Queries :: Form To Select Which Fields Show In Query

Oct 8, 2013

I want to create form with 10 checkbox, each checkbox is linked to a field "name, Address, TelephoneNumber, BuissinessName" I would like to know if it is possible for the user to check the box and then the field will show in query. if only name is check then only name will show in the query.

I have tried using [Forms]![Formname]![CheckboxName] as criteria but this didn't work it when I had more then one checkbox and when the one check box was not checked nothing showed in the forms.

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Queries :: Allowing Users To Select Multiple Table Fields As Query Criteria

Apr 22, 2013

I am fairly new to Access and I would like to create a form to allow users to create their own query. I would like to allow users to select multiple fields (perhaps with checkboxes?) from all possible fields in a table to return either all data from that field or narrow their search by inputting certain criteria or choosing from a drop down into a text box. Is this possible in Access and any detailed specifics on how to achieve this?

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Form To Select Fields For Query

Sep 14, 2006

I have written code to write a query with parameters set from selections made in a multiselect list box on a form.

I now want to add a check box for possible fields to include in the query and put these on the bottom of my form to allow users to select which fields they want to be displayed in the query result.

Can anyone advise how I can do this?

Many thanks,


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Queries :: Design A Query To Show Only Empty Field As TEXT Fields In Table

Mar 2, 2014

I am just querying a single table, no relationship involved with another table. As you can see form the attached jpeg, the ZIP field in some cases is empty. I would run a search using Is NULL but the field is NOT numerical. It's a long story but I had to make this field a TEXT field. Basically, what statement do I have to insert in the criteria field to just pull up the EMPTY ZIP fields?

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Select All Query Fields For Main Form?

Sep 13, 2013

I have a table with about 3800 records and about 150 fields. It also has 4 tables with related data that each have only one field. I am going to create a query to base my from from. Should I just take the star * and get all the fields for each table or should i manually specify them. There are only about 5 fields out of the 150 that I dont need and I need to see the rest.

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Show Query Result In Form Fields

Aug 23, 2006

i'm a begginer at access, so please excuse me if this question is very basic.
i have a multiple table select query which shows me which user has which piece of a equipment at that given time.
I also have a form that logs any problems the users have with the equipment, what i want that form to do is show the results of the query based on inputting the users name. ie put the serial number and model number into the relevent fileds on the form.
I can get the form to run the query but that just shows it in the query window, i need it to show on the correct feilds on the form.

Hope that makes sense and that somebody can help me.



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Queries :: Select Distinct For Combobox - Show Only Unique Values

Oct 20, 2014

I am trying to get a combo box to only show unique values, but I can't get it to work properly - it still shows duplicates in the list.

The Row Source is set to

SELECT DISTINCT Areas.ID, Areas.Area FROM Areas ORDER BY Areas.Area;

And the combo is bound to column 2

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Queries :: Select Query To Gather Results Of Other Select Queries

May 11, 2014

I'm fairly new to Access. 's various select queries containing useful and useless results. I want to create a select query that will pick out all the useful figures into a 1 row table that can then be pasted into Excel.

e.g Existing Select Query 1 returns 1 row showing Average Age, Average Price, Total rainfall
Existing Select Query 2 returns 1 row showing Average Weight, Average Salary, Total snowfall
Existing Select Query 3 returns *2* rows: It returns Distance from London, Hours daylight and population for Town A and Town B

I want a select query that returns 1 row showing (6 items):

Total rainfall, Total snowfall, Town A Distance from London, Town A Population, Town B Distance from London, Town B Population.

I've been able to handle getting Total rainfall and Total snowfall. But I cant figure out how to get Town A Distance from London, Town A Population, Town B Distance from London, Town B Population to appear in the same row of the same query results as Total rainfall, Total snowfall.

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Queries :: How To Show / Hide Columns In A Query Using A Form Checkbox

Jul 16, 2015

Currently I have a query where the criteria is dependent on the combo boxes on my form. I would like to add checkboxes to my form which determines which fields are shown or hidden. For example if I had a checkbox for address, selecting it on my form will show the address column in my query results.

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Queries :: Combo Box On Form That Passes Criteria To Simple Select Query

Sep 22, 2014

I have a combo box on my form that passes criteria to a simple select query. There are four possible selections to make from the combo box. For some reason, when I select the first option on the list the query runs perfectly. However, if I select the second, third or fourth option from the combo box, the query returns no records, even though I know there are records in my table which should be returned.

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Queries :: Form To Select Parameter - Causing New Field In Query Design

Jun 16, 2015

I have a query with multiple fields that is being run off of 3 parameters (linked for selection in a form). The problem is, I wanted to enable a select all feature, so I included a "Or ... Is Null" part in my criteria section, so that when nothing is selected, the query/report returns all records.

Okay so the problem is whenever I run the query with nothing selected for the parameter and then return to design view for the query, a new field has been created in the query design, titled with the expression I use to pull the parameter value from the form. This is frustrating because then that is causing errors in another report I run that pulls values from that query.

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Select Current Record In Datasheet And Show In Main Form?

Aug 20, 2007

Hello everyone,
I have a query that runs from the main form when the command button is clicked. It displays the results in datasheet view. I want the user to double click a specific record and jump to that specific record in the main form. How do I do this? Sorry, if this is a dumb question. Please help, my boss is breathing down my neck. :eek: The main form is called Contracts. Each record has a unique ID.


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Forms :: Query Show A Combo Box To Select What Is Connected To Data

Dec 10, 2013

I'm trying to set a query with 6 fields.

My question is: Is it possible that the query shows me a combo box to select what is connected to this data.

Example fields:

HospCode; HospName; Dept; ModName; SerialN; DatInst

I'm looking to select name of a hospital from "HospName" from a list box. If no, then at least to write the name and the rest I'll get it associated with the name.

Then I need to know if I can put this in a form so the form asks same criteria?

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Queries :: Filter To Show Only The Fields Which Have A Value?

Sep 9, 2014

I have a table with 5 fields (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5).

F1 has 3 values (v1,v2,v3) and the other fields have different entries depending on F1.
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
v1 f31
v2 f21 f41
v3 f41 f51

Is there any way to filter F1 to show only the fields which have a value?

(if I choose v2 to have shown only fields F2 (with f21) and F4 with f41

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Forms :: Using Command Button To Select Image And Show It In Access Form One After One?

Feb 26, 2015

in the attached form i can select multiple image but my next and back button does not work ,also i want the path to the file shown above.to copy the name from there and paste it in the table,to write remarks.

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Creating Non-Calculated Fields In Select Queries

Nov 14, 2005

Hi All!

I am trying to create an updateable non-calculated field in a select query. Specifically, I want to create a Yes/No data type called "Fail".

This is a multiple-user application so I can't solve the problem by using append and delete queries to modify records in a table.

This has turned into a much stickier problem than I anticipated. I would appreciate any insight or advice you have.

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Queries :: Only Show Records Where Any One Of 6 Fields Is Not Null

Mar 17, 2014

I am looking to collate marketing data from different areas of our DB into a Marketing Hub. We have to collect various feedback at different times, if a client on a programme completes a course, they give feedback for that course.13 weeks after a client completes the programme we have to get them to complete a destination survey. On both these forms it asks would they be interested in doing any more courses. This data is then stored in the Courses table and Projects table respectively.

I want to create a query to become the record set for a new form which only shows those students that have stated they would be interested in doing other courses.Five of the options or Yes/No fields, and one is a text field (which courses, other essentially).How does one do a query that only shows records where any one of 6 fields is not null?


SELECT Students.ID, Students.[First Name], Students.[Last Name], Courses.[Sage Accounts], Courses.[Sage Payroll], Courses.[First Aid], Courses.[Food Hygiene], Courses.[CV Services], Courses.[Interview Skills], Courses.[Which Courses]
FROM Students INNER JOIN Courses ON Students.ID = Courses.ID;

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Queries :: Select Distinct Field And Showing Other Fields?

Jun 4, 2013

How to query Select Distinct field + showing other fields? E.g.:

SELECT DISTINCTROW assetMovementTable.assetNo, assetMovementTable.moveCode, assetMovementTable.compCode, assetMovementTable.compCodeDesc, assetMovementTable.assetDesc, assetMovementTable.equipType, assetMovementTable.equipManufacturer, assetMovementTable.equipModel, assetMovementTable.constYear, assetMovementTable.plateNo
FROM assetMovementTable

[Code] ......

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Queries :: Conditionally Choose Fields In SELECT Clause

Feb 28, 2014

I have a table with 2 fields:

DATE1 (date)(dd/mm/yyyy)


TT-10/10/2013 01/01/2012
ASDFDFDF 01/02/2013
RR-18/06/2012 05/08/2012

I need to extract the date from CODEDATE field if the "-" character exist in or from DATE1 if the character "-" is not present in the CODEDATE field, then filter the query on the date found.

I wrote that:

SELECT IIf(Mid([CODEDATE],3,1)='-',Mid([CODEDATE],4,10),[DATE1]) AS DateFound
FROM MyTable
WHERE (IIf(Mid([CODEDATE],3,1)='-',Mid([CODEDATE],4,10),[DATE1])
Between 1/1/2013 And 31/12/2013)

The query above extra extract some records without sense for me, I tried many other syntax without success.

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Queries :: Show All Fields With No Matching Records - One Table

Aug 14, 2013

How to get the following results using 1 table:

Field1 ID is an auto record ID, field2 ID is actually field1 ID assigned that record, in other words record 1 has a roommate (record 5) assigned to it, record 2 has a roommate (record 4) assigned to it

Table A

Field1 ID Field2 ID
1 5
2 4
3 6
4 2
5 1
6 8

Results records I'm looking to display for would be:
1 5
2 4
3 6
6 8

I only want to display all fields for records, but I don't want to show their matching record, so I want to display record1, but not record 5 because record 1 has record 5 as a roommate, want to display record 2 but not record 4.

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Select Fields For Query

Sep 15, 2006

I've made a form with list boxes on, the user's selections from which are taken as parameters for a query, created by VBA code.

I want to add a final list box to the form from which the user can select which of the available fields they want to see in the query output (i.e. has the same effect as checking/unchecking the "Show" checkbox for each field on the standard query design grid).

I have written the following code to try and do this, but it isn't working. I'm very new to VBA and wonder if anyone can help me out by showing me what's wrong?

'Build Field List
If Me!lstFieldList.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
For Each varItem In Me!lstFieldList.ItemsSelected
strFieldList = strFieldList & "[" & Me!lstFieldList.ItemData(varItem) & "], "
Next varItem
strFieldList = Left(strCriteria, Len(strCriteria) - 2)
strFieldList = "'*'"
End If

'Create Query String
strSQL = "SELECT Centres." & strFieldList & " " & FROM Centres " & _
"Where " & strCriteria & _
" And " & strCriteriaCtr & strSortOrder & ";"

Running the above gives an error, and the section under "'Create Query String" is highlighted in debug mode so I guess the error must lie there? Either that, or the earlier part where strFieldList is being create is generating something which strSQL cannot interpret.

Many thanks in advance if you can help me.


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Queries :: WHERE Statement - Enter Dates Into Date Reported Fields For Results To Show

Sep 11, 2013

I use this

'WHERE ((OperationalRiskEventTable.DateReported)>=Forms!U pdateForm!UDateBegin And (OperationalRiskEventTable.DateReported)<=Forms!Up dateForm!UDateEnd)'

in a query by form.

The problem is that you have to enter a date in the between values for results to show. If I don't enter information into a different field such as Full Name but I enter in 40 into Age then everyone that is 40 years old will show. On the other hand if I enter 40 into the Age field but I leave the Date Reported fields empty then no results will show.

How can I change it so that I don't have to enter dates into the date reported fields for results to show?

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Show Fields In A Query

Mar 30, 2006

I have a database that I run a few queries on to do some simple calculations for me using IIf statements. I did not need these fields in the datasheet view so I unclicked the Show button and everything looked great. Now when I go back into my query, those feilds are gone, how can I re-show them to make some changes? Thank you for any help.


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Conditionally Select Query Fields

May 10, 2007

Is there a way to select a query field based on conditions? There is a table at work that I need to use for my reporting in which the field names are the months of the year. Since my report is monthly for that specific month only, I have to change my field in the query every single month. I would like to be able to put in some type of code that will automatically select the proper month field.

Is this possible?

Thanks! :)

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Query With Parameter To Select Certain Fields

Jan 12, 2008

Hi, I need help in creating a parameterized query.

I need to show only certain fields depending on the value of the parameters.
For example, I have a table with fields: ID, Name, Phone Number, Address, DOB.
The parameter can only be value of A, B or C.
If the user input A as the parameter in the query, only field ID, and Name will be shown
If the user input B as the parameter in the query, field ID, Name and Phone Number will be shown.

Is there any way to do this, rather than to separate the query into 3 queries for each of the parameters? Thank you.

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Not Show New Record Fields In A Form.

Jul 26, 2005

I have a form that is just a display/edit type form and I don't want a blank "new" report to show at the bottom when it is opened up. Is there any way to turn this off or disable it?

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