Queries :: How To Calculate Current Stock (Actual Quantity)

Oct 18, 2014

I have a query (Inventory Transactions Extended) in which i am trying to caculate current stock.

I have a form (Inventory Transactions Form) where i either add or remove Inventory Items.

I have used this statement to create a new field (Actual Quantity) to calculate current stock based on stock been added and removed:

Actual Quantity: IIf([Transaction Types].[Add/Remove]="Addition";[Inventory Transactions]![Quantity];-([Inventory Transactions]![Quantity]))

for some reason it does not work. It is not calculating current stock. If i remove stock it shows a negative amount based on the amount i removed, and when i add stock it shows a positive amount based on what i added

I have attached a sample.

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Queries :: Calculate Stock Quantity With Query

Jan 21, 2014

I have a problem with calculating the total qty of two fields.

QtyMapics: Nz([MapicsQty];0)
QtySubComp: Nz([SubComponentQty];0)
TotalQty: [QtyMapics]+[QtySubComp]

When I calculate the values of the fields it pastes the values after each other.For example: if you have the values 1 and 2 (which should become 3) then the result is a value of 12.I've tried changing the function to SUM() but that didn't work.The reason I am using NZ() is due to the fact that some values have a NULL value in one or both of the fields and if NZ is not included it will not calculate anything.

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Need To Calculate Quantity With Price In Access

Mar 25, 2013

I need to calculate qty with price in a form.

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Queries :: Take Current Date And Calculate Last Day Of Last Month?

May 16, 2013

Is there a way to take today's date and calculate the last day of the last month? Without the user needing to enter any parameters. In other words, if I ran the query today with this criteria, it would only show information for April 30, 2013. Is that possible?

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Queries :: Calculate New Fields Based On Current And Prior Year-end Numbers

May 6, 2013

I am creating a Make Table Query and calculating new fields based on current and prior year-end numbers. If the prior year-end number does not exist (Is Null), I want the use the current rate or calculate the change in rate. I have typed the below in the Field Box:


However, when running the query, I get the attached error message.

The screenshot will also show how the two tables are joined.

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Forms :: DSum - Calculate Purchase Quantity With Criteria Of Product And Quantities Before Sale Date

Nov 2, 2014

I have a form with subform . I want to calculate purchase quantity with criteria of product and quanties before sale date. If i use with specified date it gives correct result.but if i use field address it ignores date criteria

Nz (dsum ("pqty","purchasequery","product=" & [sales.product] & "and clerancedate<=#31/07/2014#"),0)

Nz (dsum ("pqty","purchasequery","product=" & [sales.product] & "and clerancedate<=#" & [forms!salesm!sdate] & "#"),0)
But it is not working

Sdate is date and it is on main form

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Queries :: Include Date Criteria In User Defined Function That Calculate End Of Current Month

Jul 22, 2014

I have written a user defined function that calculates the end of the current month. This I named EndOfThisMonth. It works well as a function. Now I would like to use it as date criteria to include in a query. The function is included as such EndOfThisMonth().

The field on which this function is to enter as a criteria is another calculated date function called Due.

When I run this query I get an error message saying Undefined Function 'EndOfThisMonth' in expression.

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Calculate Stock

Dec 20, 2004

Hey Guys.

I have a sub form based on an order table. I had another table which lists products which customers can buy. In the products table I have a field named "units on order" which I'd like to update when an order is made in the form and a field named "units in stock" which upon the user opening the order form again and clicking a button to say that particular order has been delievered, the "units in stock field in the products table will had added the quantity chosen in the order form.

Any suggestions?



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Modules & VBA :: Loop - Copy Current Record By Number Of Times Specified In Quantity Field

Sep 20, 2013

I would like to do a loop but never done one before, basically i want to copy the current record by the number of times specified in a quantity field

So if the quantity field in the record says 5 then copy that record 5 times (I have managed to create the copy and paste code but dont know how to make it do it 5 times

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCopy
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPaste

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Forms :: Split Record Quantity To Multiple Records Based On Quantity Per Package

Jun 21, 2013

I have a form for inserting invoices, and on the subform records I have a command button to print the labels, the label would contain the quantity of the product, so, if the quantity is ex. 11000 and package contains 2000 only.

so I have to print 5 labels with quantity 2000 and one label with 1000 qty

what I need to do, is when I click the label cmd button to insert the 6 records required to print the labels to temp table

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Queries :: Sum Field Then Minus Quantity

Jun 3, 2014

I am trying to sum a qty field naming it 'TotalRecieve' and then minus a qty from that sum?

I've tried the following

Code : RemainingQty: Sum([tblReceiveDetail].[QTY])-[tblOrderDetail].[Qty]

but i get an error saying 'Your query does not include the specified expression as part of an aggregate function?

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Queries :: Multiply Time By Quantity

Apr 27, 2015

I have the time per item, and I would like to multiply that by the quantity, so I can tell the total time. But I cant find in access how to * data/time by a number.

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Queries :: Expression In A Query Without Actual Fields

Sep 24, 2014

I need to figure out the amount of days between two dates that do not exist in my database...I use this calculation to do waivers...I was able to build a table and put in the two dates and then build a query which calculates the days between the two but I wanted to know if I could build a query that prompts on a [start date] which I would enter and then prompts on an end date [end date] which I would enter to get the number of days between...is that possible?

I had...

WaiverDays: [Enter start date]-[Enter end date] but it did not let me run...I added () and it still did not run...

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How To Calculate The Accumulate Value Of The Current Field

Jan 21, 2005

If I have the field name as below:

Oil quantity
Accumulate Oil quantity

I want to get value of "Accumulate oil quantity" of current record to be equal to sum of "Oil quantity" from first record till the current record:

Let say
after I input "oil quantity" in the record # 1 ,2 & 3
The "Accumulate oil quantity" of record value show below:

"Accumulate oil quantity" of record#1 = "Oil quantity" of record#1
"Accumulate oil quantity" of record#2 = "Oil quantity" of record#1 + "Oil quantity" of record#2
"Accumulate oil quantity" of record#3 = "Oil quantity" of record#1 + "Oil quantity" of record#2+"Oil quantity" of record#3

Anyone know , please help
Thank you so much

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How To Calculate Current Balance On Hand

Sep 3, 2012

my details input as per below;

1) table 'Receiving' (Part#,Qty received,date received)

2) table 'Issuance' (Part#,Qty issued, date issued)

How to calculate current stock on-hand?

*previously this report are using ms excel table. i just tried to convert into access since i will have a better view, will a separate form to fill up, will have a report to pull in(hopefully... current on hand )

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Queries :: IIF Statements Within Query Criteria (Actual Date)

Jul 9, 2013

I am working with Access 2007. I have a little problem building the iif statement within a query criteria in [Actual Date] which is the following:

iif([Actual Date] Is Not Null And [Document]=0;>#01.01.2012# Or Is Null;999)

When I enter this I get no records out of about 8000. The table fields behind the query are in the right format (date/time and number).

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General :: How To Set Monthly Depreciation - Calculate Current Value

Jan 19, 2015

Is it possible to set an access database to take a depreciation value of lets say 10.00, and subtract this from the current value every month?

So far my database has a form where you can input the depreciable life, purchase price, current value and total depreciation. However the date and amount of depreciation has to be added manually into a data table for the text boxs to calculate how much it has depreciated and the current value.

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Queries :: Analyze Multiple Fields Of Actual Vs Estimated Expenses

May 15, 2013

I am trying to find the best way to compare estimated expenses to actual expenses in Access. I am working with vessel and port call information, so each port call has a series of costs associated with it. I have two tables, each with multiple fields (around 100). Each of the fields contains a cost type that goes to a particular cost code. Each row of the table is associated with one particular port call. The call is estimated right after it happens, but the invoices are not all recieved for up to three months. Once all of the invoices for this port call have been recieved, we enter the actual expenses for the call. I am trying to find the best way to analyze the costs through finding the variances for one particular port call for each code, and also for multiple port calls to see which cost item has the largest/smallest variance for further investigation into how to estimate it more accurlately. I am thinking that I may have to move into Excel to do this, but would like to stay in Access if possible.

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Queries :: Split Quantity And Give Running / Accumulating Balance

Oct 21, 2014

I like to have my query splitting quantities and give me running/accumulating total.

See attachment as what I'm currently getting and what I would like to get.

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IIF Statement - Calculate Value Based On Comparing Current Date To Dates In Fields

Jun 27, 2013

In my table I have the following 4 fields with the associated date field:

Bronze: 11/1/2013
Silver: 5/1/2014
Gold: 11/1/2014
Platinum: 5/1/2015

I am trying to calculate a value based on comparing the current date to the dates in these fields. I am using the below formula. However, using 6/27/2013 as the current date, my formula keeps resulting in "Bronze" when it should result in "Standard" Am I doing something wrong?

=IIf(Date()<[Bronze],"Standard",IIf((Date()>=[Bronze]) And (Date()<[Silver]),"Bronze",IIf(Date()>=[Silver] And Date()<[Gold],"Silver",IIf(Date()>=[Gold] And Date()<[Platinum],"Gold","Platinum"))))

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General :: Calculate Deposit Amount For Current Month - DSUM With Multiple Criteria

Mar 23, 2013

I am trying to get deposit amount for the current month but results are in accurate i am using this

DSum("[Amount]","[income]"," [trans_type] = 'deposit'" AND "Month([dep_date]) =" & Month(Now()) AND " Year([dep_date]) =" & year(Now()))

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Queries :: Cumulative Reduction Of Stock

Aug 20, 2013

queries cumulative reduction, basically i have 2 tables, with the follow data

stock table


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Queries :: Stock Database - Calculating Sum In Query?

Apr 17, 2015

I have been working on a stock database for my company. It needs to hold stock data, Any adjustments in the storesperson may do (QtyIn or Out). And allow Customer PO's to be raised (just to show prices and quantites sold to customers)

I have 4 Tables:

PartNumber (Primary Key)


I then want to create a query to work out the total stock.

At the moment i have two queries, one to Sum the adjustments and one to sum the PO's. (The stock is not removed from the Customer PO until invidual line is shipped)

I then need to combine both these queries to work out the total stock value.

There will always be a value in the Sum of Adjustments but not in the Customer PO. So when i run the query to =SumofAdjustments - SumofCustomerPO's, if there is no record in the SumOfCustomerPo's, no value will appear.

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Queries :: Subtracting Stock Numbers With A Query

Jan 2, 2015

I'm creating a sales system that allows customers to place orders using a customer account. when a customer completes an order the number items in the order needs to be subtracted from the stock numbers of each of those items stored in the system.

What I have so far is zipped and attached,

The way my system works should be easy enough to understand, there are four linked tables that store information on customers, products and orders. What I'm really struggling to understand is how to take the values in the records in the Invoice-Product table and take them away from the stock numbers for the products in the products table. But only new orders should take away from the stock number when a new order is placed.

If possible I also need to be able to add stock numbers for example if a delivery comes in, and if it's similar enough could that also be done here?

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Queries :: Update Query For Stock Levels

May 12, 2015

I have a form which has a list of stock we have available to sell. I can then create an invoice and put in the relevant details. I then can select a product and it will add it to the invoice (which is in the form of a subform). Then the user confirms the quantity of each product. This is where the problems start....

I want an update query which will subtract the quantity from the overall stock level and give me the new stock level. This is easy to do if the invoice is for only 1 product. But I it doesn't work if there is more than one product in the invoice. If the first product has a quantity of 2 being bought, it will subtract 2 for every product.

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Queries :: Check For Expiry Date And Stock Levels

Apr 23, 2013

What I am trying to do is create a stock database and iv imported a blank version of the northwind template and filled it in with my own products which is fine up to a point.

What i also have though is i get weekly reports of the stock of each product with their batch numbers, expiry date and quantity remaining for that individual lot sent to me from another company. (So i might have several lines with the same batch number and expiry date but diffeent quantities) So what i want to ask is:

Is there any way for me to combine the data in the weekly reports with the stock level data in the northwind template?

What i want to be able to have is where somehow i can see the total quantity of eac product with the same batch number and expiry date and then it tells me when that batch has expired and it also automatically deducts the stock from my total stock when it gets to within e.g 9 months of the expiry date as we will not likely sell those.

I need to do this as at the moment all i can get from my database is how much stock has been ordered, sold and what we have in total on hand but if the stock is close to expiring then i wouldnt know and i need to be able to see when to order stock in advance as i want a minimum of 6 months cover and ideally 9 months cover as orders for stock dont come in straight away.

Also, how i can import the data from the weekly reports into excel/access easily as they come as word files presented as a table but the data is put in frames i think and iv tried removing them but then it all looks messed up.

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