Queries :: How To Calculate Percentile Ranks Within Database

Dec 30, 2014

Any method by which one can calculate the Percentile Ranks for the IV Implied Volatility in a Stock Market Database ?

IV Percentile rank simply tells us whether implied volatility is high or low in a specific underlying based on the past year of IV data. For example, if XYZ has had an IV between 30 and 60 over the past year and IV is currently at 45, XYZ would have an IV rank of 50%.

My table has got the IV Value for each symbol for the past one year and I need to calculate the IV Percentile Rank for each symbol based on this past one year data.

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Queries :: Access Database To Calculate Income Tax

Jun 22, 2013

Access database to calculate income tax?

I'd like to be able to input the amount I invoice each month into a table and it would calculate Vat and Income tax due.

I'm sure its been done many times before however I cant find any examples.

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Queries :: Database Which Calculate Difference Between Dates

Sep 14, 2014

I have the attached database which calculate the Difference between dates.I have also two problems like i shown in the image

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub Recalculate()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim dff As Long


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Queries :: Database For College - Calculate Total Of Lessons Taken In A Month

Jan 12, 2015

I'm currently making a database for college about a driving school.

I have a table that stores the following: booking id, student id, lesson id, student forename, student surname, cost per hour and date paid.

How to create a query that calculates the total of the lessons taken in a month.

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Need A Query To Ranks The Records By Date

Sep 20, 2005

Hi There,

In TABLE1 I have 2 fields:
ID -number
PurchaseDate - dd/mm/yyyy

ID has 1 to many relation to another table, TABLE2, hence a foreign key to TABLE2.

Here are some same data in TABLE1:

ID PurchaseDate
1234 02/03/2005
1234 01/05/2004
5141 02/04/2005
5199 02/04/2005
5199 01/04/2003
6125 05/08/2005

I need to know how to write a query to ranks the most recent records by PurchaseDate group by ID. Basically, I need to have the below results

ID PurchaseDate Rank
1234 02/03/2005 1
1234 01/05/2004 2
5141 02/04/2005 1
5199 02/04/2005 1
5199 01/04/2003 2
6125 05/08/2005 1

I'm new to MS access, so please any suggestions is appreciated.


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Percentile In The Querie

Oct 29, 2007

I found the code to calculate percentile value and It works fine,
my problem is that code is calculating value for the whole data set, not for the filtered data.
PercentileRst («RstName»; «fldName»; «PercentileValue»)
is it possible to put some function that can filter or sort data like it do access queries for the mean calculation
for example:
dp1 100
dp1 90
dp2 89
dp2 78
percentile value for dp1, dp2....

thx in advance

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Calculating Percentile On Access 2003

May 1, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I have been trying to calculate Percentile through Access 2003. Does anyone know of a code or function that would help me do that ?


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Modules & VBA :: Make Table SQL With Percentile Parameter

Aug 18, 2015

I am using a function to calculate the quartiles from an existing query and enter the corresponding EqNum and EDescription into a table.When I run the code below it asks me for a value for SysAssetCritRankQ from the rstPercentileRST parameters. I have tried adding "" and [] but they aren't working.(The issue with self taught SQL/VBA)

SysAssetCritQ = Query Name
Total = Calculated field in query

strSQL = "SELECT SysAssetCritRankQ.EqNum, SysAssetCritRankQ.EDescription INTO [EOQComboT]FROM SysAssetCritRankQ " & _
"WHERE Total >= PercentileRst([SysAssetCritRankQ], Total, 0.75); "


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Database That Calculate Due Dates

Jul 17, 2014

I would like to create an Access Database that calculate due date based on 2 tables, one with invoices and supplier details. The other one with Supplier name et payment terms.

Table with the following details:
- Supplier Name
- Invoice Date
- Currency
- Amount

Table same as input but with a column that shows for each record the Due Date. The due date would be calculated by adding payment terms in days from another table to the Invoice date.

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Calculate Payroll In Order Database

Mar 22, 2007

I have an order database Access 2000 for an inspection company, tblInspectors, tblOrders, tblCustomers, I want to be able to calculate inspector pay within order database. Each inspector is an independent contractor, so it just needs to calculate percentage, for each inspection performed and total for pay period. Each inspector is paid a different percentage, which is stored in tblInspectors. Payroll is paid every two weeks . . . I've been trying to figure out the best way to do this ... :confused: Any advise be greatly appreciated.:confused:

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Field In A Database That Calculate Age Of A Person Based On DOB?

Jun 23, 2014

I need to have a field in a database that will calculate the age of a person, based on their DOB. I have it in the excel sheet that I imported into Access to create the data base, but it just copied the number that was already there. When I add new entries into the database, the age isn't calculated. How do I do this?

The forumla I use in my spreadsheet is: =DATEDIF(O2,TODAY(),"y")

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Calculate Age Using Queries

May 12, 2007

i have a table with fields "[DATE OF BIRTH]", "age", "temp-age"

i have a query that calculate the age:
example; the query will get user to input the "temp-age" and upon "temp-age" is input and "ok" on the query, it will calculate a person's age and store the value inside table "age".

however, the calculated value for the age have some data problem. for example, when a person whose age is yy:mm 24:05 the age inside the table will be 1924:05. there will be a additional "19" at the age.

what cause the additional "19" problem?
my query in design view is like this; (see attachment)
it uses " [temp-AGE]-[DATE OF BIRTH] " to calculate the age and store into table "age".

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How To Calculate The Fields From Two Queries?

May 23, 2005

I need to pull 2 fields from 2 different queries, then calculate them. Those 2 queries has the same structure, just one is last year's data, the other is this year's. :rolleyes:

I tried using the 3rd queries to combine them, then calculate from there, but then I had no clue where to go from there. I don't sql...I was wondering is there anything to do with sql? :confused:

I'm stucked so far, how can I solved it? :mad:

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Queries :: Calculate Percentage In Query

Apr 16, 2013

How to calculate the percentage of kilometers per order compared to the total number of kilometers per carrier.

In the attached screenshot send queries where I need formula.

Mileage on the orders of the field called "Korkma" . The formula should look like: # [Korkm] / [total kilometers per carrier] #.

I do not know how to get the total mileage driven by the carrier (the carrier is in the query in the Field Name Plate) for the month.

For example:

date 1.1.2013.,Plate:Pribus Korkm= 37
date 2.1.2013.,Plate: Pribus,Korkm=56
date 10.1.2013.,Plate: Pribus, Korkm= 70
Formula: [37]/[163] = 0,23
[56]/[163]= 0,34
[70]/[163]= 0,43

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Queries :: How To Calculate Mode Value In Query

Feb 5, 2015

Is there a way to calculate the mode value in a query?

In a summary query, I need to return the value that shows up the greatest number of times in a certain column of a table. Is there a function built in to Access or an easy way to perform this, or do I have to make my own function to handle this?

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Queries :: Calculate Date For 25 Years Later

Apr 11, 2013

My problem is as following:

I have post with dd/mm/yyyy

I want access to calculate the date for 25 years later. (Anniversary)

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Queries :: Calculate Fields Within Table

Dec 18, 2013

I am trying to calculate 5 fields within my table in a query, but for some reason some rows do not calculate as not all the fields contain a value (blank field), is there anyway that I could bypass this issue?

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Queries :: Calculate Time Period For 24 Hours?

Jul 9, 2014

I have designed an access application that logs emails that come into a department. However, the team leader has asked me to create a report to work out if emails were answered within a 24 hour period.

Is there a method to do this. It is not something I have attempted to do within access before.

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Queries :: Calculate Prices For Reservations Using Query

Dec 31, 2014

I have two excel tables that I linked in access. From excel tables I created query that gives me all data I need.

First table has data of periods and prices of apartment per period. For example:

PropertyID 1111
PropertyName Apartment Zagreb Mila
StaringDateOfPeriod 1.1.2015
EndingDateOfPeriod 1.7.2015
PriceForPeriod 100
PropertyID 1111
PropertyName Apartment Zagreb Mila
StaringDateOfPeriod 1.7.2015
EndingDateOfPeriod 31.12.2015
PriceForPeriod 120

Now as you can see I have apartments with prices that change per periods.

Second excel table gives me information of total paid service that customers need to pay , number of days that he will stay and CheckIn and CheckOut dates of those guest.

In calclutated fields in query I created calculations like TotalyPiad(from 2. table) - OwnerPrice*TotalyNumberofDays . I guest good result IF i have reservations that matches or is it BETWEEN StartDate and EndDate of periods.

BUT If I have reservation that is overlapping , where CheckOut of guest is 1 or more days > that EndDate of selected period I have problem with calculation because my calculation is based on WRONG price in that period.

For now what I manage to do is to create separate field in query where I calculated number of days that are out of range

CHECK_IN - StartingDate of period
CHECK_OUT -EndingDate of period
Check-in date - starting date of reservation of guest
Check-out date - ending date of guests reservation
nabavna cijena - owner price

PreklapanjePerioda: IIf([Check-out date]>[CHECK_OUT];[Check-out date]-[CHECK_OUT];Null)*[nabavna cijena]

But still when I calculate those number of days I multiple those number of days with old period.

So How can I MULTIPLE THOSE NUMBER OF DAYS WITH PERIOD +1 , I meen next period not this old one just for those days that are out of range? [CHECK_OUT] +1 doesn't work it just add extra day in my CHECK_OUT filed

My final idea is :
Separately calculate in one field number of days that are out site of range
Calculate number of days of reservation of guest that are in range
= make sum of those two fields

From that I will create report which I will send to our owners of properties (number of reservations, reservations details, price that they need to pay to us ...)

I also thought this could be possible to make using VBA but I am still not skilled anough in it. Also I was thinking of creating calendar where I would that add those two queries but how to create simple calendar in Access. Is there some template for simple calendar in Access?

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Queries :: Formula To Calculate Date Cycle

Jan 27, 2015

I need a formula to calculate date cycles.

Each person have an employment date on which a 3 year cycle is based.

So at the end of their 3 years the cycle needs to update to the next 3 year cycle.

For example
Person Employment date Cycle Start
1 01 Jan 2015 01 Jan 2015
2 01 Jan 2006 01 Jan 2012

In the case of Person 2 above the cycle would have started at 2006 - 2009 and then moved to 2009 - 2012 and then 2012 - 2015 and now 2015 - 2018

I have the following formula at the moment but need to make 100% I'm not missing something.

Also - would it be fine to run the update query each time for all persons or must it be only for the ones where the current date does not fall within the current 3 year cycle?

CycleStart = DateAdd("yyyy",Int(DateDiff("d",[EmpDate],Date())/365/3)*3,[EmpDate])

Would value your input on another way to do this as well.

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Queries :: How To Calculate Number Of Weeks Between Two Dates

Jun 25, 2013

My database includes two separate dates related to a vehicle purchase and default payments resulting in repossession. I need to find out how many weeks passed between those dates.

03/14/12 Date of automobile purchase
06/06/13 Date of last payment before default

How many weeks in between? And then I need to average all of those figures so my company can see the usual week-term time frame that our customers are defaulting and getting repossessed.

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Queries :: Calculate Different Timestamp For Matching Criteria

Feb 17, 2015

I have a table that records log entries for equipment and I'm trying to compose a query that calculates the time difference between consecutive timestamps for individual operators but can't quite get it to work out

The table headings are

Fatigue Log ID <----- this is the primary key for the table and is unique


Operator ID

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Queries :: How To Calculate Elapse Time Using A Query

Feb 8, 2014

I have a AS400 database table that stores time in the following manner 70535 (hour, minutes, seconds). Utilizing access 2010, I have used the left, mid, and right command to separate hour, minute, and second into their are separate table values 7 05 35. The AS400 database stores 3:15:30pm in the following manner 151530.

At this point, I used the string function and created the following table value 7:05:35.

Overall, I am needing to convert 70535 to time and then calculate lapse time where the employee name is the same. my database has about 2500 unique employee records per day. I am utilizing a query to perform the above.

date name tstime hour minutes second time
2/8/14 NJohn 151530 15 15 30 15:15:30

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Queries :: Calculate Value From Previous Day To Sum To Next Day Total Income?

Dec 2, 2014

I have this columns :

Income | Outcome | Transport | Total Income | Date
Total Income (N) = Income (N) + Transport (N-1)
Total income equals income from that day + transport from previous day

Transport (N) = Total Income (N) - Outcome (N)
Transport from previous day equals Total Income minus outcome

How can I calculate the transport from previous day to sum to next day total income?

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Queries :: Calculate Multiple Values Same Field

Feb 22, 2014

I have a table where there are multiple vehicles, each identified by their vehiclenumber. Each record holds the vehiclenumber, date and odometer reading. I need to figure out how to calculate records in this table per each vehiclenumber.

Below is a code that works, but only when i have each vehicle with the same vehiclenumber.

SELECT tblOdometer.VehicleNum, tblOdometer.ODate, tblOdometer.Odometer, tblOdometer.Odometer AS OdomAlias,
Nz(DLast("Odometer","tblOdometer","[Odometer] < " & [OdomAlias]),0) AS Previous, [Odometer]-[Previous] AS Difference
FROM tblOdometer;

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Queries :: Calculate Stock Quantity With Query

Jan 21, 2014

I have a problem with calculating the total qty of two fields.

QtyMapics: Nz([MapicsQty];0)
QtySubComp: Nz([SubComponentQty];0)
TotalQty: [QtyMapics]+[QtySubComp]

When I calculate the values of the fields it pastes the values after each other.For example: if you have the values 1 and 2 (which should become 3) then the result is a value of 12.I've tried changing the function to SUM() but that didn't work.The reason I am using NZ() is due to the fact that some values have a NULL value in one or both of the fields and if NZ is not included it will not calculate anything.

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