Queries :: Filtering Criteria Using Unbound Text Box

Nov 20, 2013

I have some filtering criteria in a query that is based on some unbound text boxes in a form. These text boxes contain start and end dates. This form is not based on any table or query. All controls are unbound.

The query functions properly initially, however, I am programmatically changing the values of the unbound text boxes in the form that are used by the query. After their values have changed, the query doesn't seem to recognize the change and therefore returns no values.If I manually change the the values in the text boxes and run the query it works fine. However, I would like to avoid doing it this way, if at all possible.

After programmatically changing the values of the unbound text boxes, I tried setting the focus to the text boxes, setting the focus to other controls, refreshing the form, requering the form, requerying the text box, so forth and so on.

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Queries :: Unbound Form Text Box For Query Criteria

Dec 12, 2014

Am not getting a value from a form text box when using in the criteria line in my query. Am referencing like [Forms]![FormName]![FormLabelName]. If I copy the data in the form and paste it into the query, it works fine, but if I just reference the form, I get no results.

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Queries :: Using Unbound Field As Query Criteria

Dec 13, 2013

I have a value in an unbound field on a Form, which is 1234 OR 765 OR 356.

In the QBE criteria grid, I used builder to reference this form:


The column this is in is for the ID field, which is a number.

However, it is not filtering the data correctly. If I copy the above text and paste it into the QBE grid, then it will work. But when I reference it, it fails. If I change the value to just a number on my unbound field, it works. So the issue seems to be that its bringing across the text as a string and so perhaps effectively puts quotes around it when referencing it.

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Queries :: SQL In Unbound Text Box

Nov 26, 2013

I have a query that tells me two things. Take the following:

AnalystID AnalystCompleted Expr1
5 5 0
5 4 1
5 5 0
5 5 0

This is a look at an assignment, who it was originally assigned to (AnalystID), and who actually completed it (AnalystCompleted). Expr 1, counts the number of times the two columns don't match.

If I were to throw this in a report and group by Analyst ID, it would tell me how many times someone else completed an Analysts assignment. If I grouped by AnalystCompleted, it would tell me how many times an analyst has done another person's assignment. In all, by analyst, the amount of assignments done BY others, and amount done FOR others. I do NOT want to create two separate sub reports just to tell me this so that I can use the totals in calculations on a main report. I was attempting to do this on the query level but that doesn't seem possible either. I then thought perhaps a defined Function for SQL SELECT... SUM... FROM... GROUP BY...

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Forms :: Unbound Text Box Calculation Using Two Other Unbound Text Boxes

Jul 25, 2013

I am running in to a brick wall with this. I have an unbound text box with the control source set to =IIF([text42]=0,0,[text42]/[text44])*100 and in continues to return a #name? error.

I am not sure how to get this expression to work. I have even tried to put =[text42]/[text44] and I still get the #name? error.

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Queries :: Filtering Query With Text Box And Combo Boxes

Jul 23, 2015

I am creating a query that should filter records of events based on multiple fields. The filters should work with any combination of field criteria, but only two of the four field are working properly, as follows:

1. a text box for searching with event name (free text) - this is working;
2. a combo box to filter events by country name - this is working;
3. a combo box to filter events by event's keyword (category) - this is NOT working;
4. a combo box to filter events by year - this is NOT working

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Queries :: Set Query Criteria From A Text Box On A Form

Feb 26, 2014

I'm trying set the query criteria from a textbox on a form. It's a Status field in the query. 1 = Open, 2 = Closed. If I set the criteria to "1" it shows all open, "2" and it shows all closed and "1" or "2" it shows all. The problem I'm having is setting these in the form. I've set the query to pull the value from the form. I can get the Open or Closed to work but not the All. My textbox shows exactly how the criteria should read "1" or "2" but doesn't show any results.

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Queries :: Using Form Text Box As Query Criteria

Aug 31, 2014

I've got a continuous form based on a query.Each of the fields have a search box below it (in the footer) which should ideally filter the query.I'm starting with the FirstName field.In the form's query, I've set the criteria to the following for the FirstName field:

Like "*" & [Forms]![frmStudentDetails]![txtSearchFirstName] & "*"
frmStudentDetails is the form name.
txtSearchFirstName is the search box's name (in the footer).
The AfterUpdate event for txtSearchFirstName is:


But, it doesn't work; when I switch to form view, it displays an error. The Microsoft Access database engine does not recognize '[Forms]![frmStudent Details]![txtSearchFirstName]' as a valid field name or expression.

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Queries :: Formatting A Text Box Control For Use In Query Criteria?

Dec 11, 2013

I have a totals query that provides an avg for each month. i'd like to be able to use a text box control (named "Date") on a form (named "Report Runner") to show only a certain month and it's avg.

I tried using this as criteria on the "MonthGroupPMC" field:

Format([Forms]![Report Runner]![Date], "yyyy-mm")

but the results came up blank.

how can i filter the results of this query to show only one month, specified by the [Forms]![Report Runner]![Date] control?

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Queries :: Work Order Number - Criteria To Filter By Text?

Jun 30, 2015

Is it possible to do a criteria like the "Between" to pull data like a work order number?

Ex WO#: WO5551212

I would like to be prompted to enter a Work Order Number when I run a query, then have the query display all of the data for that particular work order number.

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Forms :: Display Row Text From Subform Column In Unbound Text Box Of Main Form

Jan 6, 2014

My database has Main form and a Sub form. On main form i place one unbound text box named investigations. In subform of which datasheet there is a column named TestCode. I want unbound text box (Investigations) to display row values which selected in a column (TestCode) of subform.for example:Investigation field should display "CBC,HB,ALP".

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Queries :: Insert Text From Textbox On A Form When Combo Box Meets Criteria?

Jul 12, 2013

Is it possible to insert text from a textbox on a form (Data) when a combobox on (Data) meets a criteria?

Example: Test: IIf([Results]="Positive" text207)

So if the Results combobox is Positive then the text from Text207 is inserted.

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Queries :: Access 2010 Query Won't Recognize Criteria From Form Text Box

May 7, 2014

I've been writing queries in the following format for years in Access 2003, but having recently transistioned to Access 2010, I've found the following sql doesn't work.transform

s.sn, s.ln, s.pn, s.id, s.lat, s.point, s.supply_type, s.used, s.real, s.code, c.name
supply_points s
, codes c
s.code = c.code
and s.id is not null
and s.code = 1075
and s.month >=[forms]![main]![gppstart ]
group by
s.sn, s.ln, s.pn, s.id, s.lat, s.point, s.supply_type, s.used, s.real, s.code, c.name

In Access 2010, this query returns the following error message:the Microsoft Access database does not recognize '[forms]![main]![gppstart]' as a valid field name or expression

Is this a common phenomena in Access 2010?

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Queries :: Running Query Based On Form Text Box Criteria With Special Features

Dec 18, 2013

I am trying to run a query and display the results in a report (the report side of it is childs play and not a problem). The problem I am having is that I have a search form which should allow the user to search any one of 6 fields (text boxes) or a combination of each.

If the user enters something into a field then that search criteria must match. I wanted to have it so if all fields are left blank then it will show all entries in the database (but it isn't, it shows a blank report). I also wanted it to allow partial completion of boxes.

So for instance if I have 5 customers (Jones, Jonson, Jonus, jimjonkins, Janis) and I type "Jon" into the name field then I would like it to show the first 4 records as they all contain "jon" somewhere in their name but its not, its only allowing exact matches.

I currently have '[forms]![Search_Customer]![Search_Name]'.

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Reports :: Filtering Based On Two Criteria

Aug 5, 2015

I am having trouble filtering my report. My goal is to filter the report by:

1) [DateChanged] by user entry on a form (txtFrom and txtTo)
2)[Deliverable] by selection of a list box on form

My error is in the last line when i open the report. It only lets me filter using either option 1 or 2. When I include the "And", it gives me the error "Type Mismatch". I know its a syntax error.

My code is below

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''
Dim Deliverable As String
Dim DateChanged As String
Dim VarItm As Variant
For Each VarItm In List2.ItemsSelected
Deliverable = Deliverable & "[ID] = " & List2.Column(0, VarItm) & " OR "

[Code] .....

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Display All Records If No Filtering Criteria Is Provided...

Oct 24, 2007

Hello all,

I've run into a little snag and I'm hoping to reach out for some assistance.

I've created a form that has a drop down box. This dropdown box is populated with a list of values taken from a database.

I've created a query and built an expression that filters the query records by the value of said drop down box.

My issue here is if no value is selected in the drop down box, the query produces no records. I would like the query to display all records if the user did not select a value from the drop down.

Although I'm a beginner by any stretch of the imagination, I did manage to make a conditional in VBA to apply a wildcard (*) if nothing was chosen in the drop down, but that didnt work.

I'm at a loss. Can anyone offer a solution?



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Forms :: Enter Text In Unbound Text Box

May 14, 2013

I want to enter text in an unbound text box and for it to be repeated in another on the same form.

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Forms :: How To Populate Bound Text Field With Text From A Unbound Text Field

Mar 22, 2014

I have 4 fields that are unbound on a form. img1 img2 img3 img4..When these are entered they are all combined and autofill another unbound textbox = imagename.. what i would like to do is from this unbound textbox 'imagename' ..i would like to populate a textbox that IS bound called FileName

[Event Procedure]
Private Sub imagename_Click()
Me.imagename = Me.FileName
End Sub

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Modules & VBA :: Filtering Form / Report - QueryDef Criteria Using OR

May 7, 2015

I have a form with 3 combo boxes that filter another form/report. The first combo (cboByCategory) contains options from 2 different fields within the same table. Before I added this add'l piece of code, all 3 combos worked fine. I am not getting error messages, it just does not filter on the other 2 combo boxes - cboDiv and cboGender.

Private Sub cmdModifyRecords_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdModifyRecords_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim strFilter As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "Modify_OpenItems"

[Code] .....

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Reports :: Filtering A Report Based On Chosen Criteria In The Form

Mar 12, 2015

I have a report with a table as the row source. I have command buttons that opens different forms and allows the user to choose criteria, the form then filters the report based on the chosen criteria in the form, but if I use the destination city form to filter the report by destination city, then filter the report using a different form, the destination city filter is lost, is there a way to filter the report with a form by say destination city, then further filter that dataset with another form for say location city.

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Unbound Text Box Truncating Text

Mar 2, 2006

I'm using a form with a combo box bound to a table (but all other boxes are not bound). When the user selects from the combo box, the other fields on the form populate.

The problem is, there are two fields which are memo fields, but the form is truncating the text. When I type text in the form and save, it truncates, but in the table itself the text is not truncated. However, if I go back to the form and make a change, the truncated text overwrites what's in the table.

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General :: Unbound TextBox Using ComboBox As Part Of DSum Criteria

Jan 2, 2015

I'm using a very simple unbound textbox on a very simple form, with the following Expression to find me data in a query and sum the last 30 days, based on a combo-box on my form...

Only thing is, it's showing me only the data from the last 30 days...regardless of the value in the combo.

=DSum("Credit","qryIncVsExp","TransDate>=#" & Date()-30 & "#" And "AccountID_FK="""&[cboaccount].[column](1)&"")

I'm sure it's something to do with the number of "'s I have, but I'm probably more than likely ever so wrong.

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Filtering On Combo Text

May 17, 2005

Aaaargh! It's a couple of years since I got my hands dirty in Access and I seem to have forgotten more than I thought! :(
I have a simple database which includes tables STOPS (stopID, stop name, routeID, Cost band), JOURNEY(CustID, routeID, stopID), and ROUTES (routeID, Route name, Bus co).
I have a main form with the customer number on linking to a sub-form on which the user will select the route from a combo box and then the stop from a combo box. All works fine but I want to filter the stop combo box to show only stops on the route already chosen.
I've done similar before but I have tried all sorts and failed to get anything to work. Any help appreciated.

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General :: Filtering A Listbox Using Text Box?

Jul 31, 2013

I have a form on which I use combo boxes to filter a listbox using the following code.

Private Sub FilterpartsList()
Dim strRS As String
' Filter the list box appropriately based on the combo box selection(s)
strRS = "SELECT partsquery.partname, partsquery.Heritage, partsquery.Description FROM partsquery"
If Not IsNull(Me.cbomodelID) Then
strRS = strRS & " WHERE modelID = " & Me.cbomodelID


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Long Text Or Memo Box Filtering

Feb 9, 2015

I have a long text box or memo box that I would like to filter but do not know how. How to set up a filtering feature to use for these types of boxes? I have no problems with short text boxes.

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Unbound Text Box

Sep 17, 2007

Hi, I have a unbound text box in a form. i would like it to display the total value of other text boxes in the same form. The other boxes are bound to a table. please advise


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