Queries :: Get Previous Day From A Range

Sep 9, 2014

I am creating a Stock investment Profit and Loss Query, therefore I need to get the prices from the last day. The problem is that the last day can be a holliday or weekend when the market is closed and when it happens the query returns no price.

My question is: Is there any function or any other way I can get the last day DATE from a range of dates?

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Get Some Values And The Inmediatly Previous Ones Based On A Date Whithin A Range...

Jan 28, 2008

Hi everybody!

First of all, I didn't know how to search for the precise info regarding my question, so, If it is repeated, feel free to close this thread or delete it.

So, here it is my question:

I have a table with values taken once monthly, that is, for each person on that table, I would have a maximun 12 records per year. In that table I have the Id of the person, the date field where I store a date when I get the record, a field where I store a value and a control number field. The values on the control number field go from 1 to 20 (or less).

What I want to achieve is, given a range of dates, show the last two controls of every person, something like:
id, last control date, last control number, value of last control, previous control date, previous control number, value of previous control.
As you could see, I want to show in the same row the last two controls for each person, only if the happend to have two controls, if they have only one, it wouldn't be necessary to show them, so, how can I do this?.

Thanks in advance! :).

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Records Appearing In Previous Queries

Jun 29, 2007

Hello everyone.

I use Duplicates Wizard to run about 14 queries which will show all possible combinations of duplicated records in an access table. Can anyone tell me how to add an extra column in reports 2 onwards displaying either a "yes" or a blank cell, being the answer to the question "does this record appear in any previous reports?"

Hope you can help.


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Queries :: Lookup Previous Value For Employee

Aug 9, 2015

I currently have a table where we are logging a task number against a date and time for each employees to track activity.What I am looking to do is in a query have access lookup the previous reference number for the employee before the date/time of the individual record but on the same day

Staff 1 08/08/2015 12:00 Task Ref: 1234
Staff 1 09/08/2015 14:00 Task Ref: 3456
Staff 1 09/08/2015 15:00 Task Ref: 7891

to show something like
Staff 1 08/08/2015 12:00 Ref:1234 Previous Ref: Null
Staff 1 09/08/2015 14:00 Ref: 3456 Previous Ref: Null
Staff 1 09/08/2015 15:00 Ref: 7891 Previous Ref: 3456

Fields are
DTActStart - this is when task started
DTActEnd - this is when activity ended
Task ID - Reference for task (unique field)

I've tried seaching forums (Used DMax and Lookup) but doesnt find the most recent record before the in view record/I'm thinking a query is the best way so that when Print a report of tasks run of tasks will then show

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Queries :: Last Thursday Of Previous Month

Jun 27, 2013

How to get the last Thursday of previous month?

For 5 particular queries I need to pull the date range starting at the last Thursday of the previous month forward.

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Queries :: Previous Year Value In Columns

Dec 2, 2014

Simple example of what I'm trying to achieve...

Table with two fields:


Would like to create a query or queries that summarises the data as follows:


In words, read_date would list dates for the current year. Second column of query would give read_value for current year. Third column would give read_value for same day/month of previous year.

Have thought about using Dlookup to get value one year back, but not sure if is the best approach?

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Queries :: DLOOKUP To Look At Value For Previous Record

Sep 23, 2013

I have a table that will have ITEMID as unique field but location could have save values. I tried using DLOOKUP to look at the value for the previous record to see if I need that value is same as current, however, since my data query are text formats, I am unable to. I get a message of mismatch data type. apply my query to look at sorted table by Location and ITEMID and if previous location = location, then my area=0?

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Queries :: Number Of Students In Age Range

Sep 17, 2013

I have this formula for counting age groups

TOTAL 29 - 31: Count(IIf(DateDiff("yyyy";[DATE_OF_BIRTH];Date())>=29<=31;1))

But id does not work, if I use between 29 and 31 also do not work

I need to get count (number) of all students that have 29,30 and 31 year of age.

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Queries :: Date Range With UNION ALL

May 6, 2015

I used UNION ALL to get results from two queries and I Succeeded.Now I want these results to be in a date range, so I want to enter the "starting date" then the "End Date" to have may results in specific date range.This is the original code out of UNION ALL which is working fine:

SELECT Count(Patient.PatientID) AS CountOfPatientID, Patient.CauseOfAmpLowerLt
FROM Patient
GROUP BY Patient.CauseOfAmpLowerLt
HAVING (((Patient.CauseOfAmpLowerLt) Not Like ""))
UNION ALL SELECT Count(Patient.[PatientID]) AS CountOfPatientID, Patient.[CauseOfAmpLowerRt]
FROM Patient
GROUP BY Patient.[CauseOfAmpLowerRt]
HAVING (((Patient.CauseOfAmpLowerRt) Not Like ""));

And this is what I tried:

SELECT Count(Patient.PatientID) AS CountOfPatientID, Patient.CauseOfAmpLowerLt
FROM Patient
GROUP BY Patient.CauseOfAmpLowerLt
HAVING (((Patient.CauseOfAmpLowerLt) Not Like ""))
UNION ALL SELECT Count(Patient.[PatientID]) AS CountOfPatientID, Patient.[CauseOfAmpLowerRt]
FROM Patient
GROUP BY Patient.[CauseOfAmpLowerRt]
HAVING (((Patient.CauseOfAmpLowerRt) Not Like "") AND (PatientService.[Date of Service]) BETWEEN [Start Date] AND [End Date]);

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Queries :: Not In Date Range Query

Jan 10, 2014

I'm trying to produce a query that shows all records of patients that have a 'non-active' status (stored in the 'Patient Details' table) and haven't had any deliveries after 31/10/2011 (date stored in the 'Deliveries' table). I've tried a few different ways including using NOT IN (which access didn't like!) but I'm still no closer to getting the correct records.

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Queries :: Date Range Matching

Jun 4, 2015

I have two tables. One is about 160 thousand records, which is a part number, a contract price and a day the price took effect. The items appear several times. Prices go up and down over the course of the data, and items are added and dropped.The second table is a list of dated sales and quotes of those items over the past 14 months.(About 10 thousand lines)

I need to match the items with the contract price that existed on the day the quote or the sale was created, so as to demonstrate we were always at or below the contract price.

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Queries :: And / Or Date Range Query

Sep 8, 2014

I am trying to create a simple database to keep track of employee Car Insurances and MOT information.I am trying to create a query that will show me the following:

When the field "motexpiry" is Empty OR has a date within 30 days from todays date (including if today's date is in the field) OR the date is in the past.It also needs to show records with the same criteria for the field "insuranceexpiry".

And needs to show records where the field "cowensform" is blank.These are all OR queries, so that as long as ONE of all of those criteria is met, the record shows up.Once that query works, I need a very similar query but only showing records where one or more of those criteria is met, but only if the record also has "Oldham" in the "area" field.

I can then copy that query and edit the "Oldham" bit to have a query for each of our area offices.I tried putting "Oldham" in the criteria line of the area field in the query design, but it seemed to have no affect.

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Queries :: Lookup At The Previous Record In The Table

Jan 25, 2014

I've got stuck in preparation of this sales query. The primary sales table contains a mix of Canadian and the US detail invoice sales records. All sales records are in their native currencies The secondary lookup table contains daily US/CAN foreign exchange rates (FX).

I need to multiply every $US sales record (marked with U) with the FX rate in order to convert it to the Canadian currency. Unfortunately, this FX lookup table is missing over 50 daily rates in the last two years and as a result I cannot match them date-by-date with the sales table.

As a workaround, it is acceptable to use the previous FX rate in the table. The previous rate can be one or more days before the transaction occurred.

Attached is a sample database with the query that I've already built. The query contains two sample US records that are missing the FX rate on Jan 6. The FX rate of $1.0639 that needs to be applied to it should come from Jan 3rd entry.

New Datesales matcode curtype trans newrate
1/3/20141225.61281173224U R187611.0639
1/3/2014344.70361173260U R181731.0639
1/6/20142520 0022691U R19841
1/6/20145400 0022692U R19841

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Queries :: Calculations With Values In Previous Record(s)

Jan 12, 2015

I have a database where I need to record student data, specifically marks and absenteeism. The marks are recorded each term as a running total. I have a final mark which needs to be equal to the 4th term mark.

I also need to record the number of days absent each term with a total at the end of the year.

My problem is that the term 4 mark is a in the previous record and the total days absent needs to be the total of the previous 4 records (term 1 - 4).

I using a create table query and an update query but that was a no go.

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Queries :: Find Previous Record In A Query?

Jun 13, 2015

How do I find the previous record in a query using the autonumber field?

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Queries :: Datediff From Previous To Current Record

Oct 10, 2013

I want to get the datediff of the last returned date from vacation and the current vacation start date. But how to get difference from the previous record's date to this current record's date. I want to show date difference in an unbound textbox. I have a contiuous form which shows all vacation list of employees. It shows how many times he went vacations and when he went and when he returned.

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Queries :: Query To Pull Previous Record

Jan 20, 2014

I have a form that is used to book a new event for a client who is already in the database.Within that form I have a subform that is based on a query which displays information from that client's previous event. I did this using a solution found in the following thread: URL...It is based on pulling the second to last record that is related to the current client. It works perfectly when booking a new event that has taken place on a previous date. However, if the previous event occured on that same date (but at a previous time), it doesn't register.

I would prefer a query that would pull the record previous to the current one, instead of pulling the second to last record out of all that client's events.it would also mean that if more events are booked, then a past event is opened in a form, the sub forms in that form will display the event just prior to the current record.

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Queries :: Bring Forward Previous Day Balance

Oct 20, 2013


Date Item Quantity
10/20/2013 Item-A 2
10/20/2013 Item-B 4
10/21/2013 Item-A 2
10/21/2013 Item-B -1

On 10/22/2013, if Item was selected, I want to bring forward previous day balance as of 10/21/2013 for Item-A = 4 or Item-B = 3.

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Queries :: Forward Previous Balance Of Item

Aug 22, 2013

I have a table composed of the following fields:

1. Entry_ID:
2. Item:
3. Previous_Balance:
4. Increase_Or_Decrease:
5. Current_Balance:

Once the selected item had been entered, i want the Current_Balance of previous entry of that item to be forwarded automatically in Previous_Balance field. Is it possible? I have at least 100 types of items.

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Queries :: Calculate Value From Previous Day To Sum To Next Day Total Income?

Dec 2, 2014

I have this columns :

Income | Outcome | Transport | Total Income | Date
Total Income (N) = Income (N) + Transport (N-1)
Total income equals income from that day + transport from previous day

Transport (N) = Total Income (N) - Outcome (N)
Transport from previous day equals Total Income minus outcome

How can I calculate the transport from previous day to sum to next day total income?

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Queries :: Sums Up All Previous Lines In A Field

Feb 9, 2014

I have a query that displays the difference between the number of scanned and processed invoices for each date (invoices scanned minus processed). Now I would like to make a query that for each date based on this shows the total backlog accumulated.

Example table:

The first column contains the date, and the second number of invoices scanned minus invoices processed.

2014-01-02 53
2014-01-03 -15
2014-01-04 24

Would it be possible somehow to make a query that for each lines shows the complete sum of all previous lines?

Based on the above data the result should be:

2014-01-02 53
2014-01-03 38
2014-01-04 62

Or would I have to write some VBA code to create some kind of temp table?

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Queries :: Update Query To Copy Previous Row?

Aug 5, 2014

What's the best way in an update query, using access 2003, to update data in a record based on the previous record having an identical value in a certain field?

For example my data looks something like this, in this example I want row 2 to fill in the blanks with the data from row 1 as they both have the same ID number at the end highlighted in red:

1 2 Anywhere Street 1 2 1 1 5423
2 4 Anywhere Street . . . . 5423
3 6 Anywhere Street 1 2 1 1 6401
4 8 Anywhere Street 1 2 1 1 6402

I've found various threads here on how to copy the whole record but I only want to copy the data from certain fields. More oftem than not the fields I'll be copying to will be NULL.

how to reference a field from the previous record within an update query I could probably work it out from there?

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Queries :: Refer To Previous Record In A Query

Mar 29, 2015

I'm trying to refer to previous record in a query and i'm stuck as i do not know how to do it.

Here is my query:

[Prod2Buy].[Product Code],
IIF([Missing] IS NULL,0,[Prod2Buy].[Quantity To Order]-[To Order]) AS [Rest To Order],
s.s_manu_code AS [Manufacturer Code],
s.prod_cost AS [Price Code],

[Code] ....

In fact the line: IIF([Missing] IS NULL,0,[Prod2Buy].[Quantity To Order]-[To Order]) AS [Rest To Order] should refer to previous record.

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1 Date Range With Multiple Reports / Queries

May 19, 2006

Hello All,

I am trying automate some report printing.

I have around 20 reports most of which require a from date and a two date.

If I use the code below, it asks for the from a two date on each report print, but the dates are always the same.

Is there a way of take a two date and a from date at the start of the sequence and insert it into each reports date range prompts?

Private Sub btnME_Click()

MsgBox "Please note, this process can take upto 5 minutes to complete."

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry1"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt1", acNormal
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt2", acNormal

DoCmd.SetWarnings True

MsgBox "Reports have been printed, aggregated results have been inputed into 'workstats_automated.xls'"

End Sub

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Using Same Date Range On Report For Multiple Queries

Jul 25, 2007

Hi all,

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to input just one date range into a report that is accessing data from multiple table and multiple queries. I can create the report which gives me the info needed but I have to put the same date range in 3 or 4 time before the report is generated.


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Queries :: IIF Statement - Group Data In Range

Nov 7, 2014

I need to group data (cases) in range like this (0-5, 6-10, 11-15 etc).

I can do this with the iif statement but this is a bit tedious.

I have two simple table:

1. Salestbl with two fields: a. customerid, b. Cases
2. Rangetbl with two fields: a. Range b. Category

The rangetbl is where i would define my range and it look like this
the range field have records 0,6,11 with corresponding category which look like this '0-5', '6-10', '11-15'

How can I use this to group my data. that is customer with x cases have group '0-5' or '6-10' etc....

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