Queries :: Filter Query With DateSerial Calculation Field?

Nov 21, 2014

I have a query with a DateSerial Calculation field that I would like to filter the query by. The DateSerial calculates the same day of every year (5/31/"YYYY"). When I try to add a criteria sort to this field, I get a data mismatch error. Here is the code: ThirdMay: DateSerial(Year(DateAdd("yyyy",3,[LastDayYear])),5,31).

How do I get only dates due in 2015 to show? I have tried all the standard date criteria to no avail.

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Queries :: Type Conversion Failure With DateSerial

May 12, 2013

I have an update query:

Query: DateExtractor
Type: update query
Field: ProductionDate
Table: Production
Update To: DateSerial("2000"+Val(Mid([Code];1;2));"Mid([Code];3;2)";"Mid([Code];5;2)")

Field [Code] is a Text field and ProductionDate is Date/Time type, with short date format.

As I run query, there's an error that says "Microsoft Access didn't update 99 field(s) due to DateSerial,..."

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Queries :: Script To Do Calculation For Every Record And Place Result As Field In Query

Dec 21, 2013

1. I created a table that contains information about people and their details (mainly numerical info).
2. I created a form containing a command button and a label.
3. I have written a VBA script under the button so that when the button is pressed, the result of the calculation appears as the caption on the label.

My problem is...How do I get the script to run so it does the calculation for every record and places the result as a field in a query.

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Queries :: Filter Calculated Query Field

Nov 13, 2014

So I have the following query field which calculates another field.

How do I Filter the records in this calculated field to only return TRUE, as if I put "TRUE" in the Criteria for this field (or anything at all) then a parameter message box pops up asking for [Balance].

Balance1: IIf([Balance]<>0,"TRUE","FALSE")

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Queries :: How To Filter Calculated Field In Query Using A Criteria

Jul 17, 2014

I have query with a calculate field to finds the next service due date but I'm having a problem getting it to only show services due dates in the next 30 days.for some reason I cant add a criteria date()-30...I have to calculate the next service it takes service intervals from maskservicemonths field then find the last service date and generates the next service due date NextService: DateAdd("m",[MaskServiceMonths],[FindLast]).

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Queries :: Multi-Select List Box As Filter For Query Field

May 16, 2013

On [Form1] I have a Multi-Select Listbox[List1] which shows Job Numbers [WBS] (The job numbers displaying are a result of a separate query filtered by the Fiscal Year combobox). When I click [CMD1] I want [Query1] results to only be selected [WBS] from the form.What is the best way to code this? I'm a beginner when it comes to VBA.

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Queries :: Adding New Field For Calculation Of Dates?

Oct 10, 2013

I am working on updating another person access database, how to add a calculated field. I need to add a field to an existing table to subtract the date listed in one field from todays' date. It would need to return the answers in days


10/10/13 - 10/1/13 = Return answer of 9 days

I have been told about DateAdd but I cant find these date function in the option of expression builder.

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Queries :: Calculation Only Works If Field Have Values

Jun 23, 2015

I have a calculated field in a query. The calculation only works if the fields have values. This is what I used a the calculation:

PrimaryShareTotal: [Primary1Share]+[Primary2Share]+[Primary3Share]+[Primary4Share]

I tried using the Nz command

PrimaryShareTotal: Nz([Primary1Share]+[Primary2Share]+[Primary3Share]+[Primary4Share])

but this doesn't work.

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Queries :: Conditional Query To Post Result In Field And Filter Result Records?

Mar 5, 2014

I am working with Access 2010, on vista. What I have is a query made up of two tables, one product the other inventory. (see below) query.jpg

In the product table i have a field called "minimum reorder level". In the inventory table i have two fields one called "number in stock" and "number on order". What i want to happen is "number on order" to be filtered by the result, if the "number in stock", is less than "minimum reorder level", if it is, have the result placed in the "number on order" field. EG. if the "number in stock" = 2 and the "minimum reorder level" = 5 then 3 would be placed in the field "number on order" and only the second record from the query would be visible (see below) Query result.jpg The result of this would mean that the field "number on order" would be populated with the result and the and query would also use this to filter the record.

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Queries :: Time Calculation Query

Aug 6, 2014

I am needing a query to calculate elapsed time in business hours for each record selected (I normally base this on a date range). For the purposes of this query, business hours are defined as Mon-Fri from 7 AM until 9 PM.

So for example:

With a start time of 6:45 AM and an end time of 9 AM, the query would need to return 02:00 (in [h]:mm format).Likewise, with a start time of 7 AM and end time of 9 AM the query would also return 02:00.Is there any way to do this easily? Or at all for that matter? Is it possible to deal with weekends?

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Queries :: Percentage Calculation In A Query?

Aug 5, 2014

I am trying to set up a calculation between two values to show the percentage difference. In Excel, for example, I would have two values, £905,175 and £891,563, and I would enter =A1-G2)/ABS(A1), which would then return a plus or minus percentage value. how to do this in a query using Access 2010?

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Queries :: Cancel Age Calculation Query For One Record

Mar 26, 2013

I have the following age calculation query:

Age: (Now()-[DOB])365

It works a treat! However, I do not want this to continue to calculate if the record has them as deceased - I want it to stop at their date of death.

I have a tick box that when selected indicates that this record has died, and a field where you can enter date of death.

Is there some way that via clicking this button, or by entering a date of death, I can stop the Age Query from calculating for just that relevant record, not all of them? If so, where to place the necessary VBA, etc?

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Queries :: Using Parameter In Query With Calculation From Date

Apr 13, 2015

I have a database with a Date of Birth field. I have a query with a field that calculates the age from the Date of Birth (DateDiff("yyyy",[Date of Birth],Date())+Int(Format(Date(),"mmdd")

As a criteria in this field I want to be able to select a minimum age, so >=[please input minimum age]

However the results are bizarre - sometimes it gives the right answer, and sometimes not. It seems to have a particular problem with ages above 10, which show up all the time.

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Queries :: Calculation Query To Add Values Of Three Fields

May 8, 2013

I created a simple calculation query to add the values of three fields:

Program_Cost, Auditorium_Cost and Millage_Fee.

I followed the steps found here: [URL] ....

But it doesn't work. The query pulls the values for the relevant fields but doesn't actually calculate the total. What am I doing wrong? Here's the query's SQL:

SELECT [Event Information].Event_ID, Sum([Program_Cost]+[Millage_Fee]+[Auditorium_Cost]) AS Total_Cost, [Event Information].Program_Cost, [Event Information].Auditorium_Cost, [Event Information].Millage_Fee
FROM [Event Information]
GROUP BY [Event Information].Event_ID, [Event Information].Program_Cost, [Event Information].Auditorium_Cost, [Event Information].Millage_Fee;

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DateSerial Function

Jan 1, 2006

This should be a "no brainer" so I appologize in advance for asking what I'm sure is an obvious question, except I'm stuck. To simply my question, imagine I have a form (ultimately it will just be a pop-up for a parameter query) with three unbound text boxes. The first text box is named [JustYear] and it's control source is blank. The second text box is named [Start] and it's control source has the following:

= DateSerial((Year([JustYear])), 1, 1)

The third text box is named [End], and has the following in it's control source:

= DateSerial((Year([JustYear])), 12, 31)

The form opens after Me.Refresh. If, for instance, I enter 2002 in [JustYear], I expect [Start] to show 1/1/2002 and [End] to show 12/31/2002 after I tab out of [JustYear]. The month and day are displaying correctly but the year that displays is 1905 (I assume the default). This seems like it should be so easy and obvious but I'm both stumped and frustrated. I just want the SerialDate to capture the year and retain the month/day I've hardcoded. What am I missing or doing wrong? Thank you for your time, and Happy New Year!


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Queries :: Get A Query To Perform A Calculation And Round The Results?

Feb 20, 2015

I'm trying to get a query to perform a calculation and round the results.

The fields that I am running the calculation and am trying to round are Data Type Number, properties Field size Single and decimal places Auto.

I have tried the built in function described in Allen Browne's site to no avail.


I have tried rounding the individual fields and then adding result.

I have also tried rounding the result (as attached).

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Queries :: Create A Query To Make Calculation From Form

May 16, 2013

I need to create a form that using combo boxes selects a product-size-quantity, and then calculates total price.I asume that I create a query to make the calculation from the form, but for the life of me, I can't fathom out how to do it.

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Queries :: Creating Particular Calculation In Access 2010 Query

Dec 9, 2013

I have played with this problem for 3 days and have come close but not quite solved it. My problem, I have several drivers delivering several orders, the orders are named 101, 102 and so on lets say to 150. Due to locations of the drivers, some deliver more orders then others. I want to be able to create a report that looks like

"Driver #1 101 - 106"
"Driver #2 107 - 110"

Driver 1 delivered 6 orders. Driver #2 delivered 4 orders and so on.

I have tried the 'count" which gives me the number of orders per driver but having trouble figure out the design of the calculation in the query.

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Queries :: Query For A Specific Date Range / Calculation

Jan 22, 2014

I am trying to calculate the total hobbs time (Ending Hobbs - Starting Hobbs = Total Hobbs) based on a user inputed date range. The query that I created (see attachment) doesn't seem to give me what I'm wanting.

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Queries :: Query Calculation Based On Current Time

Apr 24, 2013

I have a database that has 2 forms. After submitting the first form, the user should complete the second form within 24 hours. The first form stores the Date/Time the form was submitted. I want to be able to run a query and have a column in the query that is "Time Remaining". In non-technical terms, this column would be: Date/Time form submitted + 24 hours - Current date/time.

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Queries :: Create Calculation Query That Uses Different Equations Under Certain Conditions

May 12, 2013

I want to create a calculation query that uses different equations under certain conditions. Here's specifically what I need:

If the "Cost_Category" field is "Full Price" then the query uses the following calculation:
Total_Cost: Sum(nz([Program_Cost])+nz([Millage_Fee])+nz([Auditorium_Cost]))

If the "Cost_Category" field is "BOCES" then the query uses the following calculation:
Total_Cost: Sum(nz([BOCES_Number_of_Participants])*nz([Cost_Per_Person]))

I have successfully created these two queries individually, but combining them doesn't seem to work. Here's what I wrote:

Total_Cost: IIf([Cost_Category]=Full Price,Sum(nz([Program_Cost])+nz([Millage_Fee])+nz([Auditorium_Cost])),

It keeps coming up with errors, saying that I misplaced a comma, parenthesis or quotation. I've tried playing with it, changing the syntax slightly but it doesn't seem to work.

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Queries :: How To Filter Checkbox Field

Jul 29, 2013

I have a query which is run from a form via a command button. On this form i have a couple control sources (not sure if this is the correct term, but i have text boxes and drop down lists which the query uses in its criteria).

Everything works fine except i can't figure out how to filter my checkbox field (aka MyDeliv). I'd like to have a drop down box with 3 options: "yes", "no", and "ignore". i would like "yes" to return only records with the MyDeliv box checked, "no" to return only records with the MyDeliv box unchecked, and "ignore" to return records regardless of the MyDeliv checkbox.

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Format Of Field Produces Error In Query Calculation

Apr 24, 2005

I have a query that add up the numeric values in a value list assinged in a combo box in response to each question, the row source for question 15 for exmaple is as follows:

ROW SOURCE: 0;"I have no idea";5;"I indicated that I wouldn’t have time today";0;"Was mentioned early on and then not offered again";5;"The salesperson said the vehicle wasn’t available"

I then run a query that adds together the responses to 3 questions, including question 15, the field in the query appearing as follows:

LS5: ([q14]+[q15]+[q16])

It was working fine but has stopped working, the fault lies with q15, if I take it out it works again. So I looked at the table as I am sure it must be the way it is set up, why it worked before I don't know and I attach a screen shot of how the field is set up in the table, which is no different to q14 and q16.

Anyone got any ideas?

One last thing is that it makes no difference if the fileds contain a number (including zero) or are blank

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Queries :: Cascading Combo Box - Filter By Field?

Mar 16, 2013

I want to create a cascading combo box - so far so simple, but in all the tutorials I can find the options in the second combo box are exclusive to the first e.g. combo box 1 selects "state", combo box 2 then displays "city". Each city can only be in one state.

In my scenario each city is in several different states - and so far I'm failing to come up with any sort of strategy as to how to deal with this. I tried giving each state a "yes/no" formatted field in the "city" table, figuring if I could use the first combo box to point access to the right field in the "city" table I could filter those records by "WHERE [fieldnominatedbycombobox1] =True" - but I don't know how to make a one combo box determine which field a subsequent combo box filters by.

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Queries :: How To Filter One Field With 2 Combo Boxes

Jan 31, 2014

I have 2 unbound combo box's on a form 1 called cboclient1 and the another called cboclient2. would like to be able to filter field name client name twice by cboclient1 and cboclient2 here my sql from my query

WHERE (((Assets.Client)=Forms![report gen]!cboclient1)) Or (((Forms![report gen]!Cboclient1) Is Null));

This works perfectly for cboclient1 problem comes when I try and add cboclient2

I have tried

WHERE (((Assets.Client)=Forms![report gen]!cboclient1)) Or (((Forms![report gen]!Cboclient1) Is Null))AND(((Assets.Client)=Forms![report gen]!cboclient2)) Or (((Forms![report gen]!Cboclient2) Is Null));[/

This doesn't work at all....

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Queries :: LIKE Filter Does Not Work From A Form Field

Jan 14, 2015

I am attempting to use a form field as the source for a query filter criteria. Everything works fine if I simply use an "if equal" filter condition. As soon as I try a "like" condition, nothing works.

I created a test table with just one column (fld1). The table contains three records with the following values: BRDODS, BRD, TLAODS.

The following hard coded query returns two records, as it should.

SELECT Table1.fld1
FROM Table1
WHERE (((Table1.fld1) Like 'BRD*'));

I also created a test form (Form1) with just one text field (Text0). My intent is to soft code a criteria value via the form field instead of hard coding the query, as above. When I populate the form field with BRDODS, the following soft coded query returns one record, as it should.

SELECT Table1.fld1
FROM Table1
WHERE (((Table1.fld1)=[Forms]![Form1]![Text0]));

When I enter LIKE "BRD*" in the form field, no records are returned. I should get two records, just like the hard coded query above.

I've tried all variations of the LIKE statement in the form field, but nothing works.

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