Queries :: Filter To Show Only The Fields Which Have A Value?

Sep 9, 2014

I have a table with 5 fields (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5).

F1 has 3 values (v1,v2,v3) and the other fields have different entries depending on F1.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
v1 f31
v2 f21 f41
v3 f41 f51

Is there any way to filter F1 to show only the fields which have a value?

(if I choose v2 to have shown only fields F2 (with f21) and F4 with f41

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Queries :: Filter Using Date Range But Show All Records If Text Box Null

Jan 13, 2014

I m trying to make form which filters my records and generates a report..here's where I am

Like "*" Or Between [Forms]![Form1]![Text6] And [Forms]![Form1]![Text8] & "*"

but this doesn't work I would like to show all records if textbox 6 is null and textbox8 is null this part of code works perfect but below but I'm struggling to get the between in with the code

Like "*" & [Forms]![Form1]![Text6] & "*"

the code is in report record source

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Queries :: To Filter Several Records In 2 Different Fields

Dec 18, 2013

It have several fields, and the fields that I want to filter is ItemNo and SellingPrice.The problem is ItemNo has many different SellingPrice. I put a parameter in SellingPrice field as >=75 only for ItemNo "49565", but still i want to show other record in ItemNo and do not have filter in SellingPrice field.

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Queries :: Only Show Records Where Any One Of 6 Fields Is Not Null

Mar 17, 2014

I am looking to collate marketing data from different areas of our DB into a Marketing Hub. We have to collect various feedback at different times, if a client on a programme completes a course, they give feedback for that course.13 weeks after a client completes the programme we have to get them to complete a destination survey. On both these forms it asks would they be interested in doing any more courses. This data is then stored in the Courses table and Projects table respectively.

I want to create a query to become the record set for a new form which only shows those students that have stated they would be interested in doing other courses.Five of the options or Yes/No fields, and one is a text field (which courses, other essentially).How does one do a query that only shows records where any one of 6 fields is not null?


SELECT Students.ID, Students.[First Name], Students.[Last Name], Courses.[Sage Accounts], Courses.[Sage Payroll], Courses.[First Aid], Courses.[Food Hygiene], Courses.[CV Services], Courses.[Interview Skills], Courses.[Which Courses]
FROM Students INNER JOIN Courses ON Students.ID = Courses.ID;

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Queries :: Using Filter Property With Multi Valued Fields

Dec 4, 2013

I have a subform query which includes EventName, Date, and Tags. Tags is a multivalued field.

What I need to do is allow people to filter this subform using the inbuilt filter, and then use the filtered data to populate a graph.

I am doing this by taking the Filter property from the form and then using VBA to build an SQL statement with the right data, and using that on the graph. It works fine when people filter on the EventName and Date fields.

However, when someone filters the Tags field, it fails. The filter property gets set to something along the lines of


This syntax seems not to be supported when I put it into the SQL statement.

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Queries :: Show All Fields With No Matching Records - One Table

Aug 14, 2013

How to get the following results using 1 table:

Field1 ID is an auto record ID, field2 ID is actually field1 ID assigned that record, in other words record 1 has a roommate (record 5) assigned to it, record 2 has a roommate (record 4) assigned to it

Table A

Field1 ID Field2 ID
1 5
2 4
3 6
4 2
5 1
6 8

Results records I'm looking to display for would be:
1 5
2 4
3 6
6 8

I only want to display all fields for records, but I don't want to show their matching record, so I want to display record1, but not record 5 because record 1 has record 5 as a roommate, want to display record 2 but not record 4.

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Queries :: Form To Select Which Fields Show In Query

Oct 8, 2013

I want to create form with 10 checkbox, each checkbox is linked to a field "name, Address, TelephoneNumber, BuissinessName" I would like to know if it is possible for the user to check the box and then the field will show in query. if only name is check then only name will show in the query.

I have tried using [Forms]![Formname]![CheckboxName] as criteria but this didn't work it when I had more then one checkbox and when the one check box was not checked nothing showed in the forms.

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Queries :: Filter Query To Calculate Sum Of Fields In Date Range

Nov 18, 2014

I have a table, tblDailyCalls, that contains agent_name, date, calls_ answered, and talk_time. Ideally on a form, the user will select an agent, enter the date range in txtStartDate and txtEndDate and a report opens to show what the total amount of calls and talk time is for that date range.

All I've managed so far is doing a simple expression on the report itself to sum the fields I want. But my method returns every date in the range. I would like to only display the total.

I've been trying with Totals in the query and crosstab queries but am not familiar with them.

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Queries :: Filter Error With Calculated Fields - Missing Operator In Expression

Jan 9, 2014

I tend to work with large amounts of data (extracts from company systems) and I create a lot of Access/VBA based tools to automate processes.

I have an annoying error which has always appeared but I don't understand the root cause of it.

When viewing a query, if I filter, I get an error message pop up (though after clicking through the error I can still use the filter function):

"syntax error missing operator in expression 'name of field'".

This seems to happen when I add several calculated fields. Here are some examples of the conditions and calculated field formulas I'm using in this current one:

Not Like "*_ZZ*" And Not Like "*test*" And Not Like "EP_*"

Calculated Field:
Audio Ref Guide: IIf(Left$(Right$([TBLdata]![Script Resource],2),1)<>"_","?",Right$([TBLdata]![Script Resource],2))

I get the impression that its more of a bug with Access as the formulas aren't complicated really but need confirmation on this and if there is a way I can avoid it.

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Queries :: Design A Query To Show Only Empty Field As TEXT Fields In Table

Mar 2, 2014

I am just querying a single table, no relationship involved with another table. As you can see form the attached jpeg, the ZIP field in some cases is empty. I would run a search using Is NULL but the field is NOT numerical. It's a long story but I had to make this field a TEXT field. Basically, what statement do I have to insert in the criteria field to just pull up the EMPTY ZIP fields?

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Queries :: WHERE Statement - Enter Dates Into Date Reported Fields For Results To Show

Sep 11, 2013

I use this

'WHERE ((OperationalRiskEventTable.DateReported)>=Forms!U pdateForm!UDateBegin And (OperationalRiskEventTable.DateReported)<=Forms!Up dateForm!UDateEnd)'

in a query by form.

The problem is that you have to enter a date in the between values for results to show. If I don't enter information into a different field such as Full Name but I enter in 40 into Age then everyone that is 40 years old will show. On the other hand if I enter 40 into the Age field but I leave the Date Reported fields empty then no results will show.

How can I change it so that I don't have to enter dates into the date reported fields for results to show?

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Show Filter In Report From QBF

Dec 13, 2004

Hi there,

I have a QBF, and when user inputs the search criteria and clicks on print button, a report prints out based on that search criteria. I would like that report to include the search criteria as well. How can I do that?

I am not so good in Access, so please be as much specific as one can get, when suggesting a solution.

Thank you so much.

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How To Get Second Filter To Show All Values

Aug 1, 2014

How do I get the second filter to show all the values and allow me to check which ones I would like to select? I cant seem to recall how to do this. I remember having to do it a while back.

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Combo Boxes To Filter N Show Tables

Oct 25, 2005

Im kinda new to Access and only been using the "Access 2003 for Dummies" for learning and making small databases. So far I can find out how to do the things I want, but recently got stuck with a combo box feature. What im trying to do is select entries in my combo box so that it will filter the table and show all its contents based on that filter. Im not sure how to link the combo boxes the right way and it seems some VB coding is needed which I dont normally use. If anyone has any idea how to do it, tell me how! Thanks. BTW im using Access 97.

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Report Filter To Show Only Current Record

Sep 21, 2005

Help needed again please

I have managed to link a report to a form where you can double click on the surname and the report opens automatically BUT I want the report to only show the data from the record that I have double clicked - at teh moment the report is coming up with thousands of pages - one for each record.

Can anyone help me with this - I think it's probably something simple but I can't work it out on my own :eek:

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Modules & VBA :: Pivot Table Filter Show All

May 22, 2015

How can I modify the code below so it will display all options (not just AMAZON and ARGOS) ? I don't want to mention all of them in Array because they may change in future.

Forms![Report]![Pivot_Issue].Form.PivotTable.ActiveView.FilterAxis.FieldSets(" End Customer CHM Name").Fields("End Customer CHM Name").IncludedMembers = Array("", "AMAZON", "Argos")

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Query /Filter Show X Months Worth Of Records

Jul 13, 2007

Can someone help?

I need the code for a filter or query which will show the past x (12, 24 etc) months worth of data. Each record has a date tag so i need a filter which will just show records for say the past 3 months.

Any ideas?

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Reports :: Show Salespeople With 0 Sales Within Date Filter?

Jul 6, 2013

I want a very basic report that shows:* all field reps (sales people),

* their quota in terms of new customer registrations

* their actual new customer registrations for a particular month

The report should include field reps with 0 sales. The query I've created works fine as long as there's no date filter. But adding <1/1/2013 removed all field reps with 0 sales. I want to make sure the filter concept was working before getting into date ranges.

SELECT DISTINCTROW tbl_ksFieldRep.salesRepName, tbl_ksFieldRep.quota, Count(tbl_customers.dateRegistration) AS NewRegistrations
FROM tbl_ksFieldRep LEFT JOIN tbl_customers ON tbl_ksFieldRep.[salesRepName] = tbl_customers.[ksFieldRep]
WHERE (((tbl_customers.dateRegistration)<#1/1/2013#))
GROUP BY tbl_ksFieldRep.salesRepName, tbl_ksFieldRep.quota;

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Macro To Auto Filter - Show Records With Same Code

Jun 14, 2012

I have a form that has numerous fields, there is one field that is called the "Relationship Code" it gives any customers who have a certain relationship a 3 digit number. I would like a command button that you can press that will take the current record shown and filter their relationship code, to only show those records who have the same code. I know this can be done by going to the field>right clicking>and saying Equals " ". But I want a button with code that will do this automatically.

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General :: Filter Data Sheet To Show Records With No Date

Mar 20, 2014

I am having trouble with a datasheet its ran from a macro button using BrowseTo command.

I am having trouble with the where condition; I would like to show records where the [FittingDate] is blank...

I have tried isnull() and [FittingDate]=""

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Filter Query - Report To Only Show Records With Most Recent Date?

Feb 26, 2014

I am having trouble getting a query or report to show only the most recent data.

We have salesmen that use a handheld data collector scanners to count inventory in stores. The scanner data is imported to a Access table. Each record line is one scanned item. I have a query with totals that counts the records and gives me a total count of each item at the store on that date.

I then need to filter the data to only show the most recent date. Using Max Date I get the most recent date but the count fields are showing totals for all dates. I am also getting the unique item from the earlier date in this query which I do not want.

Here is my data table: Inventory Scans from stores.

Scan Date
Item Scanned

Store ABC

Store ABC


Here is my Query with Totals that counts the item records:

Scan Date
Item Scanned
(Item Scanned) count

Store ABC

item 456
Store ABC

item 789
Store ABC

Store ABC

item 456
Store ABC

This is what I am trying to get - only the most recent date of counted items:

Scan Date
Item Scanned
(Item Scanned) count

Store ABC

item 456
Store ABC

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Forms :: Must Click Toggle Filter For Form To Show Correct Data?

Jul 26, 2013

I have a navigation form with a combo box. The combo box has a running list of manifest numbers. I select a manifest number, then click a button that brings up a new form with data related to the selected manifest.

However, I have to click and unclick the 'Toggle Filter' button on the new form to show the correct data each time I open the form.

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Forms :: Create A Filter To Eliminate Any Record From Form Where Nothing To Show In Subform

Jun 7, 2013

I've got a hopefully an easy question - how to create a form filter? I've got a form with a subform. Form is showing all records from a table, but some records on the subform are blank. I want to create a filter which will eliminate any record from the form where there is nothing to show in the subform.

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Forms :: Applying Quick Filter In Main Form Causes Data To Not Show In Subform?

Sep 3, 2013

I have a pretty simple form that includes subform. Subform's table is linked to main form's table with parent/child relation. Connecting fields are main table's ID field and corresponding field in child table. Subform is in datasheet view. This is pretty basic stuff so there should not be any problems, but every time I apply a quick filter in main form it causes data in subform become invisible. There is single row in subform, but all it's fields are empty.

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Forms :: Automatically Filter Combo To Show Only Projects That Match Training Type

Sep 13, 2014

I've attached a rudimentary example db to give an example of what I'm trying to achieve.

There is a form on the db called Resourcing with several combos.

When I choose a Training_Type from the first combo it automatically filters the Project_Title combo to show only the projects that match that training type. When I choose a Trainer_Name the text box for team automatically completes.

The bit I'm struggling with is Trainer_Name. As you will see from the table Course_Details not every trainer can deliver every Project_Title. So what I want is to display only the trainers associated with the project title chosen rather than displaying the whole team in the Trainer_Name combo.

Someone suggested a junction table but I'm not sure how this would answer my question. I'm thinking some sort of Dlookup but don't know how I would write it when it has to include data from four fields.

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Filter Fields

Mar 17, 2008

I am not sure if this is the correct section of the forum, but here goes.

Lets say I have a database with the following filelds


I ultimately want to build a report to show the Site, Group Date and comments from only one section. I have a form with a combo box to select which section to view the comments. The problem is the comments are in different fields (Section1Comments, Section2Comments, etc.). Is there a way to use a query to only show the section comments based on the combo box selection?

For example to select the Group, I have a combo box on the form and in the query I wrote "[Forms]![frm_Main]![cboGroup]. However in this case all the groups are in the same field. So I am unsure if there's a way to do this with different fields.

I appreciate any suggestions.


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