Queries :: Find Cost At Time Of Order?

Jan 27, 2014

I have stored the costs in my database with a date they apply from so I have a series of costs which I can then refer back to using the order date to see what cost I should use at any one time. My table structure is as follows:


ExtruderID PK - identifies the extruder
FinishID FK - identifies the finish
Cost - the cost for that finish from that extruder
DateFrom - the date the cost applies from
ExtruderID FK
FinishID FK

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Auto Updating Total Order Cost After Quantity Is Changed

Oct 11, 2006

Ok so here is my problem:
I have a form that is realted to four differnt tables with the names: CUSTOMER, ORDER, PRODUCT AND ORDER LINE. With-in the table Order-Line there is a entity called, line_item_cost whcih is the total amount of the order with respect to Quanity_Ordered which comes from the ORDER LINE table and Price which comes from the PRODUCT table and Discount (%) which comes from the CUSTOMER table. When the users goes to change the Quantity_Ordered I need the form to automaticly update the line_item_cost which would calculate [Price]*[Quantity_Ordred]-[Price]*[Discount] . I tried to build a code in VBA to do this, Here is the Code:
Dim a, b, c, d
a = Me.[Quantity_Ordered]
b = Me.[Price]
c = Me.[Discount]
d = a * b - b* c
Me.[Line_Item_Cost] = d

VBA Complies the program but it does not show up in my form.
I think I might be updating it at the wrong point.
Any Suggestions.????

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Queries :: Make Replace Query To Look In Order To Find What To Replace

May 6, 2014

I have this working query:


But Iwant to be able to use a set of data to be used in the Replace Statement, so I create a table to add each string I would like to have replaced by "nothing", and trying to make the replace query to look there in order to find what to replace.I also created a table where I will list the systems that I dont want in the select, so I removed the "ACTIVE DIRECTORY" and replaced by the colum that have the list of system I dont want listed.This is the result:


The thin is that this keeps asking me to enter the parameter value for "PREFIXOS_E_SUFIXOS!Valor" and for "SISTEMAS_EXCLUIDOS!Sistema"

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Queries :: How To Create Total Cost Field

Oct 27, 2014

I have a table called Price list, and in it I have two fields, one called Service and The other called cost. The services are listed and their matching prices are listed beside.

In another table called appointments, when making an appointment, I have linked the information so that I can choose from a dropdown from the price list table, under Service type.

I need to be able to create a receipt for the appointment. How can I do that in a query format?

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Queries :: 2 Checkboxes In A Form - Criteria To Be 00 Or 01 When Cost Checked

Nov 10, 2014

So I have 2 checkboxs in a form. Future cost and LRM cost.

When future cost is checked, I want the criteria in my make table query to be 00, when LRM cost checked, I want the criteria to be 01.

But the problem is when they are both checked I can't get 00 or 01 at the same time.

I have tried different ways but none of them seem to work because with IFF, can only return one value.

I have tried to put the 2 iff in criteria and the or criteria below it exceeds the max time.

The criteria I have right now is:

IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=True And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=False,"00",
IIf([Forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P Future cost]=False And [forms]![TPTC Analyzer]![P LRM cost]=True,"01"))

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Queries :: DLookUp To Identify Base Cost Of Show

Feb 5, 2015

I have a table that holds information for a type of show and the base cost of the show. I am trying to make a query that gathers information for all the shows in the table and uses the Dlookup function to identify the base cost of that show. This will in turn be used in the same query to create a quote, but I can not get the Dlookup function to work and I am sure that I may be doing it very wrong.

The table is called ShowList. That table contains 3 fields, ID, Show Type, and Cost.

The query is called Venue Cost and will have a series of fields that work to develop some math on all items from another table called Venue Info. Venue Info uses ShowList to select the type of show.

What I want the query to do is look up the Show type from VenueInfo and then look up the base cost of the show type from ShowList. What I have been using is not working but is as follows:

DLookUp("Cost","ShowList","[Cost] =" & "[Venue Cost]![Venue Type]")

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Newbie Needs To Find Out How To Remove Autonumber From Access Customer Order Template

May 19, 2006

I am trying to use the template provided in the Access database wizards, pages and projects. Its called Order Entry. What i would like to do is edit the template to fit my needs but i need to change the Product ID feild from Autonumber to a product id of my own. I would however like to keep it as the Key.

Any Suggestions?


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Newbie Needs To Find Out How To Remove Autonumber From Access Customer Order Template

May 19, 2006

I am trying to use the template provided in the Access database wizards, pages and projects. Its called Order Entry. What i would like to do is edit the template to fit my needs but i need to change the Product ID feild from Autonumber to a product id of my own. I would however like to keep it as the Key.

Any Suggestions?


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Reports :: How To Display Time In Order

Mar 19, 2015

I've got a report displayingg appointments, only issue is that it doesnt display these times or date in order of earliest first...

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Find Time Clashes

Apr 29, 2007

Hi there,

Im just working on a query - my database involves people entering classes. After we set the times/dates for each class, we want to check to see if there are any people who are in classes which are on the same day/ same time.

There is a Classes table which has the time/date in it, and an Entrants table which has the entrants details (links to Classes on Class).

Can anyone offer any help? Ive had a quick search.


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Run Time Error 2147467259 Could Not Find File

Dec 14, 2006

I am running Access 2000 with MDAC 2.8 and SQL Server 2000 database. I have linked the tables of the database in Access. The problem is that it would not allow me to insert/update/delete but only to select from the database.

Here is the code:
Dim strSQL As String
Dim con As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command

Set con = CurrentProject.Connection
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

Set cmd.ActiveConnection = con

strSQL = " INSERT INTO dbo.crop_demand_yearly (" & _
"geo_id, crop, area, water_value, water_use, date_from, date_to)" & _

strSQL = strSQL & ((Val(Me.txt_borenid))) & "," & (Val(Me.cbo_crop)) & "," & (Me.txt_area) & "," & (Me.txt_use) & "," & (Me.txt_value) & ",'" & Format(Me.txt_datefrom, "dd/MM/yyyy") & "','" & Format(Me.txt_dateto, "dd/MM/yyyy") & "')"

cmd.CommandText = strSQL

cmd.Execute strSQL

Set cmd = Nothing
Set con = Nothing

I dont understand what is the problem! Please help

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Queries :: Find A Way For Access To Find Unique Dates And Unique Names?

Aug 1, 2014

I have been working on a simple data base for some time now (beginner level) and am still trying to improve it. I would like to do something but before that I would like to have your opinion to know if it is even possible?I have a query QryMainReport:

Start Date/Time
End Date/Time

At the moment this is what the format of my report looks like (I removed other unnecessary fields):

12/06/2014 01:00--12/06/2014 03:00------John Smith
12/06/2014 04:00--12/06/2014 06:00------Jane Doe
13/06/2014 02:00--13/06/2014 05:00------John Smith
13/06/2014 08:00--13/06/2014 08:00------Jane Doe

I would like to do as a report. (Dates would always be from Sunday to Saturday). I am not sure it is possible to do that. I suppose first it would mean:I would have to do a query to separate the times from the dates?I would have to find a way for Access to find the unique dates and unique names?Does it mean I have to use cross tab queries?

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Queries :: Employee Time In And Time Out Entry

Jul 18, 2013

I am trying to create an Access database where I can let the employees enter their time-in and time-out, at the end of their shift. I already created this function working, but running into another issue. Everyday, employees need to enter a break. Sometimes they take a break and sometimes they don't, if they work shorter hours. Thus, the break is not a default 30min and has to be enterd by the employee.

Below is the code I have to calculate the total hour:

txtCalcTime has the below code in control source:
=Int([CalcTime]/60) & ":" & Int([CalcTime] Mod 60)

Control source for this form "FrmTimes" property, in which Txtcalctime resides:

"QryTimes" query has the code below:
SELECT TimeID, TimeIn, TimeOut, Brake, DateID, DateDiff("n",[TimeIn],[TimeOut]) AS CalcTime
FROM EmpTimes;

This shows the total number of hours worked. But how can I make it to substract the break time entered by the employee in "txtbreak" on FrmTimes

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Queries :: Start Time - End Time Query

Nov 3, 2014

I have finger print machine and i already connect to it and get all log.then i tray to get data and here is the code that im using

WHERE (((Format([CHECKINOUT].[CHECKTIME],"dd/mm/yyyy"))='10/04/2014'));

how i get end time due to CHECKTYPE]=O

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Queries :: Time Calculation Using Current Time?

Oct 9, 2014

I need a Select Query to display data on a form. When an order is appended to my table the field named Printed is updated with the time it was appended. When my form opens it needs to display the field Printed and a field I call MinutesFromPrint. This field needs to display the total minutes elapsed from the time in the Printed field to the current time. My expression is not working.

MinutesFromPrint: DateDiff("n",[Printed],Now())

Here are a couple of samples of my results when I run the query at 7:49 A.M.:

Printed MinutesFromPrint
2:35 60366554
5:07 60366402

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Queries :: Date Order In A Query

Jun 24, 2013

I have started a table to manage expenditure with dates payments and headings. Set up a query to summarise the monthly amounts by each heading. The Query is sorting the date in date in alpha order not date order so I get February before March etc. How do I get it to show chronological order?

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Queries :: Order By Letters And Then Numbers

Dec 31, 2013

I have a column containing an id that consists of the first two letters of a weekday followed by an incrementing number. For example, for Monday, I have "MoA1" "MoA2" "MoA3" ... "MoA11".

The problem is that when I sort my list, it is ordering it: "MoA1" "MoA10" "MoA11" "MoA2" "MoA3" etc. Currently, my order by property is set to


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Queries :: Order Query For Charts

Sep 8, 2014

I've created some queries on some data that return summary information to then chart over time. The fields being returned are YearGroup, Academic Year, Term, TotalI want the data to get sorted by YearGroup (Year7, Year8, Year9 etc) however, when it sorts the data it sorts it starting with Year10, Year11, Year7, Year8, Year9.

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Queries :: Order Of Conditions In WHERE Clause

Jun 12, 2014

From a performance perspective, does it matter in what order a number of clauses are specified ? For example if many records satisfy ConditionA but few records satisfy ConditionB, is it better to put ConditionB first ?

SELECT Fields FROM Table WHERE ConditionA and ConditionB
SELECT Fields FROM Table WHERE ConditionB and ConditionA

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Queries :: Specific Sort Order

Sep 13, 2013

I have a query that is returning running conditions for a machine over multiple shifts. the table is set up like this

date shift parameter condition
09/13/13 1 front 500
09/13/13 1 middle 450
09/13/13 1 back 475
09/13/13 2 front 510
09/13/13 2 middle 460
09/13/13 2 back 490

this is just a small example. there are about 24 different parameters reported on in a shift..I want the query to sort by date ascending, shift ascending, and then by parameter in a specific custom that i define. I want it ordered "front, middle, back" for each shift. Again this is just an example, there would be 24 parameters I want in a specific order. Then do I need to define the sort order again for the report based on this query?

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Queries :: ORDER BY Statement Seems To Have No Effect

Oct 15, 2014

SELECT Count(Query1.Route) AS NumberofReRoutes, Query1.Route
FROM Query1
WHERE [Start Date] <= #9/30/2014# AND [End Date] >= #9/1/2014#
GROUP BY Query1.Route
ORDER BY "NumberofReRoutes" DESC;

The last line seems to make absolutely no difference. I can change it to ASC, or I can remove the line entirely, and nothing changes. I need these sorted by the NumberofReRoutes field, but this method isn't working!The output at the moment is two columns: Route, and NumberofReRoutes.

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Total Cost

Apr 3, 2007

Well at the moment i'm still in the design stages, but i made a database with test fields to see how it would work out best.

Basically i have to have a form with a drop down list for each type of computer componant and when selected the total price for all the items selected so far needs to show up at the bottom of the form.

Or when a button is pressed the price could be updated, that is fine too!

The way i was planning to do it was having an orders page, in which each field was a lookup to a difference table, one for each componant
Processor; ProcID, Proc name, Proc cost

Anyone have any ideas on the easiest way to load the total value for the items selected? Would be much appreciated! Thanks!

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Total Cost Help

Dec 8, 2004

I need to create a report that shows profit/loss totals for a vehicle that I have listed in a table named "Vehicle Table". I have four columns: Cost, Shipping, Promotional expense, Repair, that I need to total and then subtract from the sales price to show the profit. Then, divide the profit by different percentages to show what I owe each salesman. I need to keep the different columns seperate and be able to increase the dollar amounts in each column as a new invoice is received for each vehicle.
For example, I have a $25.00 wash job in the "Repair column" and then I have to install a new set of tires for $450.00. The total in the "Repair Column" should now be $475.00. I can not make it add to the current balance in each of the certain columns. Would someone be so kind and help?


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Queries :: Access Chart Order By Count?

Mar 8, 2014

I have a query that Counts the number of times a model number is used. I use totals and the count function under total to get that count. I have the top 10 models used and the query returns my information correctly but. When I make a form or report and place a chart in that uses this query, the results are in alphabetical order not in the order of usage. I need my chart to either go from descending or ascending order of usage and not by alphabetical order of the model number or name. What am I doing incorrectly? It seems like the chart would display the same way my datasheet would in the query.

Here is my sql statement.

SELECT TOP 10 Count(tbl_Closed_Jobs.OEM_Model) AS CountOfOEM_Model, [OEM] & " " & [Desc] AS Expr1, tbl_Closed_Jobs.Desc
FROM tbl_Closed_Jobs
GROUP BY [OEM] & " " & [Desc], tbl_Closed_Jobs.Desc, tbl_Closed_Jobs.OEM_Model, tbl_Closed_Jobs.OEM, tbl_Closed_Jobs.Plant
ORDER BY Count(tbl_Closed_Jobs.OEM_Model) DESC;

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Queries :: Sort By User Input Order

Apr 30, 2013

I have a simple form with a text box, I enter a series of part numbers separated by newlines, and then I use the following code to query for each of the separate part numbers:

Dim strSql As String
Dim part_nums() As String
Dim num As Variant
Dim multivar As Boolean
multivar = False

[Code] ,......

This all works perfectly, but what I need to do is have the query return the records in the same order I entered the part numbers. They are automatically returned in alphabetical order by item_no, and when I enter 15+ part numbers it becomes slightly difficult to search through them all on the form to find the one I am looking for. It would be a lot easier if they were output in the same order that I type them in. Is there any way to make this happen?

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Run Multiple Append Queries In Consecutive Order?

Jul 16, 2013

I am setting up VBA to run multiple append queries in consecutive order. The append queries are supposed to pull a four digit number off of a form that will allow them to know which data to append. I want the number to be stored as text to correspond with the tables I am working with, but I am having trouble getting the form to work.

Here is how I would like it to work:

I enter my 4 digits in the text box on the form. Say "1305" for May 2013. I want to then run my vba (my queries update using the forms!txtupdatequery!textbox I have put in the criteria of the queries) and all of them run.

I enter my date (as a number but I want it to be text) and the form gives me a #name? error.

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