel]![Text44] And (moves.cmrdate)<[Forms]![CPanel]![Text46]) AND ((moves.driverid)=[Forms]![CPanel]![Text38]) AND ((moves.move)=35) AND ((moves.clubbox)=32));'

returns about 60 records, how do i assign the results to a tempvars

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Queries :: Produce HEX And ASCII In Query Results

Sep 17, 2013

We have a need to produce hex and ascii in the same results field.

The field with data will be bound to a 2D barcode (the square ones you see everywhere now). The format of the data is to look like this:


The <RS>, <GS>, and <EOT> all need to be hex values as follows:

<RS> = Hex 1E, Decimal 30
<GS> = Hex 1D, Decimal 29
<EOT> = Hex 04, Decimal 04

When I run my Access query as follows:

BarCode: "[)>"&Hex(30)&"06"&Hex(29)&"xyz"&Hex(30)&""&Hex(04)& ""

It produces the following:


So, it just converts it to ASCII; however, when I go to scan it, it actually reads that information also. I need the 1E, 1D, and 04 to actually be scanned as HEX for the validation to occur for our client.

Is it possible using an Access query to return these desired results? If not, I will have to look atother piece of software to produce the bar code labels.

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