Queries :: Generating Random Time From List In Query

Apr 29, 2015

I am trying to create a database to link to an online auction site (not ebay) and I want to create a query that randomly generates auction end time and auction length for all listings. I have tried int(rnd()) and various versions but can only generate the same number for all fields in the query.

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Generating Random Numbers

Apr 26, 2007

Hi Guys,

In my table design view I've set my primary key to auto number and the 'New Values' to random. The problem is, sometimes the numbers generated are too long or negitive. Is there any way I can specify the limit of the numbers to be generated and keep them positive numbers?

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General :: Generating Random Project Numbers With Date

Jun 7, 2012

How to generate random project numbers that reset automatically every month? I want to generate project numbers that look like this:


where the 06/12 stands for the month and the year while the 1234 is a randomly generated number.

I want the random number to be four digits long.

I already have a number of projects with similarly generated projects from an existing database. Can I import these projects without changing their project number?

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Queries :: Query For Inserting Random Records Into Temporary Table

Jul 16, 2015

I'm trying to insert 10% of a dataset from dbo_billing into another table Random_Temp. Another form is open when this query is to be ran that passess in the billyear and billmonth... I'm sure it's a syntax issue as I can isolate the random number part and it displays the appropriate data, I just can't re-write it to insert into the other table:

INSERT INTO Random_Temp ( indx, peopleId, audited )
SELECT TOP 10 PERCENT b.indx, b.peopleId, b.audited
FROM dbo_Billing AS b
WHERE (((b.billYear)=[Forms]![billing]![billyear]) AND ((b.billMonth)=[Forms]![billing]![billmonth]) AND ((b.recertifying)=-1))
ORDER BY Rnd(-(1000*b.indx)*Time());

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Queries :: Create And Order By Random Number In Query Field

Jan 2, 2015

I'm trying to create a query that generates random numbers for each record, sorts them by that field, then selects the top record. This should randomize the record being selected.

I can use the Rnd([ID]) function which does appear to generate a random number. Problem is that each time I exit the program and come back in, it always selects the same record. When I remove the Top = 1, to show all the records, every row does have a different random number but it does not appear to be sorting by this field.

If I run the query, here is the number I get: 0.98609316349029

Exit the program, restart, and run the query again: 0.98609316349029

If I refresh the query, the second and third time does appear to be random but the first result is always the same. how to generate truly random numbers?

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Reports :: Generating Report On Time Elapsed - Date Approved

Sep 5, 2013

I have a large table with a number of fields. I have written the query that I want but can't quite work out how to get it to do the main thing I need. I have several fields that I need to generate in the report but what I want it based on is the field called Date Approved.

When the Date Approved has been Active for more than 4 weeks I want to pick it up in the report. I don't want to set a date to start from but pick up everything that has passed 4 weeks in "Date Approved".

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Queries :: How To Get A List Of ALL Equipment Showing Most Recent Date And Time

Mar 23, 2013

I've got three tables:

equipmentnumber (user defined ID)

fromparty (c for customer, e for employee, o for other)
frompartyid (foriegn key to either customer, employee or other)
toparty (same as from)
topartyid (same as from)


How can I get a list of ALL equipment showing the most recent date and time, also showing the respective toparty and topartyid? I can get it fairly easily, except for including toparty and topartyid.

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Queries :: Using Variable In A List Field Query - Getting Complete List On Initial View

Mar 28, 2014

In my access form I provide the user a list of locations from various countries in a listbox . But the list is too long so I provide him a combobox for selecting a country. Selecting the country should update the listbox showing only the locations in that specific country.

So my SELECT from the listbox must cover the unselected state and show all entries and when a country is selected it must narrow the selection.

I tried to get this happen with the following SELECT statement containing a variable. Choosing a country in the Combobox results in a change of the variable and in a requery. This works after the first country is selected and for each country change, but the initial list is empty.

VBA in the loadform
'Application.TempVars.Add "varcountryselect", "*"
SELECT in the listbox "lstlocationsperproject"
SELECT tbllocations.locationID, tbllocations.country, tbllocations.localstreet, tbllocations.localcity FROM tbllocations WHERE ((tbllocations.country) Like [TempVar]![varcountryselect]);

VBA in the combobox
Application.TempVars("varcountryselect") = [Form]![kombcountryselect].Column(0)

The values in [kombcountryselect].Column(0) are texts like "SPAIN", "MEXICO", etc.

Any hints, how I have to use the * for getting the complete list on the initial view ?

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Queries :: Start Time - End Time Query

Nov 3, 2014

I have finger print machine and i already connect to it and get all log.then i tray to get data and here is the code that im using

WHERE (((Format([CHECKINOUT].[CHECKTIME],"dd/mm/yyyy"))='10/04/2014'));

how i get end time due to CHECKTYPE]=O

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Can 2 Random Queries Work?

Sep 27, 2005

Hi all,

I am not real sure whether or not this can be done with a query, but here goes.
I have a query randomly selecting the top 6 from a selected group.

SELECT TOP 6 tblConsortium.ContactID, tblConsortium.RandomID, patients.LastName & ", " & Patients.Firstname AS [Employee Name], Contacts.Company AS [Company Name]
FROM patients INNER JOIN (Contacts INNER JOIN tblConsortium ON Contacts.ContactID=tblConsortium.ContactID) ON patients.PatientID=tblConsortium.PatientID
WHERE (((tblConsortium.ContactID) In (SELECT ContactID FROM tblConsortium GROUP BY ContactID HAVING Count(*) <25))) And (((tblConsortium.PatientID)=Randomizer())=0)
ORDER BY Rnd(IsNull(tblConsortium.patientID)*0+1);

What I would like to do now is: The randomly selected Employees need to have a randomly selected TEST. There are only 3-Test to choose from. I have placed the TESTS in a separate table and entered 20 of TEST1, 4 of TEST2, and 1 of TEST3. I then set a query randomly shuffling these items. I need these TESTS to randomly be assigned to the randomly selected Employees above.

I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or help…
Thanks Enviva

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Queries :: Update Field With Random Value?

Jun 21, 2013

Have a table (tblDailyResults) with 4 fields (ID,TestName,Result,TestDate). It contains a snapshot of about 1,000 records. All fields have data except "Result", which is null. I also have a table (tblResults) with 3 fields (ID,TestName,Result), it contains about 100,000 Records of historical results. What I need to do is Update the "Result" field in "tblDailyResults" with a randomly select value from tblResults where the two testname match.

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Queries :: Random Record Pull

Jul 31, 2014

I have two tables, one table Data has member(SUBSCRIBER_ID) data including service rep(UserName). Another table ServCoord has data including service rep and their manager. What I am trying to do is pull 5 random accounts per service rep. I can pull 5 random accounts, but not per service rep. I have currently 77 service reps. Is there any way I can pull 5 random accounts per service rep? Here is my starting point so far.

SELECT TOP 385 [Data].SUBSCRIBER_ID, Rnd(1) AS Expr1, [Data].UserName, Rnd(Len([UserName])) AS Expr2
FROM ServCoord INNER JOIN [Data] ON ServCoord.ServCoord = [Data].UserName
GROUP BY [Data].SUBSCRIBER_ID, Rnd(1), [Data].UserName, Rnd(Len([UserName])), [Data].SUBSCRIBER_ID, [Data].UserName
HAVING ((([Data].UserName)<>"NULL"))
ORDER BY [Data].UserName, [Data].SUBSCRIBER_ID;

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Queries :: Subquery Top X Of Random Rows Not Working

Jun 2, 2013

I'm doing a subquery to select the top 5 of products for each supplier. The selection needs to be done randomly on the products for each supplier. For this I have made the following query (based on Allen Browne's example):

SELECT tblProducts_temp.SupplierID, tblProducts_temp.GTIN
FROM tblProducts_temp
GROUP BY tblProducts_temp.SupplierID, tblProducts_temp.GTIN
HAVING (((tblProducts_temp.GTIN) In (SELECT TOP 5 Dupe.GTIN
FROM tblProducts_temp AS Dupe
WHERE Dupe.SupplierID = tblProducts_temp.SupplierID
ORDER BY tblProducts_temp.SupplierID, tblProducts_temp.GTIN;

The query returns a random number of products, but not a top 5. So for supplier X one time 3 products and the next time for supplier X 7 products.The query without the RND function, so just the top 5 works fine:

SELECT tblProducts_temp.SupplierID, tblProducts_temp.GTIN
FROM tblProducts_temp
GROUP BY tblProducts_temp.SupplierID, tblProducts_temp.GTIN
HAVING (((tblProducts_temp.GTIN) In (SELECT TOP 5 Dupe.GTIN
FROM tblProducts_temp AS Dupe
WHERE Dupe.SupplierID = tblProducts_temp.SupplierID
ORDER BY tblProducts_temp.SupplierID, tblProducts_temp.GTIN;

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Queries :: Random Sample With Multiple Criteria

May 5, 2014

I have table with [EmployeeName] and [DateReceived] column what I am hoping to accomplish is to get 5 samples of each Employee for each Date received.

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Queries :: Select Random Records From Unrelated Tables

Aug 9, 2014

I am fairly new to Access 2013 but am trying to create a query that will select random records from three totally unrelated tables and display the results together as if one table -- think video slot machine wheels. Each table has two fields - ID which is the primary key and NAME. The data in the tables are names of states, names of colors, and types of animals. Each table has a different number of records. My end result is a table that selects X number of random records from each table and displays them side by side like this:

Desired Result:
Animal Color State
cat red Ohio
dog blue Texas
fox green Iowa

I have been able to create three individual queries that will pull X number of random records by using:

SELECT TOP 10 Animals.[ID], Animals.[Name] FROM Animals ORDER BY Rnd(-(100000*[ID])*Time());
SELECT TOP 10 Colors.[ID], Colors.[Name] FROM Colors ORDER BY Rnd(-(100000*[ID])*Time());
SELECT TOP 10 States.[ID], States.[LongName] FROM States ORDER BY Rnd(-(100000*[ID])*Time());

Using the three queries above I get three separate lists. how to make one query that will randomly pull from all three tables and make the display above?

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Queries :: Pull Back 100 Random CustomerIDs On Set AttendDate

Jun 5, 2015

I have 3 fields:

CustomerID (Alpanumeric)
AttendDate (General Date)
Area (Alphanumeric)

Is is possible in a query to pull back 100 random CustomerID's on a set AttendDate. For example I have 1000's of Customers who attend each day, I want to do some Data Quality on 100 Random Customers.

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Query To List Multiple Records In A List From Multiple Queries

Jul 11, 2013

I have a DB where you there's 5 tables all linked together by one project ID

tables below

Project , Staff, Asset, allowances, travel, mark up

What I can do is create a new project, then add records to each of the other tables on what different items I require,

i.e. I create a new project - called project one, in the project table I create a record stating, name, time scale, client and location, then I add different records to each of the other tables on what I require all linked to the same project ID. (probably not explained that too well)

Now I want to create a query that lists all the requirements one after the other this will make it easier to create reports and to calculate costing's.

At the moment I have made 5 different queries listing all the data, then have one report containing 5 sub reports to display the data, no this does work.

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Queries :: Adding New Records To Table - Random Number No Duplicates

Jul 31, 2013

I have a form which allows the user to add new records to a table. After the user had entered all the information into the form, they click a command button to add the record. In addition to adding the new record, my command button runs an query which is supposed to generate a random number between 1 & 1,000,000,000 and update the record ID field with that number.

Here is the formula I have been using in the "update To" now of my query: Int((1000000000-1+1)*Rnd()+1)

My problem is that I keep getting duplicates. You would think that the chances of getting a duplicate number would be pretty small with this large of a range, but I get a duplicate almost every time.

I have tried indexing (No duplicates) the field in the table, but that did not work. When my query generated a duplicate number, the record was just not added to the table.

I also tried a two step approach:
1-Make a table of all in use record ID numbers from my table (tblIdNo)
2-Update new record with a random number that is not in tblIdNo

This was a no-go too

How to build an update query that will update each new record added to the table with a random number between 1 & 1,000,000,000 without any duplicates? This seems like it should be so simple, and I am starting to get really frustrated.

I would prefer to accomplish this through a query/queries (if possible) rather than with 100 lines of code. This database is not for me, it's for another group, and the individuals in this group are totally freaked out by code.

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Queries :: Use Time In A Query?

Nov 27, 2014

Ive found alot of reference to using dates to find records but not time, I need a query to pull up records entered on that day before lunch time and another query will pull the records entered after lunch.

receipt date is date/time field
receipt time is date/time field

to get records for that day i use date() which works but cannot get the time part to work??

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Generating A Query Result

Feb 9, 2006

I want to know how to generate a result from a query in a control of a form? For exampel I have made a SQL count function in a query and I want to use this result i a control of a form.

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Query Generating Different Results

Jun 3, 2014

If I use this query I get the results what I want

SELECT tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause, Count(tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause) AS CountOftxtRootCause
FROM tblMainTWTTPSheet
GROUP BY tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause
HAVING (((tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause) Is Not Null) AND ((Count(tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause)) Is Not Null))
ORDER BY Count(tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause) DESC;

But What I am trying to do is on a form select dates and generate data in this query. which doesnot happen even if I use the following query.

SELECT tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause, Count(tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause) AS CountOftxtRootCause
FROM tblMainTWTTPSheet
WHERE (((tblMainTWTTPSheet.date) Between [Forms]![frmStratificationOfRootCauses]![startDate] And [Forms]![frmStratificationOfRootCauses]![endDate]))
GROUP BY tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause
HAVING (((tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause) Is Not Null) AND ((Count(tblMainTWTTPSheet.txtRootCause)) Is Not Null));

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Self Generating Query String Based On Query Results?

Jan 3, 2008

Here's my problem. I need to generate a report that says how much of each individual product was produced and as well as the total produced for a specified category in a time period. Something like the following:

05 Catagory A: 02 Product AA, 01 Product AB, 02 Product AC
10 Category B: 07 Product BA, 03 Product BB
04 Category C: 01 Product CA, 01 Product CB, 01 Product CC, 01 Product CD


I currently have a query that queries a database and pulls out all products that were produced in a specified period and the categories they belong to and dump them into a local access table. Now what I need to do is search through the query results and count up how many of each product were produced (02 AA, 01 AB, etc...) and the totals for each category. The number of categories is pretty limited (6), but there are hundreds of product codes, so I need a way to do this without having to type in each induvidual product code as the requirement by which the query searches. Also, the product codes that get returned are different every day.

I was thinking something along the lines of take the product code of the first row and check for any others in the results that match and write that into another table. Then move onto row 2 and use its product code as a search parameter and search through the query results for any matches. Then continue that until the end of the query results. Can I do that? Is there a better way to achieve what I need?

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Queries :: Time Calculation Query

Aug 6, 2014

I am needing a query to calculate elapsed time in business hours for each record selected (I normally base this on a date range). For the purposes of this query, business hours are defined as Mon-Fri from 7 AM until 9 PM.

So for example:

With a start time of 6:45 AM and an end time of 9 AM, the query would need to return 02:00 (in [h]:mm format).Likewise, with a start time of 7 AM and end time of 9 AM the query would also return 02:00.Is there any way to do this easily? Or at all for that matter? Is it possible to deal with weekends?

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Queries :: MS Query With Date And Time

May 20, 2014

I have a table with the following records date/time,id,barcode.id is related to another table to retrieve fname and lname and barcode is related to another table to retrieve packageid

so my query looks like date/time,fname,lname,packageid

what i need is the ability to retrieve all records for yesterday from 00:01 to 23:59 ..im sure there will be an easy way fo doing this - i also need the ability to change 23:59 to possibly 02:00 into the following day for longer shifts

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Query Not Generating Chart In Report

Jul 3, 2014

I am trying to run simple query make a chart in report through this query but its not generating chart?

SELECT [Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].[Inspection Audit], Count([Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].[Inspection Audit]) AS [CountOfInspection Audit]
FROM [Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition]
WHERE ((([Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].Date) Between [Forms]![frmSafetyReportOut]![startDate] And [Forms]![frmSafetyReportOut]![endDate])) OR ((([Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].Department)=[Forms]![frmSafetyReportOut]![cboDepartment]))
GROUP BY [Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].[Inspection Audit]
HAVING ((([Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].[Inspection Audit]) Is Not Null) AND ((Count([Unsafe Act Unsafe Condition].[Inspection Audit])) Is Not Null));

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Queries :: How To Calculate Elapse Time Using A Query

Feb 8, 2014

I have a AS400 database table that stores time in the following manner 70535 (hour, minutes, seconds). Utilizing access 2010, I have used the left, mid, and right command to separate hour, minute, and second into their are separate table values 7 05 35. The AS400 database stores 3:15:30pm in the following manner 151530.

At this point, I used the string function and created the following table value 7:05:35.

Overall, I am needing to convert 70535 to time and then calculate lapse time where the employee name is the same. my database has about 2500 unique employee records per day. I am utilizing a query to perform the above.

date name tstime hour minutes second time
2/8/14 NJohn 151530 15 15 30 15:15:30

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