Queries :: Getting A Text Field Count From Multiple Tables

May 16, 2013

I am working with 4 tables and I am trying to get a count of the email address field in each table grouped by Email Group Name. I tried the dcount function but returned an error because some of the email addresses have an apostrophe in the field. Is there a way to do this in 1 query? This is an example of the result I would like:

AAA 50 30 15 10
BBB 100 75 50 20
CCC 60 25 5 1

Emails Sent
Emails Opened
Emails Clicked
Form Submits

Field Names in all tables:
Email Group Name
Email Address

Field I want to count is Email Address for each table, grouped by Email Group Name.

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Queries :: How To Count Records Based On Multiple Criteria From Multiple Tables

Jan 4, 2014

I need to count records based on multiple criteria from two different tables. I have two tables (i.e. "tblTasks" and "tblTaskHistory"). The tables have a one-to-many relationship based on the "TaskID" field. "tblTasks" has a field called "AssignedTo" and "tblTaskHistory" has a field called "TaskStatus". I need to know how many tasks have been "reopened", the "reopened" status is located in the "TaskStatus" field in "tblTaskHistory". I need this count against a unique listing of employees which can be found in the "AssignedTo" field in "tblTasks".

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Queries :: Count Multiple Columns As One Field

Sep 22, 2013

I have a problem to count a multi columns into one field. For example, I have a table consist of these fields (simplified version):

- id
- block_name
- handle_type (lookup: big and small)
- kernel_type (lookup: big and small)
- fruit_set (lookup: 1, 2, 3 and 4)

I want to create a query to count a combination of handle_type and kernel_type columns as one column. So the query field would shows these fields:

- block_name
- count_of_big_handle_big_kernel
- count_of_big_handle_small_kernel
- count_of_small_handle_big_kernel
- count_of_small_handle_small_kernel
- count_of_fruit_set_1
- count_of_fruit_set_2
- count_of_fruit_set_3
- count_of_fruit_set_4

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Queries :: Count A Field Multiple Times (sub Totals And A Total)

Jul 18, 2013

I have 2 tables (person / merit) currently the merti table has 4 fields (MeritID, PersonID, Issuer, Type) I'm trying to count the the Type field 7 times, once of each type (MC/MI/MN/MP/MS/MV) and once to count a grand total.

I want to produce a query to use in a mail merge that will list the total for each merit type and one grand total.

I've been trying a few different things including sub queries but I've not managed to get the query to produce a single record that counts each individual type.

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Tables :: Copy And Paste Text Field To Multiple Records

Aug 10, 2015

I have been unable to find a simple way to copy a text entry from a Table Field and paste it to multiple records in Datasheet view.The Toolbar 'Paste' procedure copies to the selected record only and I am unaware of how to select multiple records, as per a spreadsheet procedure.

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How To Create Incrementing Text Field Tied To Multiple Tables

Aug 28, 2015

This is a errand database where each client can have several errands and some errands are related to each one and other.

Since each client can have several errands and and each errand is related to each one and other, then the client. I thought i need key which can work as a ClientErrandID, so i can tie the errands together. My idee is to use the ClientErrandID as an text auto incrementing field with a string like: (Errand-A-xxxx).

Lest say the range would be from (Errand-A-0000 to Errand-A-9999) And when the string hits "9999" at the end the "A" will switch to a "B" and the number counter would start over from "0000"

How should the table relationship look like?When a user is adding a new errand to a client, how should the function work?

Should all the associated errands be created in the background and granted the same Errand_ID when the main errand is created?Can i create a incrementing text field with vba & queries?

How would the code structure look like?Is there any examples on a incrementing text field with code available?

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Multiple Count Rows, Multiple Tables

Feb 19, 2008

I want to count based on 1 (same) field from each of two tables, based on if ID is in "X".

select a.groupid, count(a.id), count(b.id)
from ta a, tb b
where value in ('a','b','c')
group by a.groupid

Thats sort of the psuedocode but Im not getting the right results.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Count: Multiple Tables

Jun 20, 2005

Hi all!

What I need is propably easy to do. I have a patient information database, where patient information, visits, treatments etc. are on separate tables. One patient can have several visits and one visit can include several different treatments.

At this point I need to count how many treatments (treatment instances) each doctor has given (= a report "Treatments per doctor").

I have (at the moment) three (3) tables, which contain information of three different types of treatments. The tables are different, but each has a similar field with the doctors ID, and an autonumber field for each treatment instance.

treatmentXXID, visitID, doctorID, (+ treatment-specific fields)

Now, I know how to count how many times each doctor has given a treatment *from one table* (group by the doctor's ID and then count the treatment instance IDs), but how do I combine the information from three different tables?

All help is greatly appreciated!

- Garcanrya

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Forms :: Count Or Sum From Values In Multiple Text Boxes In Form

May 24, 2014

I am trying to improve a work process using an existing Access DB.We have a form with multiple texts boxes on it. I need to search through these boxes to determine the total number of occurrences of a specific value. This is not tied to a table.

The text boxes I'd be searching through all have related names: "Element0" to "Element40". And I'd most likely be looking for a "/" within the value in the boxes (value could be 12345/01, for example).Would then be using the result in VBA to apply some conditions, so I would prefer if I could do the count in VBA (the count/sum is the part that is hanging me up.)

I've found multiple ways to accomplish this from a table, but nothing for what I have to work with.I am unclear in my description of what I am trying to do, let me know and I will try to provide more information.

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Trying To Get A Count Report From Multiple Tables

Jul 4, 2015

I am trying to generate a count report from a multi-table Access database. It is a recording database with a songs in one table, recordings in a second table, and a third table that links the two. I am trying to generate a report of songs with the most numerous recordings in the database.

For this operation, I don't need the recordings table. The main question is: For each title in the songs table, how many records are there in the links table with key number <50000? More specifically, for the report, I only care about the ones with a count >= 10.

Ideally, my report would look something like this:

65 Moon River
58 White Christmas
43 Autumn Leaves
42 Way You Look Tonight, The

As a corollary to this, how would I add a current, dynamic count to the form I use to access the database. Whenever a song title is pulled up, a field would show the current count of records in the links table with key number <50000.

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COUNT(*) From Multiple Tables - Query Issue - Please Help!!

May 6, 2006

I am building a small sales application where I would like to get the number of opportunities created in multiple regions. The QUERY that I am using in MS Access is as follows:

What I am trying to do is get the total opportunity count for each month, followed by, the total opportunity count for the REG1 for that month, the total opportunity count for the REG2 for that month,the total opportunity count for the REG3 for that month,the total opportunity count for the REG4 for that month.

Expected output should be something like this:

Month | TOTAL | REG1 | REG2 | REG3 | REG4
Jan 11 8 1 1 1
Feb 4 1 1 1 1

However, I am not getting the above result. In the results that are displayed the "TOTAL" column is correct but under the "REG" columns the same number keep repeating in all rows. Any help will be appreciated.


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Queries :: Getting A Percentage From A Text Count

Jun 11, 2013

I have a query that has clients sorted in the row area and a column from my table that is set up as text but only has yes/no options for the data. I have a pivot table that counts the yes's and counts the no's and finds a grand total; however, I want to be able to find the percentage of pass's given the grand total. I'm able to do this in Excel and was wondering if it was possible in Access.

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Tables :: Splitting Table Into Multiple Sets Based On Row Count

Oct 5, 2012

I want to split a table into multiple sets based on rowcount. Suppose I have a table having 10,000 records. I want different sets which should have values based on rowcount. Suppose if I select set 1 then the table should populate records from 1-2500. If I select set 2 then the table should automatically give the records from 2501-5000. If i select set3 then the table should have values from 5001-7500 and so on.

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Queries :: Group And Count On Multiple Criteria

Jun 4, 2015

I have a table similar to the following

area q30 q40 q60
A 2 1 3
B 1 1 3
A 2 1 3
A 1 1 3
C 1 1 3
C 1 1 3
A 1 1 3
A 1 1 3
B 1 1 3
C 1 2 3
A 1 1 3
B 1 2 3

Grouping by the area and using the criteria

(Q30 = 1 AND Q40 = 1 AND (Q60 = 1 OR 2 OR 3))

I would like to see a table similar to the one below counting those which fulfils the criteria mentioned above

A 4
B 2
C 2

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Queries :: Count Multiple Columns From The Table?

Aug 26, 2014

I want to count data from my table ( Table ) and to display result like a dashboard (Desired result ). To count this do i need to write query for every column and then link to final column? i have totally 300 columns to count I am attaching Table & desired result images;

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Extract / Count And Report From Multiple Queries?

May 20, 2013

I have set up a table for statistical information of students from our 8 campuses (campus, student first name last name, dob, parent info, grade, etc.). I have a query set-up for each campus.

I also have an excel spreadsheet when a student enrolls I change the number of students from each campus that are in grades 1-3, 4-6, 7-8 and 9-12.

Since I have already entered this information into my Access DB, I am wondering why do double-duty (thereby risking my forgetfulness) when I should be able to extract that information from these queries? Not sure how to do this in this grouping, per campus, giving a total count for each campus.

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Reports :: Display Total Count For Multiple Queries

Sep 16, 2013

I am trying to build a report that shows the total count for multiple queries.

For instance I have a field in my table that can be either A, B, or C.

I have 3 queries built, 1 to show me the information for A's, 1 for B's, and 1 for C's.

I would like a report that shows me ONLY the total number of each category. such as:

A= 38
B= 72

Thus far I have only been able to create one that shows me all of the information from the queries.

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Queries :: Count Records Across Multiple Columns With Certain Criteria

Jun 10, 2013

I've got a table with 23 columns. Column 1 is the ID row which has a unique client ID in it. Then we've got a column called 1st_Reason and one that goes with it called 1st_Transfer_Date. This pair repeats for 2 through 10. Each of the Reason columns can have a set value, for example "First Processor".

What I need to do is create a date with months on the Y axis and the 5 different reasons on the X axis. I need to count the number of "First Processor" across all 10 Reason columns for each month. I would need to repeat that for each other reason type, but if I can get one to work I can simply change the reason type.

I'm pretty new at Access queries so I don't know how to use a count statement to pull from all those queries AND get the corresponding date to be in range.

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Reports :: Splitting Single Field Into Multiple Text Boxes Or Multiline Text Box

Jun 4, 2013

I have a single field in a table called "Client Contact", where users enter a semicolon between the name, address, and city state & zip. My reason for this was so we could copy client info with a single copy and paste (like from an email). But, on the final report, it needs to have these three parts split up into different lines, or even different textboxes. I can't find a way to do that.

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Queries :: Applying Multiple Count Functions With WHERE Criteria Without Affecting Others

Dec 11, 2013

Any way to use multiple count functions in a query with their own individual filters without affect the others?

For example:

SELECT [E&I Table].System, [E&I Table].DeleteRecord, Count([E&I Table].[Status#1]) AS [CountOfStatus#1], Count([E&I Table].[Status#2]) AS [CountOfStatus#2]
FROM [E&I Table]
WHERE ((([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "ITR Rcv'd by QA" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "Completed" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "Ready for T/O" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "Reviewed by JVV") AND (([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "ITR Rcv'd by QA" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "Completed" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "Ready for T/O" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "Reviewed by JVV"))
GROUP BY [E&I Table].System, [E&I Table].DeleteRecord;

I am trying to count in each column of the E&I table with criteria using WHERE but the problem is when you have more than 1 WHERE it affects the other columns as well... tried a bunch of different ways and I am now having to create seperate Queries than combine them using another Query...

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Queries :: Matching Two Tables With Count

Jan 20, 2014

trying to create a query in which I can select a count across two tables with matching postcodes.

Table 1 : Address database with column called 'STRIPCODE' (e.g. ME8, ME9, ME10)
Table 2 : Area Code table; each column has a list of area codes to match to the STRIPCODE column. (e.g. MEDWAY column will have all of the relevant area codes)

I would pretty much want a count of each match as below :

HULL 352

Have a few hundred areas to match and tired of going through these manually and entering counts!

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Queries :: Count Query From Two Tables

Nov 5, 2013

I have TableA with

CityCode (indexed, no duplicates, Primary Key)
CityType (duplicates ok)

TableB, with
CityCode (indexed, duplicates OK)
StreetCode (indexed, No Duplicates, Primary Key)

A One to Many relation between Tables on City Code

In need to feed a cell table with the value of the number of streets that are in "Type1" cities

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Queries :: Count Matching Postcode Between Two Tables

Sep 1, 2014

I have two tables, one being an 'Address' file and the other an 'Area' file which is a list columns ranging from 1-400 with groups of district level postcodes. For Example; column 1 will have postcodes such as BN1, BN2, BN3, BN4, BN5 etc. Each column has a separate group of postcodes.

Now, my 'Address' file also has a column within this labelled 'District' in order for me to create a straight join (between column number and District) in a query to count each group individually, but of course, do to this 400 times becomes quite tedious! (to say the least)

I would require the outcome to be as follows :

Area file - Count
1 - 469
2 - 201
3 - 0
4 - 3598
5 - 268
. - 101
. - 8936
. - 563
399 - 287
400 - 41

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Tables :: Duplicate Results In Count Queries?

Feb 18, 2013

I have a table with a field 'FName'. I have run a query to count the number of each Name in this field. However, as well as having a blank field with 9129 results (which was expected) but another with 24 results that appears to be completely blank as well. There are another couple of incidences were results in 'FName' are appearing twice.

how to identify what is causing this duplication?

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Queries :: Count Occurrences Of A Company In 3 Separate Tables?

Dec 18, 2014

I am trying to count the number of times a client has engaged with our company. I have a company table, a reservation table, a rapid prototyping table and a project table. There is a one to many from the company table to each of the other 3 tables as can be seen in the attached picture.

Is there an easy way, in a single query, to list unique company names that exist in 1 or all of the 3 tables?

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Queries :: How To Count A Field And Sum

Jun 27, 2015

I working on simple MS Access program which have 2 tables. As you can see in snap shot. What I am trying to achieve is. I would like to run a query which shows data between certain dates(It is done) and also to show me which Technician has done how many jobs(i have 5 technicians) and how much money a technician received by a payment method like Technician ID 1 did Cash Transactions 4 worth $300 similarly Credit Card transactions 2 worth 120$ and so on for other technicians.

The main theme is to get weekly summary report of technicians how many jobs they done and how many transactions each technician made by cash, by credit card along with their amount.

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