Simple division, I thought! I'm dividing a Sum of hours by Pay Periods to determine the average of missing hours for year-to-date. Most of the division works perfectly, and some doesn't and appears to be related to values of 1 or less than one.The formula: [Sum]/[Pay Periods].Sum relates to total missing hours and pay periods are total pay periods for the year so far.What comes out wrong:
1 (hr) / 12 (pay periods) = 8.33, when it should be .0833 0.5 / 12 = 4.166 when it should be .0416
What is right is everything else, starting with 1.5 hrs
1.5 / 12 = 0.125
What do I need to do to make all of the values divide correctly?
I am running a very simple query that divides profit over turnover to show the margin. I have many queries throughout my database that do this, here is my little formula;
Margin: Round(([profit]/[Turnover])*100,2)
Now, this runs just fine but if I put in a criteria of <10 I get the division by zero error. The reason I am confused is that there are no zeros or error values or even negative values in either of the profit or turnover columns?
Also I have an almost identical query in another database that has a <5 criteria in it and it works a peach.
I have searched but all I am getting is the usual definition of the division by zero error.
I'm fairly new to setting up Access databases. Been learning a lot. Ran into a snag that I'm hoping you can help me with.
I am using a form to display text labels and running statistics for our jail.
The form, "Complete_Worksheet" gets its data from a query, "qryComplete_Worksheet". Fields that make these up are:
ID (key) Standard (text) Outcome Measure (text) Numerator/Denominator (text) CalcValue (number)
ID, Standard, Outcome Measure, and Numerator/Denominator are queried from a table, "tblComplete_Worksheet". CalcValue comes from another query, "qryDataSelect". My problem is this:
In the final calculated statistic, some records are numerators and some are denominators. I need one more field, which I have been trying to create as a calculated control on my form which will divide each numerator CalcValue value by the denominator CalcValue value following it. Since these values change constantly as new data is entered into another data table, the calculated control needs to also change with them. I have been attempting to do this using the following expression:
What I’m trying to do is work out price per quantity, at the mo I have a database that has products and price so lets take paint for an example.
If I have a 5 litre pot of paint and I’m selling it for Ł10 I would like a field that tells me the price per litre, so what I’m think I need to do is have a field called ”price” and divide it by a second field called “quantity” and output the sum to a third field called “price per litre” which populates the database.
Sadly I haven’t got a clue how to do this with access and if anyone can help it would be much appreciated.
HiIn Excel, I believe you can format a number and automatically divide it by 1,000 without messing up rounding.For example, 10,000.06 after you apply the formatting becomes 10 as in 10k (for some reason accounting people find this easier to look at/work with). However, if you try to sum the value Excel will actually use the decimal figure rather than the number 10.Is there a similar way in Access?
I have a text box which contains a formula. When the text box is divided by zero, it appears #ERROR in the text box. I would like it to be invisible when it divided by zero and to be visible when it has a number.
I have three subforms on my main form. They all display salary details from different sources, and each subform has 2 calculated fields in the form footer to show the average salary and the number of records on which the average has been calculated.
I then have a field on the main form to calculate the average of the averages which works OK unless one of the subforms has null or zero in it, in which case it returns no information.
Can anyone suggest a way of bypassing this divide by zero error? The code I'm using to calculate the average of averages is as follows:
I have a database which contains a table called "orders" that has a field called "quantity" in it. I also have a query called "defective parts supplied" which has a field called "defective parts".How would I use a new query called "% failure/defect rate per supplier" to calculate the following:100 * [defective parts]/[quantity].
I have a list that shows how many books we have for each PO No. (Sorted by PO No.) Like below:
Code: PO NoTOTAL BOOKS PO-0001 12 PO-0002 15 PO-0003 26
Now I would like to distribute/divide these different books to boxes and each box gets maximum 10 books. Like below list:
Code: BOX NOBOOKSPO NO 0001 BOOK 1~10 PO-0001 0002 BOOK 11~12 PO-0001 0002 BOOK 1~8 PO-0002 0003 BOOK 9~15 PO-0002 0003 BOOK 1~3 PO-0003 0004 BOOK 4~13 PO-0003 0005 BOOK 14~23 PO-0003
Format is not important in the list2, for example in Box 0002 we have book 11~12 means (book 11 of 12 +book 12 of 12) in po-0001
+ book 1 of 15 until book 8 of 15) in po-0002
books have bookno, for example for po-0001 we have 12 different books it means we have bookno (1 of 12) until (12 of 12) for this po no.
How I can produce automatically list 2 from list 1 by query or coding.
I am with an educational organisation. Now we need to allocate various fields to students depending upon their merit, where the difference between the average percentages between any two groups cannot be more than 2% and that also implies equal distribution of talent. However, First few have to be given choice of field and also students recommended have to be given choice. The number of fields varies from 2 to 8. . Further the vacancies are also not equal in all fields. E.g. for 100 students to be divided in four fields the vacancies can be 35 for ZZSS, 24 for UYTE, 29 for OIUI and 12 for HGFT.
I need a solution preferably in MS Excel or MS access for the same with nil/ least usage of VBA.
Trying to run a query using criteria to populate the query by looking at information from a field on a form, if from is closed I need that criteria to look at the table and return all date in table.
I currently import data into a table and it it has a text field which looks like this: 12,345.67 GBP...I need to use a query to make this a number field so that I can sum it's contents. I've managed to remove the 'GBP' part but can't seem to get rid of the comma?
I have two tables that are joined - called A and B. A has two fields, "PLACE" and "RAND" and is joined to B via field "RAND". Other than "RAND", B has several fields named 01 TOTAL, 02 TOTAL, 03 TOTAL, etc...for about 60 fields.
The "PLACE" field in table A has data that is 01, 02, 03, ect.... How do I structure a query so that whatever "PLACE" is, I can match the XX TOTAL value? In other words, i need to have the query field header be somehow dependent on the value in "PLACE".
I’m developing a claim tracking database that tracks dates of events that occur in the course of processing a claim; such as, Loss Date, Report Date, Estimate Date, Payment Date, etc. There are 16 different “Events” in all.I currently have the following tables set up:
tblClaim ClaimID ClaimNumber fkEmpID
tblEmployee EmpID EmpName
What I need to do is create a form where management can choose two or more events, and calculate the average number of days between two of any of the events, for an employee, or all employees.I have created a crosstab query to change the values in the EventName field in tblEvents to field names, and the EventDate as values for the related EventNames. I created another query based on this query to do the DateDiff.
I created combo boxes on my form with the Row Source Type set to Field List, for a list of fields in my crosstab query. I’ve tried to use the following DateDiff function to get the days between the two fields selected in my combo boxes:
But I get an error about unrecognized field name or expression for my combo boxes. So I added my combo boxes in the query parameter window, with a data type as both text and value, but with both I get an error “This expression is typed incorrectly or is too complex to be evaluated.” I also specified the column headings in the crosstab but I still am getting the “too complex” error.I’m pretty sure it’s trying to do a Datediff on the literal values in the comboboxes and not recognizing that I’m trying to specify field names.Is it possible to assign field names in DateDiff this way?
I have a query which returns a calculated percent. I have ordered that in descending order, and now want to see the top 50. So (In Access 2010) I entered 50 into 'Return'. But it returns all of the records!
Is this because pct is a calculated field? How can I correct this? The SQL seems to be correct.
SELECT TOP 50 HeciFail1.POHECI, HeciFail1.POQTY, HeciFail1.FAILQTY, IIf(Nz([FAILQTY])>0,Round(100/([POQTY]/[FAILQTY]),0),0) AS PCT FROM HeciFail1 ORDER BY IIf(Nz([FAILQTY])>0,Round(100/([POQTY]/[FAILQTY]),0),0) DESC;
I have a query with a Date field for EndDate (the dates for end-of-week, Fridays in our case) and another field for Sales (number of sales, not dollars).I want to add 4 calculated fields that represent weeks and have the Sales appear in the correct column (field) for that date.So I will have columns for 10 July 15, 17 July 15, 24 July 15 and 31 July 15 and I want the Sales for each record to land in the correct date column, based on the EndDate column. (The 4 fields is just for the sake of the example, I will actually be having dozens of these calculated date fields).I tried to do it by setting up the 4 calculated fields like:
10Jul15: Sales and then adding Criteria like: EndDate = #10/07/2015# It doesnt work.
I am trying to deduct a datetime field from a date field to decide how many days are in between. It doesn't let me. So do I need to convert the datetime field to a date field first? How would I do that?Or is there a function I can use to calculate the date difference?
I am trying to perform a search function query in access but am having trouble. I have two tables. One table has a column in which I need to search the contents of this field by referencing data in another field/table. I am able to write the query searching the data manually (not referencing the other table) but can't seem to get the query right when referencing the other table!
this query works = SELECT * FROM Sample_Data WHERE (((Sample_Data.[Affected_Frequencies]) Like "*451.425*" Or (Sample_Data.[Affected_Frequencies]) Like "*451.400*"));
but, i put together a frequency table (Table name = Frequencies) and the column within that I am searching for is called Frequency. im trying to reference Frequencies.Frequency using a LIKE statement.
I am trying to track vegetables that I will be planting in my garden. I will plant some vegetables. I have a StartDate and HarvestDate and Estimated HarvestDate Fields. I also have a field named GrowDays. This field states how long it takes for each vegetable to mature i.e. 75 days or 58 days or 42 days etc. etc. What I want to do in a query is to automatically add the number of days from the GrowDays field to the StartDate and come up with the Estimated Harvest Date. If I plant a Tomato on April 13th and it takes 75 days to mature then I want the EstimatedHarvestDate field to reflect 6/27/2013 which is the StartDate + 75days. I am trying to figure out how to do this when the GrowDays field changes numbers. I can use this "Estimated HarvestDate: DateAdd("d",+75,[GrowDays])" except this only works if the GrowDays Field is 75. I need to be able to accomplish this no matter what the GrowDay field says.